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The Time Machine: Beyond the Universe (2017 Edition)
The Time Machine: Beyond the Universe (2017 Edition)
The Time Machine: Beyond the Universe (2017 Edition)
Ebook675 pages9 hours

The Time Machine: Beyond the Universe (2017 Edition)

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An action-packed thriller of explorers encountering mind-bending time travelers from beyond the universe!
A newly invented voyager explores the deepest depths of the universe, and leaves space and time when it encounters one of the deadliest menaces of all creation, hidden away in a colossal void since the dawn of time, after it starts killing them all, and on a world in the depths of a new minding-bending universe encounter another of the deadliest menaces in existence, which travels through time and has supernatural origins!
Explorers detect and uncover a perfectly symmetric black sphere voyager of transcendent origins, and only find its true origins and it being an ultimate time machine/voyager/probe when they activate it, and it explores the whole of space and time as an ultimate time traveler searching for something!
After exploring a legendary desolate haunted region (where there are accounts of supernatural activity, hideous deaths, and vast amounts of treasure) explorers reveal something with advanced celestial intelligence of unknown deadly origins!
They find unknown and strange occurrences everywhere they turn as they explore the remains of the place, trying to determine what is there and occurring, and uncover a mind-bending ultimate time and space voyager probe buried away there, with hideous supernatural intelligence, waiting to be properly revived, with powers capable of destroying reality!
After exploring a desolate haunted New York mansion, where there are accounts of supernatural activity, deaths of vast amounts of people searching for lost treasure, explorers reveal something deadly of unknown origins buried away, and they explore the colossal ancient mansion, once a Transylvanian vampire castle, trying to determine what it is doing there, and uncover a mind-bending ultimate celestial time voyager buried away, waiting to be revived!

Release dateAug 19, 2017
The Time Machine: Beyond the Universe (2017 Edition)

V Bertolaccini

A 21st century publisher/author famous for his unique classic mind-bending beyond space and time, alien artifact, and exploration themed science fiction, who did his first mind-boggling science fiction classic From Beyond Space and Time in 1998, who likes and writes 21st century potential blockbusters, headline action thrillers, high quality action-packed movie-style science fiction horror.

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    Book preview

    The Time Machine - V Bertolaccini

    Part I


    The Time Alterations

    At the edge of the energy bubble, altering wildly, gleams of light from bright stars were being held motionlessly, and were being filmed and studied by the scientists.

    The entire top of the castle was now covered in equipment and scientists studying the alien in the energy bubble, and of the discovery made earlier in close examinations of the energy bubble.

    A clock placed at the end of a cable was entered into its field, and the scientist reacted immediately when they received results, and concluded that its precision digital numbers were being frozen, and into multidimensional forms as the cable shifted, and they studied the suspended cluster of partially transparent layers, as they moved in with cameras.

    The two paranormal scientists were controlling the experiments of the leading scientists, and had gained a great deal of status and authority with them, and aboard the GX1, where most of the filming of it was being shown on the media.

    Both occasionally gave detailed explanations of what they were doing, and believed was occurring, and they had the cable released further, edging it into the confines of the energy bubble, creating more spectacular optical effects with the clock, making it distort in twisted forms, like shaping beams of light with matter.

    All the numbers on clock shifted fast forward to their surprise, and all the scientists, technicians, and archeologists there crowded around it loudly discussing it, and applauding the find, as it was the first discover of time travel.

    Kruger stood with them startled, though he had known it existed, he had not proven it, and believed Don had traveled back in time, and he had been waiting for it to appear somewhere, to prove it, and for the event to take place, and he watched it wondering what the hell it was, as it was far more different than he had thought, and he had not realized or heard anything that could explain anything to him, and he had deliberately stayed near the two paranormal scientists and main scientists in hope of picking something up.

    It looked as though it were rupturing space in a way that played with time. It had properties of suspending it! It was creating alterations in it and the fabric of space, but could it allow some form of gateway into the depths of time to exist?

    Many of the leading scientists were carrying out numerous basic and complex experiments all around it, using equipment, and others were recording various things about it, and great amounts of detailed information were being sent back to the GX1 for them to analyze in a far greater degree.

    Nobody had been able to determine its origins or if it came from the galaxy. Yet they were in another universe, which they had not checked in any proper degree, and there were many occurrences there and in the black hole that were still unexplained, and their voyage through the galaxy had shown that many mysterious things existed there.

    It would take the rest of their lives to explore the place properly and make proper findings, and they may never fully achieve their goal, and it could be found long after they existed.

    He had shuddered as he had studied its shape hovering about, and its occasional appearance, like a lion eyeing up its prey.

