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The Yo(U)Niverse Paradox: Revealing the Mystery of You
The Yo(U)Niverse Paradox: Revealing the Mystery of You
The Yo(U)Niverse Paradox: Revealing the Mystery of You
Ebook165 pages2 hours

The Yo(U)Niverse Paradox: Revealing the Mystery of You

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Have you ever wondered why the world is the way it is? Why so much fear, conflict and disagreement permeates nations, societies and even individuals? Why some people appear to be living the dream while others wrestle with the mundane? Why the codes we follow in science and religion fail to align? Why YOU?
The answer lies deep within. Let me take you on a journey to the source of your being. To unlock the knowledge to the key fundamental principle of existence. The understanding of this spiritual law is the cause and resolution to all of lifes paradoxes. It also reveals the mystery of who you really are and your connection not just to the world but the whole universe.
This book is for those of us lost in the religious mire of uncertainty, for those of us in the pursuit of scientific confirmation and for all the seekers out there who believe life is much, much more!
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 17, 2016
The Yo(U)Niverse Paradox: Revealing the Mystery of You

John Ferris

My first book the Yo(u)niverse Paradox was written as the result of my search for a plausible, fundamentally sound, scientifically acceptable and spiritually enhancing explanation for the human existence. My second book is a true life, soul searching account of life after death and how the power resides within us all to change everything.

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    The Yo(U)Niverse Paradox - John Ferris

    Copyright © 2016 John Wilson Ferris.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Balboa Press

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    Author photo by: Peter Bennett Photography

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5915-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-5932-0 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/16/2016


    Introduction – My story of awakening

    Chapter 1   Life is Paradoxical

    Chapter 2   Feedback Loops

    Chapter 3   Science and Religion - two sides of the same coin

    Chapter 4   The Hidden Patterns of Reality

    Chapter 5   The Holofractographic Theory

    Chapter 6   Follow the Money

    Chapter 7   The Spiritual Perspective

    Chapter 8   My Place in the Universe (what it all means to me)




    I dedicate this book to my son Jordan for the strength to move forward. To the love and support of my wife Karen throughout the most challenging of circumstances and to my beautiful daughter Robyn for the inspiration to discover life is eternal and we are never truly apart.


    This book came to be written by John as a result of his search for a plausible, fundamentally sound, intellectually challenging, scientifically acceptable and personally enhancing explanation for the human existence.

    And it’s indeed a pleasure to try and set the scene to John’s efforts to Join up the Dots and in so doing, inform the thirsty reader about the meaning of life.

    As an obstetrician I am well aware that we, the human race, are still struggling over the when it all begins, never mind ends. Or if indeed it does either or neither, as John may contend.

    Does life begin when the sperm enters the egg? Or when the multiplying mitotic outcome of that encounter burrows and implants into the mother’s womb? Or when the resultant embryo develops a beating heart about four weeks later? Or when the foetus reaches 24 weeks gestation? Or when birth occurs? Or when the first breath of air is taken? These questions alone daily challenge medics, lawyers, ethicists, clerics and the laity, and yet there is no consensus.

    Life outside the mother’s womb here on earth can be thought of as mirroring the nine months that precedes it. A period of three months development as an embryo parallels the years as a child and adolescent. There is then a period of physical and intellectual growth in both the pre and post birth states, and this is then finally followed by preparation for birth for the foetus, and death for the ageing adult. So, taking that analogy, there are at least two lives lived by the time the earthly heart stops beating. The life before life, the life after birth until death, but then? The great unknown. A third life?

    And of course humanly perceived tragedy can prematurely occur in either of the first two scenarios. Birth and death at what we believe is the right time is normally an uplifting and reflective time. A birth of a live healthy infant at term is a joy for all, while the death of a loved one who has truly had their time and run their race can also be a blessed time.

    John and his devoted and fully supportive wife Karen have been on an intriguing journey since the, all would say, terribly untimely loss from this world of their daughter Robyn who was afflicted with an incurable brain tumour at the age of seven years. The sort of situation exactly that convinced Stephen Fry, in recent conversation with the Irish TV presenter Gay Byrne, to say that he wanted no truck with a God that allowed such an occurrence. John struggled with the two available options that were presented to him as solutions within the coping mechanism traditionally available in his environs. Glorious Eternal Life or The End.

    So, is there a third life for us all? Is it inevitable? Is the good place, heaven, just for those who have lived a clean life? Is it dependant on a pre death declaration being made for a particular man made religion? Are there grades of afterlife? Is there a special place for non believers? Or does it just end? Dust to dust?

    Or is there a perhaps much more believable explanation that embraces scientific thinking, spirituality, metaphysics and logic and is quite simply, just fact…..the way it is. No decisions to make. No human input required.

    John has been meditating, thinking, reading, learning, discussing, and becoming increasingly sure that he has, at last, got the dots joined up and can inform us all of what the third life, and indeed the first and second lives, are all about. It’s all a continuum. It’s all a paradox!

