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Why I Committed Suicide
Why I Committed Suicide
Why I Committed Suicide
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Why I Committed Suicide

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A stimulating read, a real page turner. Perfect for those nights when your girlfriend just left you for a sushi chef and stomped a hole in your heart with a spiked high heel shoe.
Release dateAug 9, 2004
Why I Committed Suicide

sam paul

Why I Committed Suicide is a tragic and true account of one young man?s journey towards discovering himself and his role in society. Author sam paul has vomited this small piece of his life onto paper and endeared himself into his own niche in society.

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    Why I Committed Suicide - sam paul

    All Rights Reserved © 2004 by Samuel Paul

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,

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    A portion of the profits from this book, if there ever are any, will be donated to

    Spinal Cord Research.

    All Names Have Been Changed to Protect the Unwilling.

    For author information and permissions, address Samuel Paul, 5507 Bent Bough,

    Houston, TX 77088

    Paul, Samuel E., 1963-

    Why I Committed Suicide or ‘Le Petit Mort’: a sexual double entendre’ that extends

    from the belief that whenever a man ejaculates and gives himself fully over to a woman

    he must die a little. When that happens it isn’t so much a tribute as it is a chronicle.

    Samuel E. Paul

    ISBN: 0-595-32695-1

    ISBN: 978-0-5957-7500-2 (ebk)


    PART I

    SUMMER ‘93, DEAD

    SHOWS and LIFE











    You are about to read something that made me die. Just a bit. Enjoy!

    For her of course

    "You gonna give all this up?

    8-Track Stereo, color TV in every room and can snort a half a piece a dope

    every day, that’s the American Dream nigga. Well ain’t it!?

    You better come on in man!"

    —Superfly, 1972

    PART I

    SUMMER ‘93, DEAD

    SHOWS and LIFE


    Turn around you dumbass!

    The summer heat was bearing down on the yellow hat I had perched on my head. The grease inside my skateboard trucks was approaching meltdown and the bearings were whirring with the not unpleasant sound of overuse. Push, push! Go, go! Smoke, bearings, smoke!

    It was only in the blink of an eye that I saw her. Not that I hadn’t seen her around before, or seen her in the way I would pass a thousand other girls on the street. But this time it was different. I actually saw her, or very nearly ran her over while lost in my personal masochistic world, pushing the boundaries of maximum skate-power into my body’s overheat zone. Instant endorphin serenity, pause. The pause of seconds among the fleeting shade filtered through hot pulsating, green leaves.

    Turn the fuck around you dumbass!! My brain screamed at me again from beneath the hat of fire. Turn around or you’ll regret this for the rest of your life. Wipe the sweat off your nasty face. Turn around and say hi to her or you’ll have one of those regrettable memories like the guy in Citizen Kane. Turn around and say… Hi . Hi.

    What are you doing? Her smile was disarming. My feeling of false-bravado fading beneath it.

    Sitting on Fry Street and writing, you? Cue the pounding heart and visions of children. Say something before she thinks you ‘re retarded.

    Trying to skate, um, so, do you wanna go do some bong-hits? Ooh that was bad.


    So it all begins. She merely smiled and I got the intelligence of an orange. Today, one of the most incredible women I have ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on, graced me with her company. No matter that I already broke up with the supposed love of my life less than a month ago in a messy fucking scene that took place in a flowery wallpapered bathroom. Never mind that earlier in the week I had given a completely gorgeous girl the I don’t want any sort of relationship to ruin our friendship talk because it was impossible to carry on any sort of conversation with her for more than ten seconds. What was I supposed to say? Okay bronze Barbie would you mind leaving now that I have released my manly frustration upon your loins in a multi-hour bit of passion and sweat induced drench. Of course I couldn’t ever put it that way because I’ve always had to be anice person, even when the topic is the unappealing unpleasantness of breaking up with a very dumb member of the opposite sex.

    I got so much grief about tossing away a perfectly good bimbo from my other brethren in the flophouse fraternity I’ve chosen to lodge in this sweltering summer that I had to put out the rumor she dumped me because I’m bad in the sack. I’d rather let them all think that I’m a lame fuck than know about my graduation from only appreciating hot dumb women on beer posters. My attraction for her waned immediately after easy attainment and how do I explain to my frat brothers that I’ve reached a turning point in my lusts and wants? Tits and pussy are great but eventually there needs to be more substance to a woman, even if my brothers can’t see it through their beer goggles yet. No, it’s far better for them to think me the victim of feminine rumor than doubt the seeds that define my primitive masculinity.