    The abnormal antics of some of the scientists at times captivated him, mystifying him with the depth of their nervousness and fear of something! Some still repetitively studied the readings from their equipment and with alarm – preparing themselves for something, which he saw the two paranormal scientists slowly become aware of!

    What the hell was it? What was the thing? Was it really a supernatural entity? Could something go wrong?

    A swift flash of light appeared and exploded at the edge of a region of the energy bubble, silencing all the scientists.

    From it they got a proper view of what happened when the light entered its radius, and they were able to analyze slowed down views of the occurrence.

    Kruger listened to a scientist explaining the occurrences to an audience on the GX1, stating, It manipulated space and time within its outer radius! It can accelerate, decelerate, and suspend it ... The clock is now suspending it ...

    The cable emerged outwards pulling the clock backwards, with its numbers swiftly turning backwards until its numbers once again became motionless, and Kruger considered if they could use whatever it was to make some form of time machine.

    He wondered if in reality time was something far different from what they perceived. But would he ever know? And he just accepted the philosophy! And he was still sure Don was an older version of him!

    What are they intending to do with it? he asked Mitchel, curiously. Are they going to construct something from it?

    Mitchel examined him, almost sensing something, wondering why he had an interest, and looked annoyed about something.

    They, of course, have investigated little so far, and if they do, you will be informed!

    If they can reconstruct it, they can use it for many things, including uses in industry! he continued. Stopping time is an incredible tool ... With incredible uses ...!

    They have made other findings you know! If you take an observation of its shifting movements, for one thing – which they have been studying closely – its constrained pattern of movements has dramatically altered in some regions in space ...

    Kruger examined its lethal appearance, like a large bubble full of pure transparent energy – buzzing wildly and dangerously – ready to discharge somewhere.

    "Do you think you have created and have something new here? he asked, firmly. Two unheard of inventions of great power combined ... The incredible paranormal energy source, in the depths of a new and different universe, with a different makeup, in a galaxy never seen before, with hidden powers beyond our imagination from such a rare being, combined with your energy bubble that has been discovered for the first time from all the technology of worlds, over hundreds of years!

    The combinations of powerful energy sources have created many great discoveries!

    There may be! It could very well be a one of a kind situation, and we have perhaps a long time to explore it! Perhaps we could find some form of time travel – which may not be found anywhere else – or something else!

    We may not need to wait that long! Bryan stated, moving over. Most inventions allow people to get their best properties straight away. They will in a few days be giving out all the details from all the findings, and from all the experiments, which may be very interesting if I am not mistaken. They have barely even scratched the surface of it!


    Its Capture

    The time being might have been thrown into the realms of hell, into another reality, with its magical being shape altering and whirling within hideous energy surges, threatening to obliterate it, but it consistently had stopped it and it falling out of space and time altogether, and it had consistently altered.

    The center of it had glowed bright like a sun from the energy that it had been trapped in, altering and becoming more powerful and then dimming, with it whirling increasing and decreasing, shaking everything furiously about from the impact of powerful energy forces, from something strange from outside, and though it had reappeared at the correct location, it had been trapped there.

    It had remained perplexed, and it had stopped making attempts at escaping, and tried to establish what had gone wrong.

    On and on it had kept going, and it had seen the humans emerge on the tower stares, and confirm what it had started to suspect, and that they had set a trap and had caught it. It had underestimated them greatly! It would have been normally virtually impossible to do what they had done, and it would be lucky to survive the ordeal! It slowly had realized that they had methods of detection that it had never heard of, but it also had slowly realized that they never had time travel as it had originally known.

    After the shock of the encounter, and it had adapted its energy and structure to handle the energy bubble that they had trapped it in, and it had probed the humans and realized it had been lucky, and that they could have killed it, and that they wanted it for something, and it had realized that it had technology that it could use to bargain with, if they ever allowed it to communicate.

    Their technology had been strange and some of it primitive to it, and it had even learned how most of it worked, and had been surprised that its race had missed it, and it had realized why.

    It had probed their computer records, and had found how powerful their race was, and then had discovered the great revelation that they had arrived there from another universe, after hurtling through the outer limits of space and time, and it had seen the great use that they could have been to its race.

    The opportunity to do something had been great, and its determination had turned almost inconceivable.

    For a long time it had watched them at work, and their experiments, while its energy surges intermittently had played with it, in hideous attacks, and it had planned what it should do.


    The Alien/Entity Returns

    The new alien entity had remained almost dormant within the human that it had created, with its automatic senses taking scans of its surroundings.

    The human was perfect, and had been the perfect place to dwell undetected by the humans, who believed the human had been something else, and had failed to realize the truth.

