A steward; an overseer. "A prince] is nothing but a servant, overseer, or graff , and not the head, which is a title belonging only to Christ." -
See Graft.
A grave. -
A ditch or moat; a canal. Also graft. -
Same as graft. -
Same as graft. -
To incorporate; attach. -
An obsolete variant of greave, greave.
graf (Scot.) a grave. A variant of grave. -
(n., v)
(B.) Same as Graft.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. grafe, greife, greive,. Cf. Margrave
David E Graff , 325th Fighter Wing commander.
Check out Lloyd Graff's SwarfBlog, where you'll find lots of thoughts from the exhibitor side about International Manufacturing Technology Show, held last week at the McCormick Place in Chicago.
Danny Graff, center, and Becca Johnson participate in an improvisational exercise as part of the Rhodes Junior Apprentices program for the Kingsmen Shakespeare Festival at California Lutheran University.
STANDING IN front of this 1933 Blue Chevy are Hank Riser and Bill Graff, both deceased.
Monika Graff / Kevin Winter (2), Getty Images.
Graff, a resident scholar at the Brandeis Women's Studies Research Center, is a contributing editor and daily columnist at The American Prospect and the author of What Is Marriage For.
David Graff, 325th Fighter Wing Commander, News Conference Re.
Morning Classical With Peter Van De Graff.
Every summer dozens of graff kids hit the streets, wielding cans with skills so lame their scribbles wouldn't look out of place knifed on a park bench.
Aqua -Sense shower system in polished chrome by Graff, 800-954-4723.
Graff said it has stepped where the Federal Emergency Management Agency and private insurers won't.
Graff writers and art kids loved it.
Michael Graff Special to the News & Record.
Photos by Kevin Graff and Emily Fetty.
Todd Graff's Joyful Noise tells the story of a Pacashau, Ga. Church choir entering a gospel music competition against better-financed groups.
To state Crofton’s formula we start with the affine Grassmanian Graff (N , k) of all k-dimensional flats in RN ; viz. of all k-dimensional linear subspaces of RN not necessarily passing through the origin.
Excursion sets of stable random fields
On Graff (N , k) there is a natural Haar measure, known as kinematic measure, which we denote by k .
Excursion sets of stable random fields
Since if M is compact and convex so is M ∩ V , for any V ∈ Graff (N , k).
Excursion sets of stable random fields
Sample irradiation was performed with a 2.4 MeV proton scanning beam from a Van de Graff accelerator.
Study of the optimal conditions for NV- center formation in type 1b diamond, using photoluminescence and positron annihilation spectroscopies
Graff et al. (2001) have also searched for a parallax distorsion in the macho data for this event; this unsuccessful search produces a lower limit on µM C that strengthens this conclusion, at the 97% C.L.
The Galactic Halo from Microlensing
These are th' Italian names, which fate will join With ours, and graff upon the Trojan line. "The Aeneid" by
De Graff and Riolan describe similar cases. "Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine" by
By SIMON DE GRAFF, Architect. "Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught" by
Thus the graff, or prince, though he be the owner of an entire circle, is yet the only farmer within that circle. "Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, Visited in 1837. Vol. II" by
By Simon De Graff, Architect. "Mysteries of Bee-keeping Explained" by
The other two burglars were Orestes Noxon and Graff Miller, neither of whom had reached his majority by more than two years. "The Launch Boys' Adventures in Northern Waters" by
He knew De Graff quite well; they were, in fact, upon most intimate terms, socially. "The Making of Bobby Burnit" by
That one was Sandy Graff. "Shapes that Haunt the Dusk" by
Graff, Mr. S. J., 106, 110. "History of the War in South Africa 1899-1902 v. 1 (of 4)" by
You may graffe lesse (which I like) and bigger, which I like not so well. "A New Orchard And Garden" by
Of this unspotted tree?
--For all the rest are plain but chaff,
Which seem good corn to be.
The grass owre their graffs is now bonnie and green,
He sta' the proud heart of our wanton young lady.
And spoil'd a' the charm o' her twa pawky een.