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Monsters from Beyond Reality 1st Ed.
Monsters from Beyond Reality 1st Ed.
Monsters from Beyond Reality 1st Ed.
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Monsters from Beyond Reality 1st Ed.

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An astounding action-packed thriller with two classic books of monsters from beyond reality!
Throughout history something of inconceivable magnitude and origins is buried away, waiting to be revived, haunting a vast castle and region!
In the depths of deep space something of unknown origins enters space from a celestial gateway, from an alternative to reality, from somewhere of no known origins!
Book One, The Lost Castle
Throughout history something of inconceivable magnitude and origins is buried away, waiting to be revived, haunting a vast castle and region, and opening celestial gateways!
Legends through centuries captivate travelers and locals and tell unexplained and mind-bending tales of horror, of deaths, of mutilated remains of travelers scattered throughout the woods, of people being attacked and chased by evil mysterious magical forces and transcendent monsters, with loud fearful sounds, and of swift-moving lights and entities shifting through the trees.
Scientists and paranormal investigators arrive at the castle and go to any length to prove their theories and the existence of anything supernatural, which they have been waiting all their lives to do, with the foremost in science, technology, and equipment to investigate things far further than ever before, and to make the first ever decisive investigation.
Book Two, The Reality Investigators
In the abyss of deep space something from somewhere with no known origins enters space, solar system, through a celestial gateway!
From an alternative reality! Somewhere beyond our comprehension!
Something hideous of unknown origins rests deep under the ground in a secret chamber, dormant, waiting centuries to carry out a deadly mission!
Will mankind survive if it is fully revived, with all its powers and original states restored?

Release dateJun 13, 2016
Monsters from Beyond Reality 1st Ed.

V Bertolaccini

A 21st century publisher/author famous for his unique classic mind-bending beyond space and time, alien artifact, and exploration themed science fiction, who did his first mind-boggling science fiction classic From Beyond Space and Time in 1998, who likes and writes 21st century potential blockbusters, headline action thrillers, high quality action-packed movie-style science fiction horror.

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    Book preview

    Monsters from Beyond Reality 1st Ed. - V Bertolaccini

    Part I

    Novel 1

    The Lost Castle


    The Deadliest Haunted Castle

    In 1620 its materialization had been witnessed by fishermen in the morning mist over the sea, like a crazy shooting star.

    Accounts of its accelerated motions and alterations, as a crazy ghost formation, on the brink of existence, emerged from the fishermen, who had taken it to the castle.

    According to legends all the people who had come into contact with it had been found dead, and it had been left buried away.

    One of the most powerful paranormal objects in existence, with powers going beyond anything else, with power surges opening gateways, turned it into the deadliest haunted castle in existence.

    For centuries lost treasure had been thought to exist at the castle by a few explorers, who carried out investigations and searches at the castle, of which many paid by losing their lives.

    The castle had been the most dangerous and haunted place in the world and nobody lived there, or near it. People never survived living permanently in its confines! Even though its powers sometimes dwindled and some people managed to survive, and escape, and had given horrific accounts of mind-bending wonders and deadly menaces beyond people’s imaginations.

    Once, in 1880, it turned dormant and a wealthy businessman had found the castle, while visiting the region, and had bought it, recognizing its value, and its historical importance, its colossal architecture and dimensions, and had seen it had been worthless at the location, and had it shipped in sections to New York, where it had ended up at a secret location, in the depths of a desolate wood and region, hidden away from anyone relocating it, with what had been there reactivated.


    The Lost Castle

    Chapter 1

    The Supernatural Castle

    At night they immediately became trapped in the dark strange wood, with altered trees, freezing in deep snow, where they spotted strange black figures in the distance, while mysterious lights startled them, and they heard something occasionally violently smash trees down nearby.

    What staggered Bryson the most was that they never knew how to return, and as they rushed away, they held their belief that they would be saved once again, and that there would be an eventual conclusion, but the snow grew thick and shrouded everything everywhere, creating a mind-bending landscape, and they soon became too exhausted to recognize anything.

