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The Ultimate Guide to Mushrooms: How to Identify and Gather Over 200 Species Throughout North America and Europe
The Ultimate Guide to Mushrooms: How to Identify and Gather Over 200 Species Throughout North America and Europe
The Ultimate Guide to Mushrooms: How to Identify and Gather Over 200 Species Throughout North America and Europe
Ebook1,031 pages5 hours

The Ultimate Guide to Mushrooms: How to Identify and Gather Over 200 Species Throughout North America and Europe

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Everything You Could Ever Want to Know about Mushrooms!

Mushrooms are an incredibly vast range of species, including all shapes and sizes and colors. This exciting collection includes a wealth of information on two hundred essential mushroom varieties, including their:
  • Scientific names
  • Habitats
  • Modes of development
  • Botanical specificities
  • Uses in culinary cuisine
  • And more!
Spread throughout this book are hand-drawn illustrations and full-color photographs of every mushroom you can imagine. Whether you want to identify mushrooms, study mushrooms, or use edible mushrooms in your recipes, The Ultimate Guide to Mushrooms is for you!
Release dateMay 5, 2020
The Ultimate Guide to Mushrooms: How to Identify and Gather Over 200 Species Throughout North America and Europe

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    The Ultimate Guide to Mushrooms - Guillaume Eyssartier

    Copyright © 2013 by Hachette Livre.

    Originally published in French as Champignons.

    First Skyhorse Publishing edition, 2020.

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    Print ISBN: 978-1-5107-4067-9

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-5107-4068-6

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    The author and publisher cannot be held responsible in the event of an identification error made by the reader while gathering mushrooms. There are basic guidelines that can be applied when foraging for wild mushrooms throughout the world in order to prevent accidentally picking poisonous and deadly fungi. For example, follow these recommendations from the French Ministry of Health:

    •Do not pick a mushroom if you have even the slightest doubt about its condition or identification. Certain highly toxic mushrooms strongly resemble edible species.

    •Only gather specimens that are in good condition, and remove the entire mushroom (stem, base, and cap) for identification.

    •Avoid polluted areas (roadsides, industrial zones, landfills) because mushrooms tend to accumulate pollutants; if you are the least bit unsure, throw the mushroom away.

    •Collect the mushrooms one by one in a crate or box, but never in a plastic bag, which accelerates decay.

    •Wash your hands well when you have finished harvesting.

    •Separate the harvested mushrooms by species.

    •Do not consume what you have harvested before having it checked by a specialist. You can consult a mycology organization in your area. In North America, the North American Mycological Association maintains a list of local mycological organizations. In the United Kingdom, contact the British Mycological Society for information. Set aside a portion of your harvest, uncooked and refrigerated, to show the specialist, most especially the first time you’re eating a species for identification in case of poisoning symptoms.

    •Keep mushrooms in the refrigerator and eat them no more than two days after your harvest.

    •Consume mushrooms in reasonable amounts after cooking them sufficiently. In all but exceptional cases, never eat them raw.

    In the event that you experience one or several of the symptoms associated with the consumption of wild mushrooms (shivering, vertigo, vision problems, nausea, vomiting, etc.), call a poison control center immediately. Symptoms may appear up to twelve hours after consumption. Record the time of your most recent meal or meals and make a note of when the first symptoms appeared. Then set aside the rest of your harvest for identification.



    • What Is a Mushroom?

    • Naming Mushrooms

    • The Different Mushroom Groups

    • Mushroom Anatomy

    • Identifying Mushrooms

    • The Life of a Mushroom

    • The Importance of Spore Dispersal

    • Storing Mushrooms

    • Buying Mushrooms

    • Mushroom Poisoning

    Edible Mushrooms

    Inedible or Poisonous Mushrooms

    Deadly Mushrooms

    Bizarre Mushrooms

    Recipe Book


    Edible Mushroom Habitats

    Amethyst deceiver (Laccaria amethystina)

    What Is a


    Surface of gills producing spores

    Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria). Carpophore: this is the visible portion of basidiomycete mushrooms, consisting of a cap and a stem (see p. 16)

