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Questioning Evangelism 2nd ed: Engaging People's Hearts the Way Jesus Did
Questioning Evangelism 2nd ed: Engaging People's Hearts the Way Jesus Did
Questioning Evangelism 2nd ed: Engaging People's Hearts the Way Jesus Did
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Questioning Evangelism 2nd ed: Engaging People's Hearts the Way Jesus Did

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Sometimes the best answer is a question. It's the way Jesus often talked with people as He led them into discussions about the issues that mattered most.

Campus Crusade for Christ veteran Randy Newman has been using a questioning style of evangelism for years. In this provocative book, he provides practical insights to help Christians engage others in meaningful spiritual conversations. Asking questions, Newman suggests, doesn't tell unbelievers what to think but instead challenges how we think about people, their questions, and our message.

A perennial best-seller, the second edition includes a chapter in which the author reflects on the success of the book and what that has taught him, as well as a new foreword by Lee Strobel.

"Distilled out of twenty years of personal evangelism, this book reflects both a deep grasp of biblical theology and a penetrating compassion for people—and finds a way forward in wise, probing questions. How very much like the Master Himself!"
—D. A. Carson, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

"Questioning Evangelism steps outside the boundaries of evangelism as usual and tackles the tougher issues of our modern day."
—Mitch Glaser, Chosen People Ministries
Release dateApr 25, 2017
Questioning Evangelism 2nd ed: Engaging People's Hearts the Way Jesus Did

Randy Newman

Randy Newman (1956–2024) served as senior fellow for apologetics and evangelism at the C. S. Lewis Institute, and was formerly on staff with Cru. He authored several books, including Questioning Faith; Questioning Evangelism; and Bringing the Gospel Home. 

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    Questioning Evangelism 2nd ed - Randy Newman



    YOU MAY THINK THAT THIS BOOK is just plain weird. When it comes to evangelism, I think differently than a lot of people. I ask questions that other people don’t ask. I come up with answers that many people don’t think of. And answers that a lot of people find knock- down, drag- out invincible leave me unconvinced.

    Maybe you think like I do. Or maybe you know people who ask the same kinds of questions that I ask. Or maybe our world has changed so significantly that we need to rethink evangelism.

    The questions that I ask are not unreasonable. People often say, Good question. When I say that certain answers are unconvincing, it’s as if I’ve shouted something about the emperor’s new clothes. And in response to the answers that I offer, people often tell me, Gee, I wish I’d thought of that.

    For a long time, I wondered if I should just keep quiet and cling to the proverb, Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise (Prov. 17:28 NASB). Wishing to find another option, I tried out my questions and answers on some real live non- Christians. In the course of writing this book, I met with dozens of amazingly kind and thoughtful people who were making progress on their own spiritual journeys. They were gracious in allowing me to join them for part of the trip. Some of them were students, a few were professors, and most were ordinary folks from various walks of life. One of the first people to share his uncertainties with me (and allow me to share some of my ideas with him) was a fireman who read Nietzsche!

    Along the way, I received enough encouragement to write this book.

    My prayer is that readers will be encouraged and aided in the task of telling others the best news ever announced. I’m not calling into question the validity of evangelism. I’m calling Christians to use questions in the venture of evangelism. I have two fears, however. The first is that some people might see Questioning Evangelism as a criticism of other books on evangelism or apologetics. Such landmark works as Josh McDowell’s More Than a Carpenter, Paul Little’s Know Why You Believe, or C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity come to mind. It would be the height of presumption for me to criticize such works. These books (and many others like them) are gifts from God to His church, and He has used them in amazing ways. I give away copies as often as I can, because they’re very effective—with certain people.

    I also like several newer books in the evangelistic arsenal. Lee Strobel’s The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith are best sellers for good reason. They are well written, well reasoned, and compelling works that our Lord has used and will continue to use to bring many into the kingdom.

    A diverse audience, though, requires diverse approaches. Questioning Evangelism offers another approach. If Jesus teaches us anything about evangelism, it’s that He used a variety of methods with a variety of people.

    Any evangelistic approach, though, requires three skills. The first and most basic involves declaring the gospel, including the ability to clearly and concisely articulate the message of salvation. A tool such as Bill Bright’s "The Four Spiritual Laws" is helpful in presenting the message clearly while avoiding unnecessary distractions or confusing rabbit trails. Declaring the gospel also includes the sharing of one’s own story or testimony. Every Christian needs fluency in articulating how the Lord changed his or her life and the difference that change makes daily.

    The second evangelistic skill is defending the gospel. Anticipating common questions, acquainting oneself with helpful discoveries from the past, and planning how to deliver this information in a logical sequence has to be part of always being ready to make a defense (1 Peter 3:15 NASB).