    It was shocking how lost they were, but the moonshine showed them the strange mind-bending landscape ahead!

    The sounds of life forms and other strange things hidden away there became dangerous and astonishing, and at times they came screaming out of the dark wood, and also through what sounded like shafts in the ground somewhere, and with a dangerous fury that stunned Bryson, and no matter how much they tried their thoughts never seemed to properly achieve stable recognitions.

    For some reason he began to believe there were supernatural regions in the universe, and that they had entered one version, and he was surprised that one of the others mentioned it openly, as if he knew he had known it, and he tried to grasp what the place and places could be and were really for, and considered all the destinations, trying to grasp what the place was doing there.

    Some of the others were sure that they had discovered far more than they realized and that it could prove the existence of colossal magical abilities and energies and he analyzed everything in a far greater degree, searching for an answer.

    Out of nowhere a colossal light emerged out the undergrowth, and pulsated like a life form, magically illuminating the deep lifeless snow and trees everywhere he looked, and seemed to silence the noises and things surrounding them.

    The light allowed them to see almost everything across their front, and they spotted what was a structure buried away in the trees, and Bryson realized that it was the castle, and that they had actually found it, and it was a strange form of castle, buried and hidden deep away in the landscape and colossal wood, and he examined it astounded at its immense size and how it could be built there, and he had a sensation that the structure had colossal power, which would eventually leave him staggered!

    The deep snow and freezing cold was a nightmare, and their legs sank into stinking vegetation and muck that started to resemble quicksand in places, and another light emerged deep in the undergrowth and pulsated like a living form, magically illuminating the snow and trees going everywhere, and they accelerated their speed.

    The castle even became the most blissful thing he could think of as he saw the dangers radiating through the wood, and they forced themselves on.

    Behind them the shifting lights of glowing life forms became vicious and darted about everywhere in the blackness and landscape, and he thought he saw ghostly images of intelligent humanoids, doing hideous things.

    Chapter 2

    The Lost Castle

    At the front of the haunted castle it was staggering, and he could not even grasp its value, and they were about to reach its entrance when the structure lit, and radiated through the region, mass of trees and foliage, silencing what was there to their astonishment, with its colossal powers, and they examined its colossal size going out into the distance about them and its height going away high over the trees.

    Entering a veil of mist, forming at its entrance, created sensations that they were not alone there, and they were there for some hideous purpose, and they blindly entered the ghost oasis, out on the edge of reality, on the bounds of what lay beyond, with them seeking sanctuary and reality.

    On their entrance, of its opened entrance, and exit from the hideous jungle, the entrance closed behind them, like a trap, and they saw its interior illuminated in dim light, and Bryson heard vicious heavy beast sounds furiously exploding outside, clearly making last attempts at threatening to destroy them.

    Somewhere over to the side of the castle they listened to powerful movements rapidly taking something nearby, and he wondered what was protecting them, and stopped them doing anything to them, and he gasped and saw a faint colossal ghost shape in an area of deep blackness behind him, inside the structure itself, along a corridor, and it floated through the darkness, and altered and vanished.

    The situation was bad and he wondered what the hell the place was doing there, and why such a place should and could even exist, without destroying itself!

    Who the hell had built such a thing? Should they leave the place, until the morning?

    Was there even a morning there? There could be great dangers, waiting on them, but they could find a region where they never existed, and survive!

    They had survived so far! There was food and shelter, and some of them had guns!

    Something had to be keeping what was there in existence, and if they stayed alive long enough they might find it, and survive!

    Chapter 3

    Inside the Castle

    In the morning all the disturbances and things in the woods vanished and they began to see what the castle was like in daylight, and that the castle was buried away in thick trees and undergrowth, and was colossal, and Bryson was sure that it was far longer and wider than any type of football field, and as high as an average eight-story building (and could even reach up to 150 meters long and 60 meters wide, and 30 meters high).

