Tenchu Z
Full of ninjas, stealth, smoke bombs, throwing stars, silent assassinations, grappling hooks.
Oh, and lots of shadows. If your idea of having a good time is scaling walls, clambering over roofs, and sneaking round feudal Japan, this is the game for you.
Civil war has erupted and you are enlisted as the Japanese hit man with dubious morals.
Fans of the genre have seen it all before. Objectives include bumping off the enemy and slitting the throats of unsuspecting guards.
Ocassionaly you are asked to escort contacts, to retrieve items or to meet with confidential sources. Assignments are loosely strung together by a narrative that slowly unfolds via brief cut scenes.
The music is as peaceful as as Japanese garden, but gets more upbeat if you are spotted. Stealth, not storytelling, is the main attraction of this game and lurking in the shadows can be entertaining.
You strike silently against targets ranging from gamblers to drug dealers, to foreigners from Europe that sell guns to a rival clan.
Reviewed on: Xbox 360
Publisher: Microsoft
Formats: 360
Rating: 7/10