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The Misanthrope and Other Plays
The Misanthrope and Other Plays
The Misanthrope and Other Plays
Ebook529 pages7 hours

The Misanthrope and Other Plays

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Written during the highly successful final years of his life, the plays contained in this edition represent the pinnacle of Moliere's artistry and the most profound demonstration of his vision of humanity: "The Misanthrope," "The Doctor in Spite of Himself," a hilarious example of Molière's long-standing skepticism of the medical profession, "The Miser," "The Shopkeeper Turned Gentleman," "The Impostures of Scapin," "The Learned Women," and "The Imaginary Invalid," the play that Molière appeared in only hours before his death. These works combine all the traditional elements of comedy—wit, slapstick, spectacle and satire, with a certain deep understanding of character that Molière was notorious for. His highly popular work, "The Misanthrope," satirizes the hypocrisies of aristocratic French society, and paints an accurate picture of the upper-class world in which Molière, looked down upon as a playwright, was ultimately denied membership to.
Release dateJan 1, 2010
The Misanthrope and Other Plays

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    The Misanthrope and Other Plays - Moliére




    A Book Publishing

    Print ISBN 13: 978-1-4209-3498-4

    Ebook ISBN 13: 978-1-4209-3754-1

    This edition copyright © 2011

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    ACT I.

    ACT II.

    ACT III.

    ACT IV.

    ACT V.



    ACT I.

    ACT II.

    ACT III.



    ACT I.

    ACT II.

    ACT III.

    ACT IV.

    ACT V.



    ACT I.

    ACT II.

    ACT III.

    ACT IV.

    ACT V.



    ACT I.

    ACT II.

    ACT III.



    ACT I.

    ACT II.

    ACT III.

    ACT IV.

    ACT V.



    ACT I.

    ACT II.

    ACT III.


    Le Misanthrope ou l'Atrabilaire amoureux



    ALCESTE, in love with Célimène.

    PHILINTE, his friend.

    ORONTE, in love with Célimène.

    CÉLIMÈNE, beloved by Alceste.

    ELIANTE, her cousin.

    ARSINOÉ, Célimène's friend.

    ACASTE, marquises.

    CLITANDRE, marquises.

    BASQUE, servant to Célimène.

    DUBOIS, servant to Alceste.

    An Officer of the Maréchaussée.

    Scene.—At Paris, in CÉLIMÈNE'S House

    ACT I.


    PHILINTE. What is the matter? What ails you?

    ALCESTE (seated). Leave me, I pray.

    PHILINTE. But, once more, tell me what strange whim—

    ALCESTE. Leave me, I tell you, and get out of my sight.

    PHILINTE. But you might at least listen to people, without getting angry.

    ALCESTE. I choose to get angry, and I do not choose to listen.

    PHILINTE. I do not understand you in these abrupt moods, and although we are friends, I am the first—

    ALCESTE (rising quickly). I, your friend? Lay not that flattering unction to your soul. I have until now professed to be so; but after what I have just seen of you, I tell you candidly that I am such no longer; I have no wish to occupy a place in a corrupt heart.

    PHILINTE. I am then very much to be blamed from your point of view, Alceste?

    ALCESTE. To be blamed? You ought to die from very shame; there is no excuse for such behaviour, and every man of honour must be disgusted at it. I see you almost stifle a man with caresses, show him the most ardent affection, and overwhelm him with protestations, offers, and vows of friendship. Your ebullitions of tenderness know no bounds; and when I ask you who that man is, you can scarcely tell me his name; your feelings for him, the moment you have turned your back, suddenly cool; you speak of him most indifferently to me. Zounds! I call it unworthy, base, and infamous, so far to lower one's self as to act contrary to one's own feelings, and if, by some mischance, I had done such a thing, I should hang myself at once out of sheer vexation.

    PHILINTE. I do not see that it is a hanging matter at all; and I beg of you not to think it amiss if I ask you to show me some mercy, for I shall not hung myself, if it be all the same to you.

    ALCESTE. That is a sorry joke.

    PHILINTE. But, seriously, what would you have people do?