    It had collected all forms of information about everything, and had collected far more than it needed and had visualized, and it had analyzed everything in a greater degree than it had as the entity in the void.

    It had been staggered by the outer universe and the world that they had explored, and had analyzed its surroundings and their information with amazement, and had repeatedly thanked the humans for giving it the chance to study such phenomena.

    Everything at first had been beyond its knowledge, and it had been an exploration beyond its wildest thoughts, and it had even considered if there had been others like it there, and if they had created it all, with inconceivable dimensions and powers, far beyond its knowledge and powers, like itself had been compared to its original self billions of years in the past.

    The void had been nothing compared to the outside universe, and universes! It had all the relevant information that the entity in the void had, and it had been built to handle what it possibly could, and had been a compressed miniaturized version of it, which had been created with the help of the knowledge it had discovered from the GX1.

    It had observed the GX1 from its interior, and its technology had been incredible, and it had decided to recreate it and had changed its plan to capture it, and it had collected enough information to recreate it.

    It now only needed to return to the entity in the void to complete its mission, which it was about to do, and it now not only knew how to allow it to recreate the incredible powers of the GX1, and travel hundreds of times the speed of light, and recreate the invincible energy screen, ultimate computers, and other technology, it could travel beyond the universe, and travel through time, and this was only the beginning as once the entity in the void received the information it would soon alter itself into an entirely new form capable of anything that was possible.

    It soon sensed the entity outside in the void and altered itself, from being Don, and left the vehicle, as it had been programmed to do, and it became one with the entity.


    Beyond the Universe

    Chapter 1

    The Mind-Bending Black Hole

    A bright explosion of radiance exploded out stunning Kruger as he came to. An immense whirlpool of shifting outlines of globes magically shifted by, and he studied it for a long time and realized that he had no body or proper presence, and was some form of force formation, and he was swirling out into a vortex of reshaping energy patterns that replaced reality, in a surreal splendor of transforming elements and that the mind-bending display of displacements were altering to something that he could not recognize.

    Why he was there mesmerized him! Was he even classified as being alive?

    He gave a vague gasp as reality magically spun around him in different patterns while he wondered how worse the situation could become. He could be trapped there for all eternity!

    So when he saw a white blur in a miniature central region of darkness emerge ahead, as he swirled around, he grew interested, and he started to recognize more and more detail as it grew, and shifted he into it, and within its depths he saw magnificent distant stars, within a haze, blending into his surrounding brilliant colors.

    Spectacular white beams exploded out, and stars shot to him, and he realized the tremendous speed that he was traveling at.

    Space was expanding all across his front, and he floated into it.

    Gradually he felt feelings and saw a transparent view of his body emerge as it transformed and became solid again, and he saw the others appear as ghost images, in the swirling brightness.

    The voyager appeared and grew solid about him in stages, as it entered space and time, and magnificent bright white and golden lights filled his entire vision everywhere, as if he were floating into a form of cartoon universe.

    The stars became dazzling, which he could not recognize! Their density filled space everywhere, and he was staggered that they could even exist in their state, without being pulled together into an immense explosion.

    He exploded with excitement as he looked back and saw the biggest black hole that he had ever seen stretching across space, and he wondered why he was being thrown out of it, and he realized the immense speed that he had been traveling at.

    The size of it looked close to the size of a small galaxy, and the vision staggered him and stuck in his mind as he watched it vanish out of view and the spacecraft become solid around him.

    Chapter 2

    The Monster’s Death

    The monster/entity had turned mad in the end, especially when it had attacked the control center of the GX1 spacecraft.

    The last shreds of its plan had been instantly ruined when the scientists at the other side of the spacecraft had activated a field that had thrown the whole spacecraft out of space and time, to kill it and escape with their lives.

    It had been crazy, but it was all that they could do!

    It had been hideous beyond anything anyone had seen, and resembled the devil itself! Not only had it been an entity/monster, altering from one form to another again, the G1 explosions had damaged it and its mind beyond repair, and it continued with only the one goal to kill every life form aboard, and take down the energy shield around the whole voyager to give it to the outer entity, and have it to repair the damage done to it.

    Its last moments had been a chaos of killing and destroying everywhere, to gain control of the outer energy shield, but it was unable to think properly and realize how to remove the energy shield, and near the end had even realized that it was close to death and would not survive if it never.

    Its last thoughts had been screams of agony, and it watched its existence in all the dimensions become annihilated.

    The outer entity had monitored what it could, and had detected its madness with some fascination, as it had never known it!

    For a long time it had been studying everything and trying to find another way to get the spacecraft!

