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Re:Camelot The Complete Edition
Re:Camelot The Complete Edition
Re:Camelot The Complete Edition
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Re:Camelot The Complete Edition

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In an inaccessible solar system, on the planet Avalon, darkness spreads across the continent, consuming all. But through the blackness, a small light emanates, signaling hope. Merlin awakes from her realistic dream in a cold sweat. She recalls an ancient prophecy. She must find the descendant of King Arthur who will draw Excalibur and save them.


Meanwhile on Earth, Arthur is sent off to a boarding school in England. Alone in a strange place he is unaccustomed to, he draws solace in the tales his mother used to read him, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. He imagines a life where dragons and magic dwell, where damsels need rescuing, and where knights stand for honor, valor, chivalry, and uphold a firm code of conduct. 


His greatest desire granted, the days of solitude and daydreaming are over. A duty befalls him that he must undertake. Does he have the courage to answer the call? With Excalibur in hand, will he be strong enough to fight for a world unknown and foreign to him?

PublisherE.C. Fisher
Release dateSep 9, 2019
Re:Camelot The Complete Edition

E.C. Fisher

E.C. Fisher is an emerging author who was born in Vandenberg, AFB, California. Currently, he happily writes and resides in Florida. From 2007 to 2011, he proudly served in the United States Marine Corps. Three years ago, he was introduced to the writing world after a bout of inspiration drove him to write his very first story. After sharing his work with several people and receiving favorable feedback, he decided to continue treading on the creative path of storytelling. When he doesn’t have a pen in hand, you can find him at the bowling alley getting strikes or at home reading fantastical books.

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    Re:Camelot The Complete Edition - E.C. Fisher


    Present time, Earth

    The clock blared, stirring awake the young man from under his sheets as he hit snooze on the alarm.

    Six-thirty a.m.! Arthur Godwin-Dragos groaned on a pleasant Friday morning.

    His unruly brown hair fell into his eyes as he stood up. He took off his white shirt and blue boxers as he made his way to the bathroom to shower. His thin and toned body had been well maintained through regular jogging.

    He grew up running with his father, Nathan Godwin, and continued to do so as a way to remember him. His mom, Elaine Dragos, on the other hand, loved to read him books about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

    Five years ago, his parents had both died in an automobile accident on their way back from a teaching convention. Twelve years old at the time, Arthur was sent to live with his dad’s sister, Mary. She wanted nothing to do with him, so she sent him abroad to a boarding school outside of the United States. Alone and in a foreign environment, he turned to the tales his mother used to read him for solace. He learned the value of being a knight, how to be chivalrous, and how to hold himself in greater regard, but to do so without looking down on others. His attitude isolated him from others, as they found him unusual. He became quite self-sufficient.

    Stepping out of the shower and throwing a towel around his waist, he headed to the sink. He ran his hand across the clouded mirror. He considered himself decently attractive—his looks wouldn’t send girls running in another direction. His brown eyes had a piercing quality, the gaze of a fighter, a survivor. After dressing in a gray jersey and blue jeans, Arthur headed to the kitchen, where he grabbed a bowl and a spoon and poured himself some cereal.

    Another fabulous morning. Happy birthday to me, he announced as he took a bite of his cereal. His phone rang, interrupting his breakfast. Hello, he answered.

    Arthur, it’s your aunt, she said in a monotone.

    Are you calling because it’s my birthday?

    Yes, yes, congratulations on being born, she huffed. This is a separate matter. I’ve been receiving reports about your school work. If you don’t shape up, they’re planning on kicking you out of there.

    Good. This place isn’t a picnic. Nothing but high-class, stick-up-their-butts rich kids. Why couldn’t you send me to an American school?

    Guardianship fell to me when your father and his stupid wife died in that car accident. It’s been no picnic taking care of her child, either, she seethed, her voice filled with scorn for Elaine.

