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Read Between the Signs (Divine Signs): Your Guide to Understanding Signs & Symbols
Read Between the Signs (Divine Signs): Your Guide to Understanding Signs & Symbols
Read Between the Signs (Divine Signs): Your Guide to Understanding Signs & Symbols
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Read Between the Signs (Divine Signs): Your Guide to Understanding Signs & Symbols

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About this ebook

A simple guide to recognizing signs from your loved ones as well as stories of personal experiences.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 23, 2020
Read Between the Signs (Divine Signs): Your Guide to Understanding Signs & Symbols

Lynnette Johnson-Terrien

Widowed mother of 3, grandmother of 9 and great grandmother of 6. Although it has taken me this long to write this book, my dream is fulfilled. I have also added to my education and am considering private counseling. Certified from the American Institute of Healthcare Professionals, Inc. In Divine Communication & Guidance, also certified from AIHCP in Prayer and Meditation in Spiritual Counseling. I have continued to pursue enlightenment and different ways of communication, as I still do.

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    Read Between the Signs (Divine Signs) - Lynnette Johnson-Terrien

    Copyright © 2020 Lynnette Johnson-Terrien.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4960-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4962-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-4961-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020910770

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/22/2020





    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14



    First and foremost, God, my Father.

    The angels who woke me up in the middle of the night to whisper in my ear that I would do this project

    My son, Prince Annan Koomson, whose monetary gift made this all possible.

    My children, Lori, Paulie, and Paul PJ, who put up with my moods and frustration.

    For my late husband, whose love and confidence in me kept me going until he had to go home.

    And last but certainly not least, Dr. Rick Weber, PsyD, who not only counseled my grief and depression but became my kindred soul. The more I opened up, the more he understood my life, spirituality, and the universal connection. He even marveled at my many signs. I thank him for being open so that I could be as well.



    As a scientist, the thought of Extrasensory Phenomena or paranormal activity took a backseat in my world of verifiable truth. My experience and education reminded me of the importance of reliable and valid proof of one’s suppositions. In my early meetings with Lynnette Terrien, I was skeptical of her assertions that she received visitations from the afterlife. Her assertions suggested that her father, her mother, her sister, and her soul mate would make regular appearances in her day-to-day life. The orbs of light that would appear to her, spontaneous fragrances, and familiar objects were a few of the different ways that her significant others would show their presence to her.

    At one point, I believe Lynnette sensed my disbelief, and she showed me my first glimpse of something that was otherworldly. Not being an expert with this type of phenomena, I was uncertain of what I should be looking for in her video. But after looking at the image for a brief moment it was evident there was a dancing light within her bedroom. With further investigation and slightly more of an open mind, I was able to see an image. Remarkably, it was the image of her soul mate, someone whom I knew fairly well. The details and outline of this apparition were astounding. I could make out his long beard and his kind eyes. My scientific mind shifted with this experience.

    From that point forward, I became a believer in this phenomenon and acknowledged that Lynnette had a special ability to communicate with people from the afterlife. On several occasions over the last seven years, Lynnette has shared video images of spirits that have visited her within her home. She also has shared stories of other phenomena that would appear randomly in her life. After seeing so many pieces of evidence of their existence, I became a believer that this phenomenon is real. More important, I believe that Lynnette has the gift to take her experience with this and give it back to the world in a helpful and positive way.

    This book is evidence that this phenomenon is real and has value for those willing to open their minds to the messages we receive from all realms of life. I have listened to the skeptics, and I do not believe that their counterarguments of photo doctoring or the presence of dust is what exists in Lynnette’s experience. It is clear to me that she has a special gift and is capable of connecting

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