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Herbie Hunter and the Twisted Furies: Last Generation, #1
Herbie Hunter and the Twisted Furies: Last Generation, #1
Herbie Hunter and the Twisted Furies: Last Generation, #1
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Herbie Hunter and the Twisted Furies: Last Generation, #1

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The year is 2033. Herbie Hunter's life has been turned upside down. After his father died, he and his mother had no choice but to go and live with Herbie's grandmother in Paradise Rift. But Herbie quickly learns that this is no normal town—a UFO worshipping cult known as the Light Seekers have made it their headquarters, and strange happenings have plagued the town since their arrival.

On his first night in the rift, Herbie sees mysterious lights floating in the sky followed by a frantic woman running into the desert. But what Herbie meets in the darkness is no normal woman, but a shadowy creature with hands drenched in blood. After barely escaping with his life, Herbie is desperate to uncover whose blood was on the beast's hands, and what role the Light Seekers played in its creation. With the help of his friends, family and a secret order of occult scholars, Herbie must reveal the truth despite the odds being stacked against him.


Last Generation is a series of YA magical realism action and adventure novels that tells a story of the battle between good and evil that has been waging since the dawn of time.

Release dateAug 12, 2018
Herbie Hunter and the Twisted Furies: Last Generation, #1

Michael HH Warren

Michael HH Warren began writing about his life during the South African winter of 2009. Driven by a strong desire to tell his story, what began as a creative outlet would eventually become his first book, In The Name Of God. The writing bug has bitten, and Michael has since published several novels. A far cry from his memoir, these books are aimed at teens/young adults who represent Generation Z (GenZ). Still having a passion for the world of non-fiction, Michael has several ideas presently evolving into draft manuscripts. He lives with his wife, two children and three Jack Russells.

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    Herbie Hunter and the Twisted Furies - Michael HH Warren


    1968 Plymouth Road Runner

    A classic muscle car produced in the US, available as a 2-door coupe. The car sported a powerful V8 engine which made it one of the most popular muscle cars of its time.

    Area 51

    A US military base in the state of Nevada, USA, long suspected of being the hiding place for extraterrestrial technology.

    Augmented Reality (AR)

    A technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view.

    (The) Big Crash

    A term referring to the massive economic collapse occurring in the 2030s.


    A Latin-American mythical creature with reptilian features known for attacking animals, especially goats.

    (The) Galactic Brethren

    The supposed alien race worshipped by the Light Seekers.


    A supposed alien race featured regularly in pop culture typically depicted with gray skin, large black eyes, and short stature.

    Hermetic Kabbalah

    An occult body of text (differing from the Jewish Kabbalah) combining mysticism and spells from many pagan religions.


    Numu word meaning father’s father.

    Light Seekers

    A cult established in Paradise Rift that seeks contact with an alien race known only as the Galactic Brethren. Their name derives from their search for the mysterious lights that have been documented hovering in the night sky across the world, but most frequently in Paradise Rift. They consist largely of desperate people who lost their jobs and savings during The Big Crash.


    Numu word meaning mother’s mother.


    Numu word meaning father.


    A biblical entity shrouded in mystery, referred to as mighty men of old, men of renown, translated as giant in some versions of the Bible.

    Northern Paiute

    A native North American tribe, part of the First Nations, linguistically distinct from the Southern Paiute, hailing from northern Nevada.


    The language of the Northern Paiute of the Uto-Aztec family.

    Paradise Rift, Nevada

    Historically a mining and farming town named for its oasis-like presence amongst the harsh Nevadan landscape, attributed to its local springs. After the initial hay and pig ranches were established, hopeful individuals prospected for silver at the base of the nearby mountains. Once the silver mine ran dry, many residents lost their jobs, forcing them to move elsewhere, transforming Paradise Rift into a ghost town until its revitalization by the Light Seekers in the 2030s. However, during this process, the rerouting of local water sources into the newly-built water filtration plant turned the oasis into a dustbowl.


    Numu word meaning mother.