    After careful examinations of the spacecraft’s outer energy shield it had begun to realize that around the energy bubble there were small amounts of weak energy that could be used to attach some of its energy forms, and it had made a shield of energy made from itself around the energy shield, which would remain hidden there, so when the spacecraft left it would travel with it, and when possible, and they removed the energy screen, it would form into another entity/life form, capable of far more than the entity/human that it had put aboard, and it would become a vastly improved version of it.

    Chapter 3

    The Mind-Bending World

    For a moment Kruger was staggered as a dazzling radiance blinded him, and he thought he had been thrown out of space and time all over again, and he realized that the space vehicle that he was in had crashed.

    The sky outside the front of the vehicle was a mass of intense light, from immense stars nearby almost covering the sky there in white and gold, and it was so strange that he was sure that it was not even in another universe anymore, or was at the outer limits of the big bang of a universe, at a distant point.

    He switched on a light screen, which shaded the intense light flare blasting into his brain, which now looked like the sun on Earth covering his entire front, and he checked the other two passengers of the vehicle, Major Ripley and Don, which he could now properly see near him.

    Even after traveling beyond space and time the world that they were exploring was so mind-bending all the crew were virtually staggered at it all of the time. There was at least a billion light years of what must be the most compact region of space possible, and the world had to have the weirdest landscapes and scan results possible, which was another reason why they were exploring it.

    The world about them was so altered from the normal the others never said anything and occasionally gave muffled gasps!

    So it has happened again? Major Ripley moaned, and sniggered, glancing out at the world through a side window, with his hands shading his eyes, searching the outer landscape, in wonderment – wondering what they had thrown at him this time. Yet he like new occurrences and such excitement, and getting out the spacecraft.

    But I’ve not lost any memories of anything! Kruger stated, checking his memory of everything that he could.

    While Don nodded in agreement, he replied, I have not forgotten anything either!

    The vehicle had crashed again as it had done on the world in the void, when the alien had wiped away most of their memories of the people in the vehicles to cover it being there, to get aboard GX1 spacecraft, but this time it was different, and Kruger gasped at the thought of the thing still being alive, and up to something.

    It made him shiver thinking of all the occurrences that had happened over the past weeks, and wondered what the consequences of it all would be.

    The alien may have changed itself and its tactics, realizing the situation is different ... Major Ridley announced.

    Yet if it was aboard, why did it come out here? And why would it make us crash? And why would it even risk it – as it would know that we would not fall for it again. It is pointless ...

    It could have been an accident this time? Perhaps we have hit something?

    "But why were we all unconscious! That is a rare occurrence!"

    Kruger felt his head for bruising – which he confirmed never existed ...

    I do not recall us actually hitting something, Major Ripley finally announced, after some thought, looking about outside, and below the vehicle. "Look! We’ve only skidded to a standstill into a bog of yellow crawling slime – and the vehicle has stopped itself automatically! Kruger! You’re the scientist here! You work it out for us!"

    Perhaps this time it was gas ...?

    As I have told you before there’s none in this model! And if this gas exists, it has no smell, and must be concealed somewhere! And I’m sure it would be of interest to the military ... And for them to investigate why it was used ...

    There could be some gas in the atmosphere outside, and we may be taking in the outer atmosphere ...?

    Major Ripley glanced through all the shuttles instruments, and replied, If I can remember rightly, the vehicle automatically takes in the atmosphere, which it has been doing, as it is perfectly breathable, and that it would have stopped anything getting in that was unwanted ... And there does not seem to be anything in here, or has entered here ...

    This is another universe! It has a different framework, and could have different laws of nature ... Unknown to us ...

    Meaning what? In other words anything could happen out here now! Perhaps the gas just materialized here – knocked us unconscious – and vanished afterwards ...

    We better keep things open that’s all ...

    Suddenly, Major Riley jumped, with his eyes jerked wide open, when a human figure shifted out of thick mist outside, at their side, and he removed his weapon.

    What is the distance to the nearest shuttle? Major Ripley whispered, to confirm what he knew.

    Well, there are hundred vehicles out, and the nearest has to be miles away ...

    We better contact the others! Check what is happening!

    Kruger watched the strange figure move in close, and bang his large heavy glove hard against the vehicle window near him, and thought he recognized him for a moment.

    The problem of having such a vast spacecraft and crew, which he had not gotten used to, was there were too many strangers aboard, and that they were always coming into contact with people that they never recognized, and he now knew hardly any of the other people in the vehicles, and going by what he had seen of Major Ripley and Don that they were the same.

    There was nothing strange about the man, who was wearing a spacesuit without a helmet, and only did two things differently, which was his silent and strange look and him being there in the first place, as nobody had wanted to leave the protection of the vehicles, because of the place they were in and the hidden dangers.

