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The Rational Bible: Exodus
The Rational Bible: Exodus
The Rational Bible: Exodus
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The Rational Bible: Exodus

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A national bestseller!

Why do so many people think the Bible, the most influential book in world history, is outdated? Why do our friends and neighbors – and sometimes we ourselves – dismiss the Bible as irrelevant, irrational, immoral, or all of these things? This explanation of the Book of Exodus, the second book of the Bible, will demonstrate that the Bible is not only powerfully relevant to today’s issues, but completely consistent with rational thought.

Do you think the Bible permitted the trans-Atlantic slave trade? You won’t after reading this book.

Do you struggle to love your parents? If you do, you need this book.

Do you doubt the existence of God because belief in God is “irrational?” This book will give you reason after reason to rethink your doubts.

The title of this commentary is, “The Rational Bible” because its approach is entirely reason-based. The reader is never asked to accept anything on faith alone. As Prager says, “If something I write does not make rational sense, I have not done my job.”

The Rational Bible is the fruit of Dennis Prager’s forty years of teaching the Bible to people of every faith, and no faith. On virtually every page, you will discover how the text relates to the contemporary world and to your life.

His goal: to change your mind – and then change your life.
PublisherRegnery Faith
Release dateApr 2, 2018

Dennis Prager

Dennis Prager, one of America’s most respected thinkers, is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host and syndicated columnist. He has written four books, including the #1 bestseller Happiness Is a Serious Problem. He has lectured on all seven continents and may be contacted through his website,

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Rating: 4.086206931034483 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title both informative and interesting. It provides a strong platform of knowledge and understanding in easy to understand terms. The author's Jewish heritage adds to the depth of the commentary. Some reviewers found it helpful for research purposes, although it may be a little deep for casual study. Overall, this book is recommended for those looking to gain wisdom and understanding from the Bible.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I was using the book for some research and found it helpful even if it was a little deep study.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Awesome work that is both informative and interesting. Well Done!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Prager has no relevant background in religious or theological studies and inserts his own views and opinions. There are far better biblical commentaries available to help in your studies. Avoid Prager's books like the plagues (pun intended).

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Prager has a fresh perspective on the Bible that comes through frequently. His scholarship goes to different sources than I have access to and thus he brings both his Jewish perspective and his wide reading and thought out to the light of day. I am always benefited by reading or hearing from him. He always has a valuable contribution to give.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The second chapter of the bible commentary by Dennis is just as informative as the first. His Jewish heritage plays a major role in providing a strong platform of knowledge and understanding that presents itself in an easy to understand laypersons terms. It’s also great that Dennis is not afraid to bring in the knowledge of past scholars to assist with helping to explain this wonderful book. You will become more wise by taking a leap into this amazing commentary.

    1 person found this helpful

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The Rational Bible - Dennis Prager


THE FIRST FIVE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN KNOWN AS THE TORAH, which is Hebrew for Teaching or Law. Exodus is the second book. The first book, Genesis, begins with a description of the creation of the world. Every nation and religion in the world had a creation story, but the creation story in Genesis was unique in important ways. Only one God created the world; there was no sex and no violence involved in creation, and God was not part of nature—God created nature. As you will see, each of those unique things will play a huge role in the Torah’s transformation of the world.

One other unique element in the Genesis creation story is that although the Torah is, among other things, the story of the Jewish people, it is probably the only national history ever written that begins with the creation of the world. One reason is the subject of the Torah is all mankind, not just the Jews. That, too, is a major feature of the Torah and this commentary.

After the Creation, Genesis describes how the human race immediately descended into evil (good and evil are another preoccupation of the Torah). God is so angered by humans hurting one another He destroys the world, saving but one man, Noah, and his family. Noah is saved solely because he is a good man (in other flood stories, the hero is usually saved because he is good looking, and the gods like him).

Eventually God reveals Himself to the father of the Jewish people, Abraham. God says that through Abraham and his offspring, all the families and nations of the earth will be blessed. Abraham is the father of Isaac, and Isaac is the father of Jacob. The latter is renamed Israel, which, the Torah explains, means struggle with God. Very early on, the Torah makes it clear people are allowed, indeed expected, to argue with God—another major theme of the Torah.

Even an atheist who doesn’t believe that either the Exodus or the giving of the Ten Commandments at Sinai actually occurred would have to acknowledge that the Western world has been largely shaped by the belief that these events did occur.

One of Israel’s (Jacob’s) twelve sons was Joseph, whose story is the second longest biographical story in the Torah (the first is Moses). Joseph’s brothers, intensely jealous of their father Jacob’s love for him, abandoned their brother to die in a pit. But Joseph was saved by a passing caravan, then sold as a slave, and eventually wound up in Egypt. There he deciphered the Pharaoh’s dreams, saved Egypt from a seven-year famine, and arose from slave to viceroy of Egypt, second in power only to the Pharaoh himself. Joseph’s brothers, who went to Egypt from famine-stricken Canaan looking for food, met with their brother Joseph. That meeting may be the most dramatic scene in Western literature.