    QLock board

    The name given to a recreational mode of transportation comprising a flat board for the user to stand upon with superconducting metals beneath, cooled to near absolute zero to trigger a quantum locking effect. This effect allows the board to travel along a fixed magnetic field projected by the superconducting metals, allowing it to float above the ground.

    Rouge et Noir

    French for Red and Black, a Virtual Reality role playing game set in Elizabethan Europe, where the player must track down and hunt werewolves.


    Numu word meaning spirit.

    Valac Templar

    A modern, high-end electric sedan produced by the Valac motor company as both a manual and self-driving vehicle.

    Valac Leviathan

    A manually-driven, electric-powered, four-wheel-drive vehicle available as a SUV or pickup truck.

    Valac Disco Volante

    A manually driven top-of-the-line electric roadster, one of the fastest electric cars available on the market.

    Virtual Reality (VR)

    A computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with, in a seemingly real or physical way, by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with a sensor.


    For Kelly, Caden and Generation Z


    In loving memory of their grandfather, Keith Arthur Warren.

    Author’s Note

    Herbie Hunter and the Twisted Furies is a futuristic novel set in 2033 that explores how the challenges we must face in life ultimately guide us to our true purpose and how easily we can stray from our paths when we refuse to face these trials head-on. While technology offers human civilization the opportunity to progress in great strides, it also serves as a distraction from one’s higher calling and their relationship with a Divine Entity.

    Herbie Hunter and the Twisted Furies dares the reader to break away from their screen, to open their eyes to the wonders around them, where the Truth lays waiting. Although life’s meaning can seem so intangible and abstract at times, in reality, it stares you in the face, waiting for you to manifest it.

    Herbie Hunter and the Twisted Furies follows our unlikely hero on an even unlikelier journey, where he faces not only everyday social upheavals, but also a spiritual battle against the forces of evil. While discovering his own identity as a freshman in a new school, he must learn to identify the good in others and the darkness that lurks behind those who seem the kindest. Only by realizing his place in the grand scheme of things can he understand his role among his peers, and ultimately whether he will slip between the cracks or be a leader to a new generation that has become lost in a world of endless distraction.

    Michael HH Warren

    April 2018


    Herbie Hunter had believed in fairy tales—that fate is a string that would pull him toward his destiny, that the hero's goal is always in sight, and that the good are rewarded and the evil suffer.

    But now, that string was broken, along with his family and his belongings. Even the world seemed to be dying, turning on its inhabitants and exiling them from paradise into a sun-scorched wasteland.

    It was the year 2033. Towns and cities all across the land had begun a devastating transformation. Crippling drought, excessive pollution, and unmitigated demands on dwindling water supplies had left nothing for the Earth to sustain itself with.

    The poor were the first to feel it, while the elite ruling class remained immune to these ravages of existence, hiding behind built up walls and ignoring the ever-escalating calamity.

    And the poor were many, for even man's own creation had turned on him. The Big Crash had claimed the little wealth the middle class had collected, widening the divide between the rich and poor at an unprecedented rate, although the extent of the damage was yet to be fully realized.

    While most suffered terribly from their descent into poverty, it was impossible not to notice that a select few from the influential and privileged ruling class had somehow profited greatly from these turbulent times. The wealthy now aimed at increasing their fortunes further by exploiting the desperately poor under the guise of serving them, summoning low-cost developments, where fresh water was still readily available. Like a play written by the Devil himself, the despairing working class followed the script of the rich and sunk their last pennies into new lives on the outskirts of society, with the promise of clean water and steady employment quenching their parched lips.

    Paradise Rift was one such development. Its natural springs and creek had initially been salvation for those trying to escape the water crisis, but the influx of the desperate and impoverished had resulted in its arteries being circumvented from the land into the mouths of its inhabitants, transforming a thriving oasis into a desolate dust bowl.

    It was thus not difficult to see why Herbie felt that nothing happened for a reason, and that he was just a pinball being knocked around by the forces of the universe. He couldn't understand how life could be so cruel. Death had visited his home—now death was all he saw. To make matters worse, if that were even possible, Herbie and his mother, now exiled from their haven behind high walls, had moved to Paradise Rift.