    But this girl I met today is the spark of existential I need. A feeding frenzy of electric eels are already swimming and stimulating the pleasure zones of erotica in my mind.

    Ask me how it feels when you know. You just know.

    Her name is Jenifer Jane Lansing and despite being born and bred here in the college town of Denton, Texas she carries herself with a worldly air that suggests she knows this town isn’t her fate. Jenifer’s just come back from a bad stint down south at A&M University and it just so happens she’s spending the summer doing the same thing I am, bumming around.

    After our brief street introduction Jenifer and I went into the room where I share space with my roommate Ernie and we smoked ourselves into a silly relaxing pause. The room is deep forest green and the ceiling’s that authentic color of tar. It even has uneven spots and crap poking through from decades of neglect to give an officially sumptuous tar color. The loft inside is made of wood the color of spilled bong water and it divides the room into a lopsided upper and lower half. This was quite a feat for a room that only has ten-foot ceilings. The heat became stifling. The ever-present odor of cats, wild inbred beasts that used to reign freely in this very room, came wafting back in a pinching sensation that offended the roots of everyone’s nose hair.

    We talked the talk of people that ‘click’ when they meet. It was weird how we had a lot of the same stuff in common. She had just moved back to Denton after a long relationship with a future egotistical doctor went sour and she first went away to college to escape from home just like myself. She had even been on several road trips including an annual trip to Mardi gras. Just like me.

    The smell of cat piss is one of the more permanent odors in this vast world of particularly rambunctious odors, but it allowed for a properly realistic excuse to walk the new love of my life home. My stomach was doing flip flops because I knew when we got to her apartment I was going to kiss her and after that I was going to make love to her. I was mentally saying a brief prayer already to protect me from the deadly virus us college folk are apparently particularly privy to. Another psychotic psychological legacy of my ex. God, I said, I know I have been with a lot of women and that she has been with a lot of men, but all I want out of life is for someone to love me as much as I love them with all of my heart. So if this isn’t meant to be then please give me some kind of sign Like I said, it was a brief prayer but I figured God understood the way I was feeling at the moment.

    Her kiss was electric. It had more of a rush than the time I accidentally used wet hands to plug in the motor of the fountain by my parents pool. We went into her apartment with its sweet, God sent, air conditioning where we consummated the relationship and secured the mantle of partnership. It’s a hot weird summer, the pot is good and the wheels of my mind are simply in love after a single afternoon.

    I thought I was sure that I loved her later, as I buried my face into the hot mound of goodness between her legs and entered her with a sigh on the forest green sheets of her bed. We were making it next to the cage of her giant pet rat Rico who has a fluorescent green tail from the cage liner Jenifer uses to keep him sanitary. We fucked under her giant Jane’s Addiction poster with Perry in his effeminate pose and orgasm heightened my senses to the out of body feeling that gave the illusion of floating and I knew it was real. Then a symphony of cigarettes followed and preceded our third and fourth bouts of animalistic copulation on the bathroom floor and against the wall respectively.

    The morning sunlight shone like a spotlight through the thick felt-like green blanket hanging over the window. I awoke to the pleasant and unfamiliar sensation of not sweating or the need for immediate hydration. I awoke with an angel in my arms and absorbed the scent of her hair and the meditative rhythms of her breathing. Nice. Her skin was soft and smelled like girl. The girl. I managed to squirm out from underneath her arms and kiss my way down her soft flat stomach until I could feel the harsher hairs poke into my mouth. I just turned my head and let my cheek rest on her tight belly, moving slightly up and down with her breaths. I planted a brief kiss that tickled the lips then I sat up in the bed, put my back against the wall and just watched her sleep.

    I acquired that habit a long time ago. Watching a woman deeply asleep in the morning is one of the most beautiful paintings God’s ever created. Jenifer didn’t know yet, but I did. We are meant to be together.

