Transformational leadership characteristics

4 Key Transformational Leadership Characteristics

Transformational leadership is a leadership style where leaders inspire and motivate their followers to exceed their own self-interests for the good of the organization or a greater cause. This approach involves creating a vision, fostering an environment of trust and collaboration, and encouraging personal and professional growth. Key transformational leadership characteristics that help these leaders…

List of laissez-faire leadership advantages and disadvantages

Laissez-Faire Leadership Advantages and Disadvantages

Laissez-faire leadership advantages and disadvantages can determine whether this leadership style is effective or not. The advantages of laissez-faire leadership include empowering team members and fostering creativity. The disadvantages can include lower productivity and the potential for confusion. Have you ever had a boss who took a hands-off approach? Who let team members take the…

5 Main Styles of Leadership

5 Main Styles of Leadership

Styles of leadership involves how a person governs, directs, and motivates followers. Researchers have proposed several different types of leadership styles over the last 50 or so years. Leaders often utilize such styles in business, politics, technology, and other major fields. Psychologists have found that leadership styles can have a meaningful impact on how well…

Who Was Kitty Genovese?

Who Was Kitty Genovese?

Kitty Genovese was a woman murdered outside her Queens, New York apartment in 1964. False reports initially suggested that neighbors had witnessed the crime yet failed to report what they saw. The case captured the public’s attention and the interest of psychology researchers, who coined the term “bystander effect” to explain why people are less…

Scarcity principle

Scarcity Principle Definition and Examples

The scarcity principle is a psychological phenomenon where people perceive items or opportunities as more valuable when they are limited in availability. This principle suggests that scarcity creates a sense of urgency or desire, leading individuals to place higher value on scarce resources or opportunities compared to abundant ones. Essentially, people have a tendency to…