    ALCESTE. I would have people be sincere, and that, like men of honour, no word be spoken that comes not from the heart.

    PHILINTE. When a man comes and embraces you warmly, you must pay him back in his own coin, respond as best you can to his show of feeling, and return offer for offer, and vow for vow.

    ALCESTE. Not so. I cannot bear so base a method which your fashionable people generally affect; there is nothing I detest so much as the contortions of these great time-and-lip servers, these affable dispensers of meaningless embraces, these obliging utterers of empty words, who view every one in civilities, and treat the man of worth and the fop alike. What good does it do if a man heaps endearments on you, vows that he is your friend, that he believes in you, is full of zeal for you, esteems and loves you, and lauds you to the skies, when he rushes to do the same to the first rapscallion he meets? No, no, no heart with the least self-respect cares for esteem so prostituted; he will hardly relish it, even when openly expressed, when he finds that he shares it with the whole universe. Preference must be based on esteem, and to esteem every one is to esteem no one. Since you abandon yourself to the vices of the times, zounds! you are not the man for me. I decline this over-complaisant kindness, which uses no discrimination. I like to be distinguished; and, to cut the matter short, the friend of all mankind is no friend of mine.

    PHILINTE. But when we are of the world, we must confirm to the outward civilities which custom demands.

    ALCESTE. I deny it. We ought to punish pitilessly that shameful pretence of friendly intercourse. I like a man to be a man, and to show on all occasions the bottom of his heart in his discourse. Let that be the thing to speak, and never let our feelings be hidden beneath vain compliments.

    PHILINTE. There are many cases in which plain speaking would become ridiculous, and could hardly be tolerated. And, with all due allowance for your unbending honesty, it is as well to conceal your feelings sometimes. Would it be right or decent to tell thousands of people what we think of them? And when we meet with some one whom we hate or who displeases us, must we tell him so openly?

    ALCESTE. Yes.

    PHILINTE. What! Would you tell old Emilia, that it ill becomes her to set up for a beauty at her age, and that the paint she uses disgusts everyone?

    ALCESTE. Undoubtedly.

    PHILINTE. Or Dorilas, that he is a bore, and that there is no one at court who is not sick of hearing him boast of his courage, and the lustre of his house?

    ALCESTE. Decidedly so.

    PHILINTE. You are jesting.

    ALCESTE. I am not jesting at all; and I would not spare any one in that respect. It offends my eyes too much; and whether at Court or in town, I behold nothing but what provokes my spleen. I become quite melancholy and deeply grieved to see men behave to each other as they do. Everywhere I find nothing but base flattery, injustice, self-interest, deceit, roguery. I cannot bear it any longer; I am furious; and my intention is to break with all mankind.

    PHILINTE. This philosophical spleen is somewhat too savage. I cannot but laugh to see you in these gloomy fits, and fancy that I perceive in us two, brought up together, the two brothers described in The School for Husbands, who—

    ALCESTE. Good Heavens! drop your insipid comparisons.

    PHILINTE. Nay, seriously, leave off these vagaries. The world will not alter for all your meddling. And as plain speaking has such charms for you, I shall tell you frankly that this complaint of yours is as good as a play, wherever you go, and that all those invectives against the manners of the age, make you a laughing stock to many people.

    ALCESTE. So much the better Zounds! so much the better. That is just what I want. It is a very good sign, and I rejoice at it. All men are so odious to me, that I should be sorry to appear rational in their eyes.

    PHILINTE. But do you wish harm to all mankind?

    ALCESTE. Yes I have conceived a terrible hatred for them.