    This IS going to be real. Real enough to stand the test of time. The problem is that like so many other times in my life when I knew, the opposite sex of the coin has reservations. So I let the evening of torment and agonies ensue. I drowned out the mere prospect of thinking about it with alcohol and whatever else was around to postpone any imaginary pain and insecurity until another date with her. Alas poor Horatio, I am the king of all.

    ♦ ♦ ♦

    The smell of her and this intense summer. The prospect of the wide open road inspired by a winter of Jack K. and the pink paperback edition of everyone’s classic motorcycle Zen companion manual, the latter of which I have been toting around in the back pocket of my pants to strike intrigue into the female persuasion that have cause to need the benefits of a phone call. Usually some sort of lame excuse provides that backdrop. Honestly, it really isn’t too hard to inspire the mind of young college co-eds who have been taught all their lives that after prom it would be man-snagging time and there would be no better place to look for that intellectual best friend for life than their college campus.

    In college there’s a heavy moral pendulum that suddenly releases and swings back along its lifelong arc. College is a place designed for exploration. Eager minds, raging hormones and cheap beer by the keg all in one mixed up sexual stewpot. Just heat, simmer and serve.

    I’m infatuated with Jenifer. She is cool and laid back about everything and it works for her. Normally I would be slightly embarrassed to show a girl that I really like where I am living. Of course she’s already seen the Lodge, and being that she is from Denton, she’s probably been around the Deltas more than I have.

    The Delta Lodge is an alternative fraternity that I pledged way back when I was a 17-year-old freshman in the fall of 1991. It was hard for me to balance getting good grades, the dependence of a new girlfriend and the I don’t give a fuck party attitude of the Lodge but I managed to squeeze into the brotherhood while I was young, unnoticed and nai’ve to the ways of the world. The place held some of the magic that the Animal House/Revenge of the Nerd movies offered. I knew that I wanted the full piss-in-your-face college experience and I knew that to do this I would have to associate with the people my higher education was designed to keep me from. I wanted to be able to look the hardcore drinkers in the face and have the stamina to kick each other in the nuts. Well maybe nothing that crazy, but I knew the flophouse frat called the Delta Lodge was going to play a far greater role in my life than anything I had done up to that point and would finally test my mettle. This was the one spot in Denton where the one percent of the population that truly knew they were cool, dark and different deep down in their soul could hang out. A place they could gravitate to and not feel persecuted. Either that or just party their asses off and stir up trouble in a fairly safe haven.

    The Delta Lodge became my escape from the serious side of college while I still lived on campus in the dorms. When the chance to live in the house with no rules became available this summer, I took it. The house is three stories tall and perches on one of the tallest points in the city. During the hot summer nights you can climb out of the third story window onto the crumbling roof and look at the stars and tops of the trees for miles all around. I scrawled my name in big black spray-paint up here for the entire world to see, or at least those folk brave and drunk enough to climb up here for themselves. The other day I found an old broken television and painted the words I am watching you on it in an acidic moment of clarity. I dragged that old TV up to the roof and perched it up on the highest chimney so that the television could watch those who watched it for so long. Down in the depths of this old house is a basement filled with foulness and an old light that hangs from frayed and shaky wires. The walls here resemble a New York subway car, it’s layered with tales of graffiti and past pleasures. There are catacombs of crawlspaces with dirt floors and secret exits under here too. Here and there, among the hallways of the main body of the house, is a sporadic doorway that leads to someone or the others room. The cast of players in the house is ever changing except for a few mainstays. I have been in all the rooms at some time or another and each one is so different in shape and décor from the others that I could spend hours going into the details of each. I have put in a lot of time stumbling around this house drunk, listening to aspiring local bands in the front room, painting the walls, tripping on acid and smoking obscene amounts of marijuana with good people I would not have otherwise met.

