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Cradle of the Day: The Drath Series, #14
Cradle of the Day: The Drath Series, #14
Cradle of the Day: The Drath Series, #14
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Cradle of the Day: The Drath Series, #14

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Adjusting to life on the Graceful Swan had not been easy for Ale Aukema. Yes, it was better than living in the Undercity. Safer, at least.

But she had no idea how to handle the social side of things. So when King Ru Shashi asked her to be his aide, to guard his back and help him deal with his birth clan, Ale accepted.

Eka Losnedahl was trapped between the vacuum and the blaster. Worst part was that xe'd been put there by xyr supposed friends Dominque and Brogan. Xe wasn't sure there was way out that didn't involve lots of blood spilled.

Then xe met Ale and all thoughts of battling Dominique and Brogan disappeared. Abandoning xyr sides was the easiest choice that Eka had ever made. Ale was worth it.

But their shotgun marriage revealed a conspiracy that could destroy not just Eka and Ale's lives but all humanity throughout the galaxy.

Release dateFeb 22, 2018
Cradle of the Day: The Drath Series, #14

Meyari McFarland

Meyari McFarland has been telling stories since she was a small child. Her stories range from SF and Fantasy adventures to Romances but they always feature strong characters who do what they think is right no matter what gets in their way. Her series range from Space Opera Romance in the Drath series to Epic Fantasy in the Mages of Tindiere world. Other series include Matriarchies of Muirin, the Clockwork Rift Steampunk mysteries, and the Tales of Unification urban fantasy stories, plus many more. You can find all of her work on MDR Publishing's website at

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    Book preview

    Cradle of the Day - Meyari McFarland

    Cradle of the Day

    Cradle of the Day

    A Drath Romance Novel

    Meyari McFarland

    MDR Publishing


    Special Offer

    1. Eager Eyes

    2. Quiet Tongues

    3. Gritted Teeth

    4. Darting Eyes

    5. Quiet Steps

    6. Pounding Heart

    7. Cold Fingers

    8. Nervous Words

    9. Muddled Mind

    10. Troubled Thoughts

    11. Curled Lip

    12. Sharp Questions

    13. Deceptive Smiles

    14. Stunned Looks

    15. Honeyed Words

    16. Running Feet

    17. Stopped Heart

    18. Shaking Sides

    19. Gentle Fingers

    Other Drath Romance Books by Meyari McFarland:

    Special Offer

    Author's Note: Stranded With you

    1. Comms Down

    2. Stolen Room


    Author Bio

    Cover of Joining of Lines showing an attractive black man staring into the camera against a star-filled background.

    Clash of Lines, where the story started, is free now on all major sites. Get a Free copy of the sequel to Clash of Lines by signing up for our mailing list: Get your copy here!

    Duty defined Jing Althus' life.

    Duty to Nthanda, his cousin. To the Ceelen who expected him to lead if Nthanda fell.

    Someone had targeted the Ceelen for destruction.

    Only one person could help Jing discover them: Iman Hogarth, conman, genius and the most beautiful man Jing had ever met.

    If Iman would help.

    Jing's only hope was to convince Iman that he was worth risking Iman's life.

    Other Drath Romance Books by Meyari McFarland:

    Clash of Lines

    Joining of Lines

    Consort of the Crystal Palace

    Fragments of a Chain

    Stranded With You

    Reunited Hearts

    A Simple Life

    You can find these and many other books at We are a small independent publisher focusing on LGBT content. Please sign up for our mailing list to get regular updates on the latest preorders and new releases and a free ebook!

    Copyright ©2017 by Mary Raichle

    Print ISBN: 978-1-944269-95-1

    Cover image

    ID 44401387 © Mimagephotography |

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be emailed to

    This book is also available in TPB format from all major retailers.

    Created with Vellum Created with Vellum

    This story is dedicated to my parents for always supporting me in my creative endeavors.

    1. Eager Eyes

    Ale slowed, stopped, stared out the viewport at the stars. So many stars. After living her whole live in the Hexal City's Undercity on Melin, seeing stars would always be a thing of wonder. She ran her fingertips over the viewport. No cold, not even a chill, but that was to be expected. There were layers upon layers of steel, insulation and machinery between her and the stars. This was, she had been told, not an actual window. Just a viewscreen so that occupants of the Graceful Swan didn't feel quite so entombed all the time .

    Strange that anyone would mind that feeling.

    Voices echoed up the hallway, Seong and Munashe arguing about something. Since Ale met them three months ago, they had never once stopped arguing. If it wasn't the food, it was the pay. If it wasn't the pay, it was their bosses. If it wasn't their bosses, it was their coworkers. Or each other. Or sometimes, just the smell of the air.