    PHILINTE. Shall all poor mortals, without exception, be included in this aversion? There are some, even in the age in which we live—

    ALCESTE. No, they are all alike; and I hate all men: some, because they are wicked and mischievous; others because they lend themselves to the wicked, and have not that healthy contempt with which vice ought to inspire all virtuous minds. You can see how unjustly and excessively complacent people are to that bare-faced scoundrel with whom I am at law. You may plainly perceive the traitor through his mask; he is well known every-where in his true colors; his rolling eyes and his honeyed tones impose only on those who do not know him. People are aware that this low-bred fellow, who deserves to be pilloried, has, by the dirtiest jobs, made his way in the world; and that the splendid position he has acquired makes merit repine and virtue blush. Yet whatever dishonourable epithets may be launched against him everywhere, nobody defends his wretched honour. Call him a rogue, an infamous wretch, a confounded scoundrel if you like, all the world will say yea, and no one contradicts you. But for all that, his bowing and scraping are welcome everywhere; he is received, smiled upon, and wriggles himself into all kinds of society; and, if any appointment is to be secured by intriguing, he will carry the day over a man of the greatest worth. Zounds! these are mortal stabs to me, to see vice parleyed with; and sometimes times I feel suddenly inclined to fly into a wilderness far from the approach of men.

    PHILINTE. Great Heaven? let us torment ourselves a little less about the vices of our age, and be a little more lenient to human nature. Let us not scrutinize it with the utmost severity, but look with some indulgence at its failings. In society, we need virtue to be more pliable. If we are too wise, we may be equally to blame. Good sense avoids all extremes, and requires us to be soberly rational. This unbending and virtuous stiffness of ancient times shocks too much the ordinary customs of our own; it requires too great perfection from us mortals; we must yield to the times without being too stubborn; it is the height of folly to busy ourselves in correcting the world. I, as well as yourself, notice a hundred things every day which might be better managed, differently enacted; but whatever I may discover at any moment, people do not see me in a rage like you. I take men quietly just as they are; I accustom my mind to bear with what they do; and I believe that at Court, as well as in the city, my phlegm is as philosophical as your bile.

    ALCESTE. But this phlegm, good sir, you who reason so well, could it not be disturbed by anything? And if perchance a friend should betray you; if he forms a subtle plot to get hold of what is yours; if people should try to spread evil reports about you, would you tamely submit to all this without flying into a rage?

    PHILINTE. Ay, I look upon all these faults of which you complain as vices inseparably connected with human nature; in short, my mind is no more shocked at seeing a man a rogue, unjust, or selfish, than at seeing vultures, eager for prey, mischievous apes, or fury-lashed wolves.

    ALCESTE. What! I should see myself deceived, torn to pieces, robbed, without being—Zounds! I shall say no more about it; all this reasoning is beside the point!

    PHILINTE. Upon my word, you would do well to keep silence. Rail a little less at your opponent, and attend a little more to your suit.

    ALCESTE. That I shall not do; that is settled long ago.

    PHILINTE. But whom then do you expect to solicit for you?

    ALCESTE. Whom? Reason, my just right, equity.

    PHILINTE. Shall you not pay a visit to any of the judges?

    ALCESTE. No. Is my cause unjust or dubious?

    PHILINTE. I am agreed on that; but you know what harm intrigues do, and—

    ALCESTE. No. I am resolved not to stir a step. I am either right or wrong.

    PHILINTE. Do not trust to that.

    ALCESTE. I shall not budge an inch.

    PHILINTE. Your opponent is powerful, and by his underhand work, may induce—

    ALCESTE. It does not matter.

    PHILINTE. You will make a mistake.

    ALCESTE. Be it so. I wish to see the end of it.

    PHILINTE. But—

    ALCESTE. I shall have the satisfaction of losing my suit.

    PHILINTE. But after all—

    ALCESTE. I shall see by this trial whether men have sufficient impudence, are wicked, villainous, and perverse enough to do me this injustice in the face of the whole world.

    PHILINTE. What a strange fellow!

    ALCESTE. I could wish, were it to cost me ever so much, that, for the fun of the thing, I lost my case.

    PHILINTE. But people will really laugh at you, Alceste, if they hear you go on in this fashion.

    ALCESTE. So much the worse for those who will.

