A garment worn by men and boys, extending from the waist to the knee or to the ankle, and covering each leg separately.
A garment for men, extending from the waist to the ankles, covering the lower part of the trunk and each leg separately; originally, tightly fitting drawers; pantaloons. See strossers. In the early part of the nineteenth century long frilled drawers reaching to the ankles were worn by girls and women, and called trousers. -
Synonyms Breeches, Trousers, Pantaloons. Breeches are properly short clothes, reaching just below the knee; the use of the word for trousers is erroneous and vulgar. Trousers is the old word for the garment common in Occidental nations to cover the legs of men; many, especially in England, still insist upon the word, and confine pantaloons to its historical sense. Many, however, especially in America, are satisfied with pantaloons (colloquially, pants) for trousers.
trow′zėrz long breeches: a garment worn by males on the lower limbs and trussed or fastened up at the waist by braces or belt
All mouth and trousers - (UK) Someone who's all mouth and trousers talks or boasts a lot but doesn't deliver. 'All mouth and no trousers' is also used, though this is a corruption of the original.
All talk and no trousers - (UK) Someone who is all talk and no trousers, talks about doing big, important things, but doesn't take any action.
Wear the trousers - The person who wears the trousers is the dominant or controlling person in a relationship, especially the woman.
Who wears the trousers? - (UK) The person who wears the trousers in a relationship is the dominant person who controls things.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OF. trousses, breeches worn by pages, from trousse, trosse, a bundle, a truss. See Truss, and cf. Trossers Trouse
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. trousses, breeches worn by pages.
Billie Joe Armstrong refused to pull up trousers.
Whether two-tone, textured or regimentally striped, the new trouser dictates the look.
Certainly, madam,' said the man in the black jacket and striped trousers, pen and notepad at the ready.
There's a renewed interest in tailoring this fall, and the result is a bonanza of jacket shapes and trousers.
a $595 blazing-pink jacket that comes with one inexplicably black sleeve (as well as) a pair of black trousers with a giant white hand positioned ...
Trousers to a cocktail party.
This season a glitzy pair of trousers replaces the little black dress.
Jonah Falcon was stopped and frisked by the TSA in San Francisco due to a giant bulge hiding in his trousers .
And yes, his quest for flat-front trousers and Herman Miller chairs on an unemployed New Yorker's salary are all very amusing, but it's when Hyman steers away from his raison d'être and delves into relationships that he hits his stride.
Check out these chic trousers that can turn up your style in the office.
Right now, it's all about long and loose trousers , with a slew of stylish stars including Jennifer Aniston, Emma Roberts, and Oliva Palmero rocking the '70s-inspired look.
Taller, slimmer , leggier: That's how you'll appear in smartly pared-down trousers.
A pair of flaming trousers (or a growing nose, à la Pinocchio) isn't the only sign that a person is spewing falsehoods.
Translating the bespoke-level tailoring of menswear for ladies has been making waves since Garbo rocked a suit and Chanel decided on a trouser revolution.
Knits are on the high end of the fashion barometer this year, which means that a long, lean sweater , belted over a skinny skirt or tucked into trousers, can conveniently take the place of a jacket.
There are the Hilbert spaces on the two legs of the trousers in the spatial topology change case and, in the black hole case, there are the Hilbert space of states inside the horizon and the Hilbert space of states on late time surfaces after the black hole has evaporated.
Generalized Quantum Theory and Black Hole Evaporation
The situation is not so very different from that of the “trousers” spacetime sketched in Figure 1.
Generalized Quantum Theory and Black Hole Evaporation
The relative distortion between the affine parameters t and ˆt, brought about by curved space focusing, gives rise to the trousers shape of a binary black hole horizon.
Characteristic Evolution and Matching
Figure 3: Trousers shaped event horizon obtained by the conformal model.
Characteristic Evolution and Matching
Consequently, a causal curve passing through the torus at a given time can be slipped below the bottom of a trouser leg to yield a causal curve lying entirely outside the hole [133].
Characteristic Evolution and Matching
And, as he stooped, his trousers split up the back. "Right Ho, Jeeves" by
Those who are at all dressed, wear short trousers and an upper garment. "A Woman's Journey Round the World" by
And the ones in dark-blue uniform with the maroon stripe at the side of the trousers? "Cheerful--By Request" by
And he would wear long trousers! "The Wrong Twin" by
The seat of Jones' trousers came away with the lioness' claws. "Tales of lonely trails" by
And meanwhile Captain Owen Kettle, stripped to shoes and trousers, sweated over his work in the baking heat. "A Master of Fortune" by
This coat also, like the trousers, is padded, and reaches almost to the haunches. "Corea or Cho-sen" by
I always did this thing without loosening my trousers. "Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 (of 6)" by
We used to lie out on the edge of the lake, in our oldest trousers, and talk. "Mince Pie" by
His only movement was a tattoo of the fingers on his trousers' legs. "The Last Shot" by
To trail round the shops;
Women in trousers
Wield brushes and mops.
For sleeping and sitting
And pouring out tea in
And doing their knitting.
And leave for a keepsake
Wisteria trousers? Thoroughworts,
Impossible to forget,
Their fragrance lingers on.
When we want to play a game,
Always thinks that he’ll be hurt,
Soil his jacket in the dirt,
Tear his trousers, spoil his hat,—
Fraidie-Cat! Fraidie-Cat!
Crept from my peaceful couch;
Forsook my trousers hanging there,
Red gold within their pouch.
Out through my chamber door I fled
And up the hallway softly sped.
Run, spirit, till dawn. Out of the way. Today we rule!
And when I leave the pub with hands in the pocket of my trousers
I'll stagger wide down the drunken street, nobody's fool!