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Fine Dictionary


Company of two skinny women with bare breasts, with burning torches and hoses in their hands. Possibly the Furies. Next to that a man with snakes like her. He bites a heart. They are surrounded by fire and thick clouds of smoke.
Company of two skinny women with bare breasts, with burning torches and hoses in their hands. Possibly the Furies. Next to that a man with snakes like her. He bites a heart. They are surrounded by fire and thick clouds of smoke.
  1. (v) hose
    water with a hose "hose the lawn"
  2. (n) hose
    a flexible pipe for conveying a liquid or gas
  3. (n) hose
    man's close-fitting garment of the 16th and 17th centuries covering the legs and reaching up to the waist; worn with a doublet
  4. (n) hose
    socks and stockings and tights collectively (the British include underwear)
Study sheet with men in different postures working with new hose burners. Figures used in the prints in Jan van der Heyden's Brandspuitenboek, 1690.
Men with hose burners
Student dream: Beadle and professors use a fire hose to put out a burning church. This print separately in a separate folder at the back of the almanac. Cartoon in the student almanac of Leiden University from the year 1866.
Student dream: Beadle and professors use a fire hose to put out a burning church. This print separately in a separate folder at the back of the almanac. Cartoon in the student almanac of Leiden University from the year 1866.
Brass medal. Obverse: coat of arms, worn by lion between year. Reverse: fire hose under empty cartridge inside hose round
Brass medal. Obverse: coat of arms, worn by lion between year. Reverse: fire hose under empty cartridge inside hose round
Depiction of the use of a new type of hose fire hose invented by the Englishman John Lofting against the background of London buildings, c. 1690-1700. Left at the monument in memory of the great fire of 1666: Monument to the Great Fire of London, right a second performance with a demonstration in front of the Royal Exchange. At the top two banderoles with the titles in English and Latin. It states that the machines are available from the patent holder John Lofting of London. At the bottom two small scenes of the application of the hose fire sprayers in a fire on ships and at a warehouse. Hereby the legends AG in English and Latin. The print comes with a text sheet. Belongs to the side prints to Jan van der Heyden's Brandspuitenboek.
Depiction of the use of a new type of hose fire hose invented by the Englishman John Lofting against the background of London buildings, c. 1690-1700. Left at the monument in memory of the great fire of 1666: Monument to the Great Fire of London, right a second performance with a demonstration in front of the Royal Exchange. At the top two banderoles with the titles in English and Latin. It states that the machines are available from the patent holder John Lofting of London. At the bottom two small scenes of the application of the hose fire sprayers in a fire on ships and at a warehouse. Hereby the legends AG in English and Latin. The print comes with a text sheet. Belongs to the side prints to Jan van der Heyden's Brandspuitenboek.
Demonstration of the hose fire sprayers at the City Hall on Dam Square, ca. 1700. From the facade a jet of water is sprayed on Dam Square. In the air obverse and reverse of a token and a magazine with a pump. Belongs to the side prints to Jan van der Heyden's Brandspuitenboek.
Demonstration of the hose fire sprayers at the City Hall on Dam Square, ca. 1700. From the facade a jet of water is sprayed on Dam Square. In the air obverse and reverse of a token and a magazine with a pump. Belongs to the side prints to Jan van der Heyden's Brandspuitenboek.
Comparison between the operation and application of old fire nozzles (A) and the new hose fire nozzles (B). With caption in Dutch and French. Plate 1 in the Brandspuitenboek by Jan van der Heyden.
Comparison between the operation and application of old fire nozzles (A) and the new hose fire nozzles (B). With caption in Dutch and French. Plate 1 in the Brandspuitenboek by Jan van der Heyden.
Fire engine, firehose nozzle; bent, circular tapering tube, one both ends integral shaped sockets with flanged rims, upper end externally threaded and fitting into nozzle.
Mouthpiece of a fire hose from the wreck of the East Indiaman Hollandia
Caution personified with a rudder and a hose. Right Janus, with two faces. Title print of the series 'Varie Figueri de Agati Antique' after Peter Paul Rubens, of a total of nine prints, of which probably five by Lucas Vorsterman I and four by Paulus Pontius.
Caution personified with a rudder and a hose. Right Janus, with two faces. Title print of the series 'Varie Figueri de Agati Antique' after Peter Paul Rubens, of a total of nine prints, of which probably five by Lucas Vorsterman I and four by Paulus Pontius.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
In York, Pennsylvania, you can't sit down while watering your lawn with a hose.
  1. Hose
    A flexible pipe, made of leather, India rubber, or other material, and used for conveying fluids, especially water, from a faucet, hydrant, or fire engine.
  2. Hose
    Covering for the feet and lower part of the legs; a stocking or stockings.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. hose
    Originally, a garment covering the legs and the waist, worn by men. The hose of the middle ages generally covered the person from the waist to the toes; they were secured to the upper garment by points or some similar device. At times the covering of one leg and side of the body was of different material and color from that of the other side. In the sixteenth century the leg-coverings were divided into two parts, and the word hose was applied rather to the breeches, the covering of the lower part of the leg and foot being called the stocking or nether-stock.
  2. hose
    In present use (as either singular or plural), covering for the feet and lower part of the legs; stockings. Short stockings, not reaching to the knee, are distinctively called half-hose or socks, or, rarely, ankle-hose.
  3. hose
    A flexible tube or pipe for conveying a fluid to a required point, as water for the service of a fire-engine, for watering a garden, etc. Hose of the larger kinds for such uses, to which the term is usually restricted, is made chiefly of leather, gutta-percha, cotton, or india-rubber. Smaller tubing, as for gas in a drop-light, for acoustic instruments, etc., to which the name may also be applied, is made of many different materials and in various ways.
  4. hose
    The hollow part of a spade, or other tool of a like kind, which receives the end of the shaft or handle.
  5. hose
    In printing, formerly, upright iron rods, which connected the spindle of the old hand-press with its platen, and regulated its movement.
  6. hose
    The sheaf of corn.
  7. hose
    The outer covering of straw or corn.
  8. hose
    To clothe with hose; clothe.
  9. hose
    To play upon with a hose; drench with water from a hose.
  10. (n) hose
    In entomology, a peculiar organ or gland at the base of the tarsal claws of the Psocidæ.
  11. (n) hose
    The wide trousers formerly worn by seamen.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Hose
    hōz a covering for the legs or feet: stockings: socks: a flexible pipe for conveying water, so called from its shape
  2. (pl) Hose
    ; (B.) Hos′en

