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The Hunter's Blade
The Hunter's Blade
The Hunter's Blade
Ebook165 pages2 hours

The Hunter's Blade

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Alexander 'Alex' Johnson, is an orphan who entered the prestigious Livingston Private Academy through the connections of his adoptive father. However, the students at the academy view him as a servant. 


After transferring schools so many times, Validina has become a cold, quiet girl who has low expectations for this academy. Entering the classroom excites her blood to boil. A young man stares at her—the darkness inside her shivers as her heart flutters unexpectedly. 


In the weeks that follow, Vali gets closer to him and Alex finds solace with her presence, but something inside him tingles with a warning. A deadly threat appears that throws both their lives upside down. Alex learns of his ancestry along with the truth that Vali has been keeping hidden.


The future of humanity and the underworld are in their hands. Vali must be protected and Alex is her only hope. He must learn the secrets of his obscure heritage and become—a Hunter.

PublisherE.C. Fisher
Release dateJun 20, 2021
The Hunter's Blade

E.C. Fisher

E.C. Fisher is an emerging author who was born in Vandenberg, AFB, California. Currently, he happily writes and resides in Florida. From 2007 to 2011, he proudly served in the United States Marine Corps. Three years ago, he was introduced to the writing world after a bout of inspiration drove him to write his very first story. After sharing his work with several people and receiving favorable feedback, he decided to continue treading on the creative path of storytelling. When he doesn’t have a pen in hand, you can find him at the bowling alley getting strikes or at home reading fantastical books.

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    Book preview

    The Hunter's Blade - E.C. Fisher

    Chapter One

    Mr. Helman stood in front of the class and cleared his throat to get their attention. He waited for the room to go silent, Attention class, today we have a new student joining us. She comes from overseas. The door opened and in walked a raven-haired beauty, her skin as white as porcelain. She emitted a glow; it radiated around her. Please go ahead and introduce yourself to the class. He gestured to everybody.

    Her long straight hair was as black as night and draped down to her hips. She stood at five feet, six inches tall; her skin so porcelain white it glowed. The school uniform, a maroon jacket and a white shirt with a crimson neck ribbon, with a skirt made with dark-hued colors and a plaid pattern, and white ankle socks with black Mary Jane shoes.

    My name is Validina Dracula. The other students in the class started snickering when they heard her last name. Mr. Helman got the class under control and instructed her to go on with her introduction.

    It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I look forward to meeting and making new friends here. She went on as if nothing happened.

    She bowed a little while she spoke and as she lifted back up she found the gaze of one of the students on her and held it for a short time. A young man with blond hair and blue eyes stared at her openly. He wasn’t gawking at her in the slightest, but the moment their eyes met he fixated on her. Time seemed to stop for a brief moment, but alas, it swiftly passed when she straightened up.

    Mr. Helman cleared his throat, Miss Dracula, your seat will be in the back of the third row, please.

    Validina nodded before moving down the row. She kept her russet eyes forward and didn’t look around at the snickering students.

    She thought to herself, Again, in another school greeting people I’ve no interest in being friends with. What’s the point if I’m simply going to be whisked away at a moment’s notice by father?

    Her inner voice responded in a snarky tone, Really Validina! Is that how you honestly feel?

    How else is there to feel? I’ve never been anywhere long enough to make a ‘genuine’ friend and the thought of just going without a word is too much to take. I would rather not go through something like that.

    What about that youngster? He was looking pretty hard at you earlier. I felt something at that moment.

    I did, but I am uncertain of how to feel about it. Looking at him now I feel threatened by him for some reason. Every fiber of my being is shouting at me to run away, that he is dangerous to me specifically. It’s really hard for me to control the impulse to attack him.

    You need to get control of yourself. He’s sensing your power. Fight it!

    The young man flinched in his seat as she passed him, and he jumped from his chair to stand in the middle of class. Why did it feel like she wanted to eat me? His name is Alexander Alex Johnson. Eighteen, five feet and eight inches tall, with blond hair, and light blue eyes. He’s not a star athlete or a computer genius. Alex is far from ugly, but not your A-list actor either; just your average run of the mill everyday teenager.

    Mr. Johnson, did you have a question?

    The Johnson family adopted him when he was two years old. The father, Mark Johnson, is a prosperous physician in neuroscience. His spouse, Peggy, is a stay-at-home mother of two identical twin boys named James and Jacob. The Johnson’s didn’t believe they could have children hence why they first adopted. However, less than a year after the adoption went through, they had their boys. When the chance arose for them to send Alex away, they did.

    Livingston Private Academy, situated in upstate New York, is the boarding school where the elites of society send their children to learn the ways of the world. He entered through a scholarship his father obtained through his many connections.

    No, sir. I’m sorry to have disturbed the class. Please continue with your lecture. Alex glanced at her as she seated, but the sensation he felt disappeared. He waved the thought aside as something unexplained.

    Alex happened to be the little guppy in the big pond in school. An awkward and shy young man who doesn’t have friends and keeps mostly to himself. He is a trustworthy and honest individual which a few of the students take advantage of due to their influential and wealthy status.

    He lost himself in thought as he glanced over to his neighbor without reason. He occasionally found himself in a daze, his mind drawn elsewhere as if being dragged in various directions. It has been happening a lot more recently, but he hasn’t been able to come up with an explanation for it.

    Mr. Johnson, Mr. Helman said. Mr. Johnson! He shouted louder to catch his attention.

