Age | 46 (age at death) |
Birthday | 19 November, 1955 |
Birthplace | Jersey City, New Jersey |
Died | 25 April, 2002 |
Place of Death | Seattle, Washington |
Zodiac Sign | Scorpio |
Nationality | American |
Occupation | Actor |
Claim to Fame | Northern Exposure (TV Series) |
Date of Birth 19 November 1955, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
Date of Death 25 April 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA (complications from ALS.)
He married his wife, former The Love Boat (1977) star Lauren Tewes in 1996. Seemingly healthy, in 1997, he suddenly became fatigued while acting in a play. Then while auditioning for a radio commercial, he tripped over a word so badly that the producer thought he was drunk. In January 1998, Bob was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.