Wheels on Meals
- Original title
- Kuai can che - Los supercamorristas (Wheels on Meals)
- Year
- 1984
- Running time
- 108 min.
- Country
- Hong Kong
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Jackie Chan
- Yuen Biao
- Sammo Hung
- Benny Urquidez
- Keith Vitali
- Herb Edelman
- Lola Forner
- Susana Sentís
- José Sancho
- Miguel Palenzuela
- Josep Lluís Fonoll
- Amparo Moreno
- Montserrat Julió
- Luis Monte
- Josep L. Dallester
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Co-production Hong Kong-Spain;
- Genre
- Action. Comedy
- Movie Groups
- Lucky Stars
- Synopsis
- Cousins Thomas and David, owners of a mobile restaurant, team up with their friend Moby, a bumbling private detective, to save the beautiful Sylvia, a pickpocket. Action and humor abound in the streets of Barcelona, culminating with a battle in the castle hideout of the evil gang.
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