    The builder, William Randall, who had built a castle already, surely would not have built it so massive at the date that it had been built, and he wondered if the people that rebuilt it there had built it bigger! If it was built for defense, like most castles had been, why did he need it to be such a size, as it would have been far easier to build and defend a small castle? He would have needed and had to have maintained an immense army for decades!

    Everything he had seen of people of that time had been done logically! Yet he realized it was exaggerated and that William Randall had built it, as he had built the last large castle, but not as large as it, and it might have been to show his immense power and wealth, and an army would also have thought twice before attacking such a construction, and they could easily have thought it held a powerful king, while it being buried away in a wood would have added to its defense.

    He was determined to solve all the riddles, and prepared himself to find the proper answers!

    He was determined to ignore the events of the past few days and concentrate on what was in the castle. He had seen little of it in the darkness with their lights, and it was cold and smelled of dampness, and nobody left the location at the lounge at the door.

    Most of the night had been subjected to false alarms of the things in the wood reappearing there, and they had been glad when the morning arrived.

    Later on he and Mortimer and Merton went outside to see it in the light of day and were surprised and disappointed. It was unbelievable and historical, but had fallen into being a derelict. Vegetation and trees virtually entirely covered it, including its roof, and it was part of the wood. It was lucky the interior was preserved, as they would have had a bad time staying there.

    Bryson studied pieces from exterior walls strewn about in the undergrowth, and immense square boulders and other parts.

    They wandered around it checking what they could but a lot of it was hidden from view, and he had a hard time realizing how they had been able to move it there! Why they had allowed such a valuable construction to become derelict? And realized again that it was the haunting of it and its deadliness! There were abundant deaths marked as occurring there! He thought the last castle had been bad but this one was deadly beyond belief and people avoided it to save their lives!

    He wondered if they should have just left it! If they could not get rid of what was there they could be playing with something of great danger that could result in an immense amount of deaths, for decades to come.

    Bryson made a rough drawing/map of it as they wandered around. At the front there seemed to be only the one central door, but there were others at the sides and back, and there was one at a kitchen at the back.

    The front door had a hall that led to the other side of the castle, and long corridors of rooms went from one end of the castle to the other all the way through it. With different shaped and sized rooms everywhere. The majority of it was confusing, and he found little to answer his queries. The floors above were not identical, and he considered his theory that the place was built to scare off enemies with its magnitude and value, and he put all the things in it there for the building and with no real use. Yet if an army and other group of people stayed there it could well have all been used by them. They could have been complex and advanced people of that age and did many things not normally done.

    He wondered where William had stayed in it, and where his room was located? Perhaps at the top floor, where he would have had a good view of his wood and grounds?

    When they arrived back in the castle he heard Mitchell on his phone and listened to his conversation and that he was bringing in all their supplies, as they had planned to do once they had found and entered the castle. They had an area on the remains of the lane to it where the helicopters could land.

    All the rest of the scientists and psychic investigators and their highly advanced equipment, to begin a detailed investigation, were being brought, as well as more men to help Mitchell, and as well as food supplies they were bringing generators for proper power supplies for the lights and everything else.

    Chapter 4

    The Legends

    Throughout centuries the place had been viciously subjected to deadly mind-bending forces and manifestations!

    Legends were extraordinary, bordering on absurd, and once Bryson got all his things off a helicopter he was able to check through the details that they had gathered in intense investigations at loads of locations, which was used to locate the lost castle.

    The origins, from a majority of accumulated sources, to which he and the others had proven had occurred, occurred around 1620 when fishermen at a Scottish fishing village had witnessed the materialization of something of unknown origins, and that a bright light of magnitude had exploded out of the early morning mist over the sea, like a crazy shooting star, and had been seen landing.