And that brings us to the first verse in Exodus.



1.1 These are the names of the sons of Israel who came to Egypt with Jacob, each coming with his household:

1.2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah;

1.3 Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin;

1.4 Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher.

1.5 The total number of persons that were of Jacob’s issue came to seventy, Joseph being already in Egypt.

1.6 Joseph died, and all his brothers, and all that generation.

The sons of Israel (bnei yisrael) is how the Israelites are referred to in the Torah. Israel was the name given to the Jewish patriarch Jacob after he wrestled with an angel (Genesis 32:29). As noted above, Israel means wrestle (or struggle) with God.

Why should non-Jews care about the story of one of the smallest nations on earth? Because the Israelites’ move to Egypt set the stage for two of the most important events in world history: the Israelites’ Exodus from Egyptian slavery and the revelation of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai.

Even an atheist who believes neither event occurred would have to acknowledge that the Western world—and those parts of the non-Western world influenced by the West—has been largely shaped by belief that these events did occur. For example, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, two of the founders of America, neither of whom believed in a literal reading of the Bible, commissioned a design for the Great Seal of the United States of America which depicted the Israelites leaving Egypt. (Franklin proposed the scene be surrounded by the words, Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.) Not only did these men deem the Exodus to be civilization-defining, they also believed America was founded in a second Exodus—of people leaving Europe and establishing the United States.

Nations, like people, are their memories. A nation that doesn’t remember its past, like the man who fell on his head, ceases to be the nation it was.

That these two events—the Exodus and the giving of the Ten Commandments—are the two seminal events (other than Creation itself) of the Torah means liberty and morality are the twin pillars of the Torah. They became the twin pillars of America as well, which is not surprising, given that America was, outside of Israel, the most Bible-based (particularly the Hebrew Bible) country ever founded.


1.7 But the Israelites were fertile and prolific; they multiplied and increased very greatly,

Professor Nahum Sarna, the author of important commentaries on Exodus and Genesis, points out the language used in this verse—multiplied and increased—echoes the opening chapter of Genesis, in which God instructs all living creatures to multiply and increase over all the earth (Genesis 1:28). Just as the world was created by God in the beginning of Genesis, a new creation is now taking place with the formation of the Jewish people as a nation.


The Exodus followed by the revelation of the Ten Commandments at Sinai and the subsequent writing of this Torah may be considered God’s third attempt to create a moral world.

God’s first attempt to make a good world was creating human beings with a conscience. That didn’t work: Cain, the first-born child of the first couple, Adam and Eve, killed his brother, Abel. After this, a general moral deterioration of humanity followed, and God came to regret creating human beings (Genesis 6:5-6).

Consequently, God sent the flood, destroying all mankind except for one particularly good man—Noah—and his family. Since the human conscience was insufficient to make a good world, God then revealed some basic moral laws and principles such as not to murder, to take the life of those who deliberately murder, to have children, not to consume the blood of any creature, and every human being is created in the image of God (Genesis 9:1-7).

Once again, people murdered and plundered and engaged in other evils. God, therefore, initiated a third effort to morally improve mankind by revealing Himself to one specific group who would be charged with spreading ethical monotheism to the world. This group was first known as Hebrews, then as Israelites, then as Jews. They descended from a man named Abraham to whom God revealed Himself and His desire that the entire world be blessed through Abraham and his descendants.

Abraham’s descendants were enslaved in Egypt for hundreds of years. The process by which they became enslaved begins in this chapter, and is followed midway in the book by the Exodus from Egypt and the revelation of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai.


Of course, one might ask, why would God have to keep trying? Doesn’t God know what works and what doesn’t? Why didn’t He just begin the world with the Ten Commandments or with a Chosen People as conduits of His moral will?

I would offer three responses:

First, in creating a being (the human) with free will, it is arguable that God could not predict what this creature would always do. Genesis 6:6 says that, after seeing how much evil men do, God regretted that He had created man on earth. That verse implies God did not know how man would turn out.

Second, God made these multiple attempts at having people act decently to show why revelation was necessary, and why specifically the revelation at Sinai and the Torah were necessary. Precisely because prior attempts—the making of the human conscience and basic moral Noahide principles—did not work, God gave the Ten Commandments and the Torah.

Third, this third attempt at making a good world establishes the raison d’être of the Jewish people—to be a nation of priests and a holy nation (Exodus 19:6) and to bring the world to the Ten Commandments and ethical monotheism.


1.7 (cont.) so that the land was filled with them.