    But what Herbie was yet to understand was that the fairy tales were wrong.

    There is no fate, but rather predestination. Predestination is not a string that pulls you toward your destiny, predestination is the hammer that forges the sword, the anvil that absorbs the force. Predestination tempers the steel so that the blade is fit for purpose—to fight the battles ahead.

    And while Herbie Hunter was still soft and malleable from the carefree life taken from him, he would soon discover that predestination intended for his mettle to be tested.

    It is quite plain to see, that it's but sanity

    To sort life into neat explanations

    But the questions at large, weigh the heaviest charge

    Are discarded with life’s resignations

    So your mind may unwind, when your heart is inclined

    To wander and stray in the meadows

    Tilt your head to the Light; keep the Truth in your sight

    Lest your soul becomes lost in the shadows


    November 27, 2032

    The Last Will and Testament of Paul Hunter

    To my wife, Mary Anne Hunter

    It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that upon my passing, I leave you with nothing. Only in death do I find the bravery to confess that it has been some time since we have had any money at all. I lost everything in The Big Crash, all of our savings, investments and properties. I had hoped that the trust fund your parents left you would keep our heads above water while the economy picked up again, but I fear our monthly bills quickly exhausted it. Credit cards, in both of our names, have been maxed out and loans in figures I dare not discuss have gone months without repayments. You will have to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. My life insurance policies have gone long unpaid and the bank accounts are empty. I kept hoping that if I could find a way to stick it out a little longer, things would come right. But if you’re reading this now, they did not, and I am not around to pick up the pieces of the lives I have destroyed.

    My creditors will come for the cars, the house and everything in it. I should have warned you, I should have told you to find a job to help out with the bills, but I knew that such a life was not what you had agreed to when you married me, and I could not bring myself to admit that I was not the man you deserved. But I have done what little I could to help you with what is to come.

    At the time of my passing, a message will be delivered to my mother, Beatrix, to inform her of your situation. It has been some time since I talked to her, but if she is still the kind-hearted woman she once was, she will allow you to live with her at her homestead in Paradise Rift, Nevada, the town of my birth. I have also arranged for a small amount of money to be deposited into her bank account, so that she may arrange everything you will need for the move.

    Life is going to change for you. You have not seen what it is like out there, outside of the cities. The news has been an endless horror story of how the economic crash and the six year drought have devastated the country, but to you it has always been just that, a story. No thanks to my faults as the breadwinner for this family, you are going to find out how real the situation is. Food and water are both in short supply in Paradise Rift at the time of writing this letter, and there will be none of the comforts that you have taken for granted your entire life. Life will be hard, you will have to work to put food on the table, and you will get very little in return for your efforts.

    I am truly sorry, Mary Anne, to do this to you and our son. Stay strong, keep an eye on our boy and know that even though I failed you as a husband and provider, I always have and always will love you.

    To my son, Herbert: I know I have not been the perfect father; I have offered you little in support or guidance, and you probably feel as though you barely know me at all. As a token to show that if things had been different, I would have wanted nothing more than to help you along your journey to manhood, I leave you my compass. Keep it with you and turn to it when you are lost. Let it guide you home when you cannot find your path.

    Yours Forever,


    Daddy’s Girl

    It’s dark … why has no one come to turn the lights on? Why can’t I move? What’s this … feeling inside of me? Wait … what is this feeling? It hurts … it’s burning … it feels like it’s weighing down on me, cracking my bones and tearing my muscles. This doesn’t feel right … something’s wrong, something weird is going on! Why can’t I scream! I want to scream so badly! I think it’s killing me! Everything inside of me is screaming but I can’t control my mouth! I feel like I’m crying but my eyes are dry. I want to run, but my body … it doesn’t feel like my body anymore. What happened to me? Someone please help me! Why can’t I scream! Why can’t I remember anything? What happened to me! I don’t even know where I am! Why’s it so dark! I can’t feel my own skin! It’s just my, my, my bones scraping up against each other. Ahhh! What is this feeling!