    After a great deal of observations, research, and discussions by the leading scientists they had agreed that the thing that they had found at Grovnor Castle, with its appearance there and its alien artifact creating gateways throughout space and time, could very well have been detected and located by it. The first had left traces through space and time for anything to detect!

    Space and time could be full of things of unknown origins searching for other things of unknown origins throughout space and time. The description of the second revealed that it could well have been attempting to mimic the first and could have even been there to make contact with it or check what it was and analyze it.

    Something encountering something new at an unknown location could easily assume that it belonged there, and they believed that when it had appeared there that it had assumed that the other thing had been an inhabitant of this world!

    There was no proof that both encountered each other, and though the castles had been in the same region there had in fact been a great deal of distance between them. They also believed that though they had reached their destinations that neither had been able to achieve their objectives.

    They knew why the original one had nearly been killed when it had made an appearance, when it had been found by fishermen, and that it had eventually died where the first castle had been built before the other had arrived, even though its powers had haunted that castle for centuries with its lost alien artifact hidden there.

    Accounts of the other reshaping and continually altering its appearance showed that it had altered from something else and had been trying to adapt, and it having accelerated/decelerated motions and forms like a crazy entity/life form as it had appeared.

    At first it had appeared to have damaged itself and be on the brink of losing its existence but it had been later perceived that it had entered some form of damaged or dormant state – surely exhausted of energy from either its extraordinary manifestation, or from its impact with the world, or it not even having existed in space and time.

    The fishermen that found it had taken it to the most knowledgeable and powerful person there and to William Randall, who had been staggered by its existence, and who gave them his extensive knowledge and experience, but had displayed more confusion on its appearance than them.

    He had taken it from them and it was never seen again, but years later, after the construction of William Randall’s second castle, they had heard of its activation at the second castle and that many deaths had occurred and that they had been trying use it for magical purposes – to foresee future occurrences – and to accumulate its powerful powers.

    According to legends all the people there had been found dead, and it had left the most powerful magical object in existence at the castle – in whatever state and place they had left it – with powers going beyond anything else – with power surges opening gateways going beyond space and time – and with William Randall’s valuable treasure nearby.

    For centuries the lost treasure had been thought to exist there by a few explorers, who had carried out investigations and searches for it, of which many had paid by losing their lives, by being in the confines of the castle at the wrong time or place.

    No real clues to its whereabouts existed other than it was located near a magical object! The legends gave mentions of it but the actual details were too little and too vague and the occurrences at the place made it too confused to establish. All the facts were missing, but having seen what the William Randall had been like and that the other treasure had existed Bryson and the paranormal scientists thought he could have had it, and it was hidden there.

    The place must have been one of the most dangerous places in the world and nobody attempted to live there, or even live near there. People could not survive permanently living in its confines! Even though most of the time its powers dwindled and some people had managed to survive and escape after living for months there, and had given horrific accounts of the mind-bending wonders and deadliest menaces that they had been subjected to.

    At one point, in 1880, to which nobody knows why, its existence had become entirely dormant and a wealthy businessman had found the castle by accident while visiting the region and had bought it from the owners of the land.

    He had recognized its value, historical importance, colossal architecture and dimensions, and had seen that it was worthless in the desolate wood, in the middle of nowhere, and had it removed in large sections and shipped across the Atlantic, where he had intended to reconstruct it near New York.

    What occurred next was never revealed, and there occurred an extensive amount of lost information, and all that was known was that the owner had died in mysterious circumstances and that the castle had ended up at a different and secret location in the depths of an immense desolate wood, hidden away from anyone locating it, with what was there activated again.

    Chapter 5

    The Disturbances

    When Bryson opened his eyes he never even knew what he was! He had no recognition of anything or where he was, or that he was in one of the rooms in the castle!

    He was staggered and sat upright and turned on his room light, and wondered if it was caused by his exhaustion, done on the day before, or his lack of food, the severe cold and snow falling outside, or something in the castle influencing him.

