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Among Molière's best-known works is "Tartuffe" (AKA "The Hypocrite"), written in 1664. Though "Tartuffe" was received well by the public and even by Louis XIV, its popularity was lessened when the Archbishop of Paris issued an edict lasting 5 years threatening excommunication for anyone who watched, performed in, or read the play.
Molière's masterpiece 'Tartuffe'' is a story about a man who falls prey to misplaced adoration. The dramatic work presents several dramatic features which define the play as a comedy of manners. Of particular importance is Molière's satirical look at religious hypocrisy. 

Tartuffe, a pious fraud who pretends to speak with divine authority, has insinuated himself into the household of Orgon. When Orgon announces that his daughter Mariane is to marry Tartuffe instead of her fiance Valère, the rest of the family realizes the extent of Tartuffe's influence over Orgon. Tartuffe tries to seduce Orgon's wife Elmire, who traps him into revealing to Orgon his intentions toward her. Orgon throws Tartuffe out of the house, Tartuffe returns with an order of eviction for the family, and at the final moment the tables are turned and the play ends happily.
Release dateNov 17, 2023

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    Book preview

    Tartuffe - Moliére


    Madame Pernelle , mother of Orgon

    Orgon, husband of Elmire

    Elmire, wife of Orgon

    Damis, son of Orgon

    Mariane, daughter of Orgon, in love with Valere

    Cleante, brother-inlaw of Orgon

    Tartuffe, a hypocrite

    Dorine, Mariane’s maid

    M. Loyal, a bailiff

    A Police Officer

    Flipotte, Madame Pernelle’s servant

    The Scene is at Paris

    ACT I


    Madame Pernelle and Flipotte, her servant; Elmire, Mariane, Cleante, Damis, Dorine

    Madame Pernelle

    Come, come, Flipotte, and let me get away.


    You hurry so, I hardly can attend you.

    Madame Pernelle

    Then don’t, my daughter-in law. Stay where you are.

    I can dispense with your polite attentions.


    We’re only paying what is due you, mother.

    Why must you go away in such a hurry?

    Madame Pernelle

    Because I can’t endure your carryings-on,

    And no one takes the slightest pains to please me.

    I leave your house, I tell you, quite disgusted;

    You do the opposite of my instructions;

    You’ve no respect for anything; each one

    Must have his say; it’s perfect pandemonium.


    If . . .

    Madame Pernelle

    You’re a servant wench, my girl, and much

    Too full of gab, and too impertinent

    And free with your advice on all occasions.


    But . . .

    Madame Pernelle

    You’re a fool, my boy — f, o, o, l

    Just spells your name. Let grandma tell you that

    I’ve said a hundred times to my poor son,

    Your father, that you’d never come to good

    Or give him anything but plague and torment.


    I think . . .

    Madame Pernelle

    O dearie me, his little sister!

    You’re all demureness, butter wouldn’t melt

    In your mouth, one would think to look at you.

    Still waters, though, they say . . . you know the proverb;

    And I don’t like your doings on the sly.


    But, mother . . .

    Madame Pernelle

    Daughter, by your leave, your conduct

    In everything is altogether wrong;

    You ought to set a good example for ’em;

    Their dear departed mother did much better.

    You are extravagant; and it offends me,

    To see you always decked out like a princess.

    A woman who would please her husband’s eyes

    Alone, wants no such wealth of fineries.


    But, madam, after all . . .

    Madame Pernelle

    Sir, as for you,

    The lady’s brother, I esteem you highly,

    Love and respect you. But, sir, all the same,

    If I were in my son’s, her husband’s, place,

    I’d urgently entreat you not to come

    Within our doors. You preach a way of living

    That decent people cannot tolerate.

    I’m rather frank with you; but that’s my way —

    I don’t mince matters, when I mean a thing.


    Mr. Tartuffe, your friend, is mighty lucky . . .

    Madame Pernelle

    He is a holy man, and must be heeded;

    I can’t endure, with any show of patience,

    To hear a scatterbrains like you attack him.


    What! Shall I let a bigot criticaster

    Come and usurp a tyrant’s power here?

    And shall we never dare amuse ourselves

    Till this fine gentleman deigns to consent?


    If we must hark to him, and heed his maxims,

    There’s not a thing we do but what’s a crime;

    He censures everything, this zealous carper.

    Madame Pernelle

    And all he censures is well censured, too.

    He wants to guide you on the way to heaven;

    My son should train you all to love him well.


    No, madam, look you, nothing — not my father

    Nor anything — can make me tolerate him.

    I should belie my feelings not to say so.

    His actions rouse my wrath at every turn;

    And I foresee that there must come of it

    An open rupture with this sneaking scoundrel.


    Besides, ’tis downright scandalous to see

    This unknown upstart master of the house —

    This vagabond, who hadn’t, when he came,

    Shoes to his feet, or clothing worth six farthings,

    And who so far forgets his place, as now

    To censure everything, and rule the roost!

    Madame Pernelle

    Eh! Mercy sakes alive! Things would go better

    If all were governed by his pious orders.


    He passes for a saint in your opinion.

    In fact, he’s nothing but a hypocrite.

    Madame Pernelle

    Just listen to her tongue!


    I wouldn’t trust him,

    Nor yet his Lawrence, without bonds and surety.

    Madame Pernelle

    I don’t know what the servant’s character

    May be; but I can guarantee the master

    A holy man. You hate him and reject him

    Because he tells home truths to all of you.

    ’Tis sin alone that moves his heart to anger,

    And heaven’s interest is his only motive.


    Of course. But why, especially of late,

    Can he let nobody come near the house?

    Is heaven offended at a civil call

    That he should make so great a fuss about it?

    I’ll tell you, if you like, just what I think;

    [ Pointing to Elmire]

    Upon my word, he’s jealous of our mistress.

    Madame Pernelle

    You hold your tongue, and think what you are saying.

    He’s not alone in censuring these visits;

    The turmoil that attends your sort of people,

    Their carriages forever at the door,

    And all their noisy footmen, flocked together,

    Annoy the neighbourhood, and raise a scandal.

    I’d gladly think there’s nothing really wrong;

    But it makes talk; and that’s not as it should be.


    Eh! madam, can you hope to keep folk’s tongues

    From wagging? It would be a grievous thing

    If, for the fear of idle

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