    This summer is my break. This summer is where I cast off the domineering presence of Melanie (the ex) and have choices to make without fear of fighting and repercussion. Melanie was THE girlfriend. The first super-serious girlfriend I ever had. She had a great body and a buck-toothed face that kept me pussy-whipped for two years. The one that made me wait almost four months to get an AIDS test before I could fuck her. The one that was always getting bladder infections and smoking cigarettes in that annoying matter where each drag took an intense showy draw to inhale. This method of smoking caused her front left vampire tooth to be slightly off-color than the rest of her teeth. She was the one who tried to be so classy and gothic without ever figuring out class is not defined by money but rather is a sense that exists in your soul. The one who always had me give her oral sex without ever truly wanting regular sex, or so I thought. I kept a journal of that whole time we were together and used smiley faces as symbols to denote what sexual activity I participated in on certain days. A frowning face meant just oral sex for her, a neutral face meant just oral sex for me and the face that grinned like an idiot meant the whole walla-walla-sha-bang. When I go back now and read my journal from that time, I see that at some point I was getting quite a bit of the grinning like an idiot good stuff.

    I had a lot of developmental experiences with Melanie that looking back now seem like good things to have done, but at the time they were a little bizarre for me. Hell, some of them are still bizarre when I think of them. The handcuffs and bondage was nice and I could even stand going to the gay bars and getting drunk while she played the fag-hag role. I could have done without that one experience where I was wearing makeup while naked and handcuffed to the bed when the Resident Administrator walked into our dorm room though. Melanie would study and sleep mostly but she was pretty cool about letting me trip acid all night and then stumble into her bed during the dawn hours.

    I finally moved out of the dorms and all that silliness and while we’ve been broken up I’ve had sex with her once after she made a surprise visit to my pad. My roommate Ernie warned me not to do it with her, saying she was just trying to get back together, but my cock wanted to believe she only wanted one last fling and so I had to invoke another tear session when it turned out her and my cock didn’t have the same understanding of the one last fling concept. At the time I was kind of pissed that she thought she would get me back merely by fucking me again, but some girls are taught their whole life that sex can equal love when they want it to.

    Basically I can sum up Melanie by saying that I really thought I loved her for a few months and convinced her to love me, and then we got trapped in one of those relationships that doesn’t quite work, but doesn’t not work enough to call it off. I was in that whole soap operatic scene until the beginning of this summer. I’ve been dead-set on celebrating my relationship freedom until life threw me this crazy curveball in the shape of Jenifer.

    A famous Beatles lyric later adopted by the Manson family was supposed to go here. I think I’m finally learning what hilter skilter can actually mean.

    Man! This first stage of love is always such bullshit. All the insecurity and confusion I was trying to avoid has swept over me like the coarse bristles of a witch’s broom. We’re so alike that it’s infuriating. Jenifer’s doing the same damn thing that I was trying to do this summer before I met her; playing the field and having fun. Unfortunately the relationship she just removed herself from must have been even more serious than mine was or at least more dramatic in ways that only girl relationships can be. Her laid-backishness is taken to the point of fanaticism at times and I can see how it is preventing us from being together.

    It has only been one week and I am already up late at night writing these words under the light of a single bulb casting its dirty glow around my dark, cat-pissy room. These are the actions of an inexperienced virgin-boy dammit! Why am I obsessing like this?

    Everyone is predicting the death of Jerry Garcia soon, rumored reports tell of another failed stint in rehabilitation. The scent of motor oil and sun-cooked asphalt fill the air. The weed around town is abundant and the greenest it’s been in years, producing rich thick smoke that fills the air with laughter. Its rich aroma results in the firing of intellectual pistons that merge us both into one person. I am a Gemini you know.

    But there is still a problem. Jenifer thinks she loves another. A fine strapping boy of a man named Kristoff with the mystique and doe eyes to drive women (and some men) mad with want. He looks like that picture of Nick Drake on the inside of his Pink Moon album. I pretend not to care because they have known each other since High School and if I start to resent them, soon I’ll resent myself for falling out of the tree and bouncing so readily onto the trampoline of love again.

    What does a man do in a situation like this? Stalk her of course. Under the almost respectable age-old pretense of creating that chance encounter. There’s a summer of freedom before me that’s still in its virgin state, so I have the time and the feverish desire to watch her do the girlish things that cause me to infatuate. Plus by following her around, I get to see how actually with him she really is. I casually show up and run into her at places I would normally never be in anyway. At the time I think I am being cool and non-chalant but I know deep down that I’m only increasing the repulsive fawning puppy dog effect. I guess I will come to terms with the fact that I am just a couple of one-night stands to her sooner or later, but Da-Nile isn’t just a river in Egypt.

