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Your People Shall Be My People: How Israel, the Jews and the Christian Church Will Come Together in the Last Days
Your People Shall Be My People: How Israel, the Jews and the Christian Church Will Come Together in the Last Days
Your People Shall Be My People: How Israel, the Jews and the Christian Church Will Come Together in the Last Days
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Your People Shall Be My People: How Israel, the Jews and the Christian Church Will Come Together in the Last Days

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Updated and Expanded Edition of a
Landmark Text on an Urgent Topic

Now updated and expanded, this landmark text reveals God's purposes for his covenant people in these times--and how this revelation is impacting the church. Unlike Ruth in the Old Testament, many of us have turned our backs on the Jewish people, the relatives of the Messiah, and we share the collective guilt for centuries of their persecution. These pages remind us that now, more than ever, we must confess, embrace, and intercede for the chosen people of God, aligning our prayers with God's plan.

Once again, Israel and her people are center stage at a crucial moment in world history, and this book shows why the church must effect reconciliation and why our prayers are vital in this hour. If we will make the same covenant pledge to Israel that Ruth made to Naomi, the church will never be the same!
Release dateApr 5, 2016
Your People Shall Be My People: How Israel, the Jews and the Christian Church Will Come Together in the Last Days

Don Finto

Don Finto ( pastored Belmont Church in Nashville for 25 years and is the founder and director of Caleb Company. A leading voice in Christian-Jewish relations, he has been actively involved with Jewish believers in both the United States and Israel. Don and his wife, Martha Ann, have three children, seven grandchildren and a growing number of great-grandchildren.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This a basic, thought-provoking look at the role the Jewish nation plays in God's overall plan for the world. Finto challenges the reader from the beginning to read the book with a critical eye and look to the Bible to for proof, not his book. This is a wonderful book for anyone who is interested in Israel or wonders why the Church should take any interest in the affairs of that tiny country and its minority of people.

    1 person found this helpful

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Your People Shall Be My People - Don Finto

© 2001, 2016 by Don Finto

Published by Chosen Books

11400 Hampshire Avenue South

Bloomington, Minnesota 55438

Chosen Books is a division of

Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Ebook edition created 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

ISBN 978-1-4412-2984-7

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations identified NKJV are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations identified TLV taken from the Messianic Jewish Family Bible, Tree of Life Version. Copyright © 2015 by the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society. Used by permission of the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society.

Scripture quotations identified KJV are from the King James Version of the Bible.

Cover design by Rob Williams, InsideOutCreativeArts

This is the best bridge-building book written on the subject of Israel, the Jewish people and the Church! Go on a journey with my friend Don Finto and learn how you, too, can receive God’s heart for His purposes among the Jewish people.

James W. Goll, founder, Encounters Network, Prayer Storm and GET eSchool; international bestselling author, The Seer, The Lifestyle of a Prophet and many more

"One cannot read this very timely, truly life-changing book without receiving God’s heart for the Jewish people. Every believer needs to read Your People Shall Be My People."

Cindy Jacobs, co-founder, Generals International

I am grateful to my friend Don Finto for paying the price to give us this highly significant, informative, prophetic book. This is a message from the mind and heart of God. When Jews and Gentiles alike embrace these powerful truths, a significant advancement of the Kingdom of God will become inevitable.

Mrs. Joy Dawson, international Bible teacher and bestselling author

Controversy surrounds God’s plan for Israel. Don Finto presents a biblical and exciting perspective of God’s heart toward the Holy Land. In doing so, he gives us a valuable and inspiring resource for winning our Jewish friends to Christ.

Francis Frangipane, Advancing Church Ministries; founding pastor (retired), River of Life Ministries

Here is a book of passion with good theology. Don Finto is passionate for the fulfillment of the destiny of the Church, which includes being a key instrument for the salvation of Israel. I look forward to seeing great Kingdom gain through the widespread distribution of this book.

