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Blood and Thorns: Blood & Thorns, #1
Blood and Thorns: Blood & Thorns, #1
Blood and Thorns: Blood & Thorns, #1
Ebook100 pages4 hours

Blood and Thorns: Blood & Thorns, #1

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Bounty-hunter. Witch. Magic on the fritz.

Regan's job was simple- capture supernaturals and collect the reward. Even with a cross-heritage of witch and wizard, it paid the bills until a magic-slurping creature interfered in the chase. Arrested by the magical-control authorities and wrongly accused, Regan faces a death sentence unless she completes a mission for her accusers.

But nothing is ever straightforward when it comes to the Unseelie Realm, especially a search and rescue.

No one enters the Fae world and returns—alive anyway.

Book 1 in a new Urban Fantasy series!

PublisherCheri Winters
Release dateJan 12, 2018
Blood and Thorns: Blood & Thorns, #1

Cheri Winters

USA Today Bestselling Author, Cheri Winters got hooked on Urban Fantasy through Kim Harrison, Patricia Briggs, and Laurel K. Hamilton. Now Cheri writes her stories with kick-ass heroines battling their way through adventure and mayhem. When not writing, Cheri practices Muay Thai and Karate or catches up reading her favorite authors.

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    Book preview

    Blood and Thorns - Cheri Winters

    Chapter One

    Idouble-checked the info on the bag-n-tac assignment into accepted folder on my cell and pocketed my phone. Then I narrowed my magical scope to this individual based on his photo, birthdate and blood type. He would be in hiding so his name wouldn’t connect my scrying to him that way.

    I was a half-breed of both a witch and a wizard. My magic had been enough to hold my own against paranormal creatures which is why the bounty hunting agency gave me the tougher jobs but I didn’t care. It paid the rent and I didn’t have to work a boring desk job. Win-Win. I pulled out my amethyst pendulum necklace from underneath my shirt, concentrating on locating my target. The gem swung wide toward a shoe store. Gotcha. I tapped my baton strapped to my hip, its magic humming under my fingertips.

    A few moments later, the dude stepped out of the store with a shoe box under each arm.

    Hi handsome! I made my voice super sweet. Mind taking a photo of me?

    He narrowed his eyes, his nostrils flaring like he scented something in the air.

    Shit! Did he sense my magic? Maybe he wasn’t human after all.

    Instead of fighting like I’d expected, the guy flung the boxes of shoes at me, which I dodged, then he tore off down the street.

    Why do the guilty always run? Doesn't matter if the mark is human, vamp or were or even fae, they all take off as soon as they realize I’m there to take them in. Their response should fuel my ego, right? Nope, it just pissed me off. For once, why couldn’t a person acquiesce and let me do my job: turn them into the authorities so I could collect my pay and get on with my life.

    I hadn’t finished binge watching Dexter for the third time when this bounty hunting order popped up on my cell. Should’ve known there was more to it than a quick pick up.

    My human target dashed into the crowd. Under the rising sun, business people shuffled down the sidewalk in a rush to get to work. A taxi driver had hit another vehicle and both drivers were standing outside their cars, yelling.

    Crap, where had the dude fled? If he thought he’d gotten away, he was too late; I’d already thrown a tracking enchantment on him. But I couldn’t risk him discovering it and paying a black arts wizard or witch to break it. Time to move. And I’d worn my heeled boots today thinking a human target, even one with an expensive dollar sign on his head, would be easy.

    As I ran, I fingered the baton at my hip. I couldn't use my dual magic to freeze him with all these civilians in the way. With my luck, if I tried, the humans would turn into ice sculptures and stay that way for weeks.

    My boots clicked across the cement as I chased after my mark. He barreled into an old woman, knocking her down, and her bag of groceries scattered across the sidewalk. Apples and a grapefruit tumbled out into the street. Bastard kept running.

    Here, let me help you up. I paused and held out my hand to the older woman. Then we'll get your food. And I would pick up the dude’s trail from the magical tracking spell that had landed on his back. Wasn't like I didn't know his crimes. The order was to pick him up for skipping bail and shoplifting. Hardly hardcore stuff, and I should have him bagged, tagged, and delivered before my morning coffee craving hit. Was he too fast a runner to be bagged by the human bounty hunters? Is that why ASH had given me the case and placed a six thousand dollar price tag on him? Should’ve known something was up when I read the order. Too easy - and nothing in my life was ever easy.

    Thank you, sweetie. The old woman’s eyes widened when I touched her arm, and she began to shake.

    What the hell? My magic had siphoned out of me and… into this woman. Why? Had I triggered a wormhole spell that had laid dormant right here all this time? Whatever it was, it was draining me like I hadn’t eaten or slept in weeks. I jerked to get away, but my hand wouldn't budge off her arm. My French manicured nails turned blue. Sparks shot out at our connection. People around us screamed and ran, some ducking into shops and businesses, others jumping into taxis.

    The elderly female glanced up at me, the corners of her wrinkled mouth curling upward. That boy you're hunting is my nephew.

    What the fuck are you? I tried to yank my hand back, but it didn’t move. It felt like I was superglued and sewed to her arm. If I got out of this, it might be useful information for when I tried to apprehend him. Did the dude have any talents like hers? From the neck down, I was a statue. Was she emptying my magic? How?

    A Terin. She grinned and her teeth were serrated and black. And after I finish feeding on your power, I'm going to enjoy devouring your flesh and bones.

    Nice. A shiver skated down my back. Wouldn’t be the first time I’d been in over my head. Crime scene cleanup must be a breeze then. I swallowed, fighting the urge to close my eyes. Something told me if I did, she'd win, and I wasn't giving in that easily. My whole life had been a struggle and I wasn't gonna let some monster get the best of me. Was it a creature like this that had killed my parents? All I knew was I’d come home from high school to find them gone. No trace. No blood. Not even a smidgen of a backfired spell.

    Wingetta Meuion, I said.

    She slapped her other hand down on mine. "Not so fast, my little witch.

    Double speed, my power flooded forward and into her. I opened my mouth for another spell, but the words stuck in my throat like barnacles. Fuck!

    My witch side was useless, along with my wizard power that wouldn't work without a focal point: a staff, a stick, a wand, or, in my case, the used police baton I’d picked up at a garage sale. If I could reach the thing…

    Spots paraded across my vision. I didn’t want to die, but my energy was fading fast. My thoughts turned sluggish. Soon I'd be this ghoul’s dinner.

    Hold it right there! a voice shouted, but I couldn't move to see who’d spoken, couldn’t warn them.

    Step away with your hands up.

    Must be a cop and a human one. Anyone else would see her aura slurping up mine. I struggled against the fatigue crashing into me to shout a warning, but I couldn't even get out a squeak.

    I said, hands up. The voice came louder this time. Over the Terin’s shoulder, a cop held up a pistol. I seriously

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