Mournful; distressing.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. ȝeornful, AS. geornfull,
It's human nature to yearn for a little nostalgia now and again.
Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free.
And we yearn for The Caped Crusader of yore.
Born September 16, 1983 the younger of two daughters she was always a child who knew that she wanted big things in life and had a yearning to help people.
And though many of us yearn for it, we often think we simply don't have time because we're so busy with our business.
Colleen Madden (left) and Matt Schwader in American Players Theatre's "Crime and Punishment" explores the mind of a murderer who yearns to be saved.
View full size The Oregonian/2011 Yearning for a cozy little home you've built yourself.
"Whatever you deeply yearn for has already been given to you.".
I dealistic young people are not the only people who yearn to change the world.
He is fascinated with the city he grew up in and yearns to understand the overlooked, underappreciated times in Boise's history.
Voters, politicians, special interests yearning to change history.
" Bring your huddled masses yearning to break free," he said.
After the hot day we had on Monday it got me thinking and yearning for summertime, its coming people and there will be plenty to do.
Fans yearn for the glory days of great rivalries like the Boston Celtics vs the Los Angeles Lakers.
Yearning to be a Farmer.
The astrophysicists yearned for physics providing a compelling set of physical laws.
Report to Anaximander: A Dialogue on the Origin of the Cosmos in the Cradle of Western Civilization
Although all cosmic ray physicists yearn for an explanation of cosmic ray origins, it would be rash to assume that TeV astronomy has yet provided the smoking gun to solve this mystery.
TeV Gamma-ray Observations and the Origin of Cosmic Rays: I
But there are many, including myself, who yearn for analytic methods that reveal the essence of the phenomena.
Geometry of Multihadron Production
Then, quite undone With love and yearning, loudly sobbed the Prince. "Hindu Literature" by
He was drawn to her with strong protective yearning. "Out of the Ashes" by
She recalled moments and looks of agonized effort and yearning. "The Testing of Diana Mallory" by
We feel there must be some mistake, and rather yearn for the familiar frictions and distresses. "Mince Pie" by
And then she had reached the bed, and all the love in her heart pulsed forth in yearning tenderness as she stooped. "The Lamp in the Desert" by
Silently her heart still yearned and hungered for the husband of her youth; his son did not replace him. "Lady Rose's Daughter" by
He yearned to melt away in fragrance, to be spread around in light, to expire in a sigh of music. "Abbe Mouret's Transgression La Faute De L'abbe Mouret" by
Her truthward yearnings plunge her only deeper into falsehood. "A Handbook to the Works of Browning (6th ed.)" by
The supply stations take on a new meaning to the boy who is yearning to reach the flag at the top. "The Reconstructed School" by
Besides here was an opportunity such as she had been yearning for. "Unleavened Bread" by
At this hour of peace and love,
That I cannot reach the dwelling,
The home that is mine, above.
And how divinely dear!
The mother's heart yearns through its grief
Her dying son to hear.
My mother stands all lovingly,
And o'er the pathways of the dark
She sends a yearning thought to me.
The common way that all have passed
She went, with mortal yearnings fond,
To fuller life and love beyond.
The songs that I hear from thee,
Are those that I yearn and strive for,
But their music is hidden from me.
Of His tender heart which yearns
Like a mother's o'er her children;
Of His love which brightly burns