    PHILINTE. But this rectitude, which you exact so carefully in every case, this absolute integrity in which you intrench yourself, do you perceive it in the lady you love? As for me, I am astonished that, appearing to be at war with the whole human race, you yet, notwithstanding everything that can render it odious to you, have found aught to charm your eyes. And what surprises me still more, is the strange choice your heart has made. The sincere Eliante has a liking for you, the prude Arsinoé looks with favour upon you, yet your heart does not respond to their passion; whilst you wear the chains of Célimène, who sports with you, and whose coquettish humour and malicious wit seems to accord so well with the manner of the times. How comes it that, hating these things as mortally as you do, you endure so much of them in that lady? Are they no longer faults in so sweet a charmer? Do not you perceive them, or if you do, do you excuse them?

    ALCESTE. Not so. The love I feel for this young window does not make me blind to her faults, and, notwithstanding the great passion with which she has inspired me, I am the first to see, as well as to condemn, them. But for all this, do what I will, I confess my weakness, she has the art of pleasing me. In vain I see her faults; I may even blame them; in spite of all, she makes me love her. Her charms conquer everything, and, no doubt, my sincere love will purify her heart from the vices of our times.

    PHILINTE. If you accomplish this, it will be no small task, Do you believe yourself beloved by her?

    ALCESTE. Yes, certainly! I should not love her at all, did I not think so.

    PHILINTE. But if her love for you is so apparent, how comes it that your rivals cause you so much uneasiness?

    ALCESTE. It is because a heart, deeply smitten, claims all to itself; I come here only with the intention of telling her what, on this subject, my feelings dictate.

    PHILINTE. Had I but to choose, her cousin Eliante would have all my love. Her heart, which values yours, is stable and sincere; and this more compatible choice would have suited you better.

    ALCESTE. It is true; my good sense tells me so every day; but good sense does not always rule love.

    PHILINTE. Well, I fear much for your affections; and the hope which you cherish may perhaps—


    ORONTE (to Alceste). I have been informed yonder, that Eliante and Célimène have gone out to make some purchases. But as I heard that you were here, I came to tell you, most sincerely, that I have conceived the greatest regard for you, and that, for a long time, this regard has inspired me with the most ardent wish to be reckoned among your friends. Yes; I like to do homage to merit; and I am most anxious that a bond of friendship should unite us. I suppose that a zealous friend, and of my standing, is not altogether to be rejected. (All this time Alceste has been musing, and seems not to be aware that Oronte is addressing him. He looks up only when Oronte says to him)—It is to you, if you please, that this speech is addressed.

    ALCESTE. To me, sir?

    ORONTE. To you. Is it in any way offensive to you?

    ALCESTE. Not in the least. But my surprise is very great; and I did not expect that honour.

    ORONTE. The regard in which I hold you ought not to astonish you, and you can claim it from the whole world.

    ALCESTE. Sir—

    ORONTE. Our whole kingdom contains nothing above the dazzling merit which people discover in you.

    ALCESTE. Sir—

    ORONTE. Yes; for my part, I prefer you to the most important in it.

    ALCESTE. Sir—

    ORONTE. May Heaven strike me dead, if I lie! And, to convince you, on this very spot, of my feelings, allow me, sir, to embrace you with all my heart, and to solicit a place in your friendship. your hand, if you please. Will you promise me your friendship?

    ALCESTE. Sir—

    ORONTE. What! you refuse me?

    ALCESTE. Sir, you do me too much honour; but friendship is a sacred thing, and to lavish it on every occasion is surely to profane it. Judgment and choice should preside at such a compact; we ought to know more of each other before engaging ourselves; and it may happen that our dispositions are such that we may both of us repent of our bargain.

    ORONTE. Upon my word! that is wisely said; and I esteem you all the more for it. Let us therefore leave it to time to form such a pleasing bond; but, meanwhile I am entirely at your disposal. If you have any business at Court, every one knows how well I stand with the King; I have his private ear; and, upon my word, he treats me in everything with the utmost intimacy. In short, I am yours in every emergency; and, as you are a man of brilliant parts, and to inaugurate our charming amity, I come to read you a sonnet which I made a little while ago, and to find out whether it be good enough for publicity.

    ALCESTE. I am not fit, sir, to decide such a matter. You will therefore excuse me.

    ORONTE. Why so?

    ALCESTE. I have the failing of being a little more sincere in those things than is necessary.