    My mother isn’t the reason my father is dead. You don’t get to talk that way about her, he snapped.

    I can talk about her any way I please, she argued. Your mother was only after our family’s money, and I’m going to make sure you don’t see any of it.

    I would rather have my parents back then a cent of your money. If there is nothing else, Aunt Mary, I’ll be going.

    Just make sure to bring your grades up. I won’t be carting you off to another private school. Next time, it will be a reform school. She hung up without hearing his response.

    Possibly the best birthday gift she could give me at this point, he muttered, setting his phone down before returning to his now soggy cereal.

    Sitting on the table was a novel about King Arthur, which he opened and started to mindlessly flip through until he paused at a picture of King Arthur holding a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right.

    The sword in the stone, legendary Excalibur. Drawing it proves you’re meant to be king, he thought, beaming at the picture. I wonder if it ever existed. That would be a wonderful birthday present… to be king, he laughed at the thought. Yeah, that’ll happen.

    Present time, Planet Avalon, The Church

    Inside Merlin’s bedchamber, she stirred in her sleep as she recalled a memory from a distant past.

    The First Merlin stood in a clearing, chanting the summoning spell. A vibration rumbled in the air as he chanted, when suddenly a bright circle formed in front of him. The circle disappeared and where it had been, a young boy stood. The boy told him his name; Arthur. The First Merlin explained the disarray his world was in and that Arthur was the only one who could bring it back from destruction.

    Arthur didn’t want the task at first. He was scared of the responsibility being thrust upon him, until he saw firsthand what the darkness was doing to the land and how the people were being affected. He decided to do as Merlin instructed. So, he pulled the sword, Excalibur from the stone. Merlin trained the young Arthur in the ways of knighthood, and as they traveled, they gained favor, which brought together eleven brave, young souls to join Arthur and Merlin’s journey.

    Some years passed, and the darkness threatening Avalon grew stronger. The evil that threatened Avalon had a loyal servant, the Black Knight. It was bestowed with powers to defile the land and turn its creatures into mindless minions. After months of searching, Merlin, Arthur, and the eleven knights found the Black Knight. Arthur was the only one capable of striking the fatal blow; no ordinary weapon could withstand its immense power.

    The final fight with the evil entity upon them, Merlin and Arthur bestowed the eleven brave souls with new weapons to withstand its dark powers. Merlin used the power of Excalibur, and enchanted them with some of its extraordinary power. The imbued weapons would become the sacred weapons for the next generation.

    Merlin woke with a start, sweating. She instantly knew that was more than just a dream.

    Darkness was spreading across the land, swallowing everything it touched. A blinding white light pierced its black grasp, taking the shape of a sword.

    Weird. It’s been awhile since I had a vision, she thought as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. A darkness spreading across the region. What was that light? It seemed like a sword was forming. Wait… No way, I need to find out if this is genuine.

    Merlin got out of bed and threw on her robe before heading toward the terrace. Her age was difficult to determine based on her appearance. She looked to be in her mid-twenties, but due to the powers granted by the Great White Dragon, she was actually thirty-six. She’s the youngest to hold the title of Merlin in the long years that the title had been passed down. While still inexperienced with her new responsibilities, she strove every day to meet the expectations of her predecessors.

    Her long, silken black hair flowed down her back and her lovely, almost immaculate white skin shone against it. Her white robe swept down to the pebbled floor. She opened the terrace doors and felt a light breeze on her skin. Her brown eyes gazed upon the aircraft, constructed to resemble a silver hawk. She walked to the aircraft, a shining light flashed on her clothes, they disappeared, and were replaced with a lavender dress with gold trim and a golden belt. She clambered into the compartment, immediately taking her seat in the chair.

    Your destination, please, the ship chimed as it started its engines.

    The Forgotten Isle, she declared.

    The cockpit lid closed, and the ship gradually drew away from the edge of the terrace. It accelerated into Avalon’s midnight sky. Merlin took off from the Church tower, a stone structure reaching into the skies of Avalon. She built this tower and the clearing leading to Avalon City to be her home.