The words, the land was filled with them imply that although the Israelites were granted permission to live in an area of Egypt known as Goshen (Genesis 45:10), the Egyptians perceived them as everywhere. Throughout history, Jew-haters—and even many non-Jews sympathetic to Jews—have often wildly overstated the number of Jews in their country. I remember once, in my early years of lecturing, sitting next to a non-Jewish woman on an airplane on the way to Louisville, Kentucky. She asked me why I was visiting her city. I told her I was going to speak to the Jewish community there. As the conversation continued—on the subject of Jews—it became apparent to me this woman thought there were far more Jews in Kentucky than there actually were.

I told her (at that time) there were 280 million Americans, and then asked her, How many of them do you think are Jews?

She thought for a moment, and responded, About fifty million.

When I told her there were about six million Jews in America, she was clearly startled. She pondered this, and then said, I guess they must all live in Kentucky.

As of this writing, there are about fourteen million Jews in a world population of about seven and a half billion. That means that about .0018 percent, or fewer than two out of every thousand people in the world, are Jews. But few people would guess this—because the influence of the Jews has always been so great. And the reason for that influence is this Torah, its God, its Ten Commandments, and its Exodus story. In short, the stories and values of this Book of Exodus have transformed the world.


1.8 A new king arose over Egypt who did not know Joseph.

Joseph, about whom more is written than any other figure in the Torah except for Moses, was the Israelite who rose from slavery, followed by imprisonment, to become the second most powerful man in Egypt. He is credited with saving Egypt (from famine). Given that Joseph’s role in Egyptian history was so profound, the words who did not know Joseph are extraordinary.

One of humanity’s most common character traits is ingratitude—people either not acknowledging the good another does for them or quickly forgetting that good. The latter is what this verse describes.

Human beings tend to much more quickly forget the good others have done for them than the bad others have done to them. That’s human nature. It is, therefore, one of the very many reasons that to become a good person involves fighting one’s nature—a theme developed often in the Torah, in the rest of the Bible, and in this commentary.

The American writer Bruce Feiler has an additional insight into this verse—the recurring emphasis on remembering in the Torah and specifically the Book of Exodus:

"The story begins with forgetting. The pharaoh does not remember how a son of Israel saved Egypt from famine. The rest of the Five Books of Moses becomes an antidote to this state of forgetfulness. God hears the groaning of Israel and ‘remembers His covenant’ (Exodus 2.24). Moses leads the Israelites from Egypt and urges them to ‘remember this day’ (Exodus 13.3). The Israelites are ordered to ‘remember the Sabbath day’ (Exodus 20.8), and to observe Passover as a ‘day of remembrance’ (Exodus 12.14). Moses’s goal is to build a counter-Egypt . . . to construct a society that offers an alternative to ignorance and unknowingness. He must devise a community that remembers"¹ (emphases added).

Remembering—the good others have done, the evil others have done, and one’s moral obligations—is an indispensable aspect of a good and meaningful life.

Who are we, if not our memories? I once interviewed a man who, as the result of a fall on his head, had lost virtually all long-term memory. He did not even remember who his wife and children were. In the interview he acknowledged that, for all intents and purposes, because of his loss of memory, the man he had been had died.

The same holds true for nations. Nations, too, are their memories. A nation that doesn’t remember its past, like the man who fell on his head, ceases to be the nation it was. This may be happening now in a number of Western European nations that teach their young people to consider themselves world citizens or Europeans rather than members of a specific nation. It is also happening in the United States, where the level of ignorance of the American past among young Americans is unprecedented.²

What can be stated for certain is a major reason for the survival of the Jewish people has been memory. The Jewish religion is replete with prayers and rituals that reinforce that memory, the most obvious being the Passover Seder, the retelling of the Exodus in Jewish homes for over 3,000 years.


1.9 And he [Pharaoh] said to his people,

Samson Raphael Hirsch, a nineteenth-century German Jewish thinker, pointed out it was the Egyptian leader, not the Egyptian people, who initiated the campaign against the Israelites that ultimately came to include attempted genocide.

This is a profound insight.

The terrible truth is individuals are capable of inflicting massive evils—because individuals are far more capable of doing great evil than great good.

Were it not for Lenin, it is unlikely communism would have taken over Russia and ultimately the Soviet Union, where it enslaved over 150 million people and murdered tens of millions. The same holds true for Mao Zedong in China. This one man was responsible for the deaths of over sixty million Chinese men, women, and children. The same can be said of Kim Il-Sung, who created the most totalitarian state in human history, North Korea. And were it not for Adolf Hitler, the Holocaust would almost certainly not have taken place.

