EarthCARE is one of the most advanced satellites in ESA’s Earth Explorer constellation, and its contribution to understanding atmospheric and climatic processes will be crucial in addressing global environmental challenges
Salesforce for Finance, Industry and Utilities sectors
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GRINS provides public and private actors with statistical analyses of socio-economic, environmental, health and financial trends on the topics of growth, resilience, inclusiveness and sustainability. Exprivia was given the task of developing an innovative platform for the management of heterogeneous georeferenced data at a granular level called AMELIA dAta platforM for the transfEr of knowLedge and statistIcal Analysis.
Exprivia is expanding its range of products thanks to the DDM Solution for SAP Applications
Conversational agents of digital marketing in service of the tradition of the Mediterranean diet
AI in the agri-food sector
The objective of the ALIFUN project is the development, on an industrial scale, of prototypes of functional foods in the main agri-food sectors typical of the Mediterranean diet (dairy, cereal, meat products, fruits and vegetables, olive oil, wine).
Exprivia will be responsible for developing innovative tools for digital marketing research through the use of conversational agents capable of capturing consumer behavior patterns and helping the Agrifood Industry identify market choices for product proposition.