    Below the aircraft, Avalon City lights shimmered as if the sun was still up. Other ships could be spotted gliding from building to building, the artificial light glinting off of their underbellies. The city was filled with enormous structures that reached high into the sky. They were constructed seamlessly, and glass passageways connected buildings, allowing pedestrians to walk from building to building safely.

    Merlin peered up into the night sky. Avalon, a relatively small planet in a vast galaxy, was surrounded on either side by two giant planets and was stuck in the middle of their orbits. The planet, Rietis, had a light teal color and the plum colored planet, Eaturn, always lit up part of Avalon’s sky.

    The planets orbited at a steady pace and created a regular day and night cycle for Avalon year-round. Though the people of Avalon City had the technological capabilities to travel to these other planets, they lacked the interest in doing so. The advancement of science and the further study of magic captivated them much more than the outer reaches of their own galaxy.

    When she glanced back down, she was out of sight of Avalon City, with the stars and planets keeping her company.

    A descendant of Arthur shall be summoned, she said reciting it out loud. Taking the sword from the stone, he will drive back the darkness across the regions of Avalon once again. If this is correct, then Avalon’s in for some much-needed discipline. The darkness that almost swallowed our world before is returning. It’s been almost a millennium since this calamity has been seen here. We need a hero.

    She closed her eyes allowing her mind to flash to the memories of the First Merlin.

    Past, Planet Avalon

    Long ago, the world of Avalon had two dragons: the Great White Dragon, Mursix, and the Great Black Dragon, Zyagus. Mursix had scales that glowed with a white light and even in the darkness, she shone like a beacon in the sky. Zyagus had scales as dark as the night, blending in and blotting out the stars when he flew through the skies.

    Mursix foresaw the destruction of Avalon if their attacks continued. In order to put an end to the constant battle, Mursix created a weapon powerful enough to kill them. Zyagus agreed to her offer and would sleep for eternity rather than be slayed.

    But, before she put herself to sleep, she had another vision: Zyagus’ power had been unleashed on Avalon, creating creatures and monsters to destroy the planet. Realizing that their fight was far from over, Mursix stayed awake, waiting for her power to be claimed.

    A millennium had passed since her vision, and the scars from their constant battles had healed. The planet was filled with their residual magic, bringing new life to the surface; humans. Four hundred years later, a man climbed a mountain to reach a cave. He walked inside while holding a torch as his only source of light encompassing the darkness around him.

    His fire extinguished, and a white light filled the enormous cavern. Before him Mursix, sitting on her hind legs with her head bent down, grazed the top of the cave which could barely accommodate her size. The man was scared at first, unsure of what he had seen. He tried to flee, but the Great White Dragon spoke.

    At last! Thou hast arrived! Ages, it seems, I have been waiting for, Mursix said, her words echoing in the man’s head. He looked around as he heard her voice, scared and confused by what had happened. Methinks thou hast not learned speech. Fear not, for the power I will bestow upon thee will give thee and thy kinsman the ability to articulate, she continued.

    She closed her eyes and began to glow brightly, the entire cavern became engulfed in her light. The man closed his eyes and shielded himself from the brightness. When he finally opened his eyes, he found himself glowing as her light began to fade.

    What’s going on? Why am I glowing? the man said and tumbled backward, startled by the words that escaped his mouth.

    Fear not, as thou becomest one with the power now inside thee. T’will fade, and thou shalt learn many new things. Instruct thy people. A slumbering power rests within them. Go thy way and meet with them. Thy power will awaken the power within them, and a great destiny awaits each of them. A longer life thou shalt possess with the power now within thee, fifteen score years. Then, t’would befit thee to pass the power to another of thy choosing. Fret not, for thou shalt know when the time comes. Lacking power, methinks my sun is setting… My memories are now thine. Now, go thy way.

