Program managers and project managers both serve critical functions within an organization. While there are some similarities between the two roles, there are significant differences that are important to understand before you apply for the job or look for a candidate. The key difference is that project managers are focused on more temporary projects, whereas program managers oversee an entire program.

But there are other important distinctions—including goals, qualifications, job responsibilities and tools needed to do the job—that are important to understand.

What Is a Program Manager?

A program manager is a person who oversees and manages a large program, oftentimes with several projects and initiatives involved within it, to ensure alignment with the company’s big picture goals and strategy.

Key Goals of Program Managers

Unlike project managers, program managers have a more strategic focus and strive to ensure alignment with the company’s mission. Instead of focusing on the details of various projects, a program manager is more concerned with the benefits that various projects and initiatives will provide to the company and its stakeholders. The success of a program manager depends on whether the program meets the needs and provides the benefits it was designed to attain.

What Is a Project Manager?

A project manager is essentially the “owner” of a specific project. Their role is more specific in scope than a program manager, with the project manager keeping team members on task and streamlining processes. Whereas a program manager focuses on overall strategy, project managers focus on the logistics of individual project completion. A project manager’s responsibilities include creating schedules, communicating with team members and leadership and ensuring that deliverables and milestones are met on schedule.

Key Goals of Project Managers

Because a project manager’s priority is the completion of a specific project, they focus on deliverables and meeting milestones. They guide the project through completion by setting the scope, schedule and resources allocated to the specific project. A project’s success is assessed in terms of product quality, cost-effectiveness, timeliness and the satisfaction of key stakeholders.

Program Manager vs. Project Manager: The Differences


Project managers should be detail-oriented planners who can keep a project moving forward. They may obtain additional certifications in project management. They should also have experience working with project management software and other planning tools, such as work breakdown structures or Agile methodologies.

Program managers should be strong leaders who can focus on strategy. They should have experience with budget planning, program strategy and communication across departments. In some cases, program managers start their careers as project managers. Additional job training programs are available to enhance their skills.

Job Responsibilities

Both program managers and project managers oversee projects and facilitate communication between team members and key stakeholders, but a project manager will focus on the details of an individual project whereas the program manager will oversee how multiple projects align with company goals. Common responsibilities for a program manager include project strategy, risk assessment and planning, quality control and reporting on performance to key stakeholders and leadership. Project manager roles will include creating schedules, communicating with team members and ensuring that deliverables and milestones are met on schedule.

Tools Needed To Do the Job

Project managers rely heavily on project management software, such as, Wrike or ClickUp. Program managers should also be familiar with these project management software options. Both project managers and program managers should be familiar with industry-specific systems, such as content management systems (CMS).

How To Determine Whether You Need a Program Manager or Project Manager

To determine whether your business or organization needs a program manager, project manager or both, you should ask the following questions to assess whether your needs are program-based or project-specific:

  • Do you need someone to help with strategic alignment, or with technical deliverables and milestones?
  • Are the needs ongoing and cross-functional, or specific in scope?
  • Are there several projects with different timelines and desired outcomes, or one project with a specific timeline?

If you are looking for a person to assist with strategic alignment for ongoing, cross-functional needs that might involve multiple projects, then you would benefit from a program manager. If, on the other hand, you need help with technical deliverables and milestones for a specific project, a project manager will fit the bill.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the salary of project managers and program managers?

The average salary for both project managers and program managers is about $75,000 to $90,000. Because program managers often have more experience than project managers, the compensation may be higher.

What industries use project managers and program managers?

Nearly every industry uses project managers and program managers. Each should have industry-specific knowledge in addition to training in project management and program management. For instance, a construction project manager will likely have significant knowledge, training and experience in engineering or construction trades. Similarly, an advertising program manager will be knowledgeable of the advertising, sales and marketing industries.

What are some job interview questions for a program manager or project manager?

Each situation is going to be different, but some of the things you want to find out during your job interview for either position is if they know the details about the type of position that they are interviewing for (for example, you wouldn’t want someone with project manager skills interviewing for a program management position unless they were qualified for it). Other questions to consider include finding out how they have done on previous projects or programs, what their approach is to change management, challenges that they have faced in previous positions and how they have overcome them and how they strive to achieve success in their projects or programs.

Why is project management important?

Project management is important in business because it helps you complete projects successfully and hit goals for yourself and your clients. Coordinating a multifaceted project for which several people owe deliverables, keeping everyone organized and ensuring the output meets expectations—all this while under the stress of a deadline—presents a challenge for even the most experienced project manager. These challenges become more feasible through project management best practices.