    Yes sir, Mr. Helman, he replied, getting dragged back to reality. The students erupted into a round of snickers at his misfortune. Mr. Helman let it carry for a moment before calming them down.

    The hostility and insults he received daily here by the rich kids could be considered torture.

    Do I have your attention now, Mr. Johnson? He stared at him from in front of the classroom.

    Yes, sir.

    Very well, then. Now please answer my question, he added.

    I’m sorry sir, what was your question? His response prompted some giggles from the students around him.

    I asked you to figure out the equation on the board, he gestured to the blackboard behind him.

    Geometry was his least favorite of all mathematics. The problem on the board displayed the radius and diameter of a circle and called for the observer to identify the circumference.

    I do not know the answer, sir. Who cares about circles and squares and their dimensions or areas or whatever else there is to know?

    I see. Well then, perhaps you should pay attention. He called on another student to solve the question.

    Geometry is Alex’s last class for the day and the school bell is about to ring. However, his problems only grow from there.

    The star of the football team was Malcolm Wolfrik. He stands at five feet ten inches, with his medium-length brown hair and brown eyes. He’s a major muscle head. More brawn, less brain. An all-around jackass. He made it his life’s mission to torment Alex every chance he got and if he misses a day, he doubled it up the next time.

    Their lockers have been next to each other ever since he enrolled at Livingston Academy. Lucky him.

    If it isn’t my best friend in the whole world, Alex. How have you been doing lately buddy? Malcolm approached the lockers. He was surrounded by some of the football team and of course, a few of the cheerleaders as well.

    You know we’re not friends Malcolm. Can you just let it go today? He already knew the answer.

    Come on, old buddy old pal, I’m just having some fun with you. No reason to act cold toward me. Malcolm leaned against my locker stopping him from opening it.

    If I wanted to act cold toward you, Malcolm, I wouldn’t be having this conversation. Alex struggled to push past him to get to his locker.

    Hey, guys check this out, it’s like an ant struggling to move a rock. He chuckled at his joke as Alex tried to push him away.

    Just so you know, ants can lift about twenty times their weight, so if I were indeed the ant, you would’ve moved already. But you wouldn’t understand that, now would you? Too much muscle taking up space inside that brawny head of yours. Alex realized his mistake as everybody around them grew sober.

    Are you calling me fat, nerd? Malcolm stared down at him then over to his buddies behind him for verification. They just nodded in agreement. I’ll have you know I have three percent body fat. I know that because the coach just tested us this morning. He smashed his fist into the locker to reinforce his point.

    I’m not calling you fat. I’m saying you’ve got muscle for brains. And just for the record- Alex didn’t have a chance to finish his sentence as a massive fist collided with his face.

    He found himself in the nurse’s waiting area at school. The headache and pain he felt were typical, but the gentle touch of someone’s hand on his was not. Sitting next to him asleep was Validina. He was startled and somewhat embarrassed to have been seen like this by her. His sudden movements had stirred her.

    You’re finally up? She rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

    Is that something you should be asking me after falling asleep yourself? What time is it anyhow? Alex struggled to redirect the spotlight from him.

    Sorry for watching over you. She glanced at her wristwatch, It’s after seven. She looked up and found herself face-to-face with him.

    Is there something on my face? Alex asked as she stared at him.

    Yeah, a huge black eye and dried blood. Who was that guy anyway? I saw him punch you, but nothing before that.

    His name’s Malcolm, Malcolm Wolfrik. He’s our school’s top running back and a grade-A asshole. Well, largely to me he is anyway. Alex touched his face to feel the cool gel pack covering the bruise around his eye.

    Here, let me change the gel pack for you. The nurse left some supplies out since you were still out cold, and I was here. She asked me to change it when you woke up. Validina disappeared from the waiting area and headed into the nurse’s office.

    Why did you stay with me? I mean I’m thankful, but you don’t even know me, I said, as I brought myself up to a sitting position to observe her through the door. The light from the nurse’s office cast her in the shadows.

    No one else seemed to care that you were lying there bleeding, so I ran to grab the nurse and helped carry you here. Since I went that far, I figured staying a little while to make certain you were alright was fine as well. She entered the waiting area carrying a box with alcohol, gauze, medical tape, and another one of those blue crush packs, or was I mistaken? She sat back down setting the box on the table nearby.

    No, not at all. I guess I'm not used to people caring that much about me. As you saw no one cared to even call a teacher or the nurse. Alex sat up trying to hide his embarrassment.

    No worries. Anyway, turn this way so I can clean you up before we leave. Do you think you need another one of these cold packs to help with the swelling?

    He turned to face her as she gingerly patted a cloth around his swollen nose. She turned the cloth over and splashed some alcohol on it.

    He braced himself against the stinging pain of the cloth as she cleaned his swollen nose. To prevent showing her any more weakness, he bit back the pain and put on a brave face. Alex didn’t want to show her any more weakness. He felt a strange feeling as she cared for him. He gazed at her and noticed that she radiated as splendidly in the night as she did earlier in the day.

    Why do you keep looking at me? She lowered the cloth waiting for his answer.

    I’m sorry—was I staring, He stumbled with his words as her voice brought him out of the trance.

    Yes, you were, She moved to grab the box and take out some of the gauze and medical tape.

    I’m sorry, it’s just that I’ve never met anyone like you before. You seem to have this mystical glow about you that is just—captivating. The words came out of his mouth before he could stop them. "I’m sorry, that must sound weird coming

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