The Hidden
- Original title
- The Hidden
- Year
- 1987
- Running time
- 97 min.
- Country
United States
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Kyle MacLachlan
- Michael Nouri
- Claudia Christian
- Clarence Felder
- Ed O'Ross
- Clu Gulager
- William Boyett
- Richard Brooks
- Larry Cedar
- Katherine Cannon
- John McCann
- Chris Mulkey
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Sci-Fi. Thriller. Horror | Aliens. Cop Movies
- Synopsis
- The police are hunting a man, who has committed several crimes, mostly auto theft. They eventually captured but not after a long chase and only after he crashes his car and is burned. At the hospital, the man rises and then proceeds to the man in the room with him. He then proceeds to open the man's mouth and a creature comes out of his and enters the man. The man then stands up and walks out of the hospital. An FBI agent goes to the police and says he is looking for the man they just caught. When he goes to the hospital, he takes a photo of the man and gives it to the police and says that they have to find him. After a long chase, the detective, who is frustrated, arrests the FBI agent and demands to know what is going on. He says that he is an alien and that the people they have been pursuing have each been taken over by an alien that he is pursuing.
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- Awards
1987: Sitges Fantasy Film Festival: Best Actor (Michael Nouri)1987: Saturn Awards (Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films): 4 nominations1988: Avoriaz International Fantastic Film Festival: Grand Prix (Best Film).
- Critics' reviews
"The film is violent and a little gross in one or two scenes, but there is an intelligence in its writing by Bob Hunt and direction by Jack Sholder that makes everything worthwhile."
"'The Hidden' is a textbook example of how a B-movie can transcend its origins and budgetary constraints through craft, imagination, and all-around resourcefulness"
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