    ORONTE. The very thing I ask; and I should have reason to complain, if, in laying myself open to you that you might give me your frank opinion, you should deceive me, and disguise anything from me.

    ALCESTE. If that be the case, sir, I am perfectly willing.

    ORONTE. Sonnet—It is a sonnet—Hope—It is to a lady who flattered my passion with some hope. Hope—They are not long, pompous verses, but mild, tender and melting little lines. (At every one of these interruptions he looks at Alceste).

    ALCESTE. We shall see.

    ORONTE. Hope—I do not know whether the style will strike you as sufficiently clear and easy and whether you will approve of my choice of words.

    ALCESTE. We shall soon see, sir.

    ORONTE. Besides, you must know that I was only a quarter of an hour in composing it.

    ALCESTE. Let us hear, sir; the time signifies nothing.

    ORONTE (reads). Hope, it is true, oft gives relief,

    Rocks for a while our tedious pain,

    But what a poor advantage, Phillis,

    When nought remains, and all is gone!

    PHILINTE. I am already charmed with this little bit.

    ALCESTE (softly to Philinte). What! do you mean to tell me that you like this stuff?

    ORONTE. You once showed some complaisance,

    But less would have sufficed,

    You should not take that trouble

    To give me nought but hope.

    PHILINTE. In what pretty terms these thoughts are put!

    ALCESTE. How now! you vile flatterer, you praise this rubbish!

    ORONTE. If I must wait eternally,

    My passion, driven to extremes,

    Will fly to death.

    Your tender cares cannot prevent this,

    Fair Phillis, aye we're in despair,

    When we must hope for ever.

    PHILINTE. The conclusion is pretty, amorous, admirable.

    ALCESTE (softly, and aside to Philinte). A plague on the conclusion! I wish you had concluded to break your nose, you poisoner to the devil!

    PHILINTE. I never heard verses more skilfully turned.

    ALCESTE (softly, and aside). Zounds!—

    ORONTE (to Philinte). You flatter me; and you are under the impression perhaps—

    PHILINTE. No, I am not flattering at all.

    ALCESTE (softly, and aside). What else are you doing, you wretch?

    ORONTE (to Alceste). But for you, you know our agreement. Speak to me, I pray, in all sincerity.

    ALCESTE. These matters, Sir, are always more or less delicate, and every one is fond of being praised for his wit. But I was saying one day to a certain person, who shall be nameless, when he showed me some of his verses, that a gentleman ought at all times to exercise a great control over that itch for writing which sometimes attacks us, and should keep a tight rein over the strong propensity which one has to display such amusements; and that, in the frequent anxiety to show their productions, people are frequently exposed to act a very foolish part.

    ORONTE. Do you wish to convey to me by this that I am wrong in desiring—

    ALCESTE. I do not say that exactly. But I told him that writing without warmth becomes a bore; that there needs no other weakness to disgrace a man; that, even if people, on the other hand, had a hundred good qualities, we view them from their worst sides.

    ORONTE. Do you find anything to object to in my sonnet?

    ALCESTE. I do not say that. But, to keep him from writing, I set before his eyes how, in our days, that desire had spoiled a great many very worthy people.

    ORONTE. Do I write badly? Am I like them in any way?

    ALCESTE. I do not say that. But, in short, I said to him, What pressing need is there for you to rhyme, and what the deuce drives you into print? If we can pardon the sending into the world of a badly-written book, it will only be in those unfortunate men who write for their livelihood. Believe me, resist your temptations, keep these effusions from the public, and do not, how much so-ever you may be asked, forfeit the reputation which you enjoy at Court of being a man of sense and a gentleman, to take, from the hands of a greedy printer, that of a ridiculous and wretched author. That is what I tried to make him understand.