Understandably, people are very uncomfortable with acknowledging how much evil one individual can perpetrate. That is one reason people concoct and believe conspiracy theories. The assassination of the American President John F. Kennedy in 1963 is one example. The overwhelming evidence is that one man, Lee Harvey Oswald, an American Communist, murdered Kennedy. But the assassination had so many destructive consequences and was so emotionally difficult for Americans to accept that many came to believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy. They simply could not believe so much damage could be done by just one person—a pathetic misfit, no less. Oswald proves the unhappy truth that you don’t even have to be particularly talented to do great evil.

1.9 (cont.) "Look, the Israelite people are much too numerous for us.

Pharaoh refers to the Israelites using the rare phrase am bnei Yisrael, which literally means the nation of the children of Israel. There are two words for nation in biblical Hebrew—am and goy. Am refers to a nation defined by blood ties, a common ancestry, history, and language (see, for example, the book of Esther 8:9) as opposed to goy, which refers to a nation defined as a political unit (see Isaiah 2:4). In using am, Pharaoh is saying, in effect, the purity of the Egyptian people is being threatened by an alien presence, the children of Israel, who are of a different bloodline.

Throughout history, blood beliefs have been a great source of cruelty: Those who are not part of the right group are deemed worthy of persecution. The Torah, in contrast, did not place much value on blood ties. As Joseph Telushkin points out, Jacob is regarded as the third patriarch of the Jewish people, but his twin brother, Esau, who did not share Jacob’s religious beliefs, is not even regarded as a Jew. In Exodus (19:6), God tells the Jews to be a holy goy (national unit), not a holy am (blood-group or ethnicity).

Human beings tend to much more quickly forget the good others have done for them than the bad others have done to them.

The Hebrew Bible holds, and later Judaism held, that anyone of any blood can become a Jew—just like the first Jew, Abraham, who was not born a Jew but became one late in life. Likewise, centuries later, Ruth, a Moabite woman, becomes a Jew, and subsequently becomes the ancestor of Israel’s great king, David (Ruth 4:13-22), the man from whom, according to Jewish (and Christian) tradition, the Messiah will descend.

1.10 Let us deal shrewdly with them, so that they may not increase; otherwise in the event of war they may join our enemies in fighting against us and rise from the ground."


1.11 So they set taskmasters over them to oppress them with forced labor;

The Torah indicts the Egyptians four times in the next four verses:

The Egyptians set taskmasters over the Israelites (verse 11).

They ruthlessly impose hardships on them (verse 13).

They make them perform harsh labors (verse 14).

They make life bitter for them (verse 14).

The Torah is emphasizing the collective guilt of the Egyptians. Even though it is Pharaoh who initiates the slavery and annihilation campaign, the Egyptian people are the ones who execute it. Individuals initiate mass evil, but they need the collaboration of many people to carry it out. This explains the collective national punishments the Egyptian people will experience.

1.11 (cont.) and they built garrison cities for Pharaoh: Pithom and Raamses.

1.12 But the more they were oppressed, the more they increased and spread out, so that the [Egyptians] came to dread the Israelites.

1.13 The Egyptians ruthlessly imposed upon the Israelites

Most Egyptians were not as evil as Pharaoh, just as most Germans in the 1930s and 1940s were not as evil as Hitler. There are relatively few truly evil people in the world. However, you don’t need a great number of truly evil people to carry out massive evil. You only need:

1)ordinary people who have allowed themselves to be indoctrinated by the truly evil;

2)people who benefit from the evil (to cite one obvious example, during World War II, not only were six million Jews murdered, but their assets were stolen as well; and these assets enriched large numbers of Europeans);

3)a paucity of courageous good people.

I am convinced courage is the rarest of all good traits. There are far more kind and honest people than there are courageous people. Unfortunately, however, in the battle against evil, all the good traits in the world amount to little when not accompanied by courage.

Two verses later, the Torah depicts precisely this trait—courage.

1.14 the various labors that they made them perform. Ruthlessly they made life bitter for them with harsh labor at mortar and bricks and with all sorts of tasks in the field.


1.15 The king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives,

The Torah emphasizes Pharaoh’s direct order to the midwives to highlight their courage in defying his edict. The meaning of the Hebrew phrase myaldot haivriyot is ambiguous: it may be translated either as the Hebrew midwives (meaning the midwives were Hebrews), or as midwives of the Hebrews (meaning the midwives could have been of any nationality). But there are several clues in the text (which shall be noted) that clearly suggest that the women were not Hebrews. The most obvious clue, however, is not rooted in the text but in common sense: Given that Pharaoh intended to murder every male Hebrew baby, it is unreasonable to expect he would rely on Hebrew women to murder their own.