    Okay … stay calm … breathe … I am breathing! But it’s not me! It’s not me breathing! What’s happening! Why is no one helping me! Why did they just leave me in the dark like this! Hold on, where am I? It feels like I’m just standing in the middle of nowhere, what is my body doing? Why can’t I control it? How did I get here? I’m … I’m in the desert! I’m just standing in the desert like some kind of animal! I can’t even turn my head to look around. It should be freezing, but I can’t feel anything. Why can’t I control my body!

    Dad should be out looking for me, everyone should, they wouldn’t just leave me here! Is he coming? No. No one’s coming … no one’s coming to help me … It’s just me and this disgusting feeling burning through my body. Ughhh! It feels like it’s crushing my organs. It’s like acid eating away at me from the inside. I need it to stop! I need it to go away! But no one’s coming to help me! No one’s going to be able to find me! But I have to get it to stop!

    I need to calm down, get a grip. I’m all by myself now. I have to save myself. Stay calm. I need to keep control of my thoughts. I need to understand what’s happening to me. I need to figure out a way to beat this thing. I need to get back in control. Okay … first off, how did I get here? What’s the last thing I remember?

    It was graduation … I was so happy. Dad came into my room that morning. He was smiling. He never smiles at me—never like that.

    Today’s the day, kiddo! You did it! You’re finally being promoted! He leaned over my bed and hugged my still blanketed body.

    I didn’t understand at first. I was still half asleep. I never thought the day would come—he told me the day would never come. And there he was, hugging me! I started crying. I hugged him back. He pulled away and saw the tears running down my face … and I noticed that familiar resentment flutter in his piercing blue eyes before he quickly quelled it. Even in this, the moment that I had been preparing for my entire life, he was still disappointed in me.

    But I smiled through. My sister came into the room to congratulate me. She’s the one that’s kept me going all this time—my special little sister. Dad turned to her and told her that she, too, would be promoted soon … that I better keep up the hard work or she would surpass me in no time.

    He’s always preferred her. I don’t know what I did wrong and she did right. She’s just a kid. Maybe it’s because I remind him of my mother. Maybe I look like her? I wouldn’t know. My sister looks—perfect. She is perfect, unlike me. 

    But that day wasn’t about her. My sister was excited. She didn’t want to let Dad’s spiteful words ruin my big day, she wanted to come with me to get my graduation outfit fitted. 

    Everyone’s going to be so proud of you, she told me as she hugged me for the hundredth time, I’m sure the whole town will be there. You’re going to look so beautiful.

    But Dad corrected her, explained that the whole town couldn’t be there, that graduation was a private and sacred event. Only the select few could witness me being promoted. There were things said during graduation that could not be shared with just anyone. This was my honor. The honor I was told I would never be worthy of.

    But what did I do to deserve it? What changed? I’m sure I asked … yes, I remember now.

    But why, Dad? You said I’d never be good enough?

    He didn’t like hearing his own words back at him. His mouth did that thing where it wants to snarl, but he pushes back down so that he looks like a fish tugging against a hook in its lip.

    I never said that, darling, he tried to use that salesman tone on me, I would never say that.

    I tried to say, You’ve said it to me a thousand times—, but he didn’t let the words escape my mouth and spoke over me.

    We need you, darling. Body and soul. We need you now.

    Such a strange choice of words for him. He’s never been the type to talk about souls. He was scientific. That’s his whole thing—the entire belief system he pushes on everyone. I don’t think I even noticed it at the time. Hearing him talk to me like I meant something, that I was important in some way, it caught me completely off guard. It was like he actually loved me.

    Thanks, Dad, I’ll do my best, I smiled. He smiled back. I felt happy. I felt important.

    There was a lot to get done that day, a lot to prepare for the evening’s festivities. Chef Pappalardo brought me fried eggs, crispy at the bottom, soft on the top, and a stack of pancakes with bacon covered in syrup. I was so hungry. Hungry for the first time in what felt like forever. It was like a knotted ball of failure had been sitting in my stomach for years, and now knowing that I was being promoted, I could finally get it down. I smashed my yolk, spread it over the bacon and felt my stomach rumble as it toppled over the pancakes like a golden waterfall. I stuck my fork deep into the stack and carved out a chasm in its fluffy brown layers, scooping up a whole oily rasher before shoving it in my mouth. 

