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The World Of Agile:Incarnation Of DevOps
The World Of Agile:Incarnation Of DevOps
The World Of Agile:Incarnation Of DevOps
Ebook179 pages3 hours

The World Of Agile:Incarnation Of DevOps

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Agile software development history doesn't begin with the Agile Manifesto—its roots go back much earlier. Due to application development crisis in the early 1990’s as part of the innovative PC computing, which suggests that industries were to wait for an approximate period of 3 years before seeing the first version of the software? Since the PC world was overwhelming and software developments were lagging due to waterfall methodologies, it made the industry leaders frustrated. Out of several examples, the adaptive SDLC process of Waterfall method hit so many industries like, manufacturing, Aerospace, Defence, Food & Beverages, Agriculture .etc. A few of the examples of them are: A new car was taking about 6 years to be launched from its vault whereas AT&T was broken to such an extent that its leaders were whispering as if like new born babies. Apart from these, one of the disaster example as seen in 1990 was, Dod & Space shuttle program of USA, which made its operational launch is 1982 was using the technologies and processes from 1962.

Release dateJun 24, 2017
The World Of Agile:Incarnation Of DevOps

Binayaka Mishra

Binayaka Mishra is an experienced IT professional, in various tools and technologies like Data Warehousing, BigData Analytics, Cloud Computing, Reporting Analytics & Project Management documentation with 14+ years’of experience. He was Graduated in Computer Science & Engineering from National Institute Of Science & Technology, Berhampur, Odisha, India in 2002.He has worked in several critical roles with MNC’s like Tech Mahindra, Oracle Corporation, Wipro Technology,CapGemini UK,CapGemini India Pvt Ltd, UBS , AoN Hewitt Associates India Pvt Ltd, HMRC -UK and TUI Travel Plc -UK. Apart from technical details, his mastery are into functional domains like Payroll Processing, Tax Calculation, UK NI, BFSI,Telecommunication, Corporate Tax measurements divisions, Investment Banking, Automotive, Asset management , Security and Travel & Tourisim.Currently working as a Solution Architect / Project Manager in Tech Mahindra, India, loves to listen to music, play snooker, Bowling and a desperate swimmer like a shark.More Information could be found about him in his Linkedin Profile : any comments or advise, please feel free to write to:

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    Book preview

    The World Of Agile:Incarnation Of DevOps - Binayaka Mishra

    The World of Agile - Incarnation of DevOps

    By Binayaka Mishra

    Copyright 2017, Binayaka Mishra

    Smashwords Edition

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    Table of CONTENTS



    Chapter 1: From The Vault

    1.1 Agile Manifesto Principles

    Chapter 2: The Identity

    2.1 Waterfall model

    2.1.1 Advantages of waterfall model

    2.1.2 Disadvantages of waterfall model

    2.1.3 When to use the waterfall model

    2.2 Prototype Model

    2.2.1 Advantages of Prototype model

    2.2.2 Disadvantages of Prototype model

    2.2.3 When to use Prototype model

    2.3 Spiral Model

    2.3.1 Advantages of Spiral model

    2.3.2 Disadvantages of Spiral model

    2.3.3 When to use Spiral model

    2.4 Iterative Model

    2.4.1 Advantages of Iterative model

    2.4.2 Disadvantages of Iterative model

    2.4.3 When to use iterative model

    2.5 Incremental Model

    2.5.1 Advantages of Incremental model

    2.5.2 Disadvantages of Incremental model

    2.5.3 When to use the Incremental model

    2.6 V Model

    2.6.1 Advantages of V-model

    2.6.2 Disadvantages of V-model

    2.6.3 When to use the V-model

    2.7 RAD Model

    2.7.1 Advantages of the RAD model

    2.7.2 Disadvantages of RAD model

    2.7.3 When to use RAD model

    2.8 Agile Model

    2.8.1 Advantages of Agile model

    2.8.2 Disadvantages of Agile model

    2.8.3 When to use Agile model

    2.9 DevOps Model

    Chapter 3: Agile Model Vs Non-Agile Models

    Chapter 4: Usages - Agile and Non-Agile Models

    Chapter 5: Whole-Team Approach

    Chapter 6: Agile Frameworks

    6.1 Scrum

    6.1.1 Product Increment

    6.1.2 Product Backlog

    6.1.3 Sprint Backlog

    6.1.4 Delineation of Done

    6.1.5 Time Boxing

    6.1.6 Meetings

    6.2 Kanban

    6.3 Extreme Programming

    Chapter 7: Kanban Vs Scrum

    Chapter 8: User Story Template on Agile Frameworks

    8.1 Retrospective Meetings on Agile Frameworks

    Chapter 9: Continuous Integration on Agile Frameworks

    9.1 CI means increased maintenance

    9.2 This is too much change and too fast

    9.3 Failed builds

    9.4 CI means additional hardware and software costs

    9.5 Developers have to perform these activities

    9.6 The project is too far along to add CI

    9.7 Best practices

    Chapter 10: Release & Iteration Planning On Agile

    Chapter 11: Agile Testing

    11.1 Meetings Involved

    11.2 Role of a tester in Release and Sprint Planning

    11.3 Role of a tester in Scrum

    11.4 Challenges of Agile scrum testing

    11.5 Test Driven Development (TDD)

    11.6 The motto of test-driven development is Red Green and Refactor

    11.7 Advantages Of Test Driven Development (TDD)

    11.8 Acceptance Test Driven Development

    11.9 Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)