1.15 (cont.) one of whom was named Shiphrah and the other Puah,

In listing the names of the heroic midwives, the Torah is making a powerful moral point. We tend to remember the names of villains, but not of the truly good. The Torah wants to correct that and to ensure the names of moral heroes are also remembered. Thus, Shifrah (the modern spelling) and Puah are mentioned by name, yet the Torah never mentions the name of the evil Pharaoh. To this day the names of two lowly midwives are better known than the name of the demigod Pharaoh. Moreover, Shifrah remains a common name for Jewish girls (Puah, less euphonious, is rarely used).

1.16 saying, When you deliver the Hebrew women, look at the birthstool: if it is a boy, kill him; if it is a girl, let her live.


1.17 The midwives, fearing God, did not do as the king of Egypt had told them; they let the boys live.

The Torah does not say the midwives saved the babies because they could not bear to harm them, nor does it say the midwives saved the Hebrew babies because they loved God. They saved the babies because they feared God.

Fear of God—when that God is the moral God of the Torah, the God of the Ten Commandments, the God Who commanded, Love your neighbor as yourself—is necessary to make a society of moral individuals. Of course, there are moral atheists, just as there were moral pagans, and moral individuals in even the worst cultures. But you cannot build a good world with a handful of individuals who happen to be good people. You need a universal moral code from a universal God Who is the source of that moral code, and this God must judge all people accordingly. Consequently, fear of God is as inevitable as it is necessary. If God judges how moral we are, of course there will be fear of Him—just as there is of a human judge. Conversely, if God does not judge people, there is no reason to fear Him.

There is another important moral aspect to fear of God. People fear those who are more powerful than they are. Therefore, the only way not to fear powerful people is to fear God. Thus, in the instance recorded here, those who feared God saved Hebrew babies, while those who feared Pharaoh helped drown Hebrew babies.

Remember, it was not love of God that prompted the midwives’ moral heroism. In our time, many people invoke the commandment to love God but ignore or even disparage the commandment to fear God. While many God-believers will engage in heroic self-sacrifice out of love of God, most God-believers are moral on a day-to-day basis because they believe they will be judged by God. That’s why, for example, in traditional Western societies, the finest people were routinely described as God-fearing, not God-loving.

It was the midwives’ fear of God that liberated them from fear of the Egyptian tyrant. This point is often overlooked: Fear of God is a liberating emotion, freeing one from a disabling fear of evil, powerful people. This needs to be emphasized because many people see fear of God as onerous rather than liberating.

This fear is what gave the midwives the strength to carry out what is, as far as we know, the first recorded act of civil disobedience in history. Indeed, fear (and sometimes love) of God explains why a disproportionately high number of dissidents in totalitarian societies have been believers in God. When I visited the Soviet Union in 1969, I smuggled out a Soviet Jewish dissident song whose lyrics included the words: I fear no one except God, the only one ("Nye byusa nikovo krome boga odnavo").

Those words were all the more remarkable in that the vast majority of Soviet Jewish dissidents were not religious. But they understood the simple moral and logical fact that if one fears no one except God, one can muster the courage not to fear a totalitarian state. And these simple words also explain why totalitarian states like the Soviet Union so feared and fought against belief in God. Because belief in God posits there is something higher than the Party, it constitutes a fatal threat to secular totalitarian societies (that’s why North Koreans have been horribly punished for owning a Bible).

Those who feared God saved Hebrew babies. Those who feared Pharaoh helped drown Hebrew babies.

In the Torah, the term fear of God is generally used when describing non-Jews. For example, when Abraham worries Sarah will be mistreated in Gerar, he explains: there is no fear of God in this place (Genesis 20:11). Thus, the use of this phrase to account for the midwives’ behavior provides yet another indication that the midwives were likely not Hebrews.

Finally, it is important to point out that the Torah’s account of the moral heroism of the midwives is part of a pattern present throughout the opening chapters of Exodus—the depiction of both non-Jews and women as moral heroes (see commentary on Exodus 2:1). This is another of the many examples of the Torah’s uniqueness. Other holy works have rarely portrayed either people of other nations, other religions, or women—let alone women of other nations and religions—as the moral heroes of their epic stories. This unique aspect of the Torah—one of so many examples of such—is among the many reasons why I do not regard the Torah as man-made.


1.18 So the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and said to them, Why have you done this thing, letting the boys live?

The fact that Pharaoh seems puzzled by their behavior is yet another indication the women were not Hebrews: His question, Why have you done this thing . . .? suggests that he is truly mystified by their behavior. It is unlikely he would have been so perplexed had the women been Hebrews. Even a Pharaoh would understand why women might not want to kill the babies of their own people.

Surprisingly, Pharaoh does not kill the midwives for disobeying him; he simply pleads with them like a plaintive husband whose wife has not done what he has asked of her. There is a parallel to the Holocaust here. Just as the midwives were not killed or even punished for refusing to participate in the murder of all Jewish boys, the few German soldiers who refused to participate in the Holocaust were also neither killed nor persecuted by the Nazi regime; they were either assigned other tasks or sent to the front (admittedly a very perilous option). Often standing up to great evil leads to death—as, for example, Poles who were caught hiding Jews during World War II—but it also often does not.