    The answer to this question appears so obvious that it may seem a ridiculous one to ask: a mushroom is a plant without leaves or flowers, generally found in the form of a stem topped with a cap, consisting of numerous species, edible or poisonous, that grow rapidly, particularly in humid places. This definition, which to a mycologist sounds like it comes from an eighteenth-century encyclopedia, was actually taken from the 2011 edition of a very famous dictionary, a fact that is surprising considering that biologists have known since the 1960s that mushrooms have very little to do with plants and are, contrary to most expectations, more closely related to animals. Their cells, for instance, are bordered by walls made of chitin—which is also found in the shells of arthropods like insects and crustaceans—and not the pectin and cellulose seen in plant cells. Like animal cells, these cells function using energy stored in the form of glycogen, not starch. In short, mushrooms are not plants, and today are grouped in a separate kingdom: Kingdom Fungi.

    King bolete (Boletus edulis)

    Life Cycle: Fly agaric

    Many chosen . . .

    How many mushrooms, as we have defined them here, are in existence on Earth’s surface? No one at present is able to answer that question. In North America alone, it is estimated that more than 20,000 species exist. An entire world . . . and the inventory is still far from being completed. Biologists today, for instance, are discovering a variety of species that until now no one had imagined existed: microscopic mushrooms that live inside plant tissues and are called endophytes (from the Greek endon, within, and phytos, plant). Mycologists decided to study the endophyte mushrooms in a palm tree and counted no fewer than 418 species, 140 of which were inside a single leaf! Seventy-five percent of these species were new to science, meaning they had never before been studied or described. No need to go probing the innermost layers of our good old Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris) to find mushrooms, though: this tree is home to 892 different mushrooms, from those that grow alongside its roots (see Mycorrhizal mushrooms) to those that thrive on its wood and decomposing needles. Among these species, 186 are exclusively dependent on the Scotch pine and will not merge with any other tree.

    The diversity of mushrooms on our planet is widely debated: it varies between 1.5 million (a very low approximation that we already know to be inaccurate) and over 30 million, and it is estimated that we are probably only aware of about three percent of the mushrooms present on the surface of the Earth.

    . . . And a few left out

    The current definition of Kingdom Fungi excludes certain groups of organisms that have traditionally been thought of as mushrooms. The potato blight (Phytophthora infestans) and brown rot (Plasmopara viticola), for instance, are now classified near certain seaweeds. But let’s pause for a moment to talk about a strange group that you are likely to encounter when out for a walk (as long as you are paying attention, for its members are often small): the myxomycetes, the slime molds. These timid but charming organisms, today classified in their own group, the mycetozoa, grow on pretty much anything in any season, as long as it is not too cold. Instead of producing a filament (the hypha) like true mushrooms when they germinate, their spores—the microscopic cells of sexual reproduction—release a sort of amoeba that moves around on the substrate by crawling or propelling itself with flagella and feeds itself by absorbing bacteria and decomposing organic particles (the phenomenon of phagocytosis). When the site becomes unfavorable (because it dries up, for example), these amoebae gather together and fuse to create a super amoeba called a plasmodium that will eventually settle down and differentiate into smaller individual structures of various shapes and colors depending on the species. These structures will then produce spores, completing the life cycle. The plasmodium is also mobile and can move up to dozens of inches at a time before it finds a resting place.


    Orange birch bolete (Leccinum versipelle)



    All classified organisms on Earth today possess a Latin name, and mushrooms are no exception. These Latin names, made up of two terms, may seem cumbersome, but they are the only guarantee of universal communication: all mycologists in the world use them, whereas very few specialists would know more than a handful of the dozens of common names for the chanterelle around the world. Let’s examine the Latin name for the chanterelle, Cantharellus cibarius. The Latin name for all of the mushrooms in this group begins with Cantharellus: this is what is called the genus name. It’s a sort of family name. However, only the true chanterelle bears the full name Cantharellus cibarius, which is the name of the species. The term cibarius, meaning edible, is called the specific epithet and is used to distinguish this well-known mushroom from others.

    Common names are sometimes misleading: the confusion they cause can be innocent when they suggest proximities between species that are not at all related (in the case of Hydnum, for example, which belong in fact to several different families), but it can also prove to be very dangerous. For example, for a long time, the French have called the deadly Cortinaire couleur de rocou (fool’s webcap, p. 233) the Cortinaire des montagnes, substantiating the idea that it grows only in mountainous areas and potentially endangering amateurs at lower elevations who are not expecting to encounter it. Also in French, the gyromitre (false morel, p. 248) is sometimes still known as the gyromitre comestible, meaning edible, even though its extreme toxicity leaves very little room for doubt; warning mushroom enthusiasts about this is imperative for obvious reasons.

    Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)

    Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)

    The Different

    Mushroom Groups

    Mushroom classification has evolved significantly in the last twenty years. Modern methods in genetics and molecular biology have allowed us to move away from comparing organisms based solely on appearance and instead begin making direct comparisons using their genetic information—their DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid—replacing the static view we used to have of relationships between species with a dynamic view that reflects the evolutions of those species. Though examining the details of this new kind of classification—one that is still evolving, in fact—is not the purpose of this book, we still need to provide a few major reference points as we begin to focus on the mushrooms we are interested in here: those that are edible and those that are toxic, all of which fall into two large groups.

    The basidiomycetes

    Included in this group are all mushrooms whose spores are formed on the exterior of cells called basidia. These cells are situated side by side to form an even fertile layer called the hymenium (see Mushroom Anatomy after this). These spores are usually violently expelled as soon as they are ripe (see The Importance of Spore Dispersal). Among the basidiomycetes are a large number of edible and toxic mushrooms, including all mushrooms that have gills, tubes, or teeth under their caps. The others, like morels and truffles, for example, are ascomycetes.

    The ascomycetes

    In this case, the spores ripen on the interior of sacs of various shapes called asci, and are freed by a simple tearing, disintegration, or opening of the ascus. In addition to the morels and truffles already mentioned, the Peziza, Gyromitra, and Xylaria are also part of this group. The asci usually contain eight spores.

    Understanding Spore Formation

    The basidiomycetes

    The spores are formed on the outside of cells called basidia.

    The ascomycetes

    The spores are inside sacs called asci.



    Death cap (Amanita phalloides

    Different Cap Appearances




    Mushrooms come in such a variety of forms that trying to give an exhaustive description of their anatomy is essentially impossible. Over the course of their long evolution—it is estimated that they appeared on Earth 1.3 billion years ago—these organisms have acquired just about every shape imaginable. Even though the most well-known of these shapes is characterized by a cap set on top of a stem, that form alone has several variations, from the traditional silhouette of ceps to the less classically shaped morels, and all of the chanterelles and pieds-de-mouton (hedgehogs) in between. The almost limitless inventory doesn’t stop there: we could also mention the Peziza cups, the clumps of certain Clavaria, Xylaria species with clubs, and more.

    The major parts of a mushroom

    Let’s stop and look at an Amanita in detail, Amanita phalloides (p. 229). In essence, it consists of a stem (what mycologists sometimes call a stipe) that supports a cap, creating a silhouette that resembles something like an umbrella. The inferior face of the cap is lined with radiating gills arranged in decreasing length: lamella and lamellulae. This gilled ensemble forms the hymenophore, the fertile part of the cap, which is carpeted by a fine layer of cells, the hymenium, that will produce spores, the mushroom’s reproductive cells. The hymenophore is not necessarily gilled, however: it may also be made up of tubes, in the case of boletes, or teeth, if the mushroom is a member of the Hydnum family. It may also be smooth or wrinkled as we observe in black trumpets and chanterelles.

    If we move down the stem of this Amanita, we will encounter a sort of ruffled skirt called a ring: mycologists call this a partial veil which, in certain mushrooms, protects the hymenophore in specimens that are not yet mature.

    The cortina, another example of a partial veil.

    Different Ring Appearances

    Descending skirt ring

    Ascending ring

    Double ring

    This veil may be membranous, as it is in mushrooms with a well-developed ring, or delicate and made of fine filaments resembling a spider’s web. In the latter case the ring is referred to as a cortina (drawing on p. 19), which we observe in the Cortinarius family.

    Let’s continue our journey down the stem of our Amanita: at the tip of its base, it dives into a kind of white filmy sac, the volva or universal veil. In order to understand what the universal veil is, it’s best to imagine that the young Amanita is like an egg, and its shell is made up of this veil. As it grows, this shell tears open at the top and allows the mushroom to grow up and out while still maintaining its original position at the base of the stem. In other Amanita, like Amanita muscaria, the volva is much less membranous and considerably more fragile: as it blooms, the mushroom will tear it in multiple places, forming many small pieces of volva that, in the adult mushroom, will be scattered at the bottom of the stem and on top of the cap, creating its characteristic geography map patches (see drawing on p. 19 and diagram below). Certain Amanita, like those belonging to the Amanita vaginata group, have only a universal veil and no partial veil. This is why they usually display a well-formed volva even though they never have a ring.

