To submit your renders to FootyRenders, simply post a comment below with the following information (click to select):
Avoid using a generic alias like "Designer", instead pick something more unique like your name or "NameDesigner"
Things we look at: Body smoothness, hair quality (realistic?) and overall quality. If the render is of good quality it will be accepted and added to the website as soon as possible, if not it has been rejected for various reasons.
Unless the render is very special, we will not accept any renders that are smaller than 1000px width or height when trimmed of excessive space.
Please do NOT use AI enhancers or image upscalers/resizers - the change in quality is very noticeable. Pick high quality images to work with instead.
Please do not add any filters/effects to the renders. Pick high quality images to work with instead. Leave the choice of effects to the designers using the renders.
Post the direct render link to the image itself, not to a website as these will be removed. Direct image download links will be deleted - we must be able to preview the render first.
Please upload your renders using https://imgbb.com/, and use the viewer link provided when posting your comment.
Want your renders to be approved faster? Make sure you remove any logos from the image and trim all transparent pixels around the player by going to "Image" -> "Trim" in Photoshop.
Do not post the same render more than once. Please be patient, we'll view all the submissions eventually.
We are currently on holiday so reviewing all submitted renders will take longer than usual. Thanks for your patience!