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Fine Dictionary


  1. (v) organise
    bring order and organization to "Can you help me organize my files?"
  2. (v) organise
    plan and direct (a complex undertaking) "he masterminded the robbery"
  3. (v) organise
    arrange by systematic planning and united effort "machinate a plot","organize a strike","devise a plan to take over the director's office"
  4. (v) organise
    cause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea
  5. (v) organise
    form or join a union "The auto workers decided to unionize"
  6. (v) organise
    create (as an entity) "social groups form everywhere","They formed a company"
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.t) Organise
    to supply with organs: to form several parts into an organised whole, to arrange

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr. organe—L. organum—Gr. organon.

Usage in the news

We are delighted that Osservatorio has allowed us to publish the English-subtitled version, which the organisation released today.

Worries that organised crime is tightening its grip.

Kagazy Recycling is the only company from Central Asia to become a member of this organisation.

The race to organise television.

Boko Haram 's tactics and organisation.

HSBC's head of UK comms Mark Hemingway is set to leave the organisation as part of a wider comms restructure at the group.

Salt, HeadLand 's co-founding partner and CEO, said: 'We will broaden our offering and expertise to provide frank advice to companies and organisations seeking to address new social and commercial challenges.

A youth organisation representing young Muslims from across the United Kingdom has boosted efforts to improve the country's environment by planting close to 4,000 trees.

Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara organises his documents after delivering a policy speech about the territorial dispute over the uninhabited.

Ahmadinejad's and Khamenei's websites were taken down yesterday — I saw the latter go down within a couple of minutes because of a DDOS attack organised via Twitter.

Pope Benedict XVI addressing a gathering of the Italian social organisation "Coldiretti" yesterday.

A social activist on Wednesday moved a local court against Union coal minister Sriprakash Jaiswal, seeking registration of a criminal case for his sexist remarks that created a storm and was attacked by women's organisation.

The organisation signed an agreement with the STAF (Stichting Arbo Flexbranche) which provides services on temporary work regarding sick leave, health & safety and other legal obligations and rights.

In a story aired previously on KNIA/KRLS, we told you about the Chase Community Giving Facebook charity poll, and Saving Our Avian Resources, or SOAR , an organisation attempting to place on the list of charities to receive money.

A head of steam was building among Steam Festival organisers and passengers awaiting a ride on the historic Ka 942 steam engine yesterday when it failed to arrive in Dunedin on time.

Usage in scientific papers

In Heck A (ed) Organisations and Strategies in Astronomy.
Astronomy in Antarctica

Gillingham PR (1989) Antarctic optical-infrared observatory, presented to a meeting on the future of Australian astronomy, organised by the Ast.
Astronomy in Antarctica

The remainder of the paper is organised as follows.
Convergence of clock processes in random environments and ageing in the p-spin SK model

The organisation of this paper is as follows: in Sect. 2 we describe the observations, while Sect. 3 presents the observational results and in Sect. 4 we search for a possible H i halo component.
Cold gas in massive early-type galaxies: The case of NGC 1167

The organisation of the paper is as follows.
Strong disorder in semidirected random polymers

Usage in literature

In the development and organisation of social and civil life the horse and the goat hold the foremost position. "The Human Side of Animals" by Royal Dixon

Here the Turks made a magnificently organised attempt to break through our defences and reach the Canal. "With Our Army in Palestine" by Antony Bluett

Watt were organised and sent to strengthen the left where "B" and "D" Companies had been almost annihilated. "The Seventeenth Highland Light Infantry (Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Battalion)" by Various

There is never a recapitulation of total organisations, only at the most of single organs. "Form and Function" by E. S. (Edward Stuart) Russell

Many mounted regiments were therefore organised, and afterwards dismounted. "Three Months in the Southern States, April-June 1863" by Arthur J. L. (Lieut.-Col.) Fremantle

So long as men have bodily organisations, there will be need for outward helps. "Expositions of Holy Scripture" by Alexander Maclaren

The People are united under the greatest system of organisation ever attempted in any country. "Thomas Davis, Selections from his Prose and Poetry" by Thomas Davis

Let us now consider the main principles which should guide the State in her organisation of the means of education. "The Children: Some Educational Problems" by Alexander Darroch

The men who began the American Revolution of 1776 organised the new nation which it called into being. "France and the Republic" by William Henry Hurlbert

They organised banks, and the name of the princely house of Fuerstenberg appeared as an advertisement for light beer. "Face to Face with Kaiserism" by James W. Gerard

Usage in poetry
Now if the thing had stayed right there,
We might have dodged a load of care.
But pots of beer soon failed to serve
The candidate of dash and nerve;
And, with cold cynicism, came
The urge to organise the Game.
Fajah Rustum held his peace; lowered octroi dues a half;
Organised a State Police; purified the Civil Staff;
Settled cess and tax aftresh in a very liberal way;
Cut temptations of the flesh — also cut the Bukhshi's pay;
And when the Bishop heard it, he procured a carriage and pair,
While his heart was full of woe, and in a state of despair;
He organised three search parties without delay,
And headed one of the parties in person without dismay.
But for the safety of the city the Governor organised a night attack,
Thinking to repulse the British and drive them back;
And with fifteen hundred militia he did the British attack,
But the British trench guards soon drove them back.