    With her last words and breath, she passed away. Saddened by the loss of the creature he had met, the man walked up to the white dragon and placed his hand on her snout.

    Rest easy. For the task ahead, we’ll be prepared, the man said.

    Exiting the cavern, he stepped into the light of the sun now shining in front of him. Reaching the edge of the cliff, he stretched out his arms and spoke.

    My name is Merlin, the man yelled out into the bright, yellowing sky.

    As the years went by, Merlin went to everyone on the planet. When in his presence, the power within them awoke, giving them the ability to speak and think. After a hundred years of roaming Avalon, he met a woman. Her name had been Nimue, and he fell in love with her, but soon after, he disappeared. No trace of him could be found. Seventy-five years later, he appeared again and began searching for an apprentice to pass his power on to.

    He trained many people in the hopes of passing his knowledge on so a better world could be created for those yet to come. One of his students became more adept than others: Morgana le Fay. She was six years old when he first met her. She traveled with him for many years, learning everything he taught her. Morgana le Fay was able to grasp that concept taught to her by Merlin.

    When she turned sixteen, she had been sent away from him so she could experience the world herself and train further in the magic arts.

    During that period, he had a vision: Morgana covered in darkness, and an evil aura emanating from her. She created a Black Knight, who terrorized all of Avalon. Merlin had been shocked by the vision. How could his student be this dark? She had been the one he was going to give his power to when the time came. When she returned to him, she asked him about his power and if she would be receiving it. He feared his vision and told her he wouldn’t be giving his power to her, and that he had enough teaching her magic.

    Angry and distraught, she ran away from Merlin. After years of wandering, she stumbled into a cave. Not sure how she got there, she traveled into the darkness. After a while, she found a black sleeping dragon. She felt the power that resided in it and felt the terror and evil the dragon held. She killed the dragon and absorbed its power, and in doing so, she became the dark vision that Merlin had foreseen. At the same time, he felt the evil seeping into the world. He felt that the dark vision he had of her had come to fruition, and he went out to search for a way to stop it.

    Years of scouring Avalon, he found what he was seeking: a legend that only he knew to be true. The sword in the stone created by the Great White Dragon Mursix. Upon discovering the sword, he learned of a spell to summon a hero to help push back the darkness spreading throughout Avalon.


    Present time, Merlin’s airship

    The ship chimed in bringing her back to reality. Arriving soon on the Forgotten Isle. Prepare for landing.

    Here already.

    Outside the aircraft lay the Forgotten Isle, surrounded by the Pendragon River. Pendragon River was in an eternal struggle with itself. The water constantly ebbed and flowed, making travel across it extremely challenging. Sometimes, geysers would explode in various spots. The island rose out of the water and was surrounded by a forest. The only way to reach the isle was to fly or teleport, but without precise knowledge beforehand, a traveler could miss the island completely due to the magical interference it emitted.

    The aircraft began to slow down and circle a clearing in the middle of the island. On the northern edge of the clearing was an open-air monument with stairs leading to the top. The moment the aircraft stopped, the compartment opened, and Merlin hopped out, floating steadily down to the ground. She teleported to the base of the monument, hesitating when she got to the stairs. It would have been a simple matter to teleport her way to the top, but she found herself taking each step, one by one, fearing what she might find when she reached the summit.

    Please, don’t let there be anything going on up there. Let this all be a dream. She clutched her robes tightly, her hands turning white from her grip.

    As she arrived at the top, she saw the sword in the stone, glowing and pulsating at a consistent tempo. The black stone sat alone at the summit looking out into the vast expanse of the planet. The light from the two planets was swallowed by the blackness of the stone, and if not for the pulsing light, Merlin would have found herself in eerie darkness. The outline of the sword faded in and out as the pulses grew slightly stronger. The gold from the sword reflected the light back at her, blinding her for a moment.