    The third skill—and this is where Questioning Evangelism fits in—is built upon the foundations of declaring and defending the gospel. That skill is called dialoguing the gospel. Often neglected, difficult to master, but absolutely essential, this skill of giving and taking—asking questions and bouncing ideas back and forth—might be just what our postmodern audience needs. We need all three skills if we’re to be Christ’s ambassadors in the twenty-first century.

    My second fear is that some people might view Questioning Evangelism as a technical handbook. If so, they might be tempted to use its approach to evangelism in a cookie-cutter, mechanical way. Doing so, however, would prove unfruitful and frustrating. I don’t want people to respond to my examples by saying, I’ve got to memorize this so the next time someone asks me that question, I’ll say these words, use these phrases, ask these questions, and so forth.

    Instead, I hope that readers will develop a different way of thinking about people, their questions, and our message. And because of that difference, our evangelistic conversations will sound less content/ persuasion driven and more relationship/understanding driven. They’ll sound more like rabbinic dialogues than professorial monologues. They’ll be an exchange of ideas that lead both participants to the truth of the gospel. For one participant, it will be the first arrival at that point; for the other participant, it will be a rediscovery and a new appreciation of the message of the cross.

    The goal of Questioning Evangelism is to help people know how to think about an issue more than what to think. This book will help followers of Jesus to develop their minds (the mind of Christ) more than their methodologies, giving readers a sense of what to say. More important, though, readers will grow in confidence, knowing what to ask, because this book is about questions—questions that Christians can ask to move the conversation in a Christ-ward direction, questions that non-Christians are asking (either directly or indirectly), and questions that Christians can use as answers!

    Some of the questions that people ask today are the same old questions that people have asked for millennia. For example, Why does a good God allow evil and suffering? But people today ask that question in the wake of terrorist attacks and school shootings, making the question less sterile than it might have been in the past.

    Some of the questions have been asked before, but the temperature in the tone is hotter now. When someone asks, for example, Can Jesus really be the only way to God? it might be more an accusation than a sincere inquiry. After all, the eternal state of the proverbial heathen in Africa is no longer the issue. Rather, it refers to the Hindu who lives next door, the Muslim whose desk is next to yours, the Jew who coaches your son’s soccer team, or the New Age, crystal-clinging, tie-dyed T-shirt–wearing unmarried couple living together down the street.

    Some of the questions are new. Twenty years ago, few people brought up the issue of homosexuality in the context of an evangelistic conversation. Now, however, people raise that question often, and often word it as an attack: Why are you Christians so homophobic?

    A number of questions that lurk within evangelistic chats are unspoken. At one time, only a few rogue fraternity brothers had the boldness to ask why they should stop sleeping with their girlfriend(s!). And even then, their questions were more defense than honest inquiries, with a fair amount of guilt mixed in. Today, thanks to the sexual revolution, marital fidelity and chastity are on the defensive and modern questioners might wonder (aloud or in their jaded hearts), What’s so great about marriage? or If I believe in this God you talk about, will I have to go along with His [your?] antiquated, stifling, and unhealthy ideas about sex? or Why should I have sex with just one person for the rest of my life?

    Whether the questions are old or new—or angry varieties of either—we should be more engaging and less confrontational in our sharing of the good news. We must find new hinges upon which to swing open new doors. We must be disciples of our Lord and rabbi, Jesus of Nazareth, so that more and more people will join us in that great gathering of worshippers around the Lamb. If He sees fit to use this book toward that end, giving you confidence along the way, I will be grateful.

    Part 1



    Why Are Questions Better Than Answers?

    I’LL NEVER FORGET HIS NAME.¹ It was one that I’d never heard before—Artyum. He was from Ukraine and was possibly the most sincere seeker I’ve ever met. I just didn’t know what to do with him. We struck up a conversation on the center lawn of the American University in Washington, DC, on a spring-like day in November. It wasn’t supposed to be that warm. But there we were, Artyum and I, basking in the sunshine, when the calendar said that we should have been inside sipping cups of hot chocolate.

    We talked about the weather, classes, hometowns, and things like that. Then he asked me what I did on campus. When I worked for an organization with the name Campus Crusade for Christ (now known in the United States as Cru) and people asked, What do you do? it didn’t take long to steer the conversation toward the gospel. It’s one of the perks of being a crusader.

    As a trained evangelist, I steered our chat to the point where a little green booklet became the focal point of our conversation. Knowing God Personally is an adaptation of Bill Bright’s The Four Spiritual Laws and is a good evangelistic tool for sharing the gospel. I still believe that as much as ever. But what happened that day at the American University changed my thinking about some of the ways we do evangelism.

