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Fine Dictionary


Saint Cecilia plays the organ. On the left is an angel with a book in his hands. A putto with a wreath crowns Cecilia.
Saint Cecilia plays the organ. On the left is an angel with a book in his hands. A putto with a wreath crowns Cecilia.
  1. (v) organize
    bring order and organization to "Can you help me organize my files?"
  2. (v) organize
    plan and direct (a complex undertaking) "he masterminded the robbery"
  3. (v) organize
    arrange by systematic planning and united effort "machinate a plot","organize a strike","devise a plan to take over the director's office"
  4. (v) organize
    cause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea
  5. (v) organize
    form or join a union "The auto workers decided to unionize"
  6. (v) organize
    create (as an entity) "social groups form everywhere","They formed a company"
Saint Cecilia playing an organ. Behind her two angels with a songbook.
Saint Cecilia playing an organ. Behind her two angels with a songbook.
Organ man with monkey
Decorative frame of wood with an angel's head with two wings flanked by two monster heads and profile seen. Part of the organ from the Nicolaïkerk in Utrecht (BK-NM-8166).
Fragment of wood belonging to the organ from the Nicolaïkerk in Utrecht
Saint Cecilia plays an organ and is surrounded by angels. Below the scene is a verse in Latin.
Saint Cecilia plays an organ and is surrounded by angels. Below the scene is a verse in Latin.
Church interior, in the center a pulpit, on the right a small organ.
Church interior, in the center a pulpit, on the right a small organ.
Interior of the Sint-Bavokerk in Haarlem. On the right the small organ behind the pulpit.
The interior of the Sint Bavo Church in Haarlem
Livret-guide du visiteur à l'exposition retrospective d'art industriel organization par le gouvernement (...) Bruxelles 1888 / par Gustave Vermeersch
Organ of polychrome oak from the Dutch Reformed Church in Scheemda. The pipe bundles are divided into seven groups. On the inside right door are depictions of The Birth and The Adoration of the Herders. On the left door on the inside The Adoration of the Kings. The outside is painted with The Tree of Jesse.
Organ of polychrome oak from the Dutch Reformed Church in Scheemda. The pipe bundles are divided into seven groups. On the inside right door are depictions of The Birth and The Adoration of the Herders. On the left door on the inside The Adoration of the Kings. The outside is painted with The Tree of Jesse.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Most snails are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both female and male reproductive organs
  1. Organize
    To arrange or constitute in parts, each having a special function, act, office, or relation; to systematize; to get into working order; -- applied to products of the human intellect, or to human institutions and undertakings, as a science, a government, an army, a war, etc. "This original and supreme will organizes the government."
  2. Organize
    (Biol) To furnish with organs; to give an organic structure to; to endow with capacity for the functions of life; as, an organized being; organized matter; -- in this sense used chiefly in the past participle. "These nobler faculties of the mind, matter organized could never produce."
  3. Organize
    (Mus) To sing in parts; as, to organize an anthem.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
There is an organization called SCROOGE in Charlottesville, Virginia that stands for Society to Curtail Ridiculous, Outrageous, and Ostentatious Gift Exchanges. This was formed to keep gift giving affordable and simple
  1. organize
    To render organic; give an organic structure to; construct or modify so as to exhibit or subserve vital processes: commonly in the past participle.
  2. organize
    In general, to form into a whole consisting of interdependent parts; coördinate the parts of; systematize; arrange according to a uniform plan or for a given purpose; provide with a definite structure or constitution; order.
  3. organize
    In music, to sing or arrange in parts: as, to organize the halleluiah.
  4. organize
    Synonyms To constitute, construct.
  5. organize
    To assume an organic structure or a definite formation or constitution, as a number of individuals; become coördinated or systematically arranged or ordered.
  6. organize
    Also spelled organise.
  7. organize
    To arrange; plan; prepare.
In a balanced organization, working towards a common objective, there is success.
T. L. Scrutton
Character is victory organized.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Peter F. Drucker
Meetings are a symptom of bad organization. The fewer meetings the better.
Peter F. Drucker
Thomas H. Huxley
Science is nothing, but trained and organized common sense.
Thomas H. Huxley
Havelock Ellis
However well organized the foundations of life may be, life must always be full of risks.
Havelock Ellis
Disease is a vital expression of the human organism.
Georg Groddeck

Speak to the organ grinder not the monkey - Talk to the boss not the subordinate


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. F. organiser, Gr. . See Organ

Usage in the news

Witches Brew cocktail courtesy of Kanon Organic Vodka ( Courtesy of Kanon Organic Vodka / October 25, 2012 ).

