The Invitation
- Original title
- The Invitationaka
- The Bride
- Year
- 2022
- Running time
- 104 min.
- Country
- United States
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Nathalie Emmanuel
- Thomas Doherty
- Stephanie Corneliussen
- Sean Pertwee
- Hugh Skinner
- Alana Boden
- Courtney Taylor
- Virág Bárány
- Kata Sarbó
- Jeremy Wheeler
- Carol Ann Crawford
- Scott Alexander Young
- Tian Chaudhry
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Horror. Thriller | Vampires
- Synopsis
- After her mother's death and being left with no known relatives, Evie takes a DNA test and discovers a distant cousin she never knew she had. Invited by her newfound family to a lavish wedding in the English countryside, she soon finds herself seduced by the sexy aristocratic host, but ends up embroiled in a survival nightmare as she uncovers the twisted secrets in her family's history.
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