This does not, it should be emphasized, in any way reduce the moral greatness of those who did resist Hitler or other tyrants, many of whom suffered terribly, or—like Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer—were executed for their moral courage. It is only to note that there are also times when standing up for the good does not lead to terrible persecution.


1.19 The midwives said to Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women: they are vigorous. Before the midwife can come to them, they have given birth.

The midwives lie to Pharaoh, offering as an excuse the supposedly rapid nature of Hebrew women’s manner of giving birth. This passage offers guidance to all people confronting criminals or evil political regimes. The midwives want to save the infants, but they don’t want to die; so they don’t tell Pharaoh what they are really thinking: We fear God more than you and therefore have disobeyed you and your evil decree.

We can infer from this episode that one is not obligated to speak truthfully to murderers and die—or have other innocents die—as a result. Rather, we are not only permitted, but morally obligated, to lie to the evil in order to save ourselves or other innocents. The notion that it is always immoral to lie is itself immoral.

To explain why this is so—why lying is sometimes moral and telling the truth is sometimes immoral—it is necessary to explain the concept of moral absolutes.


Many religious people think that if you believe in moral absolutes, you cannot believe in situational ethics; they think situational ethics and moral relativism are synonymous.

This is a serious mistake. Moral relativism and situational ethics are not at all the same. In fact, if you believe in moral absolutes, you must also believe in situational ethics.

The doctrine of moral absolutes—or objective morality or moral truth—means there is an objective moral standard that transcends personal or societal opinion. To cite three examples, murder, the sexual abuse of a child, and lying are morally wrong not because many people or even an entire society believe they are wrong but because they are wrong—in the same way two plus two equals four, not because many (or even all) people think they equal four, but because they do equal four. There are moral truths just as there are mathematical, scientific, and historical truths. (However, there is one big difference: unlike scientific and historical truths, moral truths require God—because while scientific and historical truths can be proven, moral truths cannot be proven. You can argue murder is wrong, but you cannot prove it is wrong the way you can prove, for example, the earth is round. Moral truths depend entirely upon the existence of a Moral Source higher than mankind. Murder is wrong because God says so. If there is no God, all notions of right and wrong are subjective opinion.)

Courage is the rarest of all the good traits. There are far more kind and honest people than there are courageous people.

One more way to describe the existence of moral absolutes is universal morality. This means that just as two-plus-two-equals-four is universally true, so, too, moral truths are universal. If it is a truth that murder is wrong, it is wrong for all people. Moral relativism holds the opposite. It holds that morality is not universal but determined by each individual or each society: "what you think is wrong is wrong—for you; and what I think is wrong is wrong—for me."

There are moral truths just as there are mathematical, scientific, and historical truths.

Situational ethics is not at all the same as moral relativism. Situational ethics does not mean every individual determines what is moral; it means only by knowing the situation can we know whether an act is moral or immoral. This should be clear to anyone who gives it a moment’s thought. Take, for example, killing a person. Is that morally wrong? It depends entirely on the situation. If it is done in self-defense or to defend other innocents, or in a moral war, it is a moral act. Otherwise it is not killing, but murder. And murder, by definition, is immoral killing.

Or, take sexual intercourse. That act can be the most beautiful form of physical human bonding, but the same exact act can be the evil act known as rape. What determines whether sexual intercourse is beautiful and even holy or evil? The answer is—the situation.

The situation is what makes it possible for us to determine what the moral absolute is. Very few acts are in and of themselves morally wrong. It is the situation that enables us to determine what is right and wrong.

Lying is another example. The situation enables us to determine whether lying is wrong. If a murderer asks you where his intended victim is hiding, and you know the answer, it is not only alright to lie to the murderer, it is morally imperative to do so—because saving an innocent person’s life is a greater moral good than refraining from lying.

That is why the midwives’ lie was moral. And the biblical proof that this is what God wanted is two verses later when God rewards their behavior. God approved of both their conduct and their lie.


Ilana Pardes, professor of Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University, noted the words translated here as they are vigorous (ki chayyot hei-nah) also mean they are animals. In this instance, the latter translation makes more sense. The midwives understand Pharaoh, like most slave-owners, had a racist view of the enslaved people, and was therefore willing to believe the Hebrews were like animals. So he was readily convinced that, unlike the refined women of Egypt, the Hebrew women—like animals—could give birth without requiring assistance.

Ironically, it was Pharaoh’s racism that enabled him to accept as true the lie the midwives told him.

This verse is another indication the midwives were not Hebrews. They speak of Hebrew women in the third person—they.