    An important feature: lamellae

    The way the hymenophore attaches to the stem is a very important feature for mushroom identification and is usually easy to observe. Based on this one criterion, mushrooms are broadly distributed into four large groups (for the sake of simplicity, we will describe the case of the gilled hymenophore, but the same terms can be used in all other cases, as well).

    Different Volva Appearances

    Membranous volva

    Volva with ridges

    Circumcised volva

    • The gills make no contact with the stem: in this case we are talking about free gills. Free gills are found in Amanita mushrooms but also in Lepiota and Volvariella; an extreme case can be seen in certain large Lepiota (genus Macrolepiota) whose gills terminate so far away from the stem that they create a smooth ring-shaped zone around the top of the stem, sometimes with a small ridge. These gills are described as being collared, and the smooth ridge is called a collarium.

    • The entire width of each gill is in contact with the stem: these are adnate gills.

    • The gills make only partial contact with the stem, often displaying a small indentation just before the stem: these are emarginate gills and are typical among Tricholoma and Cortinarius.

    • The entire width of each gill is in contact with the stem and the gills extend down onto it in a net formation: these are decurrent gills and are characteristic of Clitocybe species, among others, though not all Clitocybes necessarily have decurrent gills. We might also mention here the clearly decurrent folds of the chanterelles.

    Naturally, there are many intermediate cases among these four groups, but learning to recognize these major distinctions will be very useful to you.

    Stages in the development of an Amanita

    Different Cap Shapes

    Gill Attachments

    Different Types of Hymenophores

    Different Stem Base Shapes

    Pleurotus: the cap is funnel-shaped, the gills are decurrent, and the hymenophore has folds.



    Identifying mushrooms is not easy: it requires not only knowledge but also, and perhaps most of all, a great deal of experience alongside expert mycologists. When you are starting out, it is very important to remember the fundamental principles we mention here; only by following them to the letter will you be able to deepen your understanding of the vast world of mycology and, more importantly, avoid making a mistake. In order to identify a mushroom with certainty:

    • Only harvest mushrooms that are in perfect condition and, if possible, at every stage in their development. Certain mushrooms change dramatically between their young stage and their adult stage. If you do not pay attention to these changes, you will not know how to recognize them.

    • Scrupulously record the habitat of the mushrooms you are harvesting. Is your mushroom growing in the grass? Are there trees nearby and, if so, which ones? Is it growing in a deciduous or coniferous forest? Is it coming directly from the open ground or is it connected to dead wood? A few basic principles of botany will be quite useful for identifying the trees with which a mushroom may be associating if the mushroom is mycorrhizal (see Symbiotics p. 29).

    • Using a knife, gently lift up the base of the stem of the mushroom you want to identify. If you are not careful, you risk leaving part of a root, volva, or other important identification feature in the ground. Of course, if you are only harvesting mushrooms you already are familiar with, it is better to cut the base of their stem to avoid removing too much soil. They will also be easier to clean.

    Delicately lift the base of the stem

    Dig up the mushroom using a knife

    • Place your mushrooms in a basket with a flat bottom. Avoid gathering in plastic bags because specimens can get mixed together and become damaged. If possible, place small containers in the bottom of your basket (cut off the ends of plastic bottles, for example) to separate each one of your discoveries. Mycologists often use plastic tool boxes or waxed paper for this purpose, which is quite practical.

    • When you return home, it is very important to perform a spore print: to do this, separate a cap from its stem and place it flat on a sheet of paper or, even better, a sheet of transparent plastic (the transparency sheets used with overhead projectors are ideal when cut to the proper dimensions). If you cover the cap, necessary humidity will be maintained, and the spores will fall in a pattern resembling the hymenium of the mushroom. A few hours later, the spores propelled from the gills (or tubes, teeth, etc.) will be deposited in a dense mass on the sheet. You can then observe their color and avoid any unpleasant surprises. With a spore print, you will be able to distinguish the brownish-pink spore print of the bitter bolete (p. 221) from the bright rust-colored spore prints of the Cortinarius and the brown of the agarics.

