- Original title
- SuperClásico
- Year
- 2011
- Running time
- 99 min.
- Country
- Denmark
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Paprika Steen
- Anders W. Berthelsen
- Jamie Morton
- Adriana Mascialino
- Sebastián Estevanez
- Dafne Schiling
- Mikael Bertelsen
- Miguel Dedovich
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Co-production Denmark-Argentina;
- Genre
- Comedy. Drama | Soccer/Football
- Synopsis
- It's been almost a year since Christian's wife Anna left him and their 16 year old son Oscar to live out her dream of working as a sports agent in Buenos Aires. Having fallen head over heels in love with Argentina's top football star Juan Diaz, Anna has substituted her drab, suburban life for the glamorous jet set circles of Buenos Aires.
Since the break-up Christian has been spiraling into despair. His Copenhagen wine shop is on the brink of bankruptcy, he drinks too much, and his son is becoming alarmingly moody and withdrawn.
Finally one day Christian decides to go to Argentina officially to sign the divorce papers but in his heart secretly hoping to win back his wife, and with her, his life.-
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