    Not good. This isn’t good. I have to advise the queen at once. Why is this happening now? The seal restraining the darkness should still be effective, she said in a panic, shielding her eyes from the glare.

    She blinked out of sight and appeared near her aircraft, anxious to get to the queen. She climbed up the ladder into the compartment.

    Your destination, please, the ship prompted.

    Avalon City castle! Hurry, she said desperately as beads of sweat formed on her brow.

    The ship took off and disappeared from sight in seconds.

    This is Merlin. Please wake the queen. I have an urgent matter that must be discussed with her, she thought, once a telepathic link was established with a guard at the castle.

    Merlin, the queen is currently sleeping, a male voice of a castle guard echoed in her head.

    I don’t care if she’s asleep! This is a matter concerning the future of Avalon. Now wake her up! she thought, yelling at the guard before terminating the link.

    Landing on the pad outside the castle perimeter, she headed toward the castle’s entrance. The castle, standing above the rest of Avalon, was rebuilt five hundred years ago. As the technology of Avalon City developed, so did the outdated buildings that made its center. She entered the castle and headed straight for the audience chamber where the queen awaited her. The sexagenarian queen sat atop her throne, wearing a nightgown and cloaked in the warmth of her royal robe. Usually, her graying hair was long and braided, but it was currently rolled into a bun. The wrinkles on her face didn’t take away from her beauty.

    What’s the meaning of this, Merlin? Do you know what time it is? This could have waited until morning—which is less than three hours away, Queen Guinevere said impatiently.

    I beg your utmost forgiveness, Your Majesty. This matter urgently requires your attention. I had a vision. She bowed down. Darkness spread across Avalon, and a white sword was seen in the darkness. She stood, looking up at the queen. Her face showed the concern and worry she was expressing. After having this vision, I remembered the prophecy foretold long ago of a descendant of Arthur, who will pull the sword from the stone and push back the darkness that once again threatens Avalon. I headed to the Forgotten Isle to check if my vision was true, and there I found the sword in the stone, pulsing.

    You were right to wake me at this late hour, Merlin. What’s the meaning of this after almost a millennium? the queen asked, her face turning pale with shock.

    Your Majesty, I believe the seal has weakened, and the evil locked away is growing stronger due to the strife that has been facing Avalon for the past four hundred and fifty years. The previous Merlins’ always knew this day would come. We must find the chosen one. The evil surely will summon the Black Knight to further cause strife and break the seal containing it.

    Very well. Guinevere waved her hand, exhausted from the news. Do what must be done. I’ll give you my full support. How should we handle the other nations?

    Thank you, Your Majesty. I appreciate your support. As for the other nations, I believe it best at this time to leave them in the dark. Our relations have become quite strained as of late.

    The eleven other nations on Avalon were named after the eleven brave souls who helped King Arthur defeat the evil a thousand years ago. They were once a part of Avalon City and members of the Round Table of Camelot. Since King Arthur rid Avalon of the darkness, the Round Table stood as a beacon of hope for prosperity to come.

    Four hundred and fifty years ago, the members of the Round Table were at odds on how to conduct the affairs of state. They were tired of the constant infighting that was plaguing Camelot, and so many wanted to separate and create their own nations. Their desire changed Avalon forever, and from it, Camelot became Avalon City. Since the separation of Camelot, the other nations prospered without aid from Avalon City.

    While many chose to stay out of the affairs of the others, those to the east of Avalon City were in constant war and strife. Avalon City stayed neutral in their dealings, if any, to avoid showing favor toward any particular nation. Merlin and her church were a neutral party, as well, providing a safe haven for refugees or victims of war. The queen and Merlin knew that trying to get them to send any known descendants over was going to be difficult, but they hoped for the best.

    After a few days, Merlin found herself buried in a pile of books in the Avalon library. The library stored the collection of all the books written since the First Merlin. It housed everything that had transpired on Avalon.

