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Bolt Action: Armies of Germany
Bolt Action: Armies of Germany
Bolt Action: Armies of Germany
Ebook286 pages1 hour

Bolt Action: Armies of Germany

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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This book provides Bolt Action players with all of the information they need to field the military forces of Germany. Detailed army lists allow players to construct German armies for any theatre and any year of the war, including the early campaigns in Poland and France, the dusty tank war in the North African desert, the bloody battles on the Eastern Front, and the final defence of Normandy, occupied France and Germany itself. With dozens of different unit types including Fallschirmjager, Waffen-SS, and the dreaded Tiger tank, players can assemble a huge variety of troops with which to battle their opponents.
Release dateNov 20, 2012
Bolt Action: Armies of Germany

Warlord Games

Warlord Games is one of the world's leading producers of wargaming miniatures, as well as the publisher of the successful Black Powder and Hail Caesar rule sets. Their Bolt Action range of 28mm World War II miniatures is the most extensive on the market and continues to grow and develop.

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Bolt Action - Warlord Games


Soldiers of the 269th Infantry Division hunting T-34s, by Peter Dennis © Osprey Publishing Ltd. Taken from Campaign 148: Operation Barbarossa 1941 (2).

This is a supplement for the tabletop wargame Bolt Action , and it deals with the German Army of World War II. Within you will find background and details of the German Army’s organisation and equipment from the beginning of the war (the invasion of Poland in 1939) to the very end (the fall of Berlin in 1945). Central to this book is its Army List. This includes all the information you will need to play games using the German Army. This large list details all the main troop types, vehicles and equipment fielded by the Germany Army during World War II. Alongside this main list are 18 Theatre Selectors, which give the force details for different periods and theatres of the war. Over six years of fighting the German Army changed a lot, and many units and vehicles that were common in 1939 were obsolete by 1945. These sub-lists allow players to select forces suitable for the theatre in which they are playing. To avoid a lot of repetition, the main list includes all the options and rules information, with the theatre selectors narrowing this down to the most appropriate.

The well-trained landsers fire and move

Throughout the war the German Army fielded over 3,000 different types of vehicle. Many were very rare or even just prototypes; others were captured from the enemy and re-used against them. It is impossible to cover them all, and so this book does not deal with many of the very rare and unique vehicles, and does not include captured vehicles. Players should feel free to include enemy vehicles in their army if they wish, and if they have their opponent’s permission, but they will need access to the original nation’s Army List for the captured vehicle’s rules (otherwise this volume would have to include every other army’s vehicles as well as the Germans’).

Likewise, there are always exceptions and oddities that the theatre selectors cannot cover. The theatre selectors are not definitive, but are designed to give a theatre-specific flavour and character to a force. They only include the predominating equipment of the campaign or period. Exceptions are perfectly acceptable with agreement between players, but cannot be included in the main list without becoming the rule.


Kampfgruppe Böhm racing to the Meuse, by Peter Dennis © Osprey Publishing Ltd. Taken from Campaign 145: Battle of the Bulge 1944 (2).

‘In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it.’

– Field Marshal Erwin Rommel


After its defeat in World War I the Treaty of Versailles subjected the German nation to very harsh punitive rules. As well as war reparations to other nations, part of this treaty enforced severe restrictions on the German Army to prevent it again growing so powerful that it could threaten the peace of Europe or, more specifically, France’s territory.

The Nazi Party, led by Adolf Hitler, was elected to power in 1933. Shortly thereafter, Hitler declared himself Führer and these severe foreign restrictions, already widely despised, secretly began to be bent and then broken. Using many ruses to disguise his policy, Hitler’s government authorised the re-armament of the German Army as a modern fighting force.

Sturmgruppe Granit at Eben Emael, by Peter Dennis © Osprey Publishing Ltd. Taken from Elite 136: World War II Airborne Warfare Tactics

By 1939 the Wehrmacht – the German Army (Heer), Navy (Kriegsmarine) and Air Force (Luftwaffe), had quietly risen to become (arguably) the most powerful fighting force in Europe. So it had to be, because they would be the primary instruments in realising the Nazi Party’s dream of a greater German Reich (its third!), a new world order and a German empire that would cover all of Europe and last 1,000 years.

