ˈkaʊntər-Bean counter - A bean counter is an accountant.
Over the counter - Medicines and drugs that can be sold without a doctor's prescription are sold over the counter.
In Manhattan real estate, 36 inches of kitchen counter space trumps an elevator, a panel of judges decided.
The Mount Washington Farm Service Agency would like to remind area farm owner and operators that the deadline for the Direct and Counter Cyclical Program contracts on grain is June 1.
Cynosure Inc has received approval from the Food and Drug Administration for an over-the-counter device, developed with Unilever, to treat facial wrinkles.
Paul Mendez, left, and Mark Fennel took a stand against illegal immigration while a counter-protest took place across the street.
Good Points for Romney to Counter Obama's "Same Failed Policies" Line.
Lunchtime customers pack the counter four deep in the Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery on South Fourth Avenue, where the specials of the day include oxtail, curried goat and cow foot.
Last year "Spice," a synthetic marijuana-like drug, was in the news for its appeal to teens who could buy it over the counter or online.
I've got art in there on the counter, too.
FDA issues warning for over-the-counter diarrhea drug.
FDA issues warning over-the-counter diarrhea drug.
One of 206 Assembly line units (small axle bearings w / tapered housing ends),NOT SERVICE PACKAGE Or OVER THE COUNTER ASSEMBLY.
An online Disability Counter created by the not-for-profit Council for Disability Awareness (CDA) illustrates graphically the growing number of working-age Americans who experience a disabling illness or injury lasting for 30 days or longer.
Dean Chambers launched the website in the final months of the election to counter what he saw as a Democratic bias in most presidential polls.
If you have a favorite grocery store food counter, please suggest it in the comment stream below.
Worker education counters Sanford displacement .
Thus, any sequence ~c with large diversity can be used instead of a counter.
Guaranteeing the diversity of number generators
Assume further that the generator C is counter-based with an invertible output function gC , and that the output function gB of B is invertible as well.
Guaranteeing the diversity of number generators
That is, the counter is incremented and added to the state value only once every two iterations of the generator.
Guaranteeing the diversity of number generators
All of the suggested modes require a counter, but in most of the applications a counter either already exists or is easy to maintain.
Guaranteeing the diversity of number generators
Counter prototype and experimental setup are described, and the results of measurements reported and compared with simulation results.
Experimental study of a proximity focusing Cherenkov counter prototype for the AMS experiment
She came round to the front of the counter with gleaming eyes and clenched fists. "A Cigarette-Maker's Romance" by
The glass he set on the counter, putting down a coin with it. "Wolf Breed" by
Bridges went up to the narrow, shelf-like counter, looked at the register and asked Tamplin a question. "Danger Signals" by
They had learned her arts of war, and their counters were studied, and the outcome of fierce experience. "The Triumph of John Kars" by
On to Gaba Tepe just in time to see the opening, the climax and the end of the dreaded Turkish counter attack. "Gallipoli Diary, Volume I" by
The store-keeper himself was fast asleep in a chair tilted against the counter. "Confessions of Boyhood" by
Fifty-nine desks are placed on the counter for the use of the fifty-nine banks represented in the Association. "Lights and Shadows of New York Life" by
However, the enemy elected to employ the whole of his available reserves in an immediate counter-attack. "With the British Army in The Holy Land" by
Two counter-attacks were repelled, and on the 22nd April the 14th D.L.I. "A Short History of the 6th Division"
This was done and two strong enemy counter attacks repulsed. "The Seventeenth Highland Light Infantry (Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Battalion)" by
Your millioned worth make shine;
You lie beyond the shot of praise,
Or slander's counter-mine.
And iron these encounter;
In the gigantic hall
As the severing light
Menaces, human, small,
These hands exchange their counters.
And Mammon keeps his state,
Where flatterers fawn and menials crouch,
The dreamer, startled from his couch,
Wrings a few counters from his pouch,
And murmurs faintly WAIT!
To mock her selfe, and Truth to imitate,
With kindly counter vnder Mimick shade,
Our pleasant Willy, ah is dead of late:
With whom all ioy and iolly meriment
Is also deaded, and in dolour drent.
‘Why do you love me? Will you always love me?
But I am like the grass, I can not love you.'
Or, ‘Love, and I love and love you,
And hate your mind, not you, your soul, your hands.'
Of the baby tortoise;
Life establishing the first eternal mathematical tablet,
Not in stone, like the Judean Lord, or bronze, but in life-clouded, life-rosy tortoise shell.