The Time That Remains
- Original title
- The Time That Remains (Le Temps qu'il reste)
- Year
- 2009
- Running time
- 109 min.
- Country
- France
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Saleh Bakri
- Yasmine Haj
- Leila Muammar
- Elia Suleiman
- Nina Jarjoura
- Amer Hlehel
- Ali Suliman
- Maisa Abd Elhadi
- See all credits
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Co-production France-Belgium-Italy-United Kingdom;
- Genre
- Drama | Black Comedy. Arab-Israeli conflict
- Synopsis
- THE TIME THAT REMAINS is a semi biographic film, in four historic episodes, about a family -my family - spanning from 1948, until recent times. The film is inspired by my father’s diaries of his personal accounts, starting from when he was a resistant fighter in 1948, and by my mother’s letters to family members who were forced to leave the country since then. Combined with my intimate memories of them and with them, the film attempts to portray the daily life of those Palestinians who remained in their land and were labeled « Israeli-Arabs », living as a minority in their own homeland.
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- Awards
2009: Cannes Film Festival: Nominated for Palme d'Or (Best Film)2009: Mar del Plata Film Festival: Official Selection
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