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Operation Hope: Alzheimer’s? Dementia? Cognitive Decline? 8 Pillars to Healthier, Stronger, Longer
Operation Hope: Alzheimer’s? Dementia? Cognitive Decline? 8 Pillars to Healthier, Stronger, Longer
Operation Hope: Alzheimer’s? Dementia? Cognitive Decline? 8 Pillars to Healthier, Stronger, Longer
Ebook98 pages1 hour

Operation Hope: Alzheimer’s? Dementia? Cognitive Decline? 8 Pillars to Healthier, Stronger, Longer

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About this ebook

Imagine a woman. Imagine knowing this woman’s life story—her strengths, triumphs, brilliance, gifts and contributions to others, as well as to society overall. Imagine cherishing her with all your heart. Imagine that she is your mother. And as you approach her with thousands of jumbled emotions all bunched up in your heart, you see her beautiful eyes look back at you... blank and empty, as if someone, or something, had stolen the vibrant, brilliant person she once was and left only a shell to remain. She’s there, but yet she’s not. And while you are grateful that you can still be with her, still hug her, still tell her that you love her... you can’t help but miss the person she once was. You can’t help but wish she could look at you—just one more time—with the understanding, strength and the sort of unspoken love that only your mother’s eyes could. This is what it means and what it feels like to have a parent suffering with Alzheimer’s, Dementia or Cognitive Decline. These silent diseases are not often talked about, or even thought about until you are the child, craving for the parent you once knew. However, statistically speaking, cognitive disorders are on the rise.

· An estimated 5.4 million Americans currently have Alzheimer’s disease.

· By mid-century, the number of people living with Alzheimer’s is projected to grow to 13.8 million.

· By 2050, one new case of Alzheimer’s is expected to develop every 33 seconds, resulting in nearly 1 million new cases per year.

Stop and think about that for a second. 1 million new cases per year. These are staggering numbers—but they are also unacceptable numbers.

Release dateSep 4, 2018
Operation Hope: Alzheimer’s? Dementia? Cognitive Decline? 8 Pillars to Healthier, Stronger, Longer

Ann Louise Johnson

Scientist, adventurer, medical professional, and internationally-known expert in healthy aging, Ann Louise Johnson is the creator and founder of WildHeart Strong LLC, which teaches people how to age fiercely—to live life as an exciting adventure and feel healthier, stronger, and more vital at every age. For Ann, just being here is a miracle: she was one of only three children who lived after her parents’ first nine children died immediately after birth. She grew up with two driving passions: the outdoors, where she always felt at home; and science. Ann wanted to know why she had survived while those other children had died. She wanted to discover what causes people to get sick or to be healthy. As a registered nurse for 40 years, Ann worked both sides of the 911 call. “As a critical care nurse in trauma and intensive care units, I worked with accident victims and people with life-threatening (and often life-ending) illnesses,” she says. “But eventually I wanted to see if I could keep people out of the ER by helping them stay healthier longer.” She accepted a position in one of the largest retirement communities in Pennsylvania, eventually becoming the director. It was there that an encounter with a 90-year-old warrior inspired Ann’s groundbreaking research into successful aging. Ann discovered the difference between those who ended up incapacitated and in nursing homes and those who were still running marathons in their 80s was physical, mental, and emotional fitness. She was first in her area to work with hundreds of people ages 60-90 to strengthen their muscles as well as their minds and attitudes, helping them reverse the effects of aging and live healthier, longer, stronger lives. Her results led her to speak at medical and professional conferences all over the world. In 2011 Ann founded WildHeart Strong, a company to help people change the way they age and rewrite the last half of life’s story from the fear of aging to aging fiercely. Ann uses the latest scientific research in molecular biology and biochemistry, combined with practical functional medicine principles, and cutting-edge work in mental and emotional fitness, to create personalized health plans for clients of any age and fitness level. And because aging fiercely is not about health, but about what you do with stronger health, Ann leads WildHeart Strong adventures that crystallize these plans into daily life, providing exhilarating, instructive, and awe-inspiring experiences that many clients have only dreamed about. Everything from snorkeling and scuba diving in the Caribbean to an International Space Station visit are on the WildHeart Strong “bucket list.” “To be WildHeart Strong means to believe that life is an amazing adventure, a journey of exploration, discover and experience,” Ann says. “It’s an attitude and a mindset that pushes you and stretches you beyond the realm of normal experience into a new place of wonder and awe.” Ann’s step-by-step curriculum shows how you can change the way you age. Anyone can reverse the effects of aging, live life as an exciting adventure and feel healthier, stronger, and more vital. In 2013, Ann created and founded Younitype© to educate clients about DNA, genes and personalized biochemistry that can boost health. Younitype, the name, captures the power of genes in what scientists call our genotype and the performance of those genes, called our phenotype. You have the power to boost your performance and empower some genes to work for you. It starts with a journey into your 8-genetic triggers. Know these eight; implement an action plan to boost these eight; personalize it by matching it to your specific genetic, biochemical and lifestyle information. This is a lifelong tactical strategy for best health. And its for the strong of heart, the courageous, the warriors and those looking for hope