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. hose,; akin to D. hoos, G. hose, breeches, OHG. hosa, Icel. hosa, stocking, gather, Dan. hose, stocking; cf. Russ. koshulia, a fur jacket

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. hosa, pl. hosan; Dut. hoos, Ger. hose.

Usage in the news

A Macaw housed in the World of Macaws section of the Cougar Mountain Zoo is hosed down during the record heat wave.

Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Company No.

Urbana Fire Chief Mike Dilley said a combination of sprinkler heads inside the plant at 1505 E Main St and firefirefighters' hose lines kept the fire from being any worse than it was.

Cimline's Metro Series melter applicators come in 165-, 275- and 425-gallon capacities and feature a new hose carrier to reduce operator fatigue.

PIRTEK Sky Harbor was called on to assemble 16 hoses, ranging from 6 to 24 ft.

Connect the hose to an air compressor.

James Houck, the Forward Operating Base Nome Ice Boss, assists Scott O'Shea, with Vitus Marine, outline a safe path across the ice for fuel transfer hose in the Nome harbor Jan 12, 2012.

Aircraft will also help crews figure best path for fuel hose from ship.

Britney Spears' Blackout got hosed by a last-minute Billboard rule change that allowed the Eagles' Long Road Out of Eden to take the number-one spot with 711,000 copies sold.

Two California Hunters Hosed by ' Outfitter ,' Good Samaritan Saves the Day.

ABB Robotics, Auburn Hills, MI, has introduced the 1.85-m reach, 15-kg- payload IRB 2600ID (Integrated Dress) robot, which features a flexible conduit in its upper arm/wrist for routing cables and hoses for signals, air and power.

Sometime in 2006, Steve Jobs will probably get hosed.

If so, perhaps hose could be lighter, thinner, and more flexible without compromising strength or service life.

Church Women United recognizes Brewer, Hose, Poling .

Hoses manufactured in Sebring put to work all over the world.

Usage in scientific papers

Only the system that is in the regime which is unstable to the fire-hose instability shows an efficient amplification of the seed field. (from Santos-Lima et al. 2010b ).
Cosmic Magnetic Fields: from Stars and Galaxies to the Primordial Universe

Table A145 and the best fit is plotted in Fig. 31. I find photometric parameters in reasonable agreement with t hose of Barros et al. (2011) but with larger errorbars (Table A146).
Homogeneous studies of transiting extrasolar planets. V. New results for 38 planets

Bishop, Y. M. M., Fienberg, define a nonmonotonic But, it is not enough to merely S. E. & Holland, P. W. w hose conclusions are probabilisti­ entailment relation (1975).
Entailment in Probability of Thresholded Generalizations

Probabilistic pear to be what have inspired t hose who work with They correspond to certain nonmonotonic logic.
Uncertain Inferences and Uncertain Conclusions

Cosmic rays can also generate turbulence by streaming instabilities following particle-wave resonances or by fire-hose and mirror instabilities that operate even without resonances.
Interstellar Turbulence II: Implications and Effects

Usage in literature

A hose cart rumbled up. "The She Boss" by Arthur Preston Hankins

Two men ran up the steps with axes, while two followed dragging the hose after them. "Billy Whiskers" by Frances Trego Montgomery

Then, taking a piece of waste cotton, he stopped up his nose and tested the hose. "Stand by for Mars!" by Carey Rockwell

I wished I had Hose-in-Hose. "Mary's Meadow" by Juliana Horatia Ewing

Flesh-colored hose and white slippers should be worn. "Home Pastimes; or Tableaux Vivants" by James H. Head

Then Russ saw the hose with which the man had been washing the automobile. "Six Little Bunkers at Aunt Jo's" by Laura Lee Hope

She had come in cheap satin, and also in silk hose which she particularly doted on. "Villa Elsa" by Stuart Henry

Use that hose for all its worth! "The Moving Picture Girls at Oak Farm" by Laura Lee Hope

He lay like one dead, the muzzle of the hose wriggling from his limp hands. "The Best Short Stories of 1915" by Various

There, they are attaching hose. "The Boy Scouts on the Trail" by George Durston

Usage in poetry
His hose and doublet thistle-down,
Together weaved full fine ;
His stockings of an apple green,
Made of the outward rind ;
Thus shet thei forthe, these zemen too,
Bothe at buske and brome,
Til Litulle Johne wan of his maister
V s. to hose and shone.
Long petticoats to hide the feet,
Silk hose with clocks of scarlet ;
A load of perfume, sick'ning sweet,
And therewithall I cut my haire,
Resolv'd my mans attire to weare;
And in my beaver, hose and band,
I travell'd far through many a land.
A Sassenach chief may be bonily built,
He may purchase a sporran, a bonnet, and kilt;
Stick a skein in his hose - wear an acre of stripes -
But he cannot assume an affection for pipes.
But yet no great difference ought to oppose;
Her father made shoes, and by trade I made hose;
So that, if of true honour we judge not amiss,
My trade was, at least, a peg higher than his.