Daniel Juster, director, Tikkun International

"In the spirit of Ruth, Don Finto has expressed the passion of God for Naomi—the Jewish people rejected yet destined for eternal purposes. In humility and loving identification, Finto has expressed the hearts of Messianic Jews to our beloved non-Jewish brothers around the table of our Lord. Dramatically, Israel has returned from exile. Prophetically, this signals a coming rediscovery of Yeshua (Jesus) as our Messiah. Now is the time for the Jewish-Gentile partnership prophesied in the book of Ruth to be fulfilled. Your People Shall Be My People could be your doorway to take part in Israel’s final redemption."

Eitan Shishkoff, founding director, Tents of Mercy, Kiryat Yam, Israel

In this critical hour when the eyes of the world are turned toward Israel through the events unfolding in that nation, it is essential that God’s people understand the key place the Jewish people hold, not only in current affairs, but in the ongoing plan of God down through the centuries. You cannot read Don Finto’s book without having your eyes opened to God’s purposes for His covenantal people. This highly informative book will deeply touch your heart as you glimpse the heart of the Father for His people.

Jane Hansen Hoyt, president/CEO, Aglow International

In a world so confused by bad doctrine and teaching regarding Israel and the Church, Pastor Don Finto stands out as a beacon of truth and a breath of very fresh air! I encourage you to carefully and prayerfully read this important work. I am certain you will come to the same conclusion Don has: God loves Israel, and so should those who say they love the God of Israel!

Paul Wilbur, recording artist


Cover    1

Title Page    3

Copyright Page    4

Endorsements    5

Foreword by Debbie and Michael W. Smith    9

Acknowledgments    11

Introduction    15

1. The Beginning of the End    23

2. The Greater Riches World Revival    39

3. Israel—A Nation of Priests    53

4. The Targeted Annihilation    67

5. The Early Jewish Church    81

6. The Gentilizing of the Church    93

7. Division—The DNA of the Gentile Church    103

8. Return to the Land    113

9. The Awakening    127

10. The Resurrected Nazarenes    141

11. Jew and Gentile—One New Man    157

12. A Time to Pray    169

13. The Final Exodus    177

14. Blessed to Be a Blessing    185

Afterword by David Hooper    197

Appendix A: Toward Jerusalem Council II    201

Appendix B: Recommended Reading    205

Appendix C: Statement of Repentance to the Jewish People in America and the Nations of the World    209

Notes    211

About the Author    221

Back Cover    222


God has sent a few people into our lives to encourage us, rebuke us, direct us, teach us and above all, to love us and love us well! Don Finto is at the top of our list. And from this man, who not only married us and prayed our children into existence but also guided us on two tours of Israel, comes a work that is a celebration of his passions. Don is passionate for the Word, and he is passionate for God’s people, both Jew and Gentile.

In these years since this book was first published in 2001, we have followed Papa Don’s example and learned to love God’s Chosen People more intentionally. We have visited the Land, given more generously, prayed more fervently for the peace of Jerusalem and taught our five children (and now eleven grandchildren!) to honor their Jewish heritage.

One of the joys of being parents is seeing our children walk into their destiny with God’s call burning in their hearts, using their gifts and talents to honor Him. (As a spiritual father to many, Don knows all about that!) A couple of years ago, our eldest son, Ryan, co-wrote the lyrics of a song, The Promise, that has been and is being fulfilled in our day:

Fear not, O Israel, for there is peace still to come

A Word to break the silence, a promise yet to bloom.

The promise to redeem us, One to free us

Break the silence, end the violence in our hearts.

Emmanuel is sure to find us soon,

the mighty Root of Jesse, Star of Truth,

And bring our sons to glory, tell His story,

Heal the broken and restore thee to His name.

The star will guide us to the humble place,

where Christ the King reveals His earthly face

And we will see, Emmanuel,

God is with us, God is for us, God is in us!

We will sing, Alleluia!

We pray that the revised version of this book will be used by the Lord to bring Jewish pre-believers to Himself and remove the scales from believers’ eyes concerning the ongoing role of Israel in God’s affairs. He opened our eyes through Don’s teaching, and now we—and our children and grandchildren—pray with new vision and clarity for God’s purposes to be fulfilled for Israel and for the nations. Together—Messianic Jew and Gentile believer—we will sing, Alleluia!