As the war clouds gathered over Europe, first with the German Army’s move to reclaim the Rhineland, ceded to France after 1918, then the annexation of Austria, the signing of a military alliance with Italy (the Pact of Steel) and the invasion (against no resistance) of the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia, the German Army began to show the world its new strength. On 1 September 1939, the German Army was ordered to commence the invasion of Poland. This attack was a step too far for the other European powers, principally Britain and France. They had been powerless or unwilling to stop the earlier transgressions, but both now resolved to stand-by their treaty obligations to Poland and declared war upon Germany for its aggression. World War II had begun and, although they did not know it then, it would last six years, see fighting across the globe, and cost over sixty million lives – the greatest loss of life ever to befall the human race.


When the German Army and the Luftwaffe began their attack on Poland, it also unleashed a new doctrine of warfare, one that had been developed (if only theoretically) by British strategists since World War I. It made use of the speed and mobility of new military equipment, such as tanks and aircraft, and it was christened Blitzkrieg – Lightning War.

In Poland, the theory was to prove itself effective in spectacular style as the German Army advanced from its own borders, from the city of Konigsberg in East Prussia and from the Slovakian border. The power of the new Panzer forces, supported by mobile infantry and accurate close air support from dive-bombing aircraft, crushed the brave Polish resistance. The Polish Army was too slow and cumbersome to react in time to German attacks and troop movements. The Panzers gave the German Army the initiative from the beginning of the campaign, and their speed of operation meant that it was never relinquished. The days of World War I’s attritional trench warfare were gone.


The German Army had developed its own doctrine for training and combat, and it encouraged officers and NCOs to take the initiative and act. With leadership encouraged and expected, even down to the lowest level of squad-leading NCOs, German units which were heavily outgunned or on the brink of collapse often fought on. Junior officers often formed ad hoc units from stragglers and survivors and got them back into a battle when all seemed lost. Functioning and effective combat units could be drawn quickly together from any available troops – cooks and clerks were often thrown into the fighting and performed well. Especially in the east, surrounded German units time and again fought on beyond hope of rescue and managed to escape their encirclement.

Infantry squad tactics, developed throughout the war, maximized the firepower of the powerful German machine guns. Riflemen were used to keep the machine gun supplied with ammunition and to protect the gun from being outflanked, fighting to buy the machine gun teams time to displace and re-deploy, before withdrawing themselves under the machine gun’s covering fire. Defensive positions were carefully planned, with fallback firing positions already in place. Squads were well equipped with these excellent weapons, and many Panzer grenadier squads dismounted the machine gun from their half-track carrier when it was not required, giving them extra firepower. Fallschirmjäger were also well supplied with MG34s and MG42s.

While the army’s field craft, tactics and low-level command were exemplary, its higher command remained problematic. The many different factions made for a complex and fraught command structure. With the Führer directly controlling some elements of the Army, higher command for the Wehrmacht (OKW) and the Heer in the east (OKH), plus the Waffen-SS and Luftwaffe’s own command structures, orders were often slow in reaching units at the front, whose own commanders were powerless to make their own decisions. Army and Corps commanders found their plans and orders delayed by higher commanders and by political considerations. Later in the war their cause was severely hindered as the Allies had cracked the German ciphers and were reading their encrypted secret communications!

Despite fine words, the western European powers could do little to aid Poland in her plight, especially after the Russian Army began a second invasion of eastern Poland in support of Germany. Poland was conquered in the space of a single month, and the nations of Europe were now at war – but then nothing happened.

This ‘phoney war’ was merely a pause, time for the Wehrmacht to assimilate the lessons of Poland and to hone its tactics and equipment. On 10 May 1940 the German Army began its expected attack on France, sweeping through the Low Countries, just as it had in 1914. Holland and Belgium quickly capitulated.

As the Panzers rolled on, so the French Army and the British Expeditionary Forces (BEF) moved to block their advance. There was fierce fighting along the Maginot Line (France’s border defence of hardened bunkers and artillery positions – incomplete at the time). But it was in the Ardennes, hilly and heavily forested, where the tanks unexpectedly broke through. Under Erwin Rommel, the German 19th Corps defeated the French army at Sedan and outflanked the French and BEF forces defending the Belgian border. As Rommel’s tanks swept northwards, threatening to encircle the defenders, the BEF and French were forced to withdraw. This withdrawal turned into full-scale retreat as the Panzer columns thrust deep across France, sweeping aside all

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