The Lion
- Original title
- The Lion
- Year
- 1962
- Running time
- 96 min.
- Country
- United Kingdom
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Adventure. Drama | Africa
- Synopsis
- Young Tina lives with her mother and stepfather on a wildlife reserve in Kenya. While her stepfather believes this is a wonderful environment for her to grow up in, her mother becomes increasingly concerned by her behaviour. These concerns are reinforced when it is revealed that her daughter's best friend in the whole world is a fully grown lion. Worried that her daughter may be turning into a savage, she sends for her former husband, Tina's biological father, in the hope that he can take her back to civilization (in this case rural Connecticut). But it seems as though Tina's mother wants something more than a civilized upbringing for her daughter.
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