Light blue; grayish blue; -- a term applied to different shades at different periods.
See perse. -
An abbreviation of Persia or Persian; -
[lowercase or cap.] of person; -
of personal; -
[lowercase] of personally.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. pers,
From $200 per person per night, all-inclusive.
The separator processed 76 tons of soil per hour to keep up with the tunneling that averaged nine feet per hour.
According to the CROP poll done for La Presse, the Liberals would bag 36 per cent of the vote, ahead of the NDP at 30 per cent.
Venezuela- $0.18 per gallon ($0.05 per liter ).
At about 2 am on Friday, an East Hampton Town police officer pulled over a blue Subaru that was reportedly doing 44 miles per hour in a 30-mile-per-hour zone on Main Street in Amagansett.
The legislation appropriates the annual budget for the legislature and, within that, includes the 22 percent increase in per diem for lawmakers who live outside the metro area, hiking the rate from $150 per day to $183 a day.
However, there is a limit of 50 picture postmarks (hand cancellations) per person per day.
For children overall, 15.1 per cent of boys were obese compared with eight per cent of girls.
The province has set a goal of increasing recycling rates to 75 per cent, from 57 per cent, under the new program.
20 per personSpectators $10 per person.
In both the 2003 and 2004 ICAT surveys, the median output per consulting firm per year was around $7 million in integrated systems.
Gas will be sold for $3 per gallon (maximum of 5 gallons per household) at the municipal building today only, Mayor David Stahl said in a statement.
The Finance Department said the total tax bill will be $23.78 per thousand of assessed valuation - 88 cents per thousand less than last year.
To earn the rating, rivers and streams must meet the official criteria for gold medal water: 12 trout per acre over 14 or 60-pounds of trout per surface acre.
125 per person/per night through September at The Broadmoor.
So he can e.g. determine that ”Scenario X” should be executed 100 times with a call rate of 10 calls per second and then 20 times with a call rate of 2 calls per second.
SPAM over Internet Telephony and how to deal with it
For constant stars, the distribution of the squared RV amplitudes S 2 then follows a χ2 distribution with df degrees of freedom, where df is the number of RV measurements per star (in our case, df = 33, because we have 33 data points per star on average).
A Spectroscopic Survey of WNL Stars in the LMC: General Properties and Binary Status
Our observations are fragmented into 13 runs of different duration and slightly different typical sampling frequencies between 0.5 and 2 data points per day and per star.
A Spectroscopic Survey of WNL Stars in the LMC: General Properties and Binary Status
The most widely used is the so-called k-ǫ model, where the properties of the turbulence are described by two variables, the turbulent energy per unit mass, k, and the turbulent dissipation rate per unit mass, ǫ.
The turbulent destruction of clouds - I. A k-epsilon treatment of turbulence in 2D models of adiabatic shock-cloud interactions
The formal resolution is 64 cells per rc , but due to the shallow profile the effective resolution is roughly 128 cells per cloud radius.
The turbulent destruction of clouds - I. A k-epsilon treatment of turbulence in 2D models of adiabatic shock-cloud interactions
This means that 35,000 / 5,000 = 7 pounds of water was evaporated per pound of coal burned. "Engineering Bulletin No 1: Boiler and Furnace Testing" by
He tells us that when our first census was taken only four per cent. "Checking the Waste" by
The public debt on January 1, 1783, was $42,000,375, of which $7,885,088 was foreign, bearing four and five per cent. "Albert Gallatin" by
The yield of quarters was 20.46 per cent, that of small kernel parts O.66 per cent, and the total 21.12 per cent. "Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting" by
I should be inclined to place it as low as five per cent. "Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900" by
Then the profits of the trust from the increased prices alone will amount to four and one half million dollars per annum. "Monopolies and the People" by
The sale aggregated $10,425, or $386 per head. "Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56: No. 3, January 19, 1884." by
The population of the State of Louisiana, according to the last census, is 61 per cent white and 38.9 per cent Negro. "The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921" by
Price: cloth, per set, $3.60; per volume, 30 cents. "Breaking Away" by
The variation in per cent kernel first crack and total per cent kernel probably represents fairly the difference in the samples. "Northern Nut Growers Association Thirty-Fourth Annual Report 1943" by
Questo che avanza è sol languore e pianto.
E secco è il mirto, e son le foglie sparte
Del lauro, speme al giovenil mio canto.
Alternar di paci e guerre,
Quando i vescovi aggiravansi
Cavalcando per le terre,
Mentre ai pie` delle Eminenze
Chiedean tutti le indulgenze!
Che men compianta potea far sua vita!....
E` vero!.... E` vero!.... Al domestico tetto
Per lui la mensa fu di duol condita!....
Which the poor creatures devoured in a ravenous way;
Along with a little fresh water to wash it down,
Which they most thankfully praised God for and didn't frown.
He took them to a hall apart: "Now harken to me both
Minaya and Per Vermudoz. The Cid my service doth;
The Campeador, his pardon well hath he earned of me.
That's squirmin' like a basketful uv snakes.
Per'aps I groan a bit, to tell the truth;
An' then she wakes,
An' arsts me wot I'm makin' faces for.
I glare at 'er, an' nurse me achin' jor.