A Film with Me in It
- Original title
- A Film with Me in It
- Year
- 2008
- Running time
- 89 min.
- Country
- Ireland
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Dylan Moran
- Mark Doherty
- Keith Allen
- Amy Huberman
- Aisling O'Sullivan
- David O'Doherty
- Eileen Colgan
- Neil Jordan
- Hugh O'Conor
- Jonathan Rhys Meyers
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Comedy. Thriller | Black Comedy
- Synopsis
- Mark (Mark Doherty) is having a bad day. A struggling actor, he’s just been through the ordeal of yet another fruitless audition for a bit part in a movie. With his long-suffering girlfriend about to walk out and his landlord ready to evict him he’s only got his best mate Pierce (Dylan Moran) and their joint ambition of writing a career-breaking film to sustain him. Life’s not easy, but things are about to get worse…much worse, and then someone dies and things get really bad.
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