The company also has a whole-berry version, and both varieties are made with organic cranberries and organic sugar.

If you can undermine the corporate sponsorship base of an organization like ALEC, then you can undermine every other conservative organization corporate sponsorship base.

WHAT Walter L Fox Post 2, The American Legion has organized a meeting to respond to state's decree forbidding gambling machines at VFWs, American Legions and other organizations.

The founder and chief organic officer of Colorado-based Lily Organics believes your skincare should be similarly traceable—from ingredients to manufacturing.

To find out more about organ donation, or to sign up to be an organ donor, visit Donate Life America at

Beth-Ann Kozlovich talks with in-studio guests about the status of the organ translplant center at Queens Hospital in Honolulu and the overall situation of organ donation in Hawaii.

Meanwhile, the Aerospace Medical Association, the more senior umbrella organization that includes the space medicine group, has said that the future of the Strughold prize is up to the smaller organization.

With approximately 40,000 members , the new organization, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, or AANP, will serve as the largest professional membership organization in the country for nurse practitioners of all specialties.

Organs-on-a-chip are plastic microchips designed to act as small, simplified versions of lungs, hearts and other bodily organs.

" Moe 's is not an organization that sits back and watches others take care of things," said Moe 's Field Marketing Manager Joe Salome, who is organizing the event.

On February 18, The New York Times ran a story about how Maine's Own Organic Milk, a collective of 10 Maine dairy farms that formed in early 2010, is struggling to stay viable selling its slow-pasteurized, organic milk.

The report provides a comprehensive and standardized look at the LGBT movement 's finances across 40 major LGBT organizations which collectively represent 69% of the budgets of all LGBTQ social justice organizations.

Organic Food No More Nutritious Than Non-Organic.

Let's start at the source: USDA rules prohibit food makers from labeling something organic unless it can prove that at least 95 percent of a product was made using organic processes, which are themselves defined as.

Usage in scientific papers

We envisage that these comet dust fragments may fulfill the requirements suggested by Krueger and Kissel (1989) for chemical thermodynamics to start molecular self-organization.
Cosmic Dust in the 21st Century

The discussion by Krueger and Kissel (1989) points out particularly to the chemical composition of the organics predicted by Greenberg (e.g.
Cosmic Dust in the 21st Century

Thought is already being directed by Krueger, Kissel and the author to simulating the porous structure of comet dust in which laboratory organics are embedded and placing these structures in water.
Cosmic Dust in the 21st Century

Nicolis, G., Prigogine, I. (1977), Self-organization in nonequilibrium systems, Wiley.
Cosmic Dust in the 21st Century

They differ from each other by the organization of the steps on edge {r ′ , r ′′}.
Random incidence matrices: moments of the spectral density

Usage in literature

Spencer had also great organizing ability, but he devoted it to the organizing of a system of philosophy based upon his scientific researches. "Analyzing Character" by Katherine M. H. Blackford and Arthur Newcomb

There must be simple, but thorough organization. "Quiet Talks with World Winners" by S. D. Gordon

Here, if anywhere, organized church work for boys may be tolerated. "The Minister and the Boy" by Allan Hoben

Here, then, is a brief description of the sex organs in man and woman. "Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living" by H.W. Long

The old Thuringian town Arnstadt had a new church and a fine new organ. "The World's Great Men of Music" by Harriette Brower

Some great lords organized men under them, whom they provisioned. "Our Legal Heritage, 5th Ed." by S. A. Reilly

Solidity and strength are represented by the organization of the male, grace and beauty by that of the female. "Searchlights on Health" by B. G. Jefferis and J. L. Nichols

My sexual organs were quite perfect. "Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 (of 6)" by Havelock Ellis

Its reverence for organization appears in the practice of embalming. "Ten Great Religions" by James Freeman Clarke

Good organization can do much. "Women and War Work" by Helen Fraser

Usage in poetry
High up in the organ-story
One kneels with a girlish grace;
And, touched with the vesper glory,
Lifts her madonna face.
Here organ-swell and church-bell toll
Methinks but discord were;
The prayerful silence of the soul
Is best befitting her.
Soon the song to silence melted,
Died the organ-tones away,
And the pastor in the pulpit
Said in low voice, "Let us pray!"
High up in the organ-story
A girl stands slim and fair;
And touched with the casement's glory
Gleams out her radiant hair.
I want it all: with soul of gypsy
To run to plunder with a song,
To suffer for all near an organ,
To run to war, an Amazon;
To-day our hearts like organ keys
One Master's touch are feeling;
The branches of a common Vine
Have only leaves of healing.