    The dreams that he had had been incomprehensible and he wondered if they had actually been dreams! They never made sense and had been made up with shimmering lights and freakish sounds being whirled about him, and like being in a colossal vortex, where he never thought or even did anything, and had been like he never existed and just experienced what was there.

    He liked the room around him and how well preserved it was after such a length of time, and how well it had been made, especially for the era it had been from.

    Merton was in the room next to his on the left and Mortimer’s room was next to that, and Mitchell was in the room next to Bryson on the other side, where he was next to his men.

    They were all sleeping in rooms at the front of the left side of the second floor, with the stairs in the center of the castle.

    Bryson noted the air was just cold and with no scent, and that it was cool and calm in the room, and he spotted that there was a really thick blanket of snow covering the wood outside. He remembered earlier and being in a huddled posture with his blankets tightly wrapped about him, with him reacting to the cold.

    For a moment he recalled an earlier dream and that he had thought he had died and gone to some form of afterlife, and tried to recall everything he could about it. The dreams that he had at Grovnor Castle had given him vision of other places, and what could be hidden away, and he had visualized the places the creatures sounds there were coming from and had some insight into them and their environment.

    The sky outside was dark even though it was snowing, and it was normally light where he lived with the streetlights and light being reflected from the snow illuminating it, and he realized how far they were from the outside world and this place this time had no roads or connections to anything. Their communications had gone when the dark winter night began.

    It was so peculiar that he liked it more than he should have! His normal life and things he encountered were too repetitive and he relished finding abnormal things to do and explore, especially when they had new outcomes and findings.

    He switched off his light and went over to the window and stared out into the darkness and ancient wood with a shiver running through him, from the cold, thoughts of the cold, and deadly things that they had encountered there.

    It was like another world to him and they were put there to explore it, and it was like a world without a proper sun and thousands of light years of empty space between it and the stars.

    The world below was a decomposing landscape shrouded in snow with weak energy.

    An array of door knocks made the door shift about, reminding him of the age of the place, and he wondered again why it had such advanced objects and structure for that age, and he realized again that the people who had reconstructed it had done it up and that he was experiencing 1880 technology.

    He slowly marched over and yanked open the thick wooden door, which had been clearly expertly crafted by hand, and he watched Merton and Mortimer standing glaring at him from the darkness outside, suggesting something was along the corridor. Bryson nodded and closed the door behind him and followed them along the outer corridor.

    He still wondered why they liked being up in the middle of the night so much, and why he never had properly seen them tired in the middle of the night. Surely they never had that many things to do at night?

    As he considered how sleepy he was and what they were up to, and then thought of other situations that they had done and of them awaking him in the middle of the night, and as he recalled situations he gasped as he suddenly realized that he could hear sounds emerging from somewhere further ahead, and he gasped even more when the sounds seemed to magnify and turn to being blared out.

    It then mildly amused him as he recalled a similar situation, and he also realized that the sounds reminded him of his dream, but he could not notice any connection and why it did.

    What hell happened? Mitchell moaned, rushing up the corridor, after being awakened by something and seeing them rushing towards something.

    He slapped his face trying to awaken himself further, vaguely looking like he had a slight hangover, and he recalled him taking alcohol from the helicopter.

    As they approached a region of the corridor that they heard the sounds at their loudest the disturbance seemed as if it had different states to it and regularly altered, and Bryson imagined it as a warp through in space and time causing many different things to occur and create sporadic sounds about the castle, and in his dream he wondered if he had seen inside the warp itself (and the castle lay somewhere beyond it, being one of the locations connected to it throughout space and time).

    Yet even if it was a warp he still never knew what it was or what was happening, what created it, and why the things in the wood were there! Did the things, whatever they were, become part of the disturbance while near it, when it automatically opened?

    Three scientists rushed up to Merton and Mortimer and they began discussing the occurrences and situation, and the three scientists rushed back to get equipment and more of the scientists.

