A Boy and His Dog
- Original title
- A Boy and His Dogaka
- Psycho Boy and His Killer Dog
- Year
- 1975
- Running time
- 91 min.
- Country
- United States
- Director
- Screenwriter
- L.Q. Jones. Story: Harlan Ellison
- Cast
- Don Johnson
- Susanne Benton
- Jason Robards
- Tim McIntire
- Alvy Moore
- Helene Winston
- Charles McGraw
- Hal Baylor
- Ron Feinberg
- Michael Rupert
- Don Carter
- Michael Hershman
- L.Q. Jones
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Sci-Fi. Thriller. Drama. Comedy | Post-apocalyptic Future. Dystopian film. Nuclear Holocaust. Dogs/Wolves. B Movie
- Synopsis
- Don Johnson plays a young man in a post nuclear war world who has an interesting friend, a telepathic dog. The dog gives him an advantage in dealing with the barbaric world he lives in. When Johnson finds one place that has escaped the devastation of the war, he also finds some rather odd attitudes.
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- Awards
1975: Saturn Awards (Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films): Best Actor. 2 nominations1976: Hugo Awards: Best Dramatic Presentation.
- Critics' reviews
"Adapted from an award-winning novella by science-fiction writer Harlan Ellison, 'A Boy And His Dog' has won a cult following of its own for its offbeat, sardonic look into the future."
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