    But I had hardly got to chewing it when Brother Quilt pulled me out of bed and started helping me get dressed in his usual methodical and silent way. If anyone else had been so rude and taken so many liberties with me, I would have exploded into a fit of rage—but I barely recognized Brother Quilt as a human. It’s got something to do with him being a shadow, a  mute. He’s so thin that he seems to disappear into the background. He’s loveless, dead-faced and almost genderless. Letting him pick out my clothes and brush my hair felt no different than a bunch of robotic arms tending to me like a sedan on a production line. And like an inanimate object, I was put on the conveyor belt that is my life and taken to my next destination.

    My sister was waiting outside the house. I could tell because as I descended the marble steps into the entrance hall, I could see her shadow stretching across the floors through open double doors as she blocked the morning sun.

    Dad had decided to activate the smart glass walls, something he usually saved for showing off in front of guests. They burst to life with animated crimson dragons and golden flames, dancing from one end of the room to the other. The AI running the smart glass helped the simulated beasts spiral around the tasteless artifacts that littered the entrance hall, as though the creatures were intentionally dodging them. My father—if the saying ‘money can’t buy taste’ was a person.  I was sick of that tacky animation after seeing it for the first time, but it was nice to think that Dad was making an effort to make the day feel special. 

    A black auto-driver had been summoned for us in the driveway. It automatically popped open its passenger doors as I walked up beside my sister. She grabbed my hand and pulled me in, dragging me across the smooth leather seat in excitement. She’s so strong, my sister, so much stronger than me despite being so much younger. She wouldn’t stop talking about how beautiful I was going to look, how much she wished she could be there to see me get promoted—but I didn’t share the same excitement.

    Something was off, I knew it. Nothing was making sense. I felt like I was slowly realizing that I was in the middle of a dream—there was just no logical way I could have arrived at this point, not after everything I’d been through. But the energy radiating off my sister clouded my mind, her non-stop encouragement meant my thoughts couldn’t hone in on exactly what was wrong.

    Magister Primrose’s house wasn’t far from ours and my sister had barely got through her rambling when the auto-driver’s doors popped open once more. Tabatha Primrose—I’ve never liked her, the way she dotes on my father, treats him like a god. It makes my skin crawl.

    She opened the doors of her single room condo with open arms. Her sweet perfume mixed with the dense chemical stench of hairspray filled my nostrils and made my teeth tingle. She turned to hug my sister and when she pulled away, I cringed as I saw that a layer of Tabatha’s makeup had rubbed off on her face.

    We were hastily ushered in, we’d have to move quickly if she was going to have my outfit ready by nightfall. She pulled me through her modest home. She lived in the same carbon copy condo as nearly every other house in town, other than my own and a few of the old farmhouses on the outer edges. She jerked me into her workroom, grabbing my wrist so tightly that by the time she let me go, my hand had already started going blue.

    You’re gonna look as pretty as a peach! she kept saying as she tugged on my arms and legs to run her measuring tape along them, But you are thin as a rake! Are you eating right girl? I tell you, if I had a private chef and all the real meat I want, I’d be big as a barn.

    She barely ever eats, my sister answered for me, though I really wish she hadn’t.

    How much I eat is none of Tabatha’s business, and it’s not about what food is available to me. If I looked like my sister, I’d eat all the time. If I wasn’t constantly being told that I’m not good enough, I wouldn’t always feel like there’s something I have to change about myself. What does Tabatha know! What was she doing asking that sort of question anyway! Ughhh! If my sister hadn’t been there I would have told her where to stick her comments!

    But my sister was there, so I just said, I’m trying to get in shape.

    I don’t think Tabatha even registered that I had said anything and carried on taking her measurements. I don’t know why she had to be so rough! She jabbed her knuckles into me as she pressed the tape down across my body, twisted my legs, contorted my arms, clamped down on my jaw and pulled when she needed me to face another direction. I’ve seen her work before, and she treats mannequins better than she treated me.