Debbie and Michael W. Smith,

singer/songwriter, Franklin, Tennessee


I owe a great debt of gratitude to my Jesus-believing Jewish brothers and sisters who have challenged, encouraged and often led me. It all started during the Jesus Movement of the ’70s. I was pastoring a church in Nashville, and some of these hippies-turned-Jesus freaks were Jewish and members of my flock. As they opened up Scripture, they began to realize that they were a fulfillment of the Prophets, that they were actually returning to the roots of their faith, that this Jesus whom they had so recently come to know was Yeshua, their longed-for Messiah, and that even the New Testament is a Jewish handbook about the arrival of their Messiah, who is also the Redeemer of all the nations. I was compelled to reread the Prophets, and to get acquainted with other Jewish believing leaders involved in the restoration of synagogues of Jewish believers and their Gentile covenant partners.

That’s when I met Eitan Shishkoff, Dan Juster and Asher Intrater. They became my early mentors in the movement. If some Jewish ministry wanted to visit Belmont, I would call to be sure that this was a trustworthy ministry. A few years later, David Rudolph joined their leadership team and Tikkun (the Hebrew word for restoration) Ministries was born. I was asked to serve on their governing council.

About the same time, I joined Dan, David, Marty Waldman, John Dawson, Peter Hocken and others on the steering committee of Toward Jerusalem Council II, calling the Church to repent for their centuries of anti-Semitism and to embrace and encourage the return of Jewish believers in Jesus. I started frequenting the annual meetings of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA) and the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC), and met many of these born-again Jews from around this nation and even the nations. Yohanna Chernoff’s Born a Jew, Die a Jew helped me to understand the birth pains of the movement. To all of these I am forever grateful.

In late 1996, I started the Caleb Company, named after the biblical Caleb, who was still taking his mountains into old age, was raising up generations behind him and was wholeheartedly devoted to the Lord all of his life. To all those early board members and supporters, thank you.

By the year 2000, I carried a message that had to be written. I was a communicator, but not a writer, but I knew a writer/editor—Anne Severance. She helped me put my passion into words, and Your People Shall Be My People was born.

My initial encouragers from the publishing field were Bill Greig II and Kyle Duncan with Regal Books / Gospel Light. I am very grateful that they took a risk on an unknown author.

The Your People book struck a nerve and began to be read by Jewish believers and Gentiles who were coming alive with their love for the Jewish people as I was. Marty Waldman, who was serving on the Promise Keepers board, was asked how to help Gentile leaders understand the need to partner with Jewish believers. He recommended that Your People should be given to pastors and leaders of ministries. Regal allowed us to publish 55,500 giveaway copies. Promise Keepers founder, Coach Bill McCartney, wrote a foreword, and these books have moved around the world.

Chosen Books / Baker Publishing Group, seeing the value of the message of the book, has now asked for a revised and expanded edition. I could not be happier to work with this highly esteemed publishing company.

I met Chosen’s acquisitions editor, Jane Campbell, years ago, and have never ceased to see the Spirit of God at work in her. She is a woman of prayer and integrity, and wants only God’s heart to be communicated.

I’ve had some strong intercessors through the years, praying me into deeper revelation. Martha, my bride of now 64-plus years, is among them. She attends a weekly prayer meeting with a group of good sisters who have been meeting together for over 25 years! They know how to love, and they know how to pray. For them, I am perpetually grateful.

What more can I say? I am loved by the Eternal One. I am continually overwhelmed at His goodness, His forgiveness, His love, His Holy Spirit guidance. Jesus is my Forever Strength.


The biblical story of Ruth is much more than the beautiful love story of King David’s great-grandparents. Ruth is the symbol of every Gentile who has ever come to faith through Israel’s God. The words of this Moabitess to her Jewish mother-in-law, Naomi—Your people shall be my people and your God my God—are a challenge to every non-Jew who believes in Boaz and Ruth’s promised Son, Messiah, who would come down through their lineage. Every Gentile believer has come from the land of famine to the spiritual realm of abundance in that Name. Even Jesus’ reference to Himself as the Bread of Life hearkens back to this ancient love story—to say nothing of the fact that He was born in the shadow of the very fields where Ruth was gleaning, just outside Beth-Lehem (House of Bread).