    I’d been trained and had conducted seminars in how to introduce the booklet, how to progress through the booklet, how to avoid distractions during the booklet, how to bring someone to the point of decision at the end of the booklet, and how to walk him or her through that eternity-changing moment of conversion after concluding the booklet. I could state the advantages of using such a tool (and there are many). I could show the drawbacks of just winging it and not using such a focused tool (and there are many). And I could share stories of how God has used it to lead many people to the Savior.

    I read the first point, God loves you and created you to know Him personally. I don’t remember pausing at that point. I don’t think I even breathed. But somehow Artyum interrupted.

    "What do you mean when you say the word God? he wondered aloud. And what do you mean when you say the word love? And, most importantly, how do you know all this is true?"

    It was a difficult moment for me. All of my training had told me to sweep away any and all questions with, That’s a good question. How about we come back to that when I’m done reading the booklet? That line had worked well many times for me. The inevitable result was that the questions would be forgotten and never brought up again. That’s because many, maybe most, questions that are asked early during an evangelistic presentation are not real questions—they’re smoke screens. The questioner is trying to avoid the conviction that is sure to come when one confronts the gospel.

    So they stop the presentation before it gets uncomfortable with, Well, we can’t really believe the Bible; it’s got too many contradictions in it, or There are so many religions in the world, how can anyone know which one’s right? or a million other pretentious comments that should be swept away with the that’s a good question line.

    But Artyum’s questions were different. They weren’t smoke screens. I know the difference between an honest inquirer and a truth avoider. Artyum’s questions were foundational. Could I progress to the second page in the booklet and read, People are sinful and separated from God, if he was stuck on the words God and love? What would be in store for us when we hit the word sin?

    I mentally reviewed the background data that I’d gathered earlier in our chat and connected it to our present discussion. Being from Ukraine, Artyum had been reared in an atheistic, communist world, reading Nietzsche and Marx and thinking deeply about life. He was a history major who loved philosophy and was bothered by the intellectual shallowness displayed by most Americans. He wasn’t annoyed by my initiation of evangelism. He genuinely wanted to work through his questions. Unlike me, however, he didn’t feel any pressing need to work through the booklet. He did feel, however, a sense of importance about working through real interaction about weighty questions.

    What followed was a ninety-minute discussion, revolving around questions that strike at the foundation of faith: How do we know what we know? What do we know for certain? and What difference does it all make? Toward the end of the conversation, I was asking more questions of him than he was of me.

    Artyum helped me rethink the task of evangelism. Questioning Evangelism is the result of that process. And in all of the examples in this book, Artyum’s is the only name that I haven’t disguised. Although I refer to real people in real conversations, all other names have been changed. But I’ve kept Artyum’s name, hoping that someday he’ll see this book and contact me, telling me that he’s come to faith in Christ. He didn’t that day on American University’s lawn. I lost track of him soon after the weather returned to normal November temperatures.

    Why Are We Frustrated?

    I came away from that conversation both excited and frustrated. Communicating at that level of intensity and truth seeking was invigorating. That level of excitement was relatively new, but the frustration was all too familiar. Another nondecision. People don’t as readily pray the prayer with me as they do with famous speakers I’ve heard. Those natural evangelists are always sitting down next to someone and sharing the gospel. And they always lead every person to a salvation decision. (And it’s always on an airplane!)

    Some people have told me that my lack of evangelistic fruit results from lack of prayer. I certainly don’t pray enough, but I wonder if that’s all there is to it. Other people have told me that I don’t push hard enough in closing the sale. I don’t know how to respond to that; the gospel isn’t a product that we sell. On introspection, I’ve wondered what I haven’t said to work the same magic as so many others.

    I’ve found that I’m not alone in my frustration. In fact, frustration might be the most common emotion that Christians associate with evangelism (followed closely by guilt, confusion, and despair). Our frustration is multifaceted. We’re frustrated that our message doesn’t yield more decisions, genuine fruit, cultural impact, or advancing of God’s kingdom in the way Jesus talked about.

    First, we just don’t have as many evangelistic conversations as we know we should. The message that has gripped our hearts and forms the centerpiece of our lives remains unspoken, unshared, and unproclaimed. We miss opportunities to tell people what Jesus means to us. Our culture’s secularism has silenced us when we should be sharing. We wonder why the topic that is so often on our minds is so seldom on our lips.

    Second, most of us don’t hold a candle to people who are gifted by God as evangelists. And when we actually do step out in faith and share Christ, not as many people as we’d like bow their heads and pray the sinner’s prayer. So hearing about the successes of a Billy Graham only adds to our frustration. Instead of motivating us to be bold, the success stories discourage us. That’s not an excuse, though. Paul told Timothy, who was a timid non-evangelist, to do the work of an evangelist (2 Tim. 4:5). So we find ourselves clinging to the promise that God forgives even the greatest of sinners—assuming that sinners means those who are evangelistic failures—and hoping for a method of evangelism for non-evangelists.