    ORONTE. This is all well and good, and I seem to understand you. But I should like to know what there is in my sonnet to—

    ALCESTE. Candidly, you had better put it in your closet. You have been following bad models, and your expressions are not at all natural. Pray what is it—Rocks for a while our tedious pain? And what, When nought remains, and all is gone? What, You should not take that trouble to give me nought but hope? And what, Phillis, aye we're in despair when we must hope for ever? This figurative style, that people are so vain of, is beside all good taste and truth; it is only a play upon words, sheet affectation, and it is not thus that nature speaks. The wretched taste of the age is what I dislike in this. Our forefathers, unpolished as they were, had a much better one; and I value all that is admired now-a-days far less than an old song which I am going to repeat to you:

    "Had our great monarch granted me

    His Paris large and fair;

    And I straightway must quit for aye

    The love of my true dear;

    Then would I say, King Hal, I pray,

    Take back your Paris fair,

    I love much mo my dear, I trow,

    I love much mo my dear."

    This versification is not rich, and the style is antiquated; but do you not see that it is far better than all those trumpery trifles against which good sense revolts, and that in this, passion speaks from the heart?

    "Had our great monarch granted me

    His Paris large and fair;

    And I straightway must quit for aye

    The love of my true dear;

    Then would I say, King Hal, I pray,

    Take back your Paris fair,

    I love much mo my dear, I trow,

    I love much mo my dear."

    This is what a really loving heart would say. (To Philinte, who is laughing). Yes, master wag, in spite of all your wit, I care more for this than for all the florid pomp and the tinsel which everybody is admiring now-a-days.

    ORONTE. And I, I maintain that my verses are very good.

    ALCESTE. Doubtless you have your reasons for thinking them so; but you will allow me to have mine, which, with your permission, will remain independent.

    ORONTE. It is enough for me that others prize them.

    ALCESTE. That is because they know how to dissemble, which I do not.

    ORONTE. Do you really believe that you have such a great share of wit?

    ALCESTE. If I praised your verses, I should have more.

    ORONTE. I shall do very well without your approbation.

    ALCESTE. You will have to do without it, if it be all the same.

    ORONTE. I should like much to see you compose some on the same subject, just to have a sample of your style.

    ALCESTE. I might, perchance, make some as bad; but I should take good care not to show them to any one.

    ORONTE. You are mighty positive; and this great sufficiency—

    ALCESTE. Pray, seek some one else to flatter you, and not me.

    ORONTE. But, my little Sir, drop this haughty tone.

    ALCESTE. In truth, my big Sir, I shall do as I like.

    PHILINTE (coming between them). Stop, gentlemen! that is carrying the matter too far. Cease, I pray.

    ORONTE. Ah! I am wrong, I confess; and I leave the field to you. I am your servant, Sir, most heartily.

    ALCESTE. And I, Sir, am your most humble servant.


    PHILINTE. Well! you see. By being too sincere, you have got a nice affair on your hands; I saw that Oronte, in order to be flattered—

    ALCESTE. Do not talk to me.

    PHILINTE. But—

    ALCESTE. No more society for me.

    PHILINTE. Is it too much—

    ALCESTE. Leave me alone.


    ALCESTE. Not another word.

    PHILINTE. But what—

    ALCESTE. I will hear no more.

    PHILINTE. But—

    ALCESTE. Again?

    PHILINTE. People insult—

    ALCESTE. Ah! zounds! this is too much. Do not dog my steps.

    PHILINTE. You are making fun of me; I shall not leave you.

    ACT II.


    ALCESTE. Will you have me speak candidly to you, madam? Well, then, I am very much dissatisfied with your behaviour. I am very angry when I think of it; and I perceive that we shall have to break with each other. Yes; I should only deceive you were I to speak otherwise. Sooner or later a rupture is unavoidable; and if I were to promise the contrary a thousand times, I should not be able to bear this any longer.

    CÉLIMÈNE. Oh, I see! it is to quarrel with me, that you wished to conduct me home?

    ALCESTE. I do not quarrel. But your disposition, madam, is too ready to give any first comer an entrance into your heart. Too many admirers beset you; and my temper cannot put up with that.

    CÉLIMÈNE. Am I to blame for having too many admirers? Can I prevent people from thinking me amiable? and am I to take a stick to drive them away, when they endeavour by tender means to visit me?