    I think it’s fair to say he believes he has cracked it. John trusts that having read his text, you too will have become enlightened, and similarly reassured that it’s not over when you think it’s over.

    I do hope you find this book thought provoking, and perhaps, who knows, life changing. Meanwhile, I think I might have to read it again, and again, and again!

    Prof Jim Dornan MD(Hons) FRCOG FRCPI

    Chair Health & Life Sciences UU

    Chair Fetal Medicine QUB (rtd)

    Author of An Everyday Miracle


    My story of awakening

    Where has Robyn gone? Will I ever see her again? These were the questions I asked myself on the worst day of my life. Writing these words brings the unbelievable pain back. I’m not the first and certainly won’t be the last to feel pain so intensely that you feel your heart is being squeezed and twisted so tightly into the tiniest knot imaginable with the feeling that it’s ready to explode into a searing inferno.

    Mainstream science believes the Big Bang originated from an infinitesimally small point, compressed so tightly and comprising all the energy of the universe - known as the singularity - which exploded so violently with such energy that it created everything.

    I believe each of us at the core of our being, centred within the heart, contains a singularity. The singularity is fundamental to all existence. The singularity is not only the connector of your soul to every other soul, but the whole soul itself. It is the seat of conscious awareness that holds within it absolutely everything whilst at the same time is also the expression of all. It is the puppeteer without the strings. Your soul has a sole purpose, to experience whatever you choose. Your soul is connected to every other soul within what could be termed the over soul or, from our point of view, the universal soul that springs forth from the perception of the Big Bang singularity and beyond. This soul system evolves and can be best understood when it is viewed holographically in a fractal nature from our point of view. It is an eternal dance to infinity and beyond.

    My intent for writing this book is twofold. It is the culmination of seven years of seeking the truth. I have realised that there is no the truth there is only your truth, which takes place within overarching unifying principles (laws) which orchestrate the entire symphony. This is ultimate reality. Sounds like a paradox?…….It is! Put another way, each of us constructs a reality model with the stories we tell ourselves that all overlap subject to specific universal laws. Does that suggest an intelligent designer? It would appear to, but the question is who or what is doing the design and for what purpose? Paradoxes exist everywhere. This is why, we the human race, can never resolve anything. Sounds pathetic really but it is by design and when we as a human race can accept this, then and only then can progress be made. Paradoxically paradoxes are closed loop systems with open loop evolution. If life was straightforward, rational and always based on logic the psychological drama we play out on a daily basis would have been resolved long ago and rendered meaningless and boring. We are creators each and every one of us. My aim is to open up your mind to this prospect and for you to grapple with and ultimately know the fundamental level of existence and the purpose of it all.

    Know the truth and the truth shall make you free

    -Jesus of Nazareth

    Before some of you close the book thinking this is another religious doctrine to be followed it most certainly is not, quite the opposite really. I consider myself a spiritual being, not religious or atheist, or a believer that science has all the answers. By spiritual I mean that I believe all things and all-non-things come from a single source which is whole and complete and is the connector of all things and all non-things. In other words the variety of life springs from one essence and you are eternally woven within that essence with free will to choose whatever you decide. The trick is, from all the possibilities available, to not choose limiting beliefs i.e. to believe science has all the answers or a certain religion can explain everything. An approach that excludes anything cannot claim to explain everything. Make choices that not only serve you but others also, keep it inclusive. Give and you shall receive, like much that is contained within the bible is not a religious term, it is spiritual, unlimited and without boundaries.

    At the conception of my awakening I felt I had to look at the whole picture, not find a tunnel of comfort and just burrow into it ignoring the rest. To answer my questions I wanted to know what religion had to say and not just Christianity. I wanted to know what science had to say, what answers the paranormal had and the meaning of spirituality. I also was sub-consciously aware that to understand this whole picture I needed to get to grips with the fundamental principles of how things work. What the governing forces are. I likened it to a master jigsaw puzzle, putting it together piece by piece. I came to see the patterns of existence - self repeating patterns that appeared to connect everything.

    Secondly this book is written for you in the hope that it will inspire a broader outlook in life and by the realisation that it is you who constructs the prison walls that you experience your life within and it is you, and only you, who can tear down these walls.

    I am writing this book after seven years of searching. Ironically seven would appear to be a spiritually significant number. In psychological circles it is considered that at seven years old your ego is fully active, at fourteen you go through puberty. At twenty one you come of age, whilst twenty eight is considered your physical peak. At thirty five your mental faculties are maximised and at forty two your spirit awakens within. Of course there are no fixed boundaries but this cycle would appear to be statistically significant. My spiritual awakening began in my forty second year. My daughter, my inspiration, was seven.

    In the hours, days, weeks, months and even years after my daughter’s crossing over I touched the singularity within my heart again and again and again. Every time the pain I brought to it was relieved by the awareness that life was more than I believed it to be, was bigger,

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