    Merton and Mortimer stood listening to the sounds trying to establish things and where they were mainly emerging.

    Some sounds came screaming at them with fury and sometimes as though things were trapped in some form of field.

    The scientists rushed back and forward setting up their new equipment, connecting the equipment along that region of the corridor.

    What do think? Merton carefully asked him, leaving Bryson with little to say.

    He gave Bryson the impression that they might be going to do something or come to a conclusion.

    Mortimer also gave him the impression, which would normally have confirmed it, but things were different there and they were not fully themselves!

    Bryson started to realize the implications of things and that they might have to check what was there and things of great danger!

    Mortimer quickly told the other scientists: Investigate all these walls, floor and roof ...

    Bryson suddenly felt deep tiredness and wished that he had stayed in bed, and was asleep.

    Why were they not tired like him? What had they been doing when they heard the sounds?

    In the darkness at the end of the corridor two figures came rushing towards them from the stairs – resembling a sort of dream view to Bryson in his sleepy state – and the figures turned out to be two of Mitchell’s men, who were on guard below, and they whispered things in Mitchell’s ear.

    Mitchell’s face turned frantic, and he was desperate to do something, and he rushed away with the two men to where the men had been, and to the stairs.

    What are they up to? Merton muttered, staring, bewildered.

    This place is a hell of a place! Bryson mumbled.

    Bryson watched drifting currents of snowflakes blow about a room window, and he realized that he really felt like going to bed. It had been a long day and the next day could even be longer, and he watched Mortimer rush away after them to the stairs, and he wondered what he was missing. Even though he had done what he felt like doing – rush away – but in the opposite direction – to his bed, and without saying anything.

    Why were they not all tired like him? And he recalled all the things he had been doing and all the late nights before he had arrived there.

    He watched them rush into the darkness at the stairs and realized that they might have to stay up for a long time, to obtain the conclusion to what was occurring, and he realized he had better follow to get it over with.

    Merton shrugged and followed him, and they eventually started chasing after them.

    In the sounds behind him he heard a rhythmical tapping, slowly increasing in volume, making him slow to listen, and he realized that it was footsteps rushing towards him from behind, and from behind him two more of Mitchell’s men came running along, while they were fixing gun holsters on their waists.

    Bryson saw Mitchell going down the stairs with his gun in his hand. They seemed to have adjusted their lights dimmer, to make them darker and not open targets.

    The situation looked bad! If someone did not die it would be surprising!

    Bryson and Merton rushed to them and crept down the stairs – which creaked loudly when they made rapid movements.

    At the bottom of the stairs he watched their dark figures creep around from room to room looking for something, occasionally giving a significant gasp, which most of them had given since they had arrived at the castle.

    They eventually approached Mortimer trying to get information.

    Let’s look in the kitchen! Mitchell warned, creeping away.

    His men followed him. And one of them switched on a light and they rushed into the kitchen, holding out their guns, ready to shoot at anything that appeared.

    Bryson felt awake again, but tired and he avoided staggering.

    I saw someone down here with a gun, one of Mitchell’s men muttered to them, moving along with them.

    How had he seen anyone down here he wondered? It had been so dark without the lights that it was virtually in complete darkness, and when he questioned him further he told them that all they had seen had been a dark figure with a gun.

    When Mitchell entered the kitchen they heard him gasp loudly, grasping Bryson’s attention as he had definitely found something, and they rushed in after him.

    When they reached the kitchen it was virtually in darkness and Bryson turned his head about to search in every direction and to where he saw gusts of snow blowing rhythmical against a window, and through the window he saw the haunting dark shapes of the trees of the wood shifting in the wind, almost hidden in the dark about the castle.

    The brightness beamed down from the kitchen lights lighting everything about them, when someone finally turned them on, and they entered further and glared over at an area of the floor, to their side, where Mitchell was kneeling next to a dead body.

    Chapter 6

    Mind-Bending Dreams

    Lights flew around

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