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The Mysteries of Royal Art
The Mysteries of Royal Art
The Mysteries of Royal Art
Ebook75 pages52 minutes

The Mysteries of Royal Art

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About this ebook

The main purpose of the author, in writing this short essay on the ancient and ancestral teaching of the Royal Art (Ars Regia), is to give testimony to future instructors and initiators of the Western Initiatory Chain, to explain the philosophical and metaphysical foundation that the occult and esoteric have in the Western Initiatory tradition as he learned it and has taught it to his pupils, initiates and disciples. But also, on the other hand, to enable the uninitiated reader, to discover and understand in a basic and simple form, the main foundations of this knowledge, in the hope that it can serve as inspiration and as a useful and practical tool, which will help the reader to discover and develop those innate gifts, allowing him, should he wish, to take control over his life and personal destiny.

Release dateJun 20, 2017
The Mysteries of Royal Art

Publio S. Colmenares B.

Acerca del Autor Nacido en la ciudad de Caracas, Venezuela en 1950, es un filósofo metafísico, instruido y formado en las antiguas enseñanzas de los Maestros Constructores*, cuyo conocimiento forma parte de la llamada Tradición Oral de Occidente. Actualmente se desempeña como escritor, ensayista, conferencista, y en forma estrictamente privada, como asesor y consejero vocacional, personal y de emprendimientos. Hoy por hoy, es uno de los pocos sobrevivientes de su generación, herederos y continuadores de la antigua tradición del Arte Regio**; una tradición proveniente de la antigua Grecia, transmitida exclusivamente a un grupo selecto de sus alumnos de la Academia de Atenas, por el gran filósofo griego Aristocles de Atenas, mejor conocido como Platón. El Arte Regio, es una enseñanza filosófica, metafísica, y holística, mencionada mas no revelada públicamente por Platón, en sus diálogos “Eutidemo” o “El Discutidor” y “El Político” o “De la Realeza”; y legada a la posteridad, también en forma privada y tradicional, por su discípulo y segundo sucesor en la Academia, el también filósofo, Jenócrates de Sición. *La Masonería Primigenia u Operativa, que no debe confundirse con la mundialmente conocida Franc-Masonería o Masonería Especulativa; creada en el año 1717, cuya labor se orienta principalmente hacia lo político, social, filantrópico y fraternal. **Ars Regia, Arte Real o Arte de Reinar. About the author Born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1950, he is a metaphysical philosopher, instructed and trained in the ancient teachings of the Master Builders*, whose knowledge is part of the so-called Oral Tradition of the West. He currently works as a writer, essayist, lecturer, and in addition as a vocational, personal and entrepreneurial advisor. Today, he is one of the few survivors of his generation, heirs and continuators of the ancient tradition of Royal Art**; a tradition from ancient Greece, transmitted exclusively to a select group of its students of the Academy of Athens, by the great Greek philosopher Aristocles of Athens, better known as Plato. The Royal Art, is a philosophical, metaphysical, and holistic teaching, mentioned but not publicly revealed by Plato, in his dialogues "Eutidemo" ("The Disputer") and "The Politician" ("Of the Royalty"); and bequeathed to posterity, also privately and traditionally, by his disciple and second successor in the Academy, the philosopher, Jenócrates de Sición. *Primal or Operational Freemasonry, which should not be confused with the world-known, Freemasonry or Speculative Freemasonry; created in the year 1717, whose work is mainly oriented towards the political, social, philanthropic and fraternal. **Ars Regia

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    The Mysteries of Royal Art - Publio S. Colmenares B.


    The Mysteries of Royal Art

    The Initiatic Tradition of the West!

    The Mysteries of Royal Art

    The Initiatic Tradition of the West!

    Publio S. Colmenares B.

    Copyright 2017 Publio S. Colmenares B.

    Smashwords Edition

    Cover Design: Architect Max D. Hernandez G.

    Cover image: Crowned Lion, courtesy of

    English translation of the original in Spanish:

    Publio S. Colmenares B.

    Correction of style:

    Helen Mortlock and Silvia Wikander.

    Smashwords Edition Licence Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    To my daughters

    Rayma Giseh, Isis Yezirah, and Nayarit Yazmin,

    Colmenares Chang,

    Hoping that the conten will guide them in the upbringing of their children (my grandchildren), and can lead them to be masters and lords of their own personal destiny.



    Preamble for the uninitiated reader

    1.- The ancient art of reigning

    2.- The royal art

    3.- Ars, the gift that builds the vocation

    4.- Regia, the gift of judging correctly

    5. The 12 universal laws and principles, eternal and immutable

    6. Faith, which gives strength to the conscious will

    7.- The domain of personal destiny


    Cited Works


    The oral and initiatory tradition of the West assures us that every human being at birth is endowed with two great gifts that complement each other; gifts that, generally, we carry in an incipient state or little developed.

    One frequently sees extraordinary cases of people born with one of these gifts fully developed; and this fortunate circumstance, for all, makes society immediately recognize them as wise, or as geniuses and considers them special beings or super gifted people.

    However, these beings, although very special, seldom show the simultaneous development of both gifts, and it is very easy to notice in them, on first observation, that wisdom is not always accompanied by genius or vice versa; that genius does not always enjoy the company of wisdom.

    On the other hand, many people feel that their existence is a real martyrdom, because they fail to fit completely, not only in their social environment, but sometimes even in their family environment. For this reason, they often show, in some cases, a sad and distraught face and in others, a permanently conflictive character laden with resentment.

    Many of them find it difficult to make decisions, as their criteria and conclusions almost always lack objectivity or practicality and end up generating more problems and disadvantages than benefits.

    Others feel a great personal dissatisfaction, because they work only out of necessity, obligation or convenience, since they feel neither pleasure nor love for the tasks they perform.

    All this happens precisely because most people ignore the great potential they bring at birth and also because they mistakenly think that having an extraordinary ability to exercise a profession or trade or to possess an excellent ability to act right and wisely, they are of a privilege chosen few, whilst while in reality this is something that we all possess and anyone who wishes has the possibility of accessing, developing and exploiting it not only for his own benefit, but also by extension, to all those around him.

    The main purpose of the author, in writing this short essay on the ancient and ancestral teaching of the Royal Art (Ars Regia), is to give testimony to future instructors and initiators of the Western Initiatory Chain, to explain the philosophical and metaphysical foundation that the occult and esoteric have in the Western Initiatory tradition as he learned it and has taught it to his pupils, initiates and disciples. But also, on the other hand, to enable the uninitiated reader, to discover and understand in a basic and simple form, the main foundations of this knowledge, in the hope that it can serve as inspiration and as a useful

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