    I started to get fed up with her harsh grip and rushed demeanor, Why are we in such a hurry? I’m excited to be promoted, but … we could just hold my graduation next week, and then you won’t have to rush to get my outfit ready.

    She had her head pressed against my stomach as she measured my hips when I said it and she immediately stopped what she was doing. She straightened herself out, brought her face right up to mine and put her hands on my cheeks, We need you now, sweetheart. We can’t wait another gosh darn moment. You’re so important to the future of this organization.

    I didn’t like how cryptic her answer was—she wasn’t really telling me anything. She was dancing around the question, just like Dad. 

    I wanted to push her for more, but my sister interrupted, Ohhh! I’m so proud of you! Everyone’s seen how amazing you are, and now they know they need you. I told you! It was just a matter of time.

    I didn’t want to let her down or show that I didn’t share her enthusiasm. She still had some innocence left, there was no need to spoil her excitement.

    Thanks, Sis, Tabatha. I’m proud to be doing my part, I smiled that fake smile I learned from Dad.

    Tabatha placed her palms together and revealed her lipstick stained pearly whites, Alright, I think I’ve got everything I need. Now the two of you hop on, I’ve got a world of work to get done.

    I was happy to get out of there. I just sort of waved a little ‘toodle-oo!’ to avoid getting another mouthful of hairspray and cheap perfume. I needed fresh air.

    Don’t call an auto-driver, I told my sister as she took out her cell phone and opened the app, Let’s walk home. I need to clear my head.

    I’d never seen my sister lose her perfect composure so suddenly, We can’t do that! Everyone’s working so hard to prepare for your graduation ceremony! We need to get home as fast as possible! The Magisters will probably want to meet with you to get you ready!

    But I already felt like a child’s doll being pulled around and played with, and it was starting to look like there would be plenty more of it in my future, Come on, it’ll only take a couple minutes. Let’s spend some time together.

    No, she stomped her foot on the ground, You’ve finally done it. You’ve finally proved yourself worthy. I’m not letting you mess this up. I’ve called the auto-driver.

    As though her words were a witch’s spell, the black sedan pulled up and popped open its doors in front of us like a hearse ready to take me to my funeral. The happiness had all faded away by then. Everything I had hoped for, everything I strove to be, it was all happening and I hated every second of it.

    I can’t blame my sister for her fanaticism—that life is pretty much all she’s ever known. She was still just a kid when we moved here from New York. She’s too young to remember what life was like when Dad was just the megalomaniac CEO of a multinational corporation, and she wasn’t even born yet during the army base days. All she really knows is this version of him—the ringleader, the messiah, the Grand Magus. She’s never seen the monster. For some reason, he always hid it from her. That’s why Dad’s her hero while he’s my greatest fear. That’s why my graduation meant so much to her. That’s why I didn’t bother arguing with her and got in the auto-driver.

    I’m still not used to how quiet the auto-drivers are, the way their electric motors seem to glide along the road like a desert breeze. I wish there had been something to break the silence between my sister and I. Wait, no … the silence didn’t last long at all. We got closer to the house and I began to realize that something strange was going on. We turned onto our street to find the sidewalks packed with people heading in our direction. The moment they noticed the auto-driver, they stopped in their tracks, their eyes went wide with awe and they dropped to their knees in unholy rapture, reaching out their hands towards the car—just like they did to Dad.

    They’re all here for you! my sister exclaimed. Was that jealousy in her voice? Was that envy in her eyes?

    It gave me a weird feeling. How could the transformation happen so quickly? How did I go from their leader’s lesser daughter, to the object of their utter devotion overnight? People had been promoted before, but no one ever reacted like this.

    I don’t like it, I told her, I’m not used to all the attention.

    My sister put her hands on my shoulders, pulled me towards her like she owned my body and stared at me with those ridiculous ocean blue eyes, Don’t you understand? You’ve been chosen! You’re going to be told all the secrets they wish they knew! You’re everything they want to be!

    This was wrong, none of it made sense!

