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Course details

Database Systems

IDS Acad. year 2024/2025 Summer semester 5 credits

Fundamentals of database systems (DBS). Conceptual Modelling. The relational model. Relational database design from a conceptual model. Normalization-based design of a relational database. SQL language. Transaction processing. DBS architectures: client/server, multi-tier architectures, distributed DBS. Introduction to database administration: data security and integrity, introduction to physical database design, performance optimization, database recovery, concurrency control. Trends in database technology. The project consists in designing the structure of a relational database and programming SQL scripts to create the database, querying data in it, database triggers, and stored procedures.


Course coordinator

Language of instruction

Czech, English


Credit+Examination (written)

Time span

  • 39 hrs lectures
  • 13 hrs projects

Assessment points

  • 51 pts final exam (written part)
  • 15 pts mid-term test (written part)
  • 34 pts projects




Learning objectives

Mastering fundamentals of relational database theory and skill in using database technology at a level required for database design, development of database applications and database administration.

  • Student is able to develop conceptual models of an application domain for database applications.
  • He/she can develop database applications for relational databases, knows the standard database language for relational databases SQL, and has experience with some integrated development environment for database applications.  and have knowledge of relational database management system fundamentals.
  • He/she receives basic competencies for database administrator's work like user account creation, access rights assignment and performance tuning.
  • Student acquaints with fundamentals of some important functions of advanced database system like transactional processing, concurrency and recovery.
  • Student acquaints with basic English terminology in the subject.
  • The student will learn how to analyze a given problem in a small team and he/she will learn to design and implement a solution of the problem individually. He/she learns to present and defend both partial and final results of the project.

Recommended prerequisites

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

The sets, relations and mappings. The elementary notions of the graph theory. Basics of hashing and tree-based search. Basic steps of software development. Rudiments of programming and data modelling.

Study literature

  • Lemahieu, W., Broucke, S., Baesens, B.: Principles of Database Management. Cambridge University Press. 2018, 780 p.
  • Zendulka, J., Bartík, V.: Databázové systémy. Přednášky v elektronické podobě.
  • Zendulka, J., Rudolfová, I.: Databázové systémy. IDS. Studijní opora. FIT VUT v Brně. 2006, 217 s.
  • Silberschatz, A., Korth H.F, Sudarshan, S.: Database System Concepts. Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill. 2010, 1320 p.
  • On-line nápověda produktů Oracle, dokumentace dostupná na

Fundamental literature

  • Silberschatz, A., Korth H.F, Sudarshan, S.: Database System Concepts. Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill. 2010, 1320 p.

Syllabus of lectures

  1. Fundamental concepts of database systems.
  2. Conceptual modelling.
  3. Fundamentals of the relational model. Transformation of a conceptual model to a relational database schema.
    Introduction the Oracle database, database tools. 
  4. Introduction to normal forms, the use of normalization in database design.
  5. The SQL - data definition.
  6. The SQL - SELECT statement (fundamentals).
  7. The SQL - SELECT statement (extension).
  8. The SQL - other statements for data manipulation. System catalogue.
  9. The SQL - views, missing information, embedded SQL, cursor, dynamic SQL. Query by example (QBE).
    Introduction to the PL/SQL language. 
  10. The client/server architecture. Database triggers and stored procedures. Data integrity, data security.
  11. Data organization at the internal level - indexing and hashing. Query processing and optimization.
    Query optimization, indexing and database transactions in Oracle.
  12. Transaction processing - properties and states of  a database transaction. Introduction to failure recovery and concurrency control.
  13. Current trends in database technology.

Syllabus - others, projects and individual work of students

  1. Presentation of a conceptual model (ERD or a class diagram) and a use case model for a given problem (continuation of the project started in the subject Introduction to software engineering).
  2. An SQL script that creates and populates database tables.
  3. An SQL script with queries over the database tables.
  4. An SQL script with statements for advanced database objects and project documentation.

Progress assessment

  • Data and use case models - 5 points
  • Building of the database in SQL - 5 points 
  • Querying in SQL - 5 points
  • Advanced database objects - 19 points
  • Midterm written exam - 15 points
  • Final written examination - 51 points
  • To be allowed to sit for written examination student is  to present and defend project oucomes in due dates, and to earn at least 24 points during the semester.
  • The minimum number of points for the final examination is 20.


Mid-term exam passing, realization and presentation/defence of projects in due dates.

In the case of a reported barrier of the mid-term exam and to present/defend a project, a student will be offered a substitute date of the exam or an oral exam, and she/he will be allowed to present/defend the project in a substitute date, respectively.


Tue lecture 1., 2., 3., 5., 6., 7., 9., 10., 11., 12. of lectures D105 10:0012:50316 2BIB 3BIT 20 - 29 xx Bartík
Tue lecture 2025-03-04 D105 10:0012:50316 2BIB 3BIT 20 - 29 xx Rychlý
Tue lecture 2025-04-01 E112 10:0012:50316 2BIB 3BIT 20 - 29 xx Bartík
Tue lecture 2025-05-06 D0206 10:0012:50316 2BIB 3BIT 20 - 29 xx Bartík
Tue other 2025-03-18 D105 12:0012:50 Hromadná konzultace - Normalizace schématu DB - úterý 18.3.
Tue other 2025-03-25 D105 12:0012:50 Hromadná konzultace - Transformace konc. modelu na schéma rel. DB - úterý 25.3.
Tue other 2025-04-01 E112 12:0012:50 Hromadná konzultace - Dotazování v jazyce SQL - úterý 1.4.
Thu seminar 3., 8., 11. of lectures E112 14:0015:50156 2BIA 2BIB 10 - 19 20 - 29 xx Rychlý Demonstrační cvičení IDS
Thu seminar 2025-04-10 E112 14:0015:50156 2BIA 2BIB 10 - 19 20 - 29 xx Bartík Demonstrační cvičení IDS
Fri lecture 1., 2., 3., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 11., 12., 13. of lectures E104 E105 E112 12:0014:50294 2BIA 3BIT 10 - 19 xx Rychlý
Fri lecture 2025-03-07 E104 E105 E112 12:0014:50294 2BIA 3BIT 10 - 19 xx Bartík
Fri other 2025-03-07 E112 14:0014:50 Hromadná konzultace - Konceptuální modelování - pátek 7.3.
Fri other 2025-03-21 E112 14:0014:50 Hromadná konzultace - Normalizace schématu DB - pátek 21.3.
Fri other 2025-03-28 E112 14:0014:50 Hromadná konzultace - Transformace konc. modelu na schéma rel. DB - pátek 28.3.
Fri other 2025-04-04 E112 14:0014:50 Hromadná konzultace - Dotazování v jazyce SQL - pátek 4.4.

Course inclusion in study plans

  • Programme BIT, 2nd year of study, Compulsory
  • Programme BIT (in English), 2nd year of study, Compulsory
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