But the Church through the centuries has not responded to her Boaz as Ruth responded to hers. The Church did not leave her Moabitish ways behind when she came into the house. Although she may have taken the Bread of Boaz, which represents Jesus to us, she turned her back on all His relatives, the Jewish people.

For eighteen centuries we rejected Boaz’s (Jesus’) near of kin. We forbade their godly heritage. They could no longer circumcise and Bar Mitzvah their sons, celebrate their God-ordained feasts or observe their Sabbaths. Those who insisted on remaining Jewish (sons and daughters of Boaz) were ostracized, castigated, excommunicated or even killed.

Praise God, things are changing in our generation! Believers from the nations are reclaiming the biblical Jewish roots of their faith. Those from the nations are welcoming Jewish people back into the family of Jesus-followers. Ruth never claimed to be a Jew by ancestry, just as most of those from the nations are not trying to be Jewish, but they understand that the heritage of the Jewish people is the heritage of all believers. The feasts are not just Jewish feasts, they are feasts of the Lord—feasts that still have meaning for all of us who recognize the Jewish Messiah as our Redeemer.

Until I began to get this message, I had no desire to write a book. During the revival of the Jesus Movement when our congregation was flourishing, I was repeatedly asked to write, but I saw no reason to write. Better scribes were saying the same things I would say.

That changed in the late ’90s when I entered the world of the Jewish believers in Jesus, reread the Prophets and the apostolic writings and began to see something that I did not find in print. Three core messages were pulsating within me and became the dominant message of the book: (1) According to the Prophets, our day is the day for Jewish eyes to open to their Messiah; (2) their return to the Land and to the Lord is triggering a world revival of mammoth proportions and (3) the Church is beginning to understand God’s heart for His firstborn son, Israel, and is coming under the blessing of this united one new man—Jew and Gentile together.

During the writing, I was visiting with a pastor who, though passionately pursuing the Lord and desiring to know His Word, knew nothing of God’s purposes for Israel. The Prophets had been like closed books for him, telling only the story of what had already been fulfilled. Until recently my friend had never considered reading the Prophets to find events now happening or yet to come.

He, as I did in earlier years, had taken clear words of Scripture about Israel’s future and applied them to the Church, or had assigned these rich storehouses of prophetic treasure to the dusty bins of already fulfilled history. After our conversation, this young pastor began a fresh reading of biblical prophecy. He wants to know what he has missed! It is for such men and women that I have written.

About the same time, I received a letter from a pastor friend of mine who had no understanding of what I now believed to have discovered. We were reading the same Book, but had come up with completely different conclusions. Jesus of Nazareth was the fulfillment of the Old Covenant and the end of God’s preparatory people, the children of Israel, he wrote. There is no such thing as a Messianic Jewish community. . . . The Kingdom of God is not fulfilled in an apostate people who are descendants by blood instead of by the seed which is only through faith. . . . The Christian church today is awash in this type of teaching, and you will rarely meet someone as old-fashioned as I who believes it to be false teaching and a corruption of Scripture.

I love this man even though I strongly disagree with him and even believe that people who hold such a view will be deceived as we move more and more into the final generation.

I am grateful to men and women of God through the centuries who have carved a path for people like me. As they read the Prophets, they began to believe that Israel would one day be a nation again, and that when they began coming to faith in Jesus, a great revival would be birthed throughout the world. As Peter so aptly put it in the first century, these men and women of God searched intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing (1 Peter 1:10–11), as they pondered the Prophets.

My experience in the Messianic movement has brought me to a clearer understanding of Jewish hearts, an awareness I do not find among many Christian pastors. I am passionate about seeing that my Jewish brothers and sisters are accepted as Jewish and encouraged to express their faith within a Jewish framework. I want to see the Gentile Church appreciating her own Jewish

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