    Kruger wondered if he would make it home alive, which was incredible, after all the years of helping and preparing for the great voyage to the final frontiers of the universe. They must have done just about everything to check that nothing went wrong, and had proven to them that if anything new was actually found that there would not be any danger. They believed that dangers in space had been virtually annihilated, and were now just small accidents. The dangers of the past were thought to have been left behind. Even in wars, humans were very rarely ever killed, and were mainly fought with machines, and mainly robots, and the people involved hardly ever actually encountered dangers.

    He could not place the stranger and put it down to memory loss from the encounter with the alien, and the strange environment of the new universe.

    I cannot reach them! Major Ripley shouted.

    There could be some damage to the communications ...

    You mean something is blocking transmissions ...

    Major Ripley stuck his face against the side window and studied his face and figure outside, and the man ignored him, waiting for him to open the door.

    Kruger did think he looked familiar and acted like one of the crew, but so had the alien when it had done a perfect impersonation of him, as Dan.

    You will have to let him in or something! Don announced. At least talk to him through an opened window!

    He could get in here anyway, Kruger stated, after thirty seconds of silence. The vehicles have no real defense against direct attacks – or from that alien.

    That’s a good one! But we did drive back with that alien aboard the last time, and we could be blamed for helping it get aboard!

    He pressed a switch, and a window partly opened up, and he called out, Someone must be in trouble for you to have come all the way out here! Across this place!

    Correct! the stranger replied. Our vehicle crashed, and something killed all the crew ... I just escaped, with my life ...

    Major Ripley gasped, and asked, What’s your name, and vehicle number?

    I am Larsen of vehicle sixty!

    Kruger remembered the name, and had a vague recollection of him, and showed his recognition of him.

    I vaguely remember you too! Did you wake up unconscious? And was your communicator working?

    Yes, we all woke up unconscious, and the communicator was not working ... I used a device to detect your vehicle, which I knew was here, from our equipment earlier on ...

    He showed them a hand device that was in his suit.

    Major Ripley moved away from the door where the stranger was, and allowed Kruger to unlock the door, and they watched the air slightly react to the outer atmosphere of the desolate world.

    They watched the man enter and speedily close the door behind him, as though he had been waiting to get in for a long time, and to get away from something, and they remained silent as warm air warmed the vehicle again.

    Now what will we do? Kruger muttered, looking about outside. You said that there is something deadly over there that killed your entire crew?

    "Our vehicle was surrounded by that hideous mist that floats about this place, and something smashed it to pieces, killing them, and escaped, as I was near the back ..."

    Kruger studied the man, and saw his fear of the place, and that he had been running to escape from it at one point.

    So we better get out of here ... Larsen warned, after they sat doing nothing for a minute. If that thing gets over here ...

    Major Ripley immediately jumped over to an area with controls and activated controls, and the vehicle lifted into the air, and floated forwards.

    But where are we going to? Don asked. There is more of a chance of it being in front than behind us, if we travel on. As it could spot us at a lot of locations moving on, but if remained here, it will only be able to find us at this spot ...

    Correct! Larsen replied first. But this vehicle can swiftly fly upwards, at any speed, and can even travel in space, and that thing cannot leave the ground as far as I saw!

    Major Ripley continued on the course they had been on before the crash, ready to lift into the air when needed, and they all seemed more relaxed by it.

    When they finally heard a noise from the communication device, Major Ripley jumped to attention and stopped the vehicle, and moved in beside it, and had Don take control of the vehicle, because he was the most alert and ready to handle anything coming at them

    Vehicle four here! Major Ripley announced. Any information on why the communications were down?

    "Ripley! This is Major Douglas in vehicle two. It seems to have happened again! All the communications were down! They only returned to normal a few minutes ago! We seem to have a different problem this time! All the vehicles crashed, but the vast majority are running again! They’re working on the problem back at the GX1. This time, all the vehicles have been ordered to continue with what they were doing!"

    What’s the distance to vehicle sixty from us?

    It’s just over three miles from you! Why?

    Do me a favor! Was Larsen there?

    Yes! But we have not had any reply to our communications to it!

    That’s because something has attacked and killed all the crew, except Larsen! Who is in here ...

    My God! So there is something out here! I will check for anything from the vehicle! We’ll have to warn everyone about it! I don’t think they will cancel this mission, especially if that alien is here, and impersonating someone, and is trying get aboard again. In fact, I think I would rather stay out here than be stuck aboard with that thing!

    Chapter 4

    The New Alien/Entity

    From nowhere, with an inconceivable speed, a concentrated sphere of energy had appeared, vaguely even being detected by its senses due its formation. Except its acceleration left it staggered!

