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Alter Your Reality: ...Re-Establishing the Divine Connection
Alter Your Reality: ...Re-Establishing the Divine Connection
Alter Your Reality: ...Re-Establishing the Divine Connection
Ebook191 pages2 hours

Alter Your Reality: ...Re-Establishing the Divine Connection

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About this ebook

We , the human beings , are divine energy beings residing in a
physical body. We have an in-built system in our energy body which
connects us to the One divine source. Due to the deviation from the
universal laws/principles that govern life , the consciousness of
mankind fell gradually from the golden age of light to the iron age of
darkness . This resulted in the spiritual DNA being deactivated and
mankind lost his direct connection with the Divine. In the dark ages,
the psyche of mankind suffered great damage due to experiencing
immense pain and suffering. Now the cycle of human consciousness
is on a upward swing , ultimately leading to the golden age of light.
It is now possible for every man to re-establish his divine connection with the help of various energy healing techniques which are now
widely practiced and can be easily incorporated in our day to day
life. These divine healing energies have the ability to repair the
damaged energy field/ aura of man and help him to re-create a life
for himself which is a reflection of his dreams. For , reality that is
experienced by each man is nothing but a reflection of his thoughts/
Release dateAug 20, 2013
Alter Your Reality: ...Re-Establishing the Divine Connection

Sharmila Rao

Self-help , Self-improvement , Self- development , Mind, body & spirit , Energy healing, Manifesting goals , Spirituality, Motivational , Empowering , New age concept.

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    Book preview

    Alter Your Reality - Sharmila Rao

    Alter Your Reality

    . . . re-establishing the divine connection



    Copyright © 2013 by Sharmila Rao.

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    Part 1

    1. The Human Kingdom

    2. The Awakening… . To Our True Self

    3. Anatomy Of The Human Energy Body

    4. The Human Dna

    Part 2

    1. Energy Concept Explained

    2. Energy Healing Explained

    3. From Pain To Good Health

    4. From Dream To Reality

    5. Causes That Impair The Healing Progress

    6. Causes That Impair The Manifesting Process

    7. Everything Begins With Self

    8. Some Past Programming That Need Releasing

    9. Re Understanding Some Words In Our Vocabulary

    10. Impact Of Emotions

    11. Various Alternative Healing Techniques

    12. The Ascension And The Awakening Symtoms

    13 Universal Principles And Laws

    14. Levels Of Consciousness

    15. God Consciousness

    Part 3

    1. Psychic Abilities

    2. Extra-Ordinary Human Beings

    3. Walk-Ins

    4. Soul And Spirit

    5. Split Incarnation

    6. Soul Mates And Twin Flames

    7. Ghosts

    8. Aliens

    9. I Believe

    Dedicated to… .

    . . . . all of mankind.


    W e, the human beings, are divine energy beings residing in a physical body. We have an in-built system in our energy body which connects us to the One divine source. Due to the deviation from the universal laws/principles that govern life, the consciousness of mankind fell gradually from the golden age of light to the iron age of darkness. This resulted in the spiritual DNA being de-activated and mankind lost his direct connection with the divine. In the dark ages, the psyche of mankind suffered great damage due to experiencing immense pain and suffering. Now the cycle of human consciousness is on a upward swing, ultimately leading to the golden age of light. It is now possible for every man to re-establish his divine connection with the help of various energy healing techniques which are now widely practised and can be easily incorporated in our day to day life. These divine healing energies have the ability to repair the damaged energy field/aura of man and help him to re-create a life for himself which is a reflection of his dreams. For, reality that is experienced by each man is nothing but a reflection of his thoughts/emotions.

    In a nutshell, this book illustrates—

    • The big picture—origin, nature & the cycle of human consciousness.

    • Anatomy of our energy body & 12 strand DNA.

    • Re-establishing our divine connection via energy healing techniques.

    • Energy concept of creating & experiencing our reality.

    • Healing our psyche, manifesting our goals and living our dream life by being a co-creator with the divine universe.

    • Some extra-ordinary human beings who have and are playing an important role in raising the collective consciousness of mankind.

    We, the human beings, are divine in nature. We are the representative of divine on the planet earth. It is now time to reclaim our divine destiny by coming into balance of both the spiritual and material energy and be a co-creator of our life along with our divine father-mother god.

    Acknowledgement… .

    I thank Father-Mother God, all the Angels and Archangels, in particular Archangel Gabriel, Ascended Masters, Thoth and all Beings of divine love and light under whose guidance this book is written.


    S ept. 1998. I found myself standing on the rooftop of the apartment where I was living. Utterly disillusioned with life and the prevailing nature of humans by and large, I decided to end it all before the light went from my soul and I became part of the darkness, one amongst countless beings who surrendered to the dark energies prevalent on this planet and became dark and corrupted in nature.