    Third, we’re frustrated by the lack of lasting fruit. If you’ve ever led someone to Christ and then later found that person totally uninterested in spiritual growth, you know the pain I’m referring to. True, not all the seeds in Jesus’s parable landed on good soil. Still, we wonder why some plants spring up and then wither in the sun, or on the rocky soil, or under the distractions of this world. We wonder why, for all of our evangelistic efforts, the percentage of born-again Christians in our country has remained stagnant for more than thirty years. Yet the percentage of Mormons, Muslims, and purchasers of New Age crystals has grown.

    Fourth, we’re frustrated by our lack of saltiness, that is, cultural impact. If we’re supposed to be the salt of the earth, a preservative, why is our culture decaying?

    These frustrations are realized in an environment of such religious diversity that many of us question some of our basic assumptions about Christian belief. Different religions are not theoretical concepts practiced in other countries; they’re practiced by the people next door.

    On one of my son’s basketball teams, for example, is a boy who wears a turban in accordance to his Sikh religion’s commandments. This same son’s biology lab partner is a boy named Mohammed, who fasts during Ramadan. On another son’s basketball team are two boys: one attends Hebrew school in the evenings in preparation for his Bar Mitzvah, and the other studies Arabic as part of his weekend schooling as a Muslim. They’re all best friends at public school during the weekdays.

    Our local library advertises seminars on yoga, meditation, crystal usage, and the teachings of Mormonism.

    The reality of pluralism (the existence of differing points of view) tempts us to consider the assertions of relativism (the validity and truthfulness of all points of view). In our most honest moments, we wonder how we can hold to Jesus’s claim that no one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6). Our frustration and intimidation, then, lead to a condition that borders on evangelistic paralysis, or what one speaker referred to as spiritual lockjaw.

    Is There a Better Way to Evangelize?

    We can have better results from our evangelizing. Our efforts can produce more fruit, advancing the kingdom further than has been recently achieved. A better way exists, and it looks, sounds, and feels more like Jesus, the rabbi, than like Murray, the used-car salesman. It involves more listening than speaking, inviting rather than demanding a decision. Perhaps the most important component to this kind of evangelism is answering questions with questions rather than giving answers.

    Maybe I think this way—responding to questions with questions—because I’m Jewish. I grew up with dialogues that went like this:



    I’d like to think, though, that I answer questions with questions because I’m following the example of Jesus. It’s uncanny how often our Lord answered a question with a question.

    A rich man asked Jesus, Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? That question was a great setup for a clear, concise gospel presentation. I can almost hear a disciple whispering in Jesus’s ear, Take out the booklet. How could Jesus not launch into the most perfect model for every evangelistic training seminar for all time? But how did he respond? He posed a question, Why do you call me good? (Mark 10:17–18).

    When religious leaders asked Jesus if it was right to pay taxes, Jesus referred to a coin and asked, Whose image is this? (Matt. 22:20). When the Pharisees, looking for a reason to bring charges against Jesus, asked Him, Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath? Jesus’s response was a question: If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out? (Matt. 12:10–11).

    I once did a study of how Jesus answered every question that was asked of Him in all four gospels. Answering a question with a question was the norm. A clear, concise, direct answer was a rarity.

    So when I answer a question with a question, I’d like to think I’m following the example of Jesus, but to be honest, I most likely do it because I become tired. After years of answering the questions of nonbelievers, I grow tired of my answers being rejected.

    At times (far too many, I’m afraid), I’ve answered questions with biblically accurate, logically sound, epistemologically watertight answers, only to see questioners shrug their shoulders. My answers, it seemed, only further confirmed their opinion that Christians are simpletons. My answers had, in fact, hardened them in their unbelief rather than softened them toward faith. I realized that, instead of moving people closer to a salvation decision, an answer can push them further away. Rather than engaging their minds or urging them to consider an alternate perspective, an answer can give them ammunition for future attacks against the gospel.

    So I started answering questions with questions, and have gained far better results.

    Once a team of skeptics confronted me. It was during a weekly Bible study for freshmen guys that we held in a student’s dorm room. The host of the study, in whose room we were meeting, had been telling us for weeks of his roommate’s antagonistic questions. This week, the roommate showed up—along with a handful of like-minded friends.

    The frequently asked question of exclusivity arose, more an attack than a sincere inquiry.

    So, I suppose you think all those sincere followers of other religions are going to hell!

    Do you believe in hell? I responded.

    He appeared as if he’d never seriously considered the possibility. He looked so puzzled, perhaps because he was being challenged when he thought that he was doing the challenging. After a long silence, he said, No. I don’t believe in hell. I think it’s ridiculous.

    Echoing his word choice, I said, Well, then why are you asking me such a ridiculous question?

    I wasn’t trying to be a wise guy.

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