    From the outside, the library resembled a one-story stone building with four pillars holding the roof. The front entrance had glass windows that encompassed the entire front space with an automated sliding door for entry. Past the windows, shelves filled the vast space with tables for reading in the center. In the back of the library is a lift that descends where more archives are stored.

    The library’s maintained by a director, the sole caretaker of the vast amounts of knowledge stored within. Everything that has been cataloged, they know where it’s located.

    You’ve been stuck with your nose in a book for days now. How about a break? I made some fresh cakes and brewed some tea, Miss Merlin, Sherry asked. She placed a silver tray down on the large wooden table where Merlin had taken up residence. The smell of the buttery crumpets and herbal tea drifted over to her as she peeked up from behind the massive tome.

    The short, petite woman stared at Merlin with her emerald eyes flared behind her gold-rimmed spectacles. Her curly chestnut-colored hair rested on her shoulders. Her pristine burgundy robe hung loosely on her scrawny body.

    I could do with a short break, I presume, Merlin said. She reached over grabbing a slice of crumpet.

    Sherry batted her hand away, Miss Merlin, you will be sure to replace all these books when you’re finished, correct?

    Of course, Sherry. I wouldn’t dream of getting on the director’s bad side. I very much like this place, Merlin answered.

    Sherry smiled and offered her the crumpet and set down the saucer with herbal tea beside her. Enjoy!

    Thank you for the offer, Merlin said. She bit into a buttered crumpet and savored the rich taste as she chewed.

    She finished the crumpet before picking up the teacup. The aroma of lavender and mint relaxed her as she took a sip, and immediately felt the warmth spread through her tired body.

    Sherry glanced around Merlin, If you haven’t found what you’re looking for up here, you should try the twenty-second floor. I haven’t gotten the chance to catalog that floor yet.

    The twenty-second floor. Very well. Thank you, Sherry. Merlin said. She chugged the tea before adding the book to the top of a pile nearby as she stood up.

    She started to walk away when Sherry coughed, Where do you think you’re going, Miss Merlin?

    The twenty-second floor.

    What of the mess here? Sherry said, motioning to the mountain of books laid about.

    I’ll get to it when I return, Merlin answered with a chuckle.

    Sherry answered with a glare.

    Yes, ma’am. I’ll clean it up right now, Merlin said. She snapped her fingers and waved her hand over the books. They tousled for a moment before lifting up into the air. Merlin waved her arms as the books floated back into the shelves.

    Did you place them back correctly? Sherry asked.

    Of course, I did, Merlin answered.

    I can see three mistakes. Would you like to try that again, Miss Merlin?

    Merlin giggled, Honest mistake. She snapped her fingers again as the three aforementioned books slid off the shelves and moved to their correct locations.

    Very well. I assume you know where the lift is. Try not to make a mess down there, Sherry said. She collected the teacup and saucer and placed them on the tray before she left.

    Thank you, Sherry. The cake and tea were delicious, Merlin said.

    Sherry bowed her head, her cheeks blushed, as she turned and walked away with a little more spring in her step.

    Merlin rode the lift down to the twenty-second floor. Compared to the pristine top floor the twenty-second floor was in disarray. Cobwebs and dust sat thick on the books and shelves.

    It’s been ages since anyone was this far down in the library. Let’s see, I hope it’s here somewhere. Where would they have stored it? she thought as she searched through the many shelves, looking for something that no one else would be able to find.

    Oh, the problem with all these memories is finding the right one when you need it… Think, think! This is taking much longer than I thought. How long has it been since then? We don’t have time for this. I need to find that book.

    After a few hours of searching, she exclaimed, Finally, I’ve found it! Now I need to find the spell. After flipping through a couple of pages, Merlin found the entry she was looking for. "If the descendant of Arthur isn’t here, then he must be summoned here."


    Present time, Earth

    Arthur awoke, picking his head up from the open book as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He got out of his

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