    In any case, let’s say it again:

    • No identification guide is exhaustive. If your mushroom does not possess all of the characteristics indicated in your book, it is probably a different species and may be toxic.

    • Never consume an unknown mushroom without showing it to a mycologist first, identifying it as edible. Mycological societies often have information available on their websites pertaining to color, shape, location, and edibility of mushrooms in their region.

    • Never eat a mushroom in large quantities or over several consecutive meals.

    The spore print allows you to study the colors of the spores, another indicator for identification

    The Life

    of a Mushroom

    Mushrooms are divided into three groups as a function of how they feed themselves:

    • Many mushrooms draw the substances they need to grow from other organisms that are either dead or decomposing: these are the saprotrophs (from the Greek sapros, rotten, putrid and troph, food or nourishment).

    • Other more aggressive mushrooms live at the expense of living organisms that they often weaken and can even kill: these are the parasites.

    • The last group is much more interesting from a biological point of view, and significantly more diverse: this group brings together all of the mushrooms that have, over the course of evolution, formed mutually beneficial exchanges with other living things known as symbiotic relationships.

    The saprotrophs

    Mushrooms that feed on decomposing organic matter play a role in soil renewal and, along with bacteria, are the most important decomposers on the face of the earth. Without them, organic matter would accumulate year after year to astonishing heights. It is estimated that in a temperate forest, mushrooms decompose around 100 tons of organic matter per hectare (roughly forty tons per acre) per year. Saprotrophic mushrooms are everywhere and are sometimes highly specialized: some decompose wood by attacking each of the long molecules it is made up of; others go after leaves and other non-timber plant products; and still others break down hair, feathers, and other animal skin products, eventually followed by their bones.

    Baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), a saprotrophic monocellular ascomycete, has the ability to grow without oxygen by releasing carbon dioxide, which is very useful to those of us trying to get bread dough to rise or produce beer and other fermented beverages. On the other hand, when saprotrophic mushrooms attack ancient manuscripts or invade certain dark and humid places that humans would prefer to keep for themselves, it can be nearly impossible to eradicate them, causing headaches for many curators. The mushrooms growing in colonies on the walls of the Lascaux caves in Dordogne are a well-known and shocking example: even though they are not attacking the cave paintings themselves, they mask them with abundant mycelia, endangering the 17,000-year-old drawings.

    The parasites

    Parasitic mushrooms take part in generation renewal by attacking weakened organisms and are for this reason called weak parasites, like many polypores. A few of these parasites create fungal infections that are sometimes difficult to get rid of, and many of us have fallen prey to them at one time or another. You are probably familiar with the onychomycosis fungi, for example, which deforms and nibbles down our nails, as well as dermatomycosis, which discolors our skin. While only mildly irritating if we are in good health, they can spread uncontrollably in individuals who are weakened or have failing immune systems. All plants have their own fungal parasites, often very specific ones at that, but animals suffer from fungal infestations, too. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, for instance, is a lethal fungal parasite that attacks certain amphibians (frogs). It is currently monitored on a global scale because it is held responsible for massive loss of life among certain populations.

    The mildews—parasites well-known to many plants, particularly those that are cultivated (grapevine downy mildew, Plasmopara viticola; potato blight, Phytophthora infestans, etc.)—are no longer considered to be fungi, and today are grouped alongside certain brown algae. Their spores have two flagella and must use a thin net of water in order to move around, which explains why the development of the diseases they provoke is intimately related to atmospheric conditions.

    The symbiotics

    Biologists have a habit of saying that mushrooms are the kings of symbiosis, and this reputation is holding strong. A symbiotic relationship is an association with mutual benefits between two or several living beings. Throughout geologic time, mushrooms have constructed relationships with a great number of living things, plants and animals alike. One of the most well-known relationships is the one that exists between a mushroom and an alga or cyanobacteria (a kind of bacteria able to perform photosynthesis): the organisms that result from this relationship are known as lichens.

    Lichens are everywhere, from the summits of mountains to the edge of every sea and ocean; from the arid regions of deserts to the deepest equatorial

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