    The new alien had remained dormant and as the rest of the GX1 spacecraft as altered energy shifting through what was beyond space and time, taking a few scans and recordings of its surroundings by its automatic senses, but when it had entered the new universe its senses had detected what was there, and it had partially come to life to investigate what was there, while keeping itself as an energy coating around the spacecraft’s energy shield.

    It had sensed that the humans inside the spacecraft had also been staggered by the outer universe, and analyzed its surrounds with amazement, and even thanked the humans for giving it a chance to study such phenomena.

    Everything about it had been beyond its knowledge and incredible, and it considered if it was another like itself that had created it all, with inconceivable dimensions and powers, far beyond it, and its knowledge and powers, like it compared itself to its original self billions of years ago.

    The void was nothing compared with it! It had all the relevant information that the entity had, and it had been built to handle what it possibly could, and was a compressed version of it, which it had created with the help of the knowledge that it had taken from the spacecraft, and its compressed size.

    The black hole was incredible, and its voyage through it, and it had allowed it to travel a great distance, and it wondered if it could get information on how the spacecraft had entered it.

    It had observed that the spacecraft had clearly come from such a place, and that its technology was surely greater in many ways to what existed in the new universe. Yet its size was so small that it had still confused it! Could it itself recreate such a thing in a larger size? Should it capture it if possible, or get enough information to recreate it?

    Its mission was clearly defined, and it was only able to alter it to achieve its goal. But if it could not return it would have to remove its programming, and mission, and continue as a replacement of the entity.

    Thus it soon set itself the task of exploring everything that it could, to gain all the knowledge that it could.

    A surge of energy forces that it had never conceived existed had hit its probing forces from the stars, shocking it and fascinating it at the same time. It had been unbelievable and glorious, and it admired it greatly, but had sensed some danger from it, as with its encounter with destruction on its creation.

    Through its thoughts a blur of radiation had swirled out of the blackness. Strange energies without any meanings had sent sensations through its structure.

    Amidst its awesome powers it had detected the core of the GX1 spacecraft, and it supplying its propulsion forces and energy protection shield, and considered if there was a way to stop its powers reaching the propulsion forces and energy protection shield. At the speed that it was traveling at it should it how powerful it was, and that it could not affect it.

    It had sensed that the humans could not use the spacecraft’s higher speeds, at hundreds of times the speed of light, because of the short distances between the stars there, with the immense amount of worlds, moons, asteroids – and that they had a problem.

    The entity had always thought of things in size, and small had always been powerless and about useless, and it had realized that far greater powers could exist in it and it being concentrated.

    It had visualized the appearance of the stars at a close range, and considered how it could use such forces, and it imagined using such forces, and using the technology of the spacecraft with them, and it hurtling through the universe to anywhere.

    The entire energy surrounding it and exploding from stars blanketing out any darkness had overwhelmed it, and even worried it, and what could exist in its depths, and it had detected incredible things there, and considered if it could leave there if it had to, and if it could get back to the void to the entity, which surely could do something with the knowledge it would give it, and if it could get back there.

    Its body had absorbed the power with enchantment, as it could not recall having taken in such forces since its creation.

    After many probes, and unsuccessful probing of the spacecraft, including through multidimensional sensors, it had accumulated everything that it could and had started to examine what it had accumulated.

    The unique energy shield of the spacecraft had stayed a great interest to it, and it had consistently considered if it could recreate it, as a defense.

    All its knowledge of the spacecraft had been little, and from what it had gained would take it a long time to find what it wanted, if it actually had enough to find what it wanted – unless it got aboard, and it had realized again why its main mission was to get aboard, and study it, with the possible chance of capture.

    If it let it go it would be a mistake, as it had realized that it could be the only time it would come across such a phenomenon.

    The vastness and powers of what it had become so vivid, and it had realized that it would have transform into something new, and it had thought of its original thoughts of the object’s discovery, and of the finding of the things in it, and at the same time it had detected with amazement it was decelerating, and it had detected its surveillance of a world ahead, and it had been sure that it intended to make contact with it.

    When it had gone into orbit around it, it had probed the world with fascination, and even lost interest in what was happening to study what it found. It had never seen anything like it before, and it had been fascinated at what could exist there, without it knowing that it could exist, even with it being outside its normal reaches. It marveled at what it had been missing while drifting and constructing itself in the void.

    What strange things existed there? It was always interested in new discoveries, science, and inventions, and had it marveled at the years ahead of it! What other wonders would it find? Where would it end up?

    It had left the voyager to carry out its mission, and explored the world the best that it could in its present state, as it had been still evolving itself into the entity/life form that it had been programmed to alter into.