    Chapter 12: Quality Risks on Agile

    12.1 Product Risk/ Quality Risk analysis process in an Agile project

    12.2 In the Agile or Scrum arena

    Chapter 13: Exploratory Testing on Agile

    13.1 Exploratory Testing

    Chapter 14: Cloud Computing on Agile

    14.1 Management Tools

    14.2 Code Branching and Merging

    14.3 On-Demand, Disposable Testing Environments

    14.4 Parallel Testing

    14.5 Continuous Integration and Delivery

    14.6 External Services

    14.7 Automated Feedback

    14.8 Quality Standards

    14.9 Advantages of Cloud Computing with Agile Development

    Chapter 15: Agile Methodology - Virtualization

    15.1 Benefits

    15.2 How Service Virtualization Could Enhance Agile Testing

    Chapter 16: Agile Methodology – BigData Participation

    Chapter 17: Agile Methodology – IoT[Internet Of Things]

    17.1 What is Internet of Things]

    Chapter 18: Agile Methodology – Digital Technology

    Chapter 19: DevOps Arena

    19.1 Challenges with Agile

    19.2 Pre-DevOps Scenario

    19.3 DevOps Continum

    19.4 Phases of DevOps

    19.5 DevOps Values

    19.6 DevOps Principles

    19.7 DevOps Methods

    19.8 DevOps Practices

    19.9 DevOps Tools

    19.10 DevOps Success Mantras

    Chapter 20: DevOps – Best Practice(s)

    20.1 Top Priority: Dealing with Your Industry Disruption

    20.2 DevOps is the Foundation of Your Digital IT Organization

    20.3 Strategize

    20.4 Plan

    20.5 Design and Implementation

    20.6 DevOps Myths

    20.7 DevOps Product Types

    20.8 Future Prospects

    Chapter 21: Climax

    Chapter 22: Citations

    Chapter 23: References

    About Binayaka Mishra


    This paper is for informational purposes only. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION, OR SAMPLE. The author of this paper disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any property rights, relating to use of this information. No license, express or implied, by me or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein. I would like to personally thanks the various Informational Journals as furnished on Reference and Citation to aid me produce such quality content and also let me learn new ideas.



    I would like to dedicate this manuscript to my stalwart elder brother, Mr. Bibhu Prasad Mishra for his outstanding courage and submission to Indian Air Force irrespective of all the odds, which includes earthquakes, T-Sunami and versatile natural calamities. Though he was suffered a lot for these moments and commanded to proceed with his duties, that always make me feel proud upon his achievements and encouraged me a lot. Not too stunningly mention, If I am being little eligible to write this book today, it’s become successful due to the painful life of my brother which always inspired me.

    Chapter 1- FROM THE VAULT

    While our day to day life is running on gadgets and the software as implemented on them, should we ever think about that software? Well I can fairly say yes, because while we go buying or using these gadgets today, we take all the preliminary steps to do advance homework to get the best out of the market. But, does anybody take the necessary measurements to go deep down to slice and dice these software’s which make our life a little easier? There you go… Now the numbers may go down. Rather taking a dig to overhaul yourself, let’s get straight to the point of our discussion.

    Agile software development history doesn’t begin with the Agile Manifesto—its roots go back much earlier. Due to application development crisis in the early 1990’s as part of the innovative PC computing, which suggests that industries were to wait for an approximate period of 3 years before seeing the first version of the software?  Since the PC world was overwhelming and software developments were lagging due to waterfall methodologies, it made the industry leaders frustrated. Out of several examples, the adaptive SDLC process of Waterfall method hit so many industries like, manufacturing, Aerospace, Defence, Food & Beverages, Agriculture .etc. A few of the examples of them are: A new car was taking about 6 years to be launched from its vault whereas AT&T was broken to such an extent that its leaders were whispering as if like new born babies. Apart from these, one of the disaster example as seen in 1990 was, Dod & Space shuttle program of USA, which made its operational launch is 1982 was using the technologies and processes from 1962. 

    It was Jon Kern, An Aerospace Engineer in 1990s, Firstly tried to take the different approach to SDLC process due to his frustration with the long leading time on ancient PLM method. On February 11-13, 2001, at The Lodge at Snowbird ski resort in the Wasatch mountains of Utah, seventeen people met to talk, ski, relax, and try to find common ground—. What emerged was the Agile ‘Software Development’ Manifesto. Representatives from Extreme Programming, SCRUM, DSDM, Adaptive Software Development, Crystal, Feature-Driven Development, Pragmatic Programming, and others sympathetic to the need for an alternative to documentation driven, heavyweight software development processes convened. This group included Kern, Extreme Programming pioneers Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham, Arie van Bennekum, Alistair Cockburn, and twelve others, all well known today in the agile community. At that meeting rather using Agile, the terms like light or lightweight are used to describe Agile Methodology.

    In particular, these thought leaders sought ways to quickly build working software and get it into the hands of end users. This fast delivery approach provided a couple of important benefits. First, it enabled users to get some of the business benefits of the new software faster. Second, it enabled the software team to get rapid feedback on the software’s scope and direction; to get rid of the chaotic approach to develop the software since 1960’s to 1990. At the same time, late 1990’s, Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber conceived the scrum process in the early 1990s. The term came from rugby and referred to a team working toward a common goal. They codified scrum in 1995 in order to present it at an object-oriented conference in Austin, Texas. They published it in the form of a paper titled SCRUM Software Development Process. Scrum was based on the concept that for the development of new, complex products, the best results occur when small and self-organizing teams are given objectives rather than specific assignments. The team had the freedom to determine the best way of meeting those objectives.

    At around the same time late 1995’s, Kent Beck was hired as a consultant on an experimental software development project at Chrysler. In time, he was named the project leader, and in an effort to succeed was determined to take best practices

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