    I don’t understand! I yelled back at her, I don’t understand what I’ve done to deserve this! I just woke up this morning and all of a sudden I’m a different person? Why! Why is all of this happening?

    I might have been crying at that point, I can’t really remember, but my sister, she became completely calm. She let go of my shoulders and sat back in the smooth tan leather, Because Daddy said so. And what Daddy says becomes truth. That’s why he’s our leader.

    I remember the cold shiver running up my spine. I remember realizing just how deluded I’d been all this time. I had figured, no one is really buying this, right? They’re all just playing along because they’ve got nothing better to do. They’re all broken people that got a free handout, and in exchange, they played along with Dad’s insane delusions of grandeur. But no … that’s not the case at all. Looking at all those people, listening to my sister … they really do believe the trash that spews out of Dad’s mouth. To them … to her … this is all real. All this madness is the complete truth.

    I hurled up bacon, pancakes, syrups and eggs all over the auto-driver’s seats—the first bite of food I’d enjoyed in years. The artistry, the beauty and order of the meal, spread out as a foul chaotic sludge between my sister and I, the acrid stench filling the sealed cabin.

    What’s wrong with you? my sister screeched, scurrying up to the window and punching the button to put it down.

    I don’t understand! I screamed back, my mouth still spilling vomit, I’m scared! I don’t know what’s going on!

    She looked back at me—she glared at me with that same contempt and resentment I saw in Dad’s eyes whenever he looked at me, Get it together! If you let Daddy down today, he’ll never forgive you! I will never forgive you.

    I stared at her, shaking, a cocktail of chewed up pancakes and bile dripping off my chin, wishing that I had never got involved in any of this, wishing things would go back to the way they were before. My sister tried to act coy for a moment as she took in the onlookers outside falling over each other to get closer to the auto-driver, but I could see the look on her face was as sour as the stench in the car. But then she softened, dropped her shoulders and shook her head before reaching into her bag and retrieving a wad of napkins.

    I always keep these on me in case of emergency, she sighed through her smile and reached over the bubbling puddle between us to gently wipe my chin.

     You know, I get it, she whispered calmly, You don’t understand Daddy like I do. You haven’t fully realized the power he’s been given, so this must all seem really strange to you. But I just know that after tonight, it will all start making sense. You’re going to be one of us, for real this time.

    She was trying to calm me down, trying to help me ease into this transition—but her words only served to further disturb me. I knew there was no point in arguing with her, she was as indoctrinated and deluded as the rest of them. All I could do was try to calm down and play along until I figured out what to do.

    A crowd of devotees had amassed in the driveway and went into a frenzy when they saw the auto-driver come to a stop, but the men in black suits and tinted shades that work for Dad were waiting to escort us to the door. Their immense presence was well understood by the townsfolk, and as they approached us the crowd cautiously retreated, creating a clear path to the house. But that didn’t stop my Dad’s followers from gawking at us with bursting, awestruck eyes.

    There were hundreds of them, all sorts of people from different walks of life, people from all over the country and beyond—but they all had the same look as they called out my name, that look of absolute obsession and devotion. My sister absorbed their praises and love as though she had been born to receive it, while I tried my best to not seem completely horrified by their zombified engrossment. Their cries became chants, repeating my name over and over again, as though I was a hero coming home from a great battle—but I wasn’t. I was the same disappointment I’d always been—the mundane piece of the backdrop they’d hardly noticed just the day before.

    I felt like vomiting again by the time we stepped through the doors into the entrance hall, and if the way Dad was rolling his eyes was anything to go by, my face was showing it. But it wasn’t just Dad—Magister Quade was there, so was Magister Dolon. They didn’t say anything at first. No, they wouldn’t dare speak first with Dad in the room.

    We have a lot to discuss, he spoke sternly to me, maybe a little impatiently, Follow us to the dining room.

    My father turned and led the silent procession, and I was expected to follow him and the Magisters without as much as a word—but I felt my legs go weak. I tried to step forward, but my entire body felt like it had turned to jelly. I felt ill. This was all too much—I just wanted out.

