The Anniversary
- Original title
- The Anniversary
- Year
- 1968
- Running time
- 95 min.
- Country
United Kingdom
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Jimmy Sangster. Play: Bill MacIlwraith
- Cast
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Comedy. Drama | Black Comedy. Family Relationships
- Synopsis
- On the celebration of the anniversary of Mrs. Taggart, her three dominated sons come to her house for the party. Terry, Henry and Tom Taggart work in construction, in a business that belonged to their father and is presently managed by their manipulative mother. Tom brings his pregnant fiancée Shirley Blair to tell his mother that they will marry each other; Terry brings his wife Karen Taggart and they secretly intend to emigrate to Canada; and Henry is gay and loves to wear women's underwear. During the night, the mean Mrs. Taggart uses the most despicable means and tricks to get rid off Shirley and Terry and keep her sons close to her.
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