    ALCESTE. No, madam, there is no need for a stick, but only a heart less yielding and less melting at their love-tales. I am aware that your good looks accompany you, go where you will; but your reception retains those whom your eyes attract; and that gentleness, accorded to those who surrender their arms, finishes on their hearts the sway which your charms began. The too agreeable expectation which you offer them increases their assiduities towards you; and your complacency, a little less extended, would drive away the great crowd of so many admirers. But, tell me, at least, madam, by what good fortune Clitandre has the happiness of pleasing you so mightily? Upon what basis of merit and sublime virtue do you ground the honour of your regard for him? Is it by the long nail on his little finger that he has acquired the esteem which you display for him? Are you, like all the rest of the fashionable world, fascinated by the dazzling merit of his fair wig? Do his great rolls make you love him? Do his many ribbons charm you? Is it by the attraction of his great German breeches that he has conquered your heart, whilst at the same time he pretended to be your slave? Or have his manner of smiling, and his falsetto voice, found out the secret of moving your feelings?

    CÉLIMÈNE. How unjustly you take umbrage at him! Do not you know why I countenance him; and that he has promised to interest all his friends in my lawsuit?

    ALCESTE. Lose your lawsuit, madam, with patience, and do not countenance a rival whom I detest.

    CÉLIMÈNE. But you are getting jealous of the whole world.

    ALCESTE. It is because the whole world is so kindly received by you.

    CÉLIMÈNE. That is the very thing to calm your frightened mind, because my goodwill is diffused over all: you would have more reason to be offended if you saw me entirely occupied with one.

    ALCESTE. But as for me, whom you accuse of too much jealousy, what have I more than any of them, madam, pray?

    CÉLIMÈNE. The happiness of knowing that you are beloved.

    ALCESTE. And what grounds has my love-sick heart for believing it?

    CÉLIMÈNE. I think that, as I have taken the trouble to tell you so, such an avowal ought to satisfy you.

    ALCESTE. But who will assure me that you may not, at the same time, say as much to everybody else perhaps?

    CÉLIMÈNE. Certainly, for a lover, this is a pretty amorous speech, and you make me out a very nice lady. Well! to remove such a suspicion, I retract this moment everything I have said; and no one but yourself shall for the future impose upon you. Will that satisfy you?

    ALCESTE. Zounds! why do I love you so! Ah! if ever I get heart-whole out of your hands, I shall bless Heaven for this rare good fortune. I make no secret of it; I do all that is possible to tear this unfortunate attachment from my heart; but hitherto my greatest efforts have been of no avail; and it is for my sins that I love you thus.

    CÉLIMÈNE. It is very true that your affection for me is unequalled.

    ALCESTE. As for that, I can challenge the whole world. My love for you cannot be conceived; and never, madam, has any man loved as I do.

    CÉLIMÈNE. Your method, however, is entirely new, for you love people only to quarrel with them; it is in peevish expression alone that your feelings vent themselves; no one ever saw such a grumbling swain.

    ALCESTE. But it lies with you alone to dissipate this ill-humour. For mercy's sake let us make an end of all these bickerings; deal openly with each other, and try to put a stop—


    CÉLIMÈNE. What is the matter?

    BASQUE. Acaste is below.

    CÉLIMÈNE. Very well! bid him come up.


    ALCESTE. What! can one never have a little private conversation with you? You are always ready to receive company; and you cannot, for a single instant, make up your mind to be "not at home.''

    CÉLIMÈNE. Do you wish me to quarrel with Acaste?

    ALCESTE. You have such regard for people, which I by no means like.

    CÉLIMÈNE. He is a man never to forgive me, if he knew that his presence could annoy me.

    ALCESTE. And what is that to you, to inconvenience yourself so—

    CÉLIMÈNE. But, good Heaven! the amity of such as he is of importance; they are a kind of people who, I do not know how, have acquired the right to be heard at Court. They take their part in every conversation; they can do you no good, but they may do you harm; and, whatever support one may find elsewhere, it will never do to be on bad terms with these very noisy gentry.

    ALCESTE. In short, whatever people may say or do, you always find reasons to bear with every one; and your very careful judgment—


    BASQUE. Clitandre is here too, madam.

