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Facets Of Life - Dispel Inner and Outer Conflict with The Seven Works Conscious Work-Life-Change Blueprint: Work Life Wide Open, #2
Facets Of Life - Dispel Inner and Outer Conflict with The Seven Works Conscious Work-Life-Change Blueprint: Work Life Wide Open, #2
Facets Of Life - Dispel Inner and Outer Conflict with The Seven Works Conscious Work-Life-Change Blueprint: Work Life Wide Open, #2
Ebook145 pages1 hour

Facets Of Life - Dispel Inner and Outer Conflict with The Seven Works Conscious Work-Life-Change Blueprint: Work Life Wide Open, #2

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About this ebook

Sick and tired of the endless, meaningless drudgery?

Are you done with the relentless Busy Work that consumes your days, evenings, and weekends?


Crave space, time, flexibility, and freedom to do the Real Work you want to do when you want to do it?

⚠ If you've read 'Repurpose Your Life - Master The Seven Works' you've already read this book.

Longing to spend more time with your family and friends?


Without being, thinking, and feeling like you should be elsewhere, working all the hours God sends?


Life without purpose, no matter how much money you have, robbed of time, energy, and enthusiasm to embrace the inherent magnificent glory of it, is no life at all.

Get to the subtle root of Why the life you're following is not your own.

The Seven Works is a simple, flexible work-life-change blueprint tailored to your unique life context and life content. It shows you how to lead the way to do more of what you love and less of what you don't with significantly reduced inner and outer life conflict.

Master it and you'll enjoy the time, energy, clarity, passion, and motivation to always do what matters to you most, spiritually, personally, at home with family, at work, and in your business.

In Facets of Life you'll learn how to:

  • Eliminate stress, anxiety and overwhelm
  • Synchronise your life's work to serve you
  • Make time to change your life
  • Achieve more by doing less
  • Focus on what matters to you most
  • Be more productive, efficient and effective
  • Stop procrastination for good
  • Consistently reach your goals
  • Step beyond work-life balance conflict
  • Nurture greater peace of mind and body
  • Supercharge your decision-making ability
  • Enjoy more time and space to be creative
  • Increase your clarity, confidence, and creative freedom
  • Maintain a creative state of flow no matter what's happening
  • Overcome that 'I don't know what to do with my life' problem
  • Increase your clarity, confidence, freedom
  • Know your purpose in life and the moment
  • Become increasingly more purpose-driven in life
  • Navigate transformational change like a ninja
  • Work on your life instead of just in it
  • Improve and deepen your relationships
  • Connect to your self and your Real Work

⚠ If you've read 'Repurpose Your Life - Master The Seven Works' you've already read this book.



Release dateMay 21, 2017
Facets Of Life - Dispel Inner and Outer Conflict with The Seven Works Conscious Work-Life-Change Blueprint: Work Life Wide Open, #2

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    Book preview

    Facets Of Life - Dispel Inner and Outer Conflict with The Seven Works Conscious Work-Life-Change Blueprint - Richard Conner

    Facets Of Life

    Facets Of Life

    Dispel Inner and Outer Conflict with The Seven Works Conscious Work-Life-Change Blueprint

    Richard Conner


    ‘Those who control their passions do so because their passions are weak enough to be controlled.’

    William Blake


    Your Money Future





    I. Facets Of Life | Meet Your Master

    1. The Master Works

    2. Busy Work vs Real Work

    3. Riding Work Edges

    4. Redefining Work

    II. The Seven Works | RIP Work-Life-Balance

    5. The Seven Works

    6. The Real Works

    7. The Support Works

    8. The Busy Works

    III. Reconfiguring Works | That Feedback Feeling

    9. Letting Go

    10. Work Tagging

    11. Balancing Act

    12. Forced Feedback


    Your Money Future

    Feedback Loop

    About The Author

    Also By The Author





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    See your money future clearly today. Change it now for a better tomorrow with FlowcastingBEGINNER Money Kit.

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    Old Beginnings

    I was the managing director of a successful, professional consultancy, headquartered in London. It was co-founded officially with two of my closest and longest-standing friends around the turn of the millennium. The business was born during a three to four-year incubation period while the partners worked their respective day jobs.

    As co-leaders of an international creative agency, we had to navigate the extremes of relentless economic turmoil. We were forced keep pace with the fast moving, disruptive development of marketing communication technology and online content creation strategies and techniques.

    Like many businesses leading into and out of the crash of 2008, it was hustle or die. We had to quickly and regularly identify, often pre-empt, but always implement significant change to restructure and reorganise to compete, survive and after much hard work eventually thrive and prosper.