    I trailed her this evening to one place off Fry Street called the Karma Kafé. It’s one of those trendy coffee places that I always expect to fail but still seem to hang around and make a profit, serving all sorts of granolas and the coffee-addled-Renaissance-fair types that seem to dwell near a college campus at all times. I like this coffee shop because I can ride my hundred-dollar fenced Diamond-Back across the street, on the University campus, and not look like a total stalking doo-fus. The café has big front windows covered with flyers for local bands, but enough of the window is exposed to fuel my hopes of catching a glimpse of her. More often I see the object of her affections walking around and I wonder if he knows his powerful mystique is keeping this beautiful girl’s heart from loving mine. I have made it a point to be there as she inevitably walks home alone because I hope to appear to be the embodiment of chivalry and raw appeal. Corny? Yes, but my heart is hers and I would rather act the fool than lose her forever.

    Does that even make sense?

    How do I describe the intensity of being in love to the macho parade of men that will read and laugh at these semi-private lamentations? I suppose it doesn’t matter, for this journal isn’t about the opinions of others, it is about my damn summer and the crystal clear knowledge that turns out to not be so crystal clear even when you think you’ve finally found the one person in your life that will make you complete.

    After being fed romantic movie schlock for years, this is the dream that I have. Traditionally the story should go, awkward boy meets beautiful girl, girl won’t give him the time of day, girl is betrothed, girl is dying of terminal illness etc. etc. ad nausea. Boy takes it upon himself to follow and stalk the young fair maiden and luckily finds himself in a situation to prove his love by saving her from a wild boar, gang members, unsympathetic cruel world etc. I guess that is the emotion going through back of my mind. Or maybe I just want the chance to spend that one last evening in her presence before fate whisks her away. I am sure at this point that I will continue the rest of my days pining for the magic of Jenifer. All the demons of hell have conspired to give me one night of passion and love so wonderful that the rest of my life shall pale in comparison. I am foolishly and romantically in love and not ashamed to go through the throes of that agony if that is my fate, but I will do everything I can short of letting go to keep me from giving in to life without her.

    Jenifer and Kristoff have had their relationship for years. Anything that has made her the beautiful creature she has become is a good thing, but deep down I just know that if Kristoff wasn’t more of a free spirit than Jenifer, she would be with him in a heartbeat. For some reason that hurts me even though it’s his loss. While he is actively and openly pursuing other company, Jenifer and I are becoming close friends on the cool. It’s depressing playing second fiddle to the James Dean persona that every girl falls in love with but I think I’m playing it off rather well by acting like the situation doesn’t bother me. The pressure of honesty will drive her away at this point so I am content to be her friend and occasional fuck buddy. I enjoy the nights we spend together and I’m playing the cards the way they fall. For now.

    It turns out that Jenifer’s not much of a pot smoker because of her hard-core asthma, so I am flattered she consented to do bong-tokes with me on that magical day we met. It means she realized I was trying to pick her up and despite my clumsy attempts, she was attracted to me. I thought I was slick, but Jenifer has cool in her genes.

    Maybe I should start a little earlier and expand the description of my living situation. Moving into the Delta Lodge was one of those ideas that sound a lot better drunk and late at night than it actually turns out to be. My roommate’s name is Ernie Harding and if I haven’t mentioned him already, he happens to be one of the coolest people I know. He got busted in high school with some bitches that had a stolen credit card and ended up taking the whole rap for their little shopping spree. That’s a big deal in the state of Texas and so he is on probation like almost 1/3 of the people in this fucked up state. Does he complain about it? No, he heroically has transformed his life so that he can drink and drop acid with us, he just leaves marijuana out of the equation since that’s the only thing the State’s drug test can really detect. I can respect that, even if I couldn’t live that way myself. I mean pot is the herb of life. It’s in the Bible and everything.

    Ernie used to live right down the hall from me in Bruce Hall where we would drink and do lots of acid together. He pledged the Lodge the semester after I did, he was one of the people that dropped me off in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma for a pledge prank and he was even there for me the night I got alcohol poisoning after doing too many beer bongs. Basically Ernie’s an all around good guy and a good friend whose life seems to consist of beer, sports and fighting over the phone with his long distance relationship girlfriend. I could tell a million stories of our delinquency if I wasn’t so busy writing down the joy and trauma of my current life.

