The Amityville Horror
- Original title
- The Amityville Horror
- Year
- 1979
- Running time
- 117 min.
- Country
United States
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Sandor Stern. Book: Jay Anson
- Cast
- James Brolin
- Margot Kidder
- Rod Steiger
- Don Stroud
- Murray Hamilton
- John Larch
- Nitasha Ryan
- K.C. Martel
- Meeno Peluce
- Michael Sacks
- Helen Shaver
- Amy Wright
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Horror | Supernatural. Haunted Houses. Ghosts
- Movie Groups
- Amityville
- Synopsis
- Based on a true story that was claimed by writer Jay Anson, The Amityville Horror is about a large house on the coast of Long Island where newly weds George and Kathy Lutz and their three children move into the house that they hope will be their dream house but it ends up in terror. Despite full disclosure by the real estate agent of the home's history, George and Kathy buy the house. George says, "Houses don't have memories," but they turn to their family priest Father Delaney who believes the house is haunted and performs a blessing on the house. But the evil spirit in the house causes him to become blind and makes him very ill. George and Kathy with the help of another priest Father Bolen and a police detective they face the fears of the house, but not knowing the spirit is planning to possess George and then the children.
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- Awards
1979: Nominated for Oscar: Best Soundtrack1979: Golden Globes: Nominated for Best Motion Picture Score1979: Saturn Awards (Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films): 2 nominations
- Critics' reviews
"Tautly directed, but the thin material, and a dreadfully hammy priest from Steiger, effectively wreck what little suspense remains."
"A film that stoops to some of the oldest and cheapest tricks of the trade in its dogged pursuit of goose bumps"
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