    ALCESTE. Exactly so. (Wishes to go.)

    CÉLIMÈNE. Where are you running to?

    ALCESTE. I am going.

    CÉLIMÈNE. Stay.

    ALCESTE. For what?

    CÉLIMÈNE. Stay.

    ALCESTE. I cannot.

    CÉLIMÈNE. I wish it.

    ALCESTE. I will not. These conversations only weary me; and it is too bad of you to wish me to endure them.

    CÉLIMÈNE. I wish it, I wish it.

    ALCESTE. No, it is impossible.

    CÉLIMÈNE. Very well, then; go, begone; you can do as you like.



    ELIANTE (to Célimène). Here are the two marquises coming up with us. Has anyone told you?

    CÉLIMÈNE. Yes. (to Basque). Place chairs for everyone. (Basque places chairs, and goes out) (To Alceste). You are not gone?

    ALCESTE. No; but I am determined, madam, to have you make up your mind either for them or for me.

    CÉLIMÈNE. Hold your tongue.

    ALCESTE. This very day you shall explain yourself.

    CÉLIMÈNE. You are losing your senses.

    ALCESTE. Not at all. You shall declare yourself.

    CÉLIMÈNE. Indeed!

    ALCESTE. You must take your stand.

    CÉLIMÈNE. You are jesting, I believe.

    ALCESTE. Not so. But you must choose. I have been too patient.

    CLITANDRE. Egad! I have just come from the Louvre, where Cléonte, at the levee, made himself very ridiculous. Has he not some friend who could charitably enlighten him upon his manners?

    CÉLIMÈNE. Truth to say, he compromises himself very much in society; everywhere he carries himself with an air that is noticed at first sight, and when after a short absence you meet him again, he is still more absurd than ever.

    ACASTE. Egad! Talk of absurd people, just now, one of the most tedious ones was annoying me. That reasoner, Damon, kept me, if you please, for a full hour in the broiling sun, away from my Sedan chair.

    CÉLIMÈNE. He is a strange talker, and one who always finds the means of telling you nothing with a great flow of words. There is no sense at all in his tittle-tattle, and all that we hear is but noise.

    ELIANTE (to Philinte). This beginning is not bad; and the conversation takes a sufficiently agreeable turn against our neighbours.

    CLITANDRE. Timante, too, Madam, is another original.

    CÉLIMÈNE. He is a complete mystery from top to toe, who throws upon you, in passing, a bewildered glance, and who, without having anything to do, is always busy. Whatever he utters is accompanied with grimaces; he quite oppresses people by his ceremonies. To interrupt a conversation, he has always a secret to whisper to you, and that secret turns out to be nothing. Of the merest molehill he makes a mountain, and whispers everything in your ear, even to a "good-day.''

    ACASTE. And Geralde, Madam?

    CÉLIMÈNE. That tiresome story-teller! He never comes down from his nobleman's pedestal; he continually mixes with the best society, and never quotes any one of minor rank than a Duke, Prince, or Princess. Rank is his hobby, and his conversation is of nothing but horses, carriages, and dogs. He thee's and thou's persons of the highest standing, and the word Sir is quite obsolete with him.

    CLITANDRE. It is said that he is on the best of terms with Bélise.

    CÉLIMÈNE. Poor silly woman, and the dreariest company! When she comes to visit me, I suffer from martyrdom; one has to rack one's brain perpetually to find out what to say to her; and the impossibility of her expressing her thoughts allows the conversation to drop every minute. In vain you try to overcome her stupid silence by the assistance of the most commonplace topics; even the fine weather, the rain, the heat and the cold are subjects, which, with her, are soon exhausted. Yet for all that, her calls, unbearable enough, are prolonged to an insufferable length; and you may consult the clock, or yawn twenty times, but she stirs no more than a log of wood.

    ACASTE. What think you of Adraste?

    CÉLIMÈNE. Oh! What excessive pride! He is a man positively puffed out with conceit. His self-importance is never satisfied with the Court, against which he inveighs daily; and whenever an office, a place, or

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