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Computing Centre (CVT) is part of Faculty of Information Technology (FIT) of Brno University of Technology (BUT).
CVT may be accessed by:

  • Students of FIT.
  • Students with registered course at FIT.
  • FIT staff and BUT staff teaching at CVT's labs.
  • Student access to the CVT is free based on an identification card (student card) during the center's operating hours, which correspond to the operating hours of the FIT campus. Any exceptions are announced on the CVT news board.

Other students may access CVT on CVT's head permission only. Persons without permission are not allowed to enter CVT.

  1. Students are required to register and sign these Regulations at the beginning of the school year.
  2. Students are required to register each entrance and departure of CVT with student's ID card. Permission to enter is indicated on card reader.
  3. Student may not allow to enter any other person.
  4. It is prohibited to infringe technical equipment in labs (detach covers, disconnect or connect cables, connect unauthorized devices to computer network outside designated locations etc.)
  5. Any failure has to be reported in
  6. No food is allowed in labs, no smoking is allowed anywhere in CVT.
  7. Users are obliged to follow security regulations for handling electrical devices.
  8. Users are obliged to comply with the Operating Rules of the FIT BUT Božetěchova 1, 2 complex
  9. The FIT computer network is part of the BUT computer network and users are obliged to comply with the BUT computer network operation rules.
  10. Users are obliged to acquaint themselves with guidelines for computer network available at
  11. Software installed on laboratory computers is licensed for educational purposes only. Users are obliged to verify license prior to any other use (research, personal use, reviews). Licenses may be checked at

In Brno, January 16 2024

Ing. Rudolf Čejka
Head of FIT Computer Centre

doc. Dr. Ing. Petr Hanáček
Dean of FIT

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