    Before this, and in parallel, I was also co-founder and co-director, with the same partners, of an award-winning architectural practice. Under the leadership of my former co-director since my departure during late 2009 it too matured into a successful focussed in-demand creative consultancy business.

    Stark Contrast

    In stark contrast to the relentless bustle of the agency’s London HQ in Shoreditch, its international studios, and my architect designed London Fields two bedroom apartment my life has taken a seemingly sudden and abrupt change.

    Now, I live in a cave, my jungle home on a small island off mainland Thailand, surrounded by nature, in peace and calm. I have for the moment, a relative abundance of time, energy, focus, and space to work on what I want and feel passionately drawn to, when I want to. Including me, my self, and I.

    In the past I might have used this space and freedom frantically working to get a new or long-forgotten project off the ground. Or, I’d scrabble around trying to launch a new business, all without skipping a beat, to secure an income and stay ahead of the game.

    Typically this would all happen without a moment’s break or pause for real thought and feeling investigation into what I truly wanted to do with and become in my life.

    Most importantly these seemingly wayward entrepreneurial endeavours were missing a deeply meaningful Why.

    This time, at long last, my approach was intentionally different.



    Throughout the Work Life Wide Open series ‘overwhelm’ will be used in noun form. According to the Oxford English Dictionary it has been used as such since at least 1596.

    It will be used, firstly, as shorthand for the life, work, and relationally overwhelming circumstances, situations and contexts we sometimes find ourselves immersed in.

    And, secondly, to define the psychological and emotional impact we experience as a result of this ‘overwhelm’.


    To help ensure each book within the Work Life Wide Open Series is as accessible and useful as possible it is necessary to establish a conceptual base understanding for new readers.

    As such, please assume there will be 5%-15% of overlapping content between books. This serves to reintroduce and remind the reader of key foundational concepts relevant to each book’s core content and message. I hope you welcome and accept this repetition in the spirit it is intended.


    To Self

    Throughout this book I will use ‘your self’ and ‘our self’ to refer to that part of us that inherently knows, consciously or not, the most authentic truth behind what we really want and need in life.

    For clarity, ‘yourself’ and ‘ourself’ will refer to the individual relative to an external factor, influence, or context.

    For example, we may be too distracted to feel what we are experiencing at a physical and emotional level within our bodies. As a result, we often avoid, deny or delay the need to consider, take, and make life-changing decisions and actions.

    We postpone finding and exploring what we genuinely want to do, be, and experience to a far-off future. We forget ‘our selves’.

    Conversely, we may have to convince ‘ourselves’ that breaking a bad habit is good for us, i.e. ‘our selves’ and those around us.

    Throughout the book consider working with ‘your self’ as an internally referenced experience and working for ‘yourself’ as a predominantly externally referenced experience.


    High Definition Life

    In a world of excessive overwhelm, increasing busyness and a lack of truth and integrity few would deny that many amongst us are disorientated and questioning our purpose in life. We agonise over the value we are giving, or not giving. We question our contribution to our partners, our families and the local and global community we are continually co-creating.

    We are lost whether to spend more time on our work life to make ends meet and be of value to the world or to focus more on our personal life so that we have something of value to come home to after working so hard. We are in conflict, caught between a healthy desire to give more and an insecure need to get more.

    We pursue more in a vain attempt to make us feel better about and cover up the disconnection we feel from our selves, our creativity and our most important and meaningful work. Our disconnected, often chaotic life experience reminds us daily that we are not getting what we want out of life from our relationships and the things we possess and obsess.

    In the main, the things we do are merely ways to entertain ourselves until the next metaphorical ready meal swings by on the conveyor belt of distraction.

    As easily as we can select something else from the menu if we’re not satisfied we can, and will, choose a new phone or a new car as readily as we will change jobs, careers or romantic interest.

    The throw-away society that we have co-created is the perfect breeding ground for wanton distraction.

    The underlying problem we refuse to see is that in these superficial changes we take ourselves with us.

    We are the common denominator. 

    At the deepest heartfelt level of our endless search for the next best, we yearn for connection, fulfilment, freedom, happiness, satisfaction, truth and meaning on a consistent basis.

    This is true whether we recognise this in ourselves or not.

    Yet in our never ending attempts to find and acquire these seemingly elusive qualities of the good life we blindly look not to ourselves but elsewhere, out there.

    We focus our attention out there to try and get everything we think we need and want in here as fast as we can.

    We work and play hard no matter the cost to our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. As a result, the health of our immediate environment and the beloved planet we are privileged, for the moment to call home are in

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