    The problem with the room that Ernie and I share is that I keep getting sick. We’re on the first floor and this house has been partied in non-stop for the past fifty years so it probably has enough radon and asbestos to keep my little crotch swimmers sterile for decades. The guy who lived in our room before us got married and while he was courting his fair lady, he pretty much abandoned his own homestead. I’m sure it was partly because she had air-conditioning and partly because his fucking cats started to inbreed and take over the place. That’s why there was so much cat shit everywhere when we moved in and there were other things as well. He was one of those people that occasionally dress up like barbarians and Klingons and all that other crap, so he was also extremely sloth-like and accumulated lots of the fast food garbage and miscellaneous crap that people like that subsist on. Throw in an air conditioner without any freon, all the windows permanently nailed then painted shut and you start to get a visual picture of the mess we inherited.

    Ernie and I cleaned the place thoroughly when we moved in. We evicted all the four legged, six toed mutations and shoveled out the presents they left behind. We emptied the room of all its garbage and moldy magazines etc. We scrubbed the walls and floor with bleach and tried in vain to cover up or eradicate the permanent odor I’ve already elaborated on. Hell, I even splurged and bought some cheap outdoor dark forest green latex paint that made me pleasantly dizzy in the non-ventilated area. But no matter how much I tried I still couldn’t get the walls to resemble anything broaching the word new.

    The paint thing might have been a mistake because the ceiling is black now and the walls are such a dark hue that all the light in the room gets absorbed so there’s a generally gloomy feeling to the whole business. It’s like living in a cave that still smells like the generations of animals that lived there before you. Nobody will fix and recharge our AC for less than $100, which we don’t have. So the combination of paint fumes, cats hit and heat is overwhelming. Compound that with the fact that we are right next to the front room of the house where all the bands play and the stereo thumps every single night and it all keeps making me get the flu or something.

    Jenifer is such a sweetheart and lemme tell you why. After I pester her and hang around her and obsess in secret over her, she still came over to help me out when I was very, very sick. I was just laying on the mattress in my loft when she popped in to cheer me up. How can I help but fall head over heels in love with a girl that brings me soup and rinses out the dirty washrag I had on my head for the fever? Maybe it’s a delusional Helen Keller syndrome but it really touched me to have her there. I know I kept babbling to her about how nobody has ever gone out of their way to make me soup before, but it was true. Nobody but my mom has done anything like that in years. I tried to convey how good it made me feel to have her there despite the vomit and fever symptoms, but I think I just played it cool.

    Right. Must sleep now.

    Ernie, our friend Jeffery and I all took some acid last night and were hanging around smoking pot while we were waiting to start tripping. I asked Ernie to show me how to do a gravity hit off the joint we were smoking. What is supposed to happen is that you bend your knees and take a giant hit off the joint as you slowly rise up to your full height. Somebody then grabs you around the chest and lifts you off of your feet while you hold your breath. Then what’s supposed to happen is that you lose consciousness from the lack of oxygen and then all sorts of visions come into your brain during the few seconds that dream-world overtakes you.

    Yeah I know, lack of oxygen to the brain, real smart thinking. Well it gets better.

    So I bend my knees and rise up and Ernie grabs me around the chest. For a brief moment I’m looking around and wondering when something is going to happen. Whammo! All of a sudden I am swimming across a vast Oceanic world with no recollection of what I did to get there. The air is crisp and the water is warm and the fish can talk without words. I see kelp and blue green filtered light all around me. Then I guess the blood started returning precious oxygen to my brain because I regained consciousness on our dirty floor, down on my knees, with my face hurting like someone had kicked me in the nose.

    I wake up and Ernie looks all scared. After a minute his moving mouth starts to actually say words I can hear and understand. Apparently during that split second where I looked around wondering what was going to happen I gave the other guys the impression that nothing was going to happen so they relaxed the grip they had on my arms to keep me from falling. That’s when I passed out and did a full face plant right on my kisser. I was mad because my nose was bleeding and felt numb and I was scared because I was starting to trip by then and I knew the amplified awareness my body was in would cause my face to feel all freaky and I would think something had gone horribly wrong with it while I spaced out. I calmed myself down so that I wouldn’t have a bad trip which was hard because even my teeth felt loose and wiggly. Jenifer showed up right afterwards and she couldn’t stop laughing when I told her what happened. I guess it was pretty funny and when she started tripping she laughed even harder at me when the giggles came. Every time I would feel around on my numb nose she would start to laugh again. So I suppose the lesson for the evening was to not let Sam do anymore gravity hits.

