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Real Israel IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!: Wake Up, #1
Real Israel IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!: Wake Up, #1
Real Israel IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!: Wake Up, #1
Ebook137 pages2 hours

Real Israel IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!: Wake Up, #1

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WAKE UP! This is the first part of a series of books dedicated to WAKING THE CHURCH UP!  In this volume! we will uncover what could be the LARGEST IDENTITY THEFT CRISIS IN HISTORY, I'm not talking about credit cards, but the ACTUAL Identity of a people was STOLEN ! and we are going to dive deep in to our bibles and history to find out who did this and most importantly, WHY!

Are the "Jewish" people who live in Israel today really who they claim to be?  

Where are the rest of the missing Lost Tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel? Join me today in this mission to WAKE UP! the TRUE 12 tribes of Israel, so that they can reclaim their culture, their destiny, their bible, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY!  THEIR GOD!  

Once, you read this book, you too will share in this sacred duty, and will also be able to understand the bible the way it was meant to be read

Release dateMar 7, 2017
Real Israel IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!: Wake Up, #1

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    Real Israel IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP! - D. Christopher

    Author’s Note

    Hello! and thank you for buying or acquiring this book (I don’t mind how you got this book, don’t worry, your secret is safe with me, pirates.) I’d like to introduce myself and give you a summary of why I wrote this book, I am a regular guy who is well known to be very relaxed with a laid-back personality. I also enjoy playing video games, tinkering with computers and gadgets, and I used to be quite a decent musician! As far as my religious beliefs are concerned, I am a Christian. I believe in The Most High God (I am that I am/ Ahayah Asher Ahayah (Exodus 3:13-15) and the death burial and resurrection of his son, Jesus Christ (Yeshaya). I also believe that the death of Christ was for the restoration of the (TRUE) children of Israel in order to redeem them from their sins and betrayal by turning their hearts to other gods, but also, I believe that the death of Jesus Christ (Yeshaya) was a door way so that even those who are not directly connected to the bloodline of Israel are now able to connect to the Most High through faith in Christ, which is the only way to secure eternal life, which is given to those who follow the Most High God.

    I say this because I feel that it is very important for you the reader to understand my personal stance on the bible so we can begin this unique relationship of writer and reader and thus when you read this book, you will understand that nothing I say in this book is an attack to any church or person specifically. Even I as the Author of this book have taught many of the doctrines that will be mentioned in this book until I gained knowledge of the information written in this book. This book is also the first of a series of short and simple books to help encourage all Christians to take a second look at the bible, and to help further educate, and unify us under the true power of the most High (Ahayah Asher Ahayah/I am that I am) and gain a true understanding of what the salvation of our lord and savior Jesus Christ (Yeshaya) is.

    I will use the name Ahayah Asher Ahayah( I am that I am) or in the Yiddish Ehyeh asher Ehyeh as this is name that The most High gave to Moses and there is no way any one could mistranslate that name as I am that I am only can be said in 1 possible way in Hebrew, Also this name is the name that the Jewish High priests hide from the masses as it is the name which was powerful enough to save the REAL Israelites from their captivity and bring them a stronger relationship with their heavenly father. Even Jesus (Yeshaya) himself also used this name when praying. The Jewish Encyclopedia even states that at one time Ahayah was known to ALL of them but eventually became restricted to use. At the very end of this book you will find an article of a correspondence between a Jewish scholar and a Jewish man who converted into following the truth gospel message of Jesus Christ which will give you a shocking revelation that you cannot miss about the tetragrammaton, so you should read until the end.

    Secondly, I am a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ, I have been a Christian most of my life and I dedicated my life to the service of our lord and savior and to his people. This book was written as a labor of love to my brothers and sisters in Christ. I also respect the men and women of God who decided to leads the most high’s flock as it is not a mantle that is taken lightly, as doing so comes at the price of much personal sacrifice.

    Many topics that will be discussed will be controversial in nature, but we must understand by now that all of us were born into a Satanic world and Satan has been operating in this Earth long before any of us were born. Most know he is a deceiver but we all, including myself have under estimated Satan’s craftiness and this book will help you with the beginning stages of uncovering the layers of deception he prepared for us in this time well before we were born. Luckily, our lord is smarter than he and thus Using the very weapon he gave us, the Holy Bible, we will tear apart these deceptions and embolden a new generation of believers who can see clearly the power that the bible has given us and a generation who will come closer to the most high than many generations before us.



    Though the information contained in this book will be somewhat controversial, please do not take this information and use it in personal campaign against any race or nationality of people as this book was only made to give awareness to information contained in the bible that most people overlook.

    This book SHALL NOT be used as a tool to attack the Christian Church or the anointed person placed in your life to teach you about Jesus Christ and his word, but is to be used by all churches and individuals to examine themselves, as well as help ALL of us break free from different satanic deceptions that are used to keep the most powerful people on this Earth, God's People and his Christian Church, from key understanding that will bring them TRUE power and wisdom, SO that we all (Hebrews and Gentiles alike) can prepare for the coming kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus (Yeshaya) Christ.


    I am the type of man who enjoys occasionally stirring the pot and always have since I was a child, but always stood for what I believed was true. I remember a time when I was a child in elementary school, my mom told me that Santa Claus didn’t come down the chimney, and as a first grader, I spread this shocking revelation to all the other kids in my class and told them that Santa didn’t bring them their presents, it was their mom and dad....... As you can imagine, that went over very well with the school...So well in fact, my teacher ended up calling my mom because the other children were crying because I told them the truth. My teacher kindly explained to my mom that because my opinion was not what the majority believed, I should keep my opinions about Halloween, the Easter bunny, and Santa to myself. In the end, during the time when my teacher would have circle time with the other children and discuss these holidays, characters, and festivities, due to fear that I would freely give my opinion about them, I was exiled to the play loft, which wasn’t really that bad, I had a blast! All the toys to myself and I didn’t have to share with anyone!! (OH YEAH!!) But when you examine this story, because I was vocal about the truth and did not believe what the majority believed, I was sent away to play by myself. Sadly, when I think about the state of modern (Western) Christianity, I find that it is more or less the same as my story.

    Most of the Christians today are just like the other kids at circle time. Right now, the church is engulfed in the mystic touch of the prosperity movement, but worst of all, many are slowly being grafted into the New Age Movement. Very few churches actually teach out of the bible anymore, and the few that do, because of society and a system of false doctrine that was made to ensnare their minds, teach the scriptures of the Holy Bible incorrectly. The very few who stand out and teach what the scriptures are actually saying correctly, are often ostracized and attacked by other churches, Atheists, media, and even by the institution of Theologian Seminaries, as well as Jesuits and Jewish Rabbis.

    Even though these things are happening, the church is nowadays slowly shifting in a new and positive direction as many people are waking up to the truth and are working towards breaking the traditions that have long since held most churches back from key understanding and power that the bible and the most high God (Ahayah Asher Ahayah/I am that I am) must offer, and now more than ever, there has been a great awakening happening like never before. the Government leaders have become aware of this movement and are afraid as once this awakening comes in full force, It will mean the end of their Satanic grip on the world. By reading this book, you too will have the keys needed become a key player in prophesy and take part in this grand movement and awakening that will change/improve the way we understand and connect to our lord, Forever.

    Now that I have gotten your attention! It is time to discuss the primary topic of this book! And though I am a person who likes to stir the pot sometimes, I don’t necessarily like making enemies. Though I am quite sure I’ll have plenty of those by the time everyone finishes reading this book, because the main topic of discussion in this book is focusing on the key players of the bible, the children of Israel and Judah which are also known as the Hebrews. I know this will get me into trouble but there

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