1.20 And God dealt well with the midwives; and the people multiplied and increased greatly.

1.21 And because the midwives feared God, He established households for them.

God rarely rewards people so immediately and directly—or even rewards many people at all in this life. The preeminent Jewish philosopher Moses Maimonides (1135–1204), in a discussion of divine intervention in individuals’ lives (known in Hebrew as hashgacha pratit, literally divine supervision), posits that God generally intercedes only in the lives of those who involve themselves with Him, and/or those whose lives are involved in something much greater than themselves. The midwives met both of these criteria, which may account for their divine reward. Or, perhaps their rewards are cited to show how unequivocally God approved of their behavior.

1.22 Then Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, "Every boy that is born you shall throw into the Nile,

The whole Egyptian people are now implicated in the cruel treatment of the Israelites. Cruel as Pharaoh is, he could not have carried out murder on this scale alone; and the Torah once again reminds us it is only through the cooperation of the masses that massive evil is committed.

1.22 (cont.) but let every girl live."

We do not know for certain why the Pharaoh ordered newborn boys killed, but not newborn girls. But we can speculate.

One likely explanation is offered by a Midrash (a rabbinic story that illuminates a biblical story), which relates that Pharaoh was warned by his sorcerers and astrologers that a male savior of the Israelites was about to be born. This would also explain why Pharaoh only sought to kill the newborn male infants, and why Moses’s older brother, Aaron, though only three years old at the time, was not considered a risk. As we shall see in the next chapter, it is only Moses whom their mother feels the need to hide.

It is also possible Pharaoh spared the girls because in a patriarchal society they would not be able to cause as much trouble as boys. Pharaoh likely presumed if the Hebrew males were eliminated, despite any racial misgivings he had, the girls would eventually marry Egyptian or other non-Hebrew men and assimilate, and the Hebrew people would disappear.



2.1 A certain man of the house of Levi went and married a Levite woman.

The house of Levi refers to one of the twelve tribes of Israel, the Levites.

The Torah does not mention here the names of this husband and wife—which is remarkable given the monumental role they played as the parents of Moses, the most important figure in the Hebrew Bible and one of the most important figures in world history. They are named later in Exodus 6:20. One possible reason is the Torah’s desire to emphasize that Moses was born to ordinary people, not to illustrious, famous, rich, or even particularly holy parents. The most likely reason is to focus attention exclusively on the child, not the parents.

The Torah also wishes to emphasize that Moses’s birth was in no way miraculous. God chose Moses to lead the Jews out of Egypt because of his exceptional moral and leadership traits (see, for example, comments on verses 13 and 17). He was not preordained to lead and he was a normal mortal.


It is Moses’s mother who played the critical role in saving him. Indeed, women played central and heroic roles in the early chapters of Exodus:

The midwives, who defied Pharaoh’s edict to drown the Hebrews’ male babies; Pharaoh’s daughter, who, we will see, saved Moses;

Miriam, Moses’s sister, who intervened with the Egyptian princess to have Moses’s mother, Yocheved, appointed to nurse and care for Moses until he was weaned;

Zipporah, Moses’s Midianite wife, who saved either Moses or their son (the text is not clear) from God’s deadly wrath by circumcising their baby (Exodus 4:24-26).

The preeminent role of women in Moses’s life, like the prominent—and occasionally preeminent—role of women in the founding of the Jewish people in Genesis, is striking, particularly in light of the common dismissal of the Torah as a sexist document. Some laws in the Torah inevitably reflected the patriarchal culture of its time, but the Torah often portrays women as playing a more important role than men. It is adamant about the equal value of women and men—as reflected in its stories, in the woman as the final act of creation (all creation is in ascending order of sophistication and complexity), in the equal role of mothers and fathers, and elsewhere.

The preeminent role of women in Moses’s life, like the prominent role of women in Genesis, is striking, particularly in light of the common dismissal of the Torah as a sexist document.


2.2 The woman conceived and bore a son; and when she saw how beautiful he was, she hid him for three months.

The Torah continues its mundane description of Moses’s birth. This is in keeping with the Torah’s profound desire to prevent Moses from being regarded as divine and therefore worshipped by the Jewish people after his death (or even while alive). This is also the probable reason—as we shall see much later—why Moses is not allowed into the Promised Land, and why his burial place will forever remain unknown.


2.3 When she could hide him no longer, she got a wicker basket [tevah] for him and caulked it with bitumen and pitch.

In order to show a relationship between the stories of Noah and Moses, the Torah uses the same Hebrew word, tevah, to refer both to Moses’s basket and to Noah’s ark (despite the vast discrepancy in size between them).

This is another example of the Torah communicating that the Exodus (which includes the revelation of the Ten Commandments at Sinai) begins a new creation. Just as God saved Noah in a tevah set in the water, He will save Moses in a tevah set in water. Just as in Genesis, God started a new world with Noah, He is, in effect, starting a new world with Moses and the Jews. And just as God attempted to morally improve the world by revealing moral laws to Noah (i.e., all humanity) after the flood, He will attempt to do the same by revealing specific laws to humanity through Moses and a particular people.

2.3 (cont.) She put the child into it

In the face of this early attempt at genocide, Moses’s mother gave up her child to save his life.

2.3 (cont.) and placed it among the reeds by the bank of the Nile.

2.4 And his sister stationed herself at a distance, to learn what would befall him.


2.5 The daughter of Pharaoh came down to bathe in the Nile, while her maidens walked along the Nile. She spied the basket among the reeds and sent her slave girl to fetch it.

2.6 When she opened it, she saw that it was a child, a boy crying. She took pity on it and said, This must be a Hebrew child.

The Torah specifies that Pharaoh’s daughter is aware the baby is a Hebrew to emphasize her moral greatness—she takes pity on the baby knowing he is a Hebrew boy, the group her own father has targeted for annihilation.

If one believes the Torah narrative, how remarkable it is the daughter of the man who set out to annihilate the Hebrews is the one who saves them—and how remarkable of the Torah to relate that fact. If one does not believe the Torah narrative, the Torah, in making up such a story, is even more impressive in its lack of racism, ethno-centrism, and hatred of Egyptians.

In any case, the message is clear: though Pharaoh had a genocidal hatred for the Israelites, his daughter was a great humanitarian, the very person who thwarted her father’s evil campaign. Biology is not destiny; you can be the child of an evil person and be a good person.

2.7 Then his sister said to Pharaoh’s daughter, "Shall I go and get you a Hebrew nurse

Moses’s sister, Miriam, demonstrates considerable courage and boldness: She is not afraid to come forward and make a suggestion to the daughter of the king, even though she is a lowly slave girl.

2.7 (cont.) to suckle the child for you?"

It is only natural to suggest finding a Hebrew wet-nurse for a Hebrew child. Among other reasons, presumably an Egyptian woman would not (any more than a white woman in the nineteenth-century American South would) have breastfed an infant black slave child. Moreover, because of the killing of the Hebrew infants, there were many Hebrew women who still had milk in their breasts. Miriam was, of course, eager to restore the baby to his mother, though she could not share this with Pharaoh’s daughter.

2.8 And Pharaoh’s daughter answered, Yes. So the girl went and called the child’s mother.

2.9 And Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, Take this child and nurse it for me, and I will pay your wages. So the woman took the child and nursed it.

In another extraordinary display of decency, Pharaoh’s daughter offers to pay wages to a slave.

2.10 When the child grew up, she brought him to Pharaoh’s daughter, who made him her son. She named him Moses, explaining, I drew him out of the water.

The name Moses comes from the root of the Hebrew word mshi-tihu, I drew him out. Moses is also an Egyptian name, and presumably Pharaoh’s daughter chooses the name for an Egyptian reason rather than a Hebrew one. The Torah is providing a Hebrew explanation for a name most likely chosen for its Egyptian significance (which we do not know).

2.11 Some time after that, when Moses had grown up,

We do not learn anything about Moses’s upbringing or his relationship with either his adopted or birth mother. The Torah was not written in the age of psychology; it is less concerned with the inner lives of its characters than with imparting moral teaching and wisdom to its readers.

2.11 (cont.) he went out to his kinsfolk and witnessed their labors. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his kinsmen.

Despite being raised an Egyptian, Moses apparently recognized he was (also) a Hebrew. Children in the ancient world were often nursed until three years of age, and Moses’s mother would have likely wanted to maximize her time with him. It is quite possible she taught him he was a Hebrew. Perhaps he also had some continuing contact with his sister, since the Torah makes it clear he knew his brother Aaron (Exodus 4:14).

Biology is not destiny; you can be the child of an evil person and be a good person.

Perhaps resentful Egyptians in Pharaoh’s court regularly reminded Moses of his lowly (Hebrew) background.

And perhaps the daughter of Pharaoh, the mother who raised him, told him.

It is also possible, though less likely, Moses did not know he was a Hebrew, and the Torah’s words one of his brothers (translated here as kinsmen) is the Torah speaking, not Moses’s mind.


Regarding the role of Pharaoh’s daughter in Moses’s life, the Talmud—the holiest Jewish body of literature after the Bible, edited between the years 200 and 500, and comprising sixty-three volumes of philosophy, theology, ritual and ethical law, and stories—states: "Yocheved gave birth to Moses, Batya [the Hebrew name given to Pharaoh’s daughter, meaning ‘daughter of God’] raised him; therefore he is identified as her

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