    It had been surrounded with mind-bending wonders and visions as it had explored what it could, seeking answers, and it had returned to surveying the GX1 when it had landed, and later on it had detected some of the humans leaving it, and going outside the energy screen again, and it had examined their free thinking states and realized that it could reproduce one of them easily, as it had been programmed to do, and it had made them all unconscious and had replaced one of them with an identical copy, which it could control and exist in, to enter the energy shield of the GX1.

    Chapter 5

    The Second Crash

    The vehicle was racing along when there was a firm shudder, making them jerk up and down, and it when crashing down into a pool of water below, thumping into the edge of an area of mud, splashing mud and water everywhere, over the windows, blinding their view, and Kruger turned and hit the side of the vehicle, hurting his elbow.

    Though Major Ripley seemed to be the only real one to get hit by the impact, and grasped his leg and held it for a few minutes, from the pain of it being bashed against the controls at his front.

    What the hell was that? he moaned, trying to see out the vehicle, while checking the instruments confused, trying to get what was happening. This place will be the end of me ...

    It seems to have happened over again! Larsen stated, still believing they were doomed to death, as if they were only temporally avoiding death.

    But why are we not unconscious this time? Major Ripley replied swiftly, trying to get what he had missed. We’ve barely made an hour of our journey from the spacecraft, and have crashed again ...

    "Perhaps this world is different from the other world in the void, and there is something else here that is causing it ..."

    What something else ... he moaned, lifting his knee, examining it, and placing it back down. I don’t know whether to be glad with that thought ... If this thing is the original alien, then we have had it. But if it is something new, are we better off ...?

    The others were killed ...!

    Great! So now it is down to how bad a death we may receive!


    So how quickly and painfully did that thing in the other vehicle kill them then ...?

    I would say they were about the same ...

    Great! Absolutely great!

    Kruger tried checking the instruments from where he was, and gave up, as they never showed anything.

    What condition is the vehicle in then? he finally asked.

    It is not working, and it does not have anything on what the cause of it ...

    We’d better contact the others then!

    Major Ripley started using the communications equipment to contact his old friend Major Douglas, and told him, Our vehicle is down! We have crashed into a pool ...

    Major Ripley tried seeing through areas of the windows that had thinner mud over them.

    Your vehicle has crashed! Major Douglas spluttered out, staggered at what he had told him. You’d better get out of there now!


    Just get the hell away from the vehicle ...!

    How will we get transport to move on ...?

    There have been reports of other crashes since all the vehicles crashed earlier, and the occupants have been killed ...

    What direction will we go in ...

    We have your location! Go to your right, and I’ll have a vehicle pick you up as soon as possible! But get as far away from there as possible!

    Major Ripley shuddered, and switched off the communications equipment, and yanked a switch and the vehicle doors all opened up, and water and muck came pouring in, flooding the vehicle, making it sink, and they looked around for an area to get out to.

    Kruger pointed at an area near him that was the nearest to solid ground, and he rushed through the outside bog, of thick black chemical stinking muck, going up to his knees, and the others followed.

    They were lucky they wore waterproof spacesuits or they would have been soaked in it, and they reached the land and rested their legs, and looked around them.

    We have to go right of the vehicle! Major Ripley announced, and started leading them in that direction, marching firmly.

    Kruger marched after him, and watched Don and Larsen walking together behind him, talking about the crashed vehicle, and examining the damage to the front of the vehicle where it had crashed, and they watched it until a strange vapor cloud shifted about it, like it had some form of intelligence, and the vehicle vanished out of sight.

    Chapter 6

    The Time Being

    A miniature white explosion magically hovered inertly in mid-air, frozen in time, in front of the time being as it concluded its experiments on the newly acquired explosive.

    It allowed the explosion to progress at a slow rate, as it walked up to it and studied in every detail, which it had planned to do.

    The room was at the top of a high tower of a structure that was not an advanced structure but a building that resembled an ancient fairy-tale/horror film castle, made of square stones barely stuck together, centuries old, which had crumbled away in large regions, and rested high in the air, above any human structure, on a massive rock pinnacle, towering over the mind-bending world, surrounded by a sky that would have startled any alien in the universe with its stars and phenomena, covering almost every square inch, resting on the opposite side of the world from where the GX1 was positioned.

    The time being came from an ancient race that had advanced science to incredible lengths, and had colonized an entire galaxy at one time, and after many genetic alterations had turned themselves into a master race, with abilities unheard of before, but had eventually altered themselves into a more warlike race, which had eventually killed itself off in wars, and which had been remembered throughout galaxies for thousands of years.

    The few survivors of the race were condemned by other races all over space, as well as being condemned by their own race, and they never attempted to rebuild their empire, which had eventually turned into new types of entities/time beings, who were immortal, and used time travel.