    And then I turned to my sister. She was looking at me with so much pride, so much love, those obscene blue eyes blasting her affection directly into my heart. I couldn’t let her down, not yet, at least.

    Brother Quilt was already scurrying around the dining room when we entered, darting from one window to another, shutting the blinds, and by the time I sat down at the end of the redwood table, the door was closed behind me and the room was shrouded in darkness. The fizzle of a match being lit broke the silence, a golden flame darted around the void that had consumed the dining room, jumping across six candles to ignite their wicks. I could see Dad at the other end of the table, shadows fluttering about his cheekbones, nose and forehead. I could just make out Magister Quade and Magister Dolon standing on either side of him like gargoyles protecting a cathedral.

    You’re probably wondering what’s going, Dad spoke in a deeper voice than usual, clean of all the charm and charisma that usually drips off his every word.

    Still, I found his opening reassuring—I wasn’t going mad, even he knew that none of this was normal. 

    In my shaken state, I wasn’t able to match his formality—I was too desperate to find out what was going on, Why’s everyone freaking out? It’s not like I’m the first person to be promoted to Magister! Why is half the town outside? Why are they looking at me like that?

    Because you have been chosen, Magister Quade croaked.

    Endowed with a great honor, Magister Dolon agreed.

    I was so tired of this cryptic talk—I was done with all of it. I really didn’t care if I was promoted or not anymore, what I needed was the truth, You chose me! There’s nothing special about that! You just decided on a whim one morning that all of a sudden I was worthy!

    I was surprised to find that my outburst didn’t seem to anger them, in fact, Dad started smiling.

    Not us, Magister Quade corrected from the shadows.

    No, not us at all, Magister Dolon echoed.

    Them, Dad smiled, pointing upwards to the roof, yellow candlelight dancing along his knuckles.

    I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, my heart started pounding, and my breathing became short and labored, Them? You can’t mean …

    Dad leaned forward into the candlelight with a twisted grin, Our leaders from beyond the stars, the lights that guide our way, the saviors of our broken world … the Galactic Brethren.

    I shook my head violently, more confused than ever, But, but, but, they’re not real! They’re just something you made up! There’s no such thing as aliens, and even if there was, they wouldn’t be bothered by who gets promoted in a weird little cult out in the middle of nowhere!

    A wave of hatred crossed Dad’s face. He didn’t bother trying to fight off his snarling lip as he leaned back into the shadows, If it was up to me, you would stay a Sister for the rest of your life. But the Galactic Brethren have spoken. You are to be promoted to Magister.

    They aren’t real, Dad! I cried back at him, desperate for him to show some semblance of sanity.

    They are real, Magister Quade wheezed.

    Very real, Magister Dolon agreed.

    And you’re going to meet them … tonight, Dad growled, That is why the entire town has come out to see you. That is why the honor bestowed upon you is so great. That is why your doubt and cynicism cuts me so deeply. To hear a Sister speak like this—if you weren’t my daughter, if you hadn’t been chosen by the Galactic Brethren themselves! he pulled a shaking fist as he fought to silence his own anger, … none of that matters now. You will perform your duty, you will be promoted at your graduation ceremony, you will be told the secret knowledge and then you will meet with the Galactic Brethren so that they can share their infinite wisdom with you.

    I remember thinking that it had to be some kind of joke, there was no way they could seriously mean that in a few hours I’d be talking with the imaginary aliens they used to manipulate their messed up cult. But I was too shocked to speak, too horrified to accept the onus they had put upon me.

    Do you understand? Dad demanded with more resentment than rage.

    And then something in me … switched. I remember thinking, maybe this is all real? Surely three grown men would need some sort of evidence to believe in aliens? They wouldn’t tell me, a confessed cynic, that I was going to meet the Galactic Brethren if they didn’t truly believe it themselves.

    Do. You. Under. Stand? Dad asked again impatiently.

    I guess I kind of liked the sudden honesty. I liked being in on a big secret, and most of all, I liked the idea of being the first of us to have a direct audience with the Galactic Brethren. I felt … special.

    Yeah … I nodded slowly, letting the idea settle into

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