    On a better note, the sex coming down off the acid was awesome. We listened to Jane’s Addictions Ritual and the Earth moved.

    I don’t think that I will ever be happy with a nine to five job. Do those hours even exist anymore? There is just too much stuff that I want to do before I get too old to do it. I don’t know. It might have something to do with the concept of what others (the suits) think qualifies as work. I don’t seem to mind sweating it out at the Flying Tomato for $3.55 an hour, but after two years of being there I have to wonder why I like the chump change they offer. It’s so hard to go out and get another job because it’s so easy to fall into the pattern of familiarity. Plus this is a college town and any available job is already staffed with someone who will gladly take my bananas so they can buy food or pot or whatever. The Flying Tomato is a mom and pop, pizza and beer operation except they are owned by a larger company up in Illinois or somewhere really cold. That’s why there are weird things on the menu like spicy hot cider and soup while it’s still 110 degrees outside. All the other stores are way up North, this one just kind of got lost in the shuffle somewhere along the way. The people who manage it and who pretty much own the place are a married couple named Becky and Ski. Ski stands for something like Sluslarski or Slurparski or something. No one really knows his actual name and so we all just call him Ski. He’s a fat greasy-haired Polish guy and his wife Becky is actually a pretty nice looking lady with a brain on her shoulders and a hard work ethic but a horrible desire to birth as many children as possible. I asked an old employee one time how a bum of a guy like Ski ended up with a lady like Becky and the rumor I heard was that she got her heart broken by a hunky dude and Ski picked her up on the rebound. That kind of made me sad because she seems like she could do better. There are plenty of men in the Dallas area that only want a woman to birth and raise children all day if that was all she wanted. I’ve heard it’s one of the only reasons they let women into SMU.

    The Tomato job is fairly loyal. Once you get on staff and they know you are a good worker you can take all kinds of time off in the summer slow season or whenever you need to. There are not a lot of jobs in this town that can promise you that your job will be intact after you come back from Christmas break. I also work the crappy shifts that nobody wants on Thursday and Saturday nights, which are the main party nights in a college town. I guess almost anyone can get through Friday classes with a hangover or at least sleep in and not damage the ol’ G.P.A. too much. I like those shifts because the Flying Tomato is right in the hubbub of Fry Street with the bars and such. All my friends come by and I get to meet and talk to all the pretty drunk girls and give people free keg beer whenever I feel like it. Most of my friends have figured out that’s where I’ll be and they always come by to visit and score free pizza and beer. Everyone’s happy. The pizza place gets someone who works the crappy shifts and I get to socialize with my friends and drink beer and smoke pot in the walk-in freezer. It’s almost like I get paid to hang out and flirt if I angle it right and it’s a good night. I’ve probably given out more free beer and pizza than anyone else in Texas. My friends from the dorm and the hardcore drinkers from the Delta Lodge always come in and I make it my personal mission to send them home staggering. This job is probably the main reason why I know so many people in this town and have so many friends that know my name, while usually I have no clue about what their name could be. It’s all good I suppose, the blessings I bestow will come back around at some point.

    So my job’s a pretty great deal, the after-hours clean-up is a bitch and I come home smelling like sweaty pizza grease but all in all I could be doing much worse. I’ve even learned the magic trick to get the dishwasher working. Specifically, where to beat on it so that it works like Fonzie’s jukebox. Summer time is slow time now though. Most people vacate Denton after the spring semester and we cater to the small batch of locals or permanent students.

    Damn it’s hot. I seem to be getting hairier in some strange paradox of nature. I shaved my legs one time in some weird sex game with Melanie and ever since then my body’s rebelled and increased my body hair quotient. Don’t ever believe those scientists that say shaving will not make hair grow back thicker. My Chew-bacca legs are living proof. It’s probably the heat that is making me notice the strange gradual growth of hair on my belly and nipples. It’s actually kind of embarrassing to me. Damn, I mean

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