    The time being had made a mistake when it had been younger and had been captured and imprisoned on the world, and had made itself the ruler of the world, with its powers, which had grown progressively, over centuries.

    Its powers were now colossal, especially in the central galaxy, and it did incredible things, and worked away in its mountain castle carrying out its experiments and explorations, separated from the outside universe.

    It created bright flashes of light with its mind, and a loud whirling sounds appeared, similar to a whirlwind, growing from a whisper to a loud mechanical whirl, and it became mingled with a crackling, like a crackling fire, from within it.

    The room vibrated around the being as it exploded with power that shuddered through the whole tower!

    The room looked like a medieval laboratory, but was full of highly advanced scientific objects, with the being’s other things, which included pieces of strange creatures.

    A diagram was sketched across the center of the floor, with symbols around it, and above it the being turned into a bright white light floating and spinning through the air.

    It whirled fast, and sparks of colored light went around its fringes, and thousands emerged and spread out across the whole of the room, while the sparks of energy created flashes of light over the damp stone walls, and sounds from it became deafening.

    The center of where the time being was turned bright like a sun, and it continued to become brighter, and the whirling increased louder, shaking everything furiously, including the whole stone tower, until it looked as though it would go crashing down and over the cliff, to the fantastic world below.

    An explosion of light and sounds blasted out and it suddenly vanished, and the time being traveled away into the past.

    Within seconds it made a reappearance, and reformed into what it had been before it had left, reforming into its original self.

    The air from it blew everything light around, and a whispering came from somewhere, and its long shape formed, and sounds vanished and altered to a voice from it, chanting strange sounds.

    The being screamed as it formed back into a being, and the tower blocks stopped shaking under it, and the energy turned to a whirling light buzzing around its shape!

    Shapes and colors formed within it, and an upright almost human-like form appeared, and glowed within the light. The being was over eight feet tall and at least four feet wide at the top, and flickers of its unusual skeleton became visible inside it.

    A blast of brightness exploded out with beams of colored light, and vanished away into a cloud of smoke, and the noises stopped, and its massive shape stepped out of the white smoke.

    It wore a large black medieval-type cloak, covered in stars and strange symbols, sketched over it, and where its eyes once must have been there were glowing red lights.

    The time being had traveled back in time and had carried out its mission, and had reappeared seconds after it had left, and it continued with its experiments on the miniature white explosion, and made it magically hover inertly in mid-air.

    Chapter 7

    The Lost World

    A deep intensely cold haze edged its way over the wonderland world that surrounded them, as Kruger stood examining some vegetation near where they had stopped to rest. It was nothing like anything that he had seen on any of the other worlds that he had visited or seen elsewhere.

    He could not get if it was the strange environment about him or all the strange stars blanketing the sky, or something strange existing there, or the universe that they were in, or a combination of them that created different reactions.

    Strange vapor clouds shifted about their sides, always following, shadowing them, at a distance – probing them, and analyzing them for some purpose.

    He had stopped wondering if they had intelligence a few miles back, when he had proved they had, he had seen Major Ripley realize it too, and he vaguely watched it linger over deep meteorite craters in the mind-bending landscape.

    He watched it now to find out what form of life it was. What did it use to exist? What was it doing?

    He felt like getting some samples from it, but decided to wait until he was with the others, and they could check if it was dangerous.

    A peculiar whisper of something came from an unknown place far away, and he considered if it was from the clouds or something else, and what else it could be.

    Major Ripley moved in close to him, with interest.

    How the hell did that happen? The sun rose just before we left the GX1!

    The sun was sinking deeper into the skyline, and areas of fog illuminated like the luminary rays of bright alien moonshine – from the rays beaming from powerful stars.

    Gusts of air blew and withdrew in the opposite direction, blowing and sucking, giving Kruger the feeling that something invisible nearby was breathing over him, or something was there and the environment was reacting to its presence and its paranormal powers.

    The two paranormal scientists would love it, he was sure. They were out there in another vehicle.

    It had been them that had first found the world, and come out with the idea of the GX1 going to the world.

    They had become great and famous celebrities aboard the GX1 since saving everyone from the alien, when it had been found out by all the media there, and were now adored by the military and the president, who had been at deaths door when they had saved them, and took them away out of the universe to where the alien could not go.

    The media on the GX1 had given the story full coverage for weeks, and the president and military had given the two paranormal scientists full military protection around their laboratory and scientists and all the equipment to investigate everything that they could about what had been experienced by everyone when they had left the universe.

    What everyone had experienced there and had said had been a mass of confusion, and many people thought that something else had happened!

    Hundreds of scientists all over the ship were now working on finding a way to get them back to the normal

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