    Ale wondered, again, as they appeared around the corner whether Ceelen noses were that much more sensitive than hers for all she smelled was the faint grass-like smell of the wall coverings and the hints of her rich stew lunch.

    Certainly, she was never going to get used to the clothes the Ceelen wore. Bright colors, bold patterns and flowing fabric that would be so very easy to catch and use against them. Seong's red, gold and black dress had hints of Hyun-Ju styling, wrapping around her torso rather than fitting to it. The sleeves, long and very wide, hinted at Hyun-Ju as well. Odd given that Seong was Melin born and bred, Above, not Undercity. She had the Melin broad, round face with a flat nose rather than the Hyun-Ju narrow nose and angular face.

    Munashe was as Ceelen as it was possible to be, tall and muscular with skin as black as the darkness of space. Her ankle-length dress was green and blue, covered with renditions of leaves spotted with holes that Munashe would probably tell Ale were real, not imaginary. Her dreadlocks were so long that they brushed against her ample rear end as she sauntered up the hallway at Seong's side.

    Ah, there you are, Seong said the instant she spotted Ale.

    We were wondering where you'd gotten to after lunch, Munashe agreed. Her eyes swept Ale's body, then she licked her lips. Looking at the stars again?

    I paused, Ale said, carefully enunciating her words so that her Undercity accent wouldn't come out in front of these women with their so-different lives and so-beautiful clothes. Shrugged and attempted a smile that went flat almost instantly so she let it go. I'd thought to explore this level. I don't know the ship well enough yet.

    Why that would make Seong and Munashe frown at her, Ale would never understand. One should know one's environment. It was simply logical. Yes, of course, there was little likelihood that Ale would be attacked on the Graceful Swan. It was the flagship of the Ceelen and thus very, very safe.


    Was there new work to do? Ale asked, clearing her throat and standing a little straighter.

    Ah, no, Seong said, smiling and flapping her hand at Ale. It's just that King Ru wanted to check in with you, see how you were settling in.

    Apparently, Munashe said with a nod probably intended to be reassuring, he's doing that with all the Undercity people. He said something about making sure that all 'his kind' were doing okay.

    Which, well.

    That was reassuring, actually. If anyone understood Ale's difficulties settling in on the Graceful Swan, it would be Ru Sashi, former delivery boy turned ruler of the Hyun-Ju and husband to Nthanda Ceelen, ruler of the Ceelen. He was dealing with far more than Ale. He did have twin infants to tend to, with more of them on the way when the baby chambers finally disgorged their contents over the next few years.

    Did he say where to meet him? Ale asked.

    She clenched her hands behind her back, standing straight and tall. As tall as she could be when she was only five and a half foot while wearing boots. Oddly, Munashe bit her lip as if Ale was suddenly striking. Seong's breath caught for a moment as she nodded and gestured for Ale to follow her.

    Ale did so.

    They ended up in one of the conference rooms that dotted the level three up from where she'd been. This was a level Ale had yet to see but it looked much the same as any other. A faint green stripe along the join between floor and wall instead of the faint purple stripes she was used to on the floors she spent most of her time on.

    There was a code there, in the stripes, one that Ale had yet to get brave enough to ask about. Green for command levels? Personal levels? Or just offices, perhaps.

    Either way, Ru nodded to her and smirked as he waved Seong and Munashe to leave her with him. He sprawled in his chair at the other end of the small square conference table, one leg draped over the arm of his chair. A comfortable room, barely ten by ten feet, no room for anyone to hide, no cabinets on the walls, just table, chairs, Ru and Ale.

    His grin once the door shut was as wicked as Bangers closing in on prey in the deepest levels of the Undercity.

    They're so stuck on you, Ru commented. Then laughed when Ale's jaw dropped open. For reals, no jokes on you. Stuck like black slime up your nose.

    No. Ale sat opposite him and then shuddered, moving so that she was sitting at ninety degrees to him. Able to watch both him and the door. Much better than leaving her back to the door.

    Hell to the yeah, kiddo, Ru said. He nodded approvingly for her choice of seats. Most the others keep trying to sit the other side.

    Skin'll crawl into the vents, Ale complained with a shudder.

    No shit, Ru agreed. Still can't do that. Nthanda doesn't mind. Lets me drape myself over his back.

    That made Ale blush so hard that she went lightheaded. A love so strong that your mate trusted you to guard his back. That he offered his body to protect your innards. She couldn't imagine that.

    Speaking of.

    They… want me? Ale asked Ru, allowing her accent to come out fully.

    Thick broad vowels and drawled consonants, that's what her first instructor on board had called her accent. A broad one, deep and powerful enough to create a whole new Mellinish language, given a little more time that the Undercity no long had.

    Yeah, Ru said, making a little face, pout of the lips, lift of the eyebrows. He shrugged. Not sure you're into that. They're bits of fluff. Might want to discourage them if you're not. 'Cause they show no signs of looking anywhere else when you're in the room.