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    Book preview

    Operation Hope - Ann Louise Johnson



    Imagine a woman. Imagine knowing this woman’s life story—her strengths, triumphs, brilliance, gifts, and contributions to others, as well as to society overall. Imagine cherishing her with all your heart. Imagine that she is your mother.

    And as you approach her with thousands of jumbled emotions all bunched up in your heart, see her beautiful eyes look back at you… blank and empty, as if someone, or something, had stolen the vibrant, brilliant person she once was and left only a shell to remain. She’s there, but she’s not. And while you are grateful that you can still be with her, still hug her, still tell her that you love her… you can’t help but miss the person she once was, and to crave—just one more time—for her eyes to look back at you with the understanding, strength, and the sort of unspoken love that only your mother could share.

    This is what it means and what it feels like to have a parent suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia, or cognitive decline. These silent diseases are not often talked about, or even thought about… until you are the child, longing for the parent you once knew.

    However, cognitive disorders are on the rise.

    By 2050, the number of people living with Alzheimer’s is projected to grow to 160 million new cases, globally.

    Stop and think about that for a second. 160 million people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s by 2050.

    These are staggering numbers. And they are unacceptable numbers.

    Our elderly are stripped of their memory, stripped of their abilities to do basic tasks. They lose their words. They are ostracized, and in return they ostracize themselves. Their world gets smaller and smaller. They stop going out into public for even simple tasks, for fear they will no longer recognize the faces of friends and associates.

    Because we don’t think of Alzheimer’s as a curable disease, we unknowingly allow those who suffer from it to make it worse—through unhealthy diets, lack of brain stimulation, and an overall solitary existence.

    Cognitive disorders are one of the greatest threats of today. They are the misunderstood, silent thieves of our quality of life. They are diseases that we have not previously understood and therefore have been accepted as an unfortunate potential part of life. What’s worse? These diseases are quickly escalating from personal tragedy to societal tragedy. Soon it will not just be a problem for the unseen and unheard; it will something that touches almost all of us in one way or another.

    It doesn’t have to be this way.

    Today, there is a new brand of researchers who refuse to allow such pain to continue unchallenged. There is a new thinking. A new possibility…

    •What if we changed our mindset and our beliefs about cognitive disorders?

    •What if Alzheimer’s was a form of cancer, at the molecular level?

    •And what if scientists were making headway in regenerating those abnormal molecules?

    •What if it was possible to actually grow new brain cells? To grow new neurons? And to stimulate new synapses?

    I have news for you—this is not science-fiction. This is where we are heading, and what is possible right now.

    However, without a concerted, unified effort to prevent, or at a minimum to delay, the onset of Alzheimer’s, this disease will become something we will no longer be able to ignore. There is a tidal wave approaching. If millions of people per year will soon be facing cognitive disease, who will get the care? And how will this impact our already unstable healthcare system?

    The cruelty and pervasiveness of this disease demand a movement—that is, enough people with the courage to believe in what is possible. And to actually apply these new scientific breakthroughs with faith and steadfast determination.

    It’s easy to look the other way—to feel sorry for those whom this affects—and to pray that it never happens to us.

    Until that person becomes your parent. And until you accept that we often live into our family trends and that you may be next to suffer.

    My message today is about HOPE.

    Hope for your parents.

    Hope for your family and

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