A Quiet Passion
- Original title
- A Quiet Passion
- Year
- 2016
- Running time
- 125 min.
- Country
- United Kingdom
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Cynthia Nixon
- Jennifer Ehle
- Duncan Duff
- Keith Carradine
- Jodhi May
- Joanna Bacon
- Catherine Bailey
- Emma Bell
- Benjamin Wainwright
- Annette Badland
- Rose Williams
- Noémie Schellens
- Miles Richardson
- Eric Loren
- See all credits
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Drama | Biography. Literature. 19th Century
- Synopsis
- A film based on the life and work of the great poet Emily Dickinson, born in 1803. She wrote a poem a day, but only a fraction of her output was published throughout her lifetime. She was extremely shy, but with a wry, lively sense of humor and loved to laugh or to be made to laugh. Her friendships were intense but it was within the family that she found her greatest happiness. Her life is one of quiet dignity. The poetry magnificent. All the terror and beauty of the world distilled down to the quintessence of meaning and expression. She is quite simply one of the world's greatest poets.
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- Awards
2017: National Society of Film Critics (NSFC): nominated to Best Actress.
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