    I was calmly marking the place from where when I jumped, would guarantee my death, when I heard a voice whispering, HOLD ON. I looked around and saw no one. But I felt a Presence and it was very comforting and re-assuring. I again heard the voice, Hang in there. Life will change for good. For some reason, I decided to listen to that voice in my head and aborted my suicide attempt. Actually it felt more like aborting the return journey back home to God. I realize now that it was not yet the time to get back home to God. There was unfinished business of the soul to attend to. I soon began to actively meditate and pray to God. Thus began the awakening process of the soul in me. This awakening process has led me to understand and learn about the true nature of a human being and how to re-construct our life which is a reflection of our dreams by harnessing the divine energy within with the help of various alternative healing therapies.

    The purpose of this book is to share this knowledge of our true nature, the origin and purpose of life on planet earth. To gently bring to awareness, very simple and effective methods of healing and breaking free from the bondage of pain and suffering, recreating for ourselves the life of our dreams with the help of divine love and light which is now once again made available to mankind.

    Did mankind evolve from apes or was he created as a separate species by God ? Are we just our physical bodies or is there more to us? Are there life forms and civilizations existing beyond our planet ? if so, how are we connected to them. We all belong to the same species called mankind, but ironically all we do is kill each other. Our history books are full of glory and valour of heroes and civilizations who fought each other. But little emphasis is put on the misery and plight of the sufferings of millions through out. What happened to us ? The only people we seem to love and embrace are those we share our bloodline with and those whom we consider friends, conveniently forgetting that others are also from the same family—that of mankind! we all fight with each other in the name of God, community, race and country not once stopping to think that our opponent is as human as us! Ironic! Why is that our consciousness so under developed ?

    Yet there are now amongst us who are questioning the ways of mankind, the way of life and limited thinking of mind. In this process of awakening they have rediscovered their true divine nature and their connection with the divine.

    The intent of this book is to bring to awareness the divine potential in us and to consciously co-create our life by harnessing the divine energy with the help of various alternative healing therapies which are now made available to mankind. It is about clearing the air of all misconceptions about God and hasten the awakening process of mankind to take his rightful place in the universe with his brethren’s from other galaxies whom we refer to as aliens.

    Life is meant to be lived in joy and happiness, not to exist in pain and suffering. For, we are all sparks of divine. We are born to shine. Abundance is our birth right. Believe it. Live it.

    As each one of heals and recreates our life, we influence one another to do the same for we are all energetically connected. The positive energy of one person can motivate many others to do the same. Thus a rippling effect is created where just by uplifting one self, we are influencing the collective consciousness to do the same. When the tipping point is reached in the collective consciousness, the rest of the mankind will follow suit. This is best demonstrated by the tuning fork experiment wherein, when one fork is bought in contact with another fork which is vibrating to a higher frequency, it automatically starts vibrating in sync with the higher frequency. The same holds good for a group of people. This is the law of resonance in effect.

    Remember we are all of the same species. In the downfall of one, lies the downfall of the whole. Similarly, in the upliftment of one of us, lies the potential for the upliftment of the whole species of mankind.

    So let us begin our journey of remembering—who we are, what is our potential, the factors influencing the quality of life on this planet, about healing and manifesting our goals on this planet with the help of beings of divine love and light.

    For, it is our life. We can be either the creator or the destroyer of our life. Enough is known about destruction. Let us now understand about creation. Let us live and not just exist! Amen!!!

    The Big Picture.

    In order to know what we are capable of,

    We have to first know who we are.

    In order to know how far we can go,

          We have to first understand where we are.


    Handed down from an ancient Sanskrit manuscript.

    1. You will receive a body.

    You may like it or not, but it will be yours for the entire period round.

    2. You will learn lessons.

    You are enrolled in a full time, informal school called life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid.

    3. There are no mistakes, only lessons.

    Growth is a process of trial and error, experimentation. The ‘failed’ experiments are as much part of the process as the experiment that ultimately works.

    4. A lesson is repeated until it is learnt.

    A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learnt it, then you can go on the next lesson.

    5. Learning lessons do not end.

    There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.

    6. There is no better than Here.

    When your there has become here, you will simply obtain another there that will once again look better than here.

    7. Others are merely mirrors of you.

    You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself.

    8. What you make of your life is upto you.

    You have all the tools and resources you need, what you do with them is upto you. The choice is yours.

    9. The answers lie inside you.

    The answer’s to life’s questions lies inside you. All you need to do is look, listen and trust.

    When a body is pronounced alive, it is so because there is an energy flowing through the body which is known as breath, prana, life force, chi etc. We all know that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it just changes forms. So this energy, which is flowing through a living being has come from somewhere and upon leaving the body, it has to go somewhere. This life energy/prana/chi/breath comes from a place of divine consciousness/realm/dimension of which there are many. This life energy is electro-magnetic in nature. When this energy enters body, the person is termed alive. So, we humans are more than just our bodies. We are sparks of divine who have come to the realm of matter in order to learn all that is required for our growth and development. For this purpose, we need a body of matter. Our physical body is housing our soul which is the electro-magnetic life force. The energy of thoughts/emotions radiating from our physical body is called our aura. The frequencies of our energy of thoughts/emotions then attracts to us corresponding people and

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