    Ale huffed and flicked her fingers at him as if throwing a knife. He grinned, caught the imaginary knife and pretended to balance it on the tip of his finger.

    Sassy boy.

    Of course, she wanted the security of a mate at her side. The protection. Who wouldn't? But Ale could tell just looking at Seong and Munashe that they were looking for the same. They were not warriors. Not like she and Ru were. Not like Lord Nthanda. They were clerks who trained once a week in hand to hand and then complained how sore they were while dreading the next training session.

    Ru smiled, sad, and nodded. Not for you.

    I don't… Ale sighed, shook her head sharply as she allowed herself to drop into her own dialect, the one that came easiest to her. Don' want th' same things, three of us. Don' wanna protect them. Wanna be protected. No more fightin' and killin' and runnin'.

    Fuck do I understand that, Ru groaned. Makes this harder, though. I got a mission and I think you're the right choice for it.

    Ale stared at him. Stared a bit more as Ru whistled and studied the ceiling, kicking that leg draped over the arm of his seat. Then glowered at him as Ru's cheeks started to go red.


    Mmm, yeah, Ru said. His ears started blushing along with his face. A mission.

    I will stab you, Ale snarled at him.

    He grinned, suddenly, shockingly, meeting her eyes. There was laughter there but also wrinkles around his eyes that spoke of stress. Fear. The need of backup.

    Which could not, apparently, be given by his mate Nthanda. Or any of the Ceelen. And, given who Ru was, that meant that it had to have something to do with the Hyun-Ju. Seong and Munashe had been gossiping just last night that there was a large contract for shipping munitions that needed to be negotiated between the Hyun-Ju and the Gensyn.

    Weapon systems which could handle the Gensyn system's terrible radiation, solar flares and constant waves of shifting debris were very expensive and very hard to manufacture. The Hyun-Ju were the only ones who built manned systems that could handle that environment, specifically in an effort to cajole contracts out of the myriad of independent Gensyn stations.

    My nanites have been upgraded to Gensyn levels, Ale allowed.

    See? Ru exclaimed, beaming at her as the stress wrinkles around his eyes smoothed out. That's why I wanna take you. For real, you're super-fast on the uptake, Ale. Got the best scores outta all the Undercity peeps.

    Not a peep, Ale grumbled at him. Never had a card, couldn't be a peep.

    Pfft, like cards make the peep, Ru said, rolling his eyes as he waved off her very logical and true objections. Tell you what, lot of those uppers weren't ever gonna be peeps even if you held a gun to their heads. Know that's true 'cause I've done it.

    Which sent Ale into snickers because yes, over the last three months she'd seen exactly that. So many idiots among those who lived Above. Hexal City's upper levels, the ones open to the air and sky and infrequent rain that swept over the deserts of Melin, were safe and clean and absolutely filled to the brim with people who couldn't be trusted to know a knife as it cut their throats.

    Mission? Ale asked, a little less annoyed about being set up this way just because Ru did look truly grateful.

    I gotta go to the Hyun-Ju command ship, Ru said, grimacing. Can't take Nthanda. He's got a big contract of his own to negotiate with Mellin's new government. Can't take Bala 'cause she's full-consorting with Imani. And Imani's the one keeping Nthanda from cutting throats. Can't take Jing because he's off with Iman doing who knows what and getting shot at. All the people I'd take, they got work. So I looked at the new people. Of them, you're the best, Ale. No joke, best by far. Hardest worker, smartest, fitting in fastest, most adaptable. Also most dangerous and hey, we are talking Hyun-Ju. They respect that.

    Ale nodded. True enough though she had a hard time believing that she was that much better than everyone else who'd been evacuated out of the Undercity and given a new life on the Ceelen ships. Five thousand people so far and more joining up every day as Mellin changed into a world where their skills were hunted, hated and outlawed.

    President Borna Truman was changing everything with the sort of iron determination that only came from being freed from slavery and being given absolute power.

    What'm I to do? Ale asked.

    Watch my back, Ru said, ticking points off on his fingers. Watch them and see what they're up to. I know they're up to something. Both sides. The negotiators on both sides are slime given legs.

    Ale snorted, one hand over her mouth to hide her grin. Lovely. She'd have to keep her knives very sharp around the negotiators.

    And, Ru said, grimacing apologetically, like it if you could help me understand the damned contract. You're studying that shit. I'm too busy taking care of babies, Nthanda and learning to rule to pick contacts apart.

    Oh, I can do that, Ale said. What a relief. Something that wasn't watching for death constantly. Sure. We taking guards, I hope?

    Like I'd